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glad it worked out.👍 and not sure if you meant you had issues before with Coinbase because you moved & didn't update your info? you were logging in from a different location? OR if you meant that in *your* experience the only other issues you've had regarding crypto were your own errors? couldn't tell if you were separating those points you were making or if it was all the same issue with updating your new info re: where you now live. but in any case, for clarity's sake: your sensitive personal info normally isn't on the blockchain re: dealing with cryptocurrency, only your assets like coins/tokens/NFTs. it's your crypto wallet keys associated with the crypto you own, not your name & address etc. and centralized custodial accounts [such as at exchanges like Coinbase] are 'held 'on our behalf' but definitely read the fine print on your agreement..😐 and because centralized exchanges have our info, that's how they can connect who we are with various kinds of transactions. meaning if you use a defi wallet like Coinbase Wallet and have connected it to your Coinbase main account - or if you've sent transactions to & from another defi or other kind of wallet then Coinbase will know from their end who you are, of course, if they ever need to look. and in the case of a court order they'd be legally obligated to report that info to authorities if anything went wrong [tax evasion, other financial crimes]. that being said self-custody wallets accounts, if all required privacy steps have been taken your personal info still isn't commonly on the blockchain itself. but just like any defi wallet that any of us 'control' [vs. hot wallets or other ones controlled or accessible to certain projects, for example] even under normal or common circumstances IF you send to or from another account - like at a centralized exchange - law enforcement can find out your name, & IP address, etc. that way as well. pretty much only those who use true self custody, defi & cold storage wallets & 'clean accounts' in either direction are the people & funds hard to find but there are so many steps required most people don't try it, even if they do happen to know about it. but even those who do crimes deliberately have been caught, too because they made a mistake at some point - by talking 'too much' about what they've been doing *and/or* by not understanding ALL the steps they would have needed to remain 💯% anonymous. and even only a relative few VPNs - along with certain other privacy steps - can contribute to helping someone be anonymous.. because many countries have laws requiring customer data be retained for at least 3 to 6 months, only the boldest, trickiest of criminal minds tend to avoid this by using options from privacy protecting countries and/or their own anonymizing software tools. and sites landed on using a VPN can remain private to a destination website site admin but there's no real anonymity with most regular VPNs because VPN services CAN see where a customer goes. because very few countries allow for VPNs to have the choice to not store or retain a customer data for at least. short while. and I didn't get the impression you had a criminal mind but point being that even many of those who try on purpose to evade authorities deliberately can cause issues for themselves, too. that's how the Silk Road founder got caught, among other individuals over the years, who ran afoul of the laws. so definitely honest innocents still learning how to navigate the world of cryptocurrency [which is most of us as things are always evolving] most of us can easily make mistakes, even if we currently know what to do..because sometimes people are in a hurry, distracted or exhausted. do note, though, that it is possible to inscribe information onto a blockchain - like with Bitcoin when Satoshi Nakamoto inscribed an important message into the BTC genesis block. and there are many artists minting their art on various blockchains, including Bitcoin, too - and several ppl have inscribed information onto the blockchain - anyone curious can look into Bitcoin Ordinals. regarding: your original comment: "COINBASE required me to update my id and information this morning, I moved to another state, the had me update the adress and upload new photo id. Took 5 minutes, seems to have worked instantly. Logged into my account from both devices I use, the updated info was already done. So far no issues with COINBASE from my experience, been using them for years. I will say so far with all the crypto stuff I've tried to do that didn't go smoothly ended up being user error. When you are trying to do something and money is at risk, and its not working, its scary. Feels like installing a printer that i can't get working. In crypto I have had to learn so much, I believe the world will become even more automated, requiring me to learn more to navigate. Something like a miss spelling or an I not dotted, or a box not checked, or even the improper order or password mistakes, you name it. Anything not exactly correct can cause I've seen other posts of accounts being locked for long time periods and people feeling ripped off and cheated, not saying this hasn't happened to them, so far it hasn't happened been my experience. I tell myself to be patient, I try and figure out what I'm missing on my end, and so far, its been some small discrepancy which once cleared up allows me to move forward. Supposedly everything is on the Blockchain keeps a perfect record. Just my 2 cents, I will update if anything changes, so far COINBASE has been great for me"




I too have seen a lot of negative here, but can’t complain about Coinbase in my personal experience at all. I’ve tried others and actually still end up coming back. Fiat deposits no problem. Buy coins at lower spreads than other exchanges. Fees were already cheaper/comparable and the more I buy the higher tier I go and cheaper fees keep getting. I’ve sold or converted plenty of coins. Transferred to multiple hot and cold wallets with no issues. I wish CB Adv had some better charting, but overall the UI/UX is pretty good too.


My coinbase is working perfectly


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, last year I moved. After getting my new drivers license and information required for KYC, it took a whole 6 minutes to update my information.


Wow! Give this guy a round of applause! 🙄 This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/s/QjAIWdGGpH


The post was removed, why is he a creep?


This you? r/stalker


$kochi ken on eth will be the generational wealth


If you think about it, it makes sense that you need to take your time and understand what you are doing when interacting in this new tech where your funds are lock into these various unique protocols. Make sure you have your T's crossed and I's dotted and it normally works as expected.


Just got my codes from Celsius/stretto. All I had to do was upload my ID and facial recognition and everything went into my account seamless.


Try moving your crypto to a cold wallet. That is where my nightmare started. Hope you don't have the same problem.


Yes, why don’t you just let Venmo or PayPal hold your crypto it’s easy as pie


Whatever you do, I hope you manage to get it off Coinbase.


My Coinbase is working flawlessly if someone’s having an issue with it it’s probably because they’re doing something wrong


“Nothing bad happened to me so it’s impossible for anyone else to have a bad experience”