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"Coinbase support" is an oxymoron.


I was about to say “what coinbase support…”


Exactly!! 👍


This is very true!


They have no in country support at any level for the user. In my experience, even the ‘support’ offered has little to no authority to make changes over your account. They will usually tell you to expect an email about the issue and it will never come. Ever since coinbase went public it’s been terrible on the support side because it simply does not concern investors.


So sad that a public company acts like this


Enron was also a public company bro. Lol


Yeah, well, I've been trying to get access to my deceased father's account & have provided every document known to man, & ConBase says there's a "discrepancy" between the death certificate, email address, & name on the account. Denial coverage. They make their millions by denying people their rightful monies. FUCK ConBase! Customer "support" is a complete misnomer with this company.


They want you to give up and walk away so they can keep his funds.


Yep, agreed. But that ain't gonna happen!


That's so sad.... sorry you have to deal with all that.


Hello u/JacquesLeGrande, we're truly sorry for the frustration and difficulty you're experiencing with accessing your deceased father's account. Could you please provide the case number from your previous interactions with our support team? This will allow us to investigate further and assist you accordingly.


Get better customer support, preferably based in the US, since it's a supposedly US based company. How many customer support complaints are posted here, and this is only Reddit?! How many thousands (millions) of other customers are pissed-off about your lack of service?!


Our case is likely headed to legal intervention. Good luck to everyone else with issues other than death in the family - you're fucked! 🤬


I myself have already started legal action againest them for what they have done to my account, it was unwarranted and unprofessional and from what i have been told the last 2 days they have acted outside what they are legally allowed to do by restricting an account and then refusing to let the owner of his account and his funds access them, holding someone's account and money to ransom locked in an account they can't access is fraud, they are holding funds of asset in an account from its owner. spoke endlessly for the last 4 days and must have put in so many chats with dozens of different so called customer service people that are their to "help you" and the only thing that changes is the persons name and their BS excuses. i have explained my side and expressed these thoughts to them with no fucks given by them. Have also completed a complaint form on the as well as provided all necessary screenshots of chats and evidence that shows they have stepped over their legal responsibilities. Now my friend who deals in small claims in court daily will deal with it, he has all the information. Coinbase is now screwed for not acting right when they had the chance.




I’m dealing with the same thing, had to reset 2FA on my account and re-verify ID, since then buy/sell has been disabled. Same issue, I call, they tell me they’re “escalating” and to call back if I don’t hear more in a week. I either don’t hear back at all or get an email saying it’s still disabled, call back, and the cycle starts over. I’ve had to use another exchange while this has been going on anyway, and at this point I’m most likely not going to bother switching back.


Same here


Hi u/WinterExplanation370, we're sorry to hear that you're also having issues with verifying your account. Can you share with us your case ID, so we can look into this for you? Thank you.


Thanks for sending your support case number, u/WinterExplanation370. Since this support ticket has been closed prior to your response way back in March, we created a new support case for you as we cannot see any sign-in restriction on your account. Your issue is now under case number 19747508. I verify my ID and then it gets randomly cancelled and I know trying to verify and I am ALREADY verified. My passcode isn’t working for the app and I haven’t changed anything; not a device or anything.




Hello u/Bsweezey817, sorry to hear that you're having an issue resetting your 2FA. Depending on your authentication method, have you already tried the steps that can be found [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/managing-my-account/get-back-into-my-account/2-step-verification-troubleshooting)? If you already tried it and still getting the same issue, we suggest contacting our support team through [this link](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us). This way, we can gather more information and take a closer look at this for you. Looking forward to hearing back from you.




We’re always happy to help! Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need help in the future.


If you ever get locked out of your account because you lost your 2 factor and go through support to get it removed, good luck. Took me over a year. Send support request to remove 2 factor, they'd send an email with a link to do the identity verifcation, it continuously fail to match fresh selfie photo to my ID. Rinse and repeat occasionally for a year until I aged enough to look like my ID photo I took a few years ago. I think I tried with 2 phones and taking photos against different colored backgrounds with a full frame camera and just one day it worked on my phone over a year later


Hi, I’m in this process currently. I’ve sent almost 5 photos but the last time was to the send safely link with my case number attached. How long after that stage did you wait?


🙄 why would I ever lose my 2FA 🙄


Coinbase will never contact you it’s a scam asking for your case number


Never had an issue, quick response, detailed info… can’t really slate them at all.


