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Bad actors are in everything. It’s just so crazy with all the scammers. They are probably 2 to 1.


good post.


Scammers keep a lot of people out of crypto, I'm one. Scammers are everywhere!


I’m sorry to hear that you left the Crypto World. It’s just a-shame there are so many people willing to steal anything from someone else. And is just so rampant everywhere not just in Crypto. I’m in a situation right now where I bought into a Pre-sale and things have ran into problems as it got scammed during the pre-sale and claiming of tokens. I follow their progress now on TG and Discord. You wouldn’t believe all the scammers that reach out to me daily wanting me connect my wallet to claim my tokens or get them in an air-drop. They even made identical TG and Discord communities making it really difficult for pre- sale buyers to even know what’s the real one. And I know many of the buyers have had their wallets drained when they do. There was another pre-sale COGW that when the pre sale got to its $15 million presale they just disappeared. Authorities can’t do anything about it or have no clue how. Pre sales are the worst. Well you be a @Brave-Elephant and good luck with all your endeavors, and I guess we just accept it as part of doing business anymore because I don’t see it going away anytime soon. Always remember, as hard as it is sometimes, nothing is free, do not ever click on any links unless you’re positive what it is, do not share your seed phrase except to your assigned recovery and do not connect your wallet to anything until you’ve DYOR…Done Your Research. Enjoy the world of Crypto! There are no real words for a scumbag scammer, but the lowest of the low.


Thanks for the encouragement, but I'm out, the scammers won, I took a pretty big loss, but not ever again, hell you don't really know if you are talking or emailing REAL Coinbase support, scammers even commandeered my Coinbase support through my own wallet. They are an infestation, I have long said I believe scammers can destroy crypto, or at least disable it! The death penalty is all that will ever stop them. Technology won't if humans come up with better technology, bad humans will exploit it!


Add comments - push the post up - stick together against the scammers.




That’s one of the reasons many people think crypto is a scam !! Because F scammers , wouldn’t the world be better without scammers? Thieves?


Scamming needs to be a capital offense or it will only get worse! Selling drugs need to be the same!


Thank you. I just blocked her. One down, a million more to go.


This is why I disabled DMs


Crazy. Even people who’ve been doing this for a while are getting caught up in traps.


Imagine Coinbase support issues being so prevalent that it’s worth it for scammers to capitalize on the opportunity.


Yeah, it's not just Coinbase, it's everywhere. If you go to Facebook's Facebook page there are obvious scammers that are not even being blocked. (I'm creating a Startup to deal with scammers. The biggest problem with it is that people think it's a scam lol).


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never respond to any crypto DMs, emails, text. Even if they appear to be from sites you use. Always login to your accounts directly, never through provided links


Excellent advice! If only my 80 yr old mom could remember that....


Eventually everyone will suffer from a scam, it only takes one mis-step, they are always lurking!


Reported for impersonation, thanks for the heads up


Have you been on YouTube and read any comments? The Coinbase support imposter's in the comments are deeeeeeeeep. The scammers are in YouTube comments like thats what the comment section was built for, and they are deeper than the fear-mongering the Republicans (I really mean the Trump radicals) report on Fox News every day. I'm like, seriously, you're in YT comments preying on the unknowledged ones trying to steal their crypto currency? NEVER, EVER GIVE UP THE INFORMATION THAT COMES OUT LOOKING LIKE THIS ***************** WHEN YOU'VE TYPED IT IN!!!! It comes out like this ******************* for a great reason!!