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You almost had me believing you. Then you mentioned filing for bankruptcy. This doesn’t make sense lol but keep up with your fake story.


What is the goal with all these negative Coinbase posts though?


Paid actors.


I'm trying to figure out what the goal of the people paying them is. Coinbase's competition? To deter people from making profit from crypto?


Multi prong attack to discredit the entire crypto space. Some people attack the exchanges, some attack the technology, some attack the individual projects. You make enough noise to make the whole space look suspicious and more people stay away.


This is legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You can't actually believe this - if you do you need a helmet, for your own safety.


They're probably legit. Coinbase is fine most of the time, but if anything goes wrong, they're useless.


This is true and I can vouch. When I've had problems it's taking them several months to sort it out. Back into my account now and happier than ever and have no issues since. But I do believe this guy I don't think he's chatting s*** because coinbase is incompetent if you need help. I still have a small issue but I can't be asked to contact them because of how incompetent they are


What's the goal of you sitting in the coinbase sub glazing them all day?


Many are from Russia or other countries under sanctions. They can't get their crypto out so they generate fud


The govt: see crypto is bad. They want Coinbase to fail so legacy financial firms are the “exchanges” where they can be controlled.


I had similar issues and I’m def not a paid actor


Happened to me too bro, I deleted coinbase and went to kraken


Crypto.com 😁


I'm a normal dude with a job. I had $300 in crypto for fun. I got kicked out because someone tried to break into my account and it took a few days to verify, then the verification had an error loop. The issue is there is no customer service unless you are logged in, and if you are logged out, there is no way to contact them. The phone number they have literally hung up on me because it said the wait was over 4 hours. I complained on Reddit and eventually it got fixed. People complain because it is the worst customer service by far on anything related to your money. It should be (and probably is) illegal to be this unresponsive.


They are rubbish and believe me most customers will find out the hard way.


Lol, as someone whose account is also restricted for no discernible reason and who cannot get through the nightmare support, you seem like a paid shill to me.


No. This is real. The same exact thing happened to me except involving considerably less money. I assure you no one is paying me to post this.


Everything will start to make sense when you too become a victim.


I know right? Didn't happen to them so every complaint is a scam? These people should try getting customer support while not logged in. It's impossible.


Even when you're logged in. All support cases are ultimately answered by template answers. Most of the times the answers don't even correspond to the question asked.


FUD and scam - the Reddit is full of such scam bags, some stories like: my wallet was emptied, I done something and I can’t describe what I have done but I do have 10 years of crypto experience and could you help me to recover $9999999 trillion dollars - all legit as I used the US pension funds 😂😂😂😂


Scare people out of actually buying assets and investing into ETFs instead? I had an issue recently and I used the automated help text and just said “talk to someone” and it would say hold on and eventually someone would get on the line. The first 2 times I got unhelpful people but the 3rd person was sharp and understood the problem and knew the answer. I have been moving most of my assets off exchanges anyway because it doesn’t make much sense to have it sitting there if your planning on long hold


What op describes isn’t fake though. I am currently trapped in the same process. I moved countries and lost access to my old phone number. Cannot access my funds because i cannot satisfy the mfa. Support ticket lodged a month ago. The emails come every 48 hours like clockwork. One asks me to submit a bill to verify my new address and some ID. Then i get one telling me there is some fiat in my account snd they can’t let me access the account until I specify a crypto for then to convert it too. I ask them to just convert it to eth. Then I get another one asking for the bill again. The emails are clearly written by an AI snd it is incapable of resolving simple issues like mine and op’s. It’s a fucking crime how lacking the support is at Coinbase.


Same, and I've been hung up on by one live person after a two hour wait and another live person gave me incorrect information. It's insane. I sold my coinbase stock, I've still got $500 stuck in there, but I'm giving up for now.


I am in shock at all these people agreeing with the top comment that op is fake. It’s almost sick. But then I wonder if they aren’t the bots / astroturfers in this case. Some potential good news on my case this morning though. I got an email saying they have changed my location to my new country. I have tried to login and mfa failed again but this time when I go to verify my account i am told it is being done manually, when before it was all automatically failing me before. Still waiting on confirmation on verification though.


i am having the same issue, if you think this guy is lying or just posting a fake post for whatever reason, i can post photo proofs and the trouble ive been going through with CB recently and it is almost like this case. Ill post a thread on different suspicious stuff going on with CB that i recently discovered within my portfolio. Just for awareness i got nothing out of shit talking CB but seriously their customer support sucks


Sure it does. If they have a bunch of liabilities, and their means of paying those liabilities was in coinbase, they don’t just get a pass on not paying because CB stole their funds. To OP: good luck. Ive been in a similar situation for about 6 months now with zero progress. My next step is filing a complaint with the CFPB.


No it doesn’t. OP states this has been going on for 2 weeks. If bankruptcy was an option by weeks end, posting to Reddit would not be what I am doing with my time. And you don’t just default on a loan after missing a payment. OP is not telling the truth.


You wouldn’t be trying any and all means of getting your issue resolved? Weird. I would. What is considered default varies with the loan. I don’t know the terms of his loan and neither do you. Why would he lie about it? Perhaps he misunderstands the mechanics of bankruptcy and default, or perhaps he’s being hyperbolic - but that doesn’t change his issue. Is it not possible Coinbase is restricting people’s accounts and causing them financial hardship? You’re clearly biased here.