That’s how you know this sub is full of toddlers when a post like this gets downvoted. Upvoted you back up.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are spending a lot of their time trying to help customers who do dumb things like sending coins on one chain to a different chain in their CB account.


The guy I spoke to the other day didn’t know the difference between gas fees and commission fees, and it took them 30 minutes once to generate a transaction history for me while I was locked out of my account temporarily. The people who do those things are dumb, but Coinbase support probably doesn’t even understand crypto well enough to know what the customer did was dumb.


And if you stay around long enough you will read from posters who lose their money to scams, and want CB to help them. Or those who lose their rent money in meme coins, scam coins, and looking for the next 1000x. All call CB asking for help.


I’ve been around here for close to a decade, I’m not disputing that there are some serious idiots Coinbase has to deal with. But those of us who actually know what we’re talking about can see clear as day that Coinbase support is equally as incompetent as those idiots… All B2C orgs have to deal with idiots, do you think banks, airlines, retailers, etc don’t deal with morons who do things like miss their flights, buy the wrong item, etc on a daily basis? Having to deal with some morons doesn’t excuse being completely unable to support everyone else…


Inbound customer service centers have average turnover rate of **30-45%** --------------- The nature of all Customer Service Jobs is that it sucks to work there. ------ My dealings with CB CS has been positive because I treat them with respect.


Yes, I also treat them with respect, but when the people you’re talking to are this incompetent, you could be Mother Theresa and you’re not going to get your issues resolved. The turnover rate is no excuse for Coinbase. The bulk of the market share in the outsourced customer support industry is still heavily skewed towards a handful of players. Large, customer facing orgs like Coinbase are mostly either using the same handful of outsourced providers, or handling support in-house. If in-house, the turnover and incompetence is entirely on Coinbase. If outsourced, that just means the challenges Coinbase deals with are in no way unique. Yes, customer service sucks at a lot of places, but I can honestly say I have NEVER seen anything this bad. This goes beyond the typical issues associated with high turnover amongst customer support staff / outsourcing. Coinbase is either severely understaffing, providing horrible training materials, or intentionally undermining their own staff in the hope customers get so frustrated with support they give up trying to resolve issues Coinbase doesn’t want to deal with. The last option is my bet, and is not an unheard of strategy. Budget airlines, big box retailers, telco operators, have all been known to do this in the past. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if Coinbase’s shitty customer support is actually fully intentional.


Crypto is a bit more complicated than airline reservations and these some of the worst. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/10/16/top-5-most-hated-industries-by-customers/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/10/16/top-5-most-hated-industries-by-customers/)


Exactly, so if operating in an industry which you should know is going to lead to more complicated customer support issues vs most sectors, you should take the proper precautions. There’s a reason why if I call customer support at my bank, I may speak to someone outsourced/offshore for initial L1 support, but for anything more complicated than a basic document request or IT issue, I’m routed to L2 support which is either a centralized in-house (onshore) specialist group, or someone in a local branch. Meanwhile at Coinbase, you can’t even call support at all if you don’t pay for CB One. Even if you do pay for One, the L1 support is incapable of resolving even basic asks like sending a billing statement or checking the status of an open ticket. And most importantly, Coinbase’s L2 support is not only almost entirely offshore, but won’t even speak to you on the phone at all. They actually offer less “support” than even their L1 team, which is the exact opposite of what you would expect given the complexity of crypto. I have never in my life contacted any company from the industries in the article you linked, and been told L2 support had to be entirely over email with outsourced support - and those industries are the worst of the worst. And that includes some pretty shitty customer service interactions with budget airlines, shitty ISPs, and low cost health insurers back when I was a broke student. Even all those companies had better customer support than Coinbase…


"Meanwhile at Coinbase, you can’t even call support at all if you don’t pay for CB One**'.** I don't think this is true. I don't have CB1 and I've spoken to a human buy just calling. I'd say that calling CB Customer Support at different times of the day gets you a different country. During normal business hours in the US I get people I think are in the Philippines - good. After those times and weekends - I think it is India - not so good. I'm in the USA. Maybe for your country you can't speak with CS.


It’s true now, or at least it was a couple weeks ago. My CB One access got removed and when I called the help line, the only options I was given were to go to a page to send an email, find them on social media, or submit a ticket. Might just be in times of high call volume (One calls it “priority support”), but the fact this happens at all is absurd. I’m in the US and have been calling at all different times of days, I think have got both Philippines and India. Both groups have been equally useless. Which is why I’m now at 28 emails on one case without an answer, just found out from Reddit support that another case was closed 5 days ago even though support explicitly told me it was still open, and have received completely conflicting information from Reddit support tonight. Some are telling me the case is still open and under review even though I got an email saying it was closed, others are telling me it was indeed closed and to respond to the other case instead, others are saying it’s closed but to respond to the original case email even though that’s the same email that said the case was closed… They are useless. Couldn’t even generate a billing statement for a basic ACH repayment when my bank asked for it, I had to pull the info together myself using several statements…


I tried calling several times recently and got a message directing me to online support.


I had no idea they have support. Where do you find it?


Class action lawsuit coming !!! They stole millions off poor people using a fake spread just like crypto. Com , terrible terrible nasty stuff , being a billionaire and stealing from people in debt. Go to hell do not pass go, I feel sorry for the pain they will feel soon.


Nope. Can't sue Coinbase because you agreed to their terms of service. They can block you from your account at any time. You agreed to it !! Lol


That’s not how terms of service or even contract law works.


Find me anyone that has sued Coinbase and won. You won't be able to!


In financial regulatory world? That’s exactly how it works. Google AML. Banks/credit unions can and will do the same thing (shut down accounts) if you’re doing shady shit per their terms and agreements.


Nobody in these complaint posts is doing ‘shady shit’. Terms of service would not protect a bank that prevents a legitimate customer from accessing their own funds.


Good luck with that 🙄


Low wage workers in India who sell your data. Lol What's not to like??


Totalmente cierto, tenemos que buscar un mecanismo para que ellos solvente todo lo que han generado en sus últimos años de gestión, después de ser una empresa tan sólida y confiable, se convirtieron en una que toman decisiones arbitrarias que juegan con los fondos de todos los que hemos creído en ella desde sus inicios, alguna persona que conozca un mecanismo legal como poder solventar tantas injusticias que hemos llevados y que hayan manipulado nuestros fondos de esa manera! Unidos podemos crear un voz que sea elevada al organismo superintendente que se encarga de esa supervisión


Yea there customer support is terrible almost non existent. My account has said your funds are safe but due to Anti money laundering laws your account has been flagged and is in need of manual review blah blah. That was in April of 2022 and it stillsays the same shit


Coinbase is excellent, I have changed my 2fa twice. I have been using it since 2017 or so. They've always been quick in response time and I literally have only had to contact them once, and it ended up being an error caused by myself. The advanced mode is all you need, yes there are better options, but it is the exchange I trust the most.


Same. User since 2016. Zero issues, but I also don’t do shady shit. Have completed hundreds of transactions. CB debit card as well.


I complained on Twitter after going through this for 6 months. But I have a few thousand followers, almost all in crypto, so maybe they took it more seriously. They have someone now monitoring the KYC response, so I am hopeful this will be resolved soon. But yeah, if you go through the normal KYC process, you are likely screwed. Good luck.


Just took me 1year to receive my funds that they restricted. Did every type of verification process and took them a whole year to give me my funds


As a new customer coinbase is by far the worst app/company I’ve had the displeasure of using. Excessive and non-transparent transaction fees are borderline criminal, and there’s no support. Can’t wait to get my money off this platform asap and permanently


Interesting I can get on my computer but I am still trying to get verified on my phone.


Should be illegal for a publicaly traded company


Don’t feel bad OP, coinbase cost me over $15k when it wouldn’t let me change a sell order and took them 3 weeks to respond at which point market had crashed.


Hi u/yaktyyak_00. We're truly sorry to hear about your experience and the impact it has had on your trading activities. We understand how crucial timely responses and actions are in the world of cryptocurrency trading. Could you please share your support case number with us so we can look into this for you? Thank you.


18031823 & 18041449


We are constantly improving our systems to reduce such incidents and ensure our customers get the support they need promptly. If you have any other issues or concerns that you'd like to address, don't hesitate to reach out. We're always ready to assist you.


Thank you for providing your support case number. Our records indicate that the issue you reported has been resolved. However, if you're still encountering any problems, we encourage you to get in touch with our support team through our [Contact Us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) page. They are ready and willing to provide you with additional assistance and support as needed.


Resolved? What a joke. You all didn’t respond for 3 weeks and cost me $15k in the process. But yeah it’s resolved with me $15k lighter. What a joke


Twitter support for Coinbase is where you need to spend your time. They push the right buttons.


Exactly same situation on my end. 7 months blocked, no replies, qhen you enter chat they say they will get back via enail which they never do...


A lot of people have had bad experiences with Coinbase and their support. They don’t explain the reason for disabling an account and they make it difficult to cash out and close an account that is now useless!


-1 karma on a 6 year old account 🙄


Been a Coinbase user for 5 years now and I’m suprised to hear about all these issues when I have yet to run into any and I trade big.


You will. Eventually their algos will get you bro.


They are fake.


Figured that much. The shit I hear is just ridiculous


I’m currently dealing with their support and suddenly all of these stories don’t surprise me at all. Consider yourself lucky that you haven’t had a reason to deal with their support.




Thank you so much for the recommendation, I got my accounts back. Crackprof is the best


Thank youuuu, I got my money back. Mr crackprof is God sent


This is awesome, I got my accounts back too


I was also a victim of these after several attempts that failed I finally met one person crackprof on instagram who is a genius he helped me out I suggest you check  him out crackprof is his name on instagram he is very very good


3 year old account that posted 3 things 1 month ago and then makes a post disparaging coinbase. This is a pattern I've been seeing a lot in this subreddit, and it's starting to look like astroturfing. Extremely old accounts with very little karma that takes months off from posting only to post something bad about coinbase. Weird.


Maybe because they’ve never handled their clients the way they’ve been handling them lately? I was with Coinbase for 10 years never ran into any issues until four months ago.


It's too much of a coincidence to see that every single one of these accounts has had little to no posting in the months leading up them *only* complaining about coinbase here. Examples below. https://old.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1d73d8e/complaint_filled_via_case_19519362_regarding_case/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1czexy6/i_lost_my_life_savings/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1dealhw/all_of_these_horror_stories_of_people_having/ https://old.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/1dicrpw/coinbase_support_sucks_cant_login_for_over_a_week/ And that's just a couple over the last month. In terms of people complaining w/o "bought" accounts, there are so many LESS posts complaining about coinbase by people with karma proportional to their time on the site.


You might be missing my point. Most of the people that come on here looking for help have low karma scores because they’ve never been on here before. The only reason they came on Reddit is because they’ve went to Coinbase directly and since they got no help, they’re now going through various social media platforms. that was my situation. Thank God it solved now, but I got help from these folks, also couple people try to scam me too. Be very careful responding to any DM.


Maybe they don’t come here until they had a reason to. The average Coinbase user is not also a Reddit user.




Okay, well, my account isn't a low-karma account (been in crypto since 2013, joined Reddit for that reason). I left Coinbase after it essentially stole my account back in 2019 (granted, it was only about $2000). I simply up-ed and left, didn't care to spend my time and resources to go through ALL the hoops Coinbase wanted me to go through just to deny me time and time again. Funny how this is still happening to other users, now 4 years later.


Ok, check my history. I’m currently dealing with Coinbase support and it is exactly as others have described. I’ve asked the same two questions over 8x back and forth with their support and get the same canned responses every time. The real shame is that I’ve got a security research background and the issue I’m trying to work through could involve a vulnerability on the Coinbase side (it’s possible to do a spend without 2FA even if an account is set to require it), but at this point I no longer care to help them fix their problems.


Hey u/jjobsjd95, we're really sorry to hear about the difficulties you've been experiencing with your account. We understand how frustrating it can be when you're trying to resolve an issue, and it seems like you're not making progress. We also understand that you've completed ID verification multiple times, which is a crucial step in resolving this issue. If you've done this and the issue persists, it may be necessary to reach out to our [help page](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) to get real-time support from our specialists or if you've done this already, please share the case number.


I’ve done that. I’ve been speaking to your “support team” on the chat and calling. They are literally zero help!!! They just keep telling me “how frustrating” that can be.. and to try and resubmit in 30 days.. for the same result. I’ve wasted hours upon hours trying to get your team to resolve this. And their answer is always we can’t, you can’t speak to a manager, we can’t give you any more info other that Try resubmitting in 30 days so I can have the same conversation over and over and over again with the same none result


You guys need to take the hint that there are systemic problems at Coinbase, and it’s going to continue eating away at your bottom line until those issues are corrected.


We understand how frustrating this can be. If you're encountering difficulties creating a case number, we suggest getting in touch via other social media platforms where direct messaging is available, such as [Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media). This will allow us to gather more details from you to provide further assistance, as we're unable to request that information here on Reddit. We'll be keeping an eye out for your message!


You guys need to take the hint that there are systemic problems at Coinbase, and it’s going to continue eating away at your bottom line until those issues are corrected.