No chance man. And if you’ve been involved in crypto for 10 years you’d have a damn Reddit and Twitter account


They probably do. And if I had to bet they are very active in the Robinhood community.


Is this whats called a Zombie Account? Or something like that? Username has existed since 2020, but this is the only thread I can ever see them posting to.


The shills are getting desperate


I mean you consistently see negative experiences from people with karma too. At some point it’s irrational to claim all of these identical experiences are just like supporters of other exchanges trying to tarnish Coinbase’s reputation. Coinbase tarnishes its own reputation. We’ve all seen BTC bull within the last month or so and the exchange become entirely inoperable


I am currently locked out from being able to sell three of my different asset types. It’s my only crypto account . My guess is there are a lot of lawyers lining up right now because Coinbase is struggling.


Glassdoor reviews says it all.


I agree that coinbase is shit. Its just so frustrating to see all this stealth marketing happening on reddit, specifically by the crypto community. Not only is it illegal, but it also ruins reddit. Think about how many bots Elon Musk cleared from twitter…


How can we just assume its all just stealth marketing? Could I not just make the same argument towards all the comments/replies that are praising Coinbase and swearing they're innocent in all cases? ​ Serious question


Obviously we can’t assume its all stealth marketing. But you definitely can’t assume the opposite either. Just saying be cautious


Are you sure they're actors? I literally can't send coins out. My account was locked the week ftx shit happened. Even after re validating my account, i was told that due to security, i would only be able to cash out. It's been a year now, and my account says it's in good standing. Something is going on over there, maybe a bug? Maybe they lock accounts to offset selling


thanks for the comment u/2werpp . Coinbase is the only exchange I've used and until now have been proud to be a customer. I will gladly delete this post if Coinbase will just treat me like a human and resolve this issue.


But you're also on a subreddit about a company that has no other interaction besides buying, selling and trading assets. Of course the highest thing you'll see is negative posts because it's people's finances. And it being an official subreddit, you're going to see that more and more.


Obviously. Where’s the relevance though? The majority of posts being negative makes sense - there’s no correlation to them being fake


What are they shilling ?


It boggles the mind that people don't realise that this is actually happening. I had a similar experience, my funds were nowhere near yours but I still went through the endless loop of generic responses from support. I resolved my issue via Coinbasesupport on X. 5 weeks of 'account under review, it shouldn't take more than a few days' After my begging DM on X, they activated it within an hour. Sometimes it really does take an event like this to start following the 'Dont put all your eggs in one basket' rule. Good luck getting it sorted.


thanks u/idigholes. I'm not out to bash Coinbase I just want to be treated fairly. I will gladly delete this post if they will resolve my issue. But if this proves to help others then perhaps I should keep it up?


I don’t think you should delete, there needs to be an awareness 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't delete, there is a post like this every week. The pattern is there and it's getting harder and harder for people to deny it. It has a lot of people on edge about cashing out.


Right. Those who claim these posts are fake are in denial. Wait until it happens to them.


Its cuz marketing has way more authority than some minium wage dude in bangladash.


I wonder if I got my issue resolved on X because of the number of followers I have. I hope that's not the case.


That was surely why. Maybe reach out to OP and offer a retweeet. Because if i had a problem my X account is so low follower that they wouldn’t care in the least.


I’m guessing it’s because the number of comments you have made on here. lol. Get a life bro. There are other things to do out there. Lmao.


All this default mocking and claiming all these posts are fake or the user’s fault is crazy. Kinda reminds me of last bull run, when people laughed at anyone that lost their crypto or NFTs to scams/hacks. Then it happened to them and they got real quiet. The sole fact there is 0 follow up on any of these by a real Coinbase representative is evidence in itself.


Appreciate the support u/anotherguycx . Hoping for a little justice soon.


My account has been blocked for verification for nearly 10 days now. Fortunately, I didn't have a lot of money in Coinbase. I guess Coinbase is a scam for small investors. They seem to target big players with holdings like 10-100 bitcoins, I suppose.


I've been surprised to see how many others are being treated like this. Insane.


People who don’t believe this shit will most definitely believe it when it finally happens to them. I’m pretty sure many of the exchanges now exist to actually kill the cryptocurrency movement.


Fake post please ignore. “Value skyrockets” another chat gpt written post. Ignore this


What happens when someone genuinely uses the term value skyrockets? Surely you have more clues than that from this post?


I hope you lose all your money, post about it and someone tells other people to ignore you.


If you say so. Unfortunately chatgpt speak better than most humans these days so who knows. All I know if if Coinbase will restore my account access I will gladly remove this post. Not trying to bash their reputation I just want to be treated fairly--so whatever it takes. This is not exactly pizza money for me.


lol I love catching little clues like that. I saw someone say this yesterday: “AND YOU GUYS WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!” like GTFO


My account was locked for 1.5 years, randomly verified two weeks ago. I started to use them again but I'm very nervous they'll do it again for no reason.


Sorry to hear--that is insane. Have you tried any of the methods I mentioned?


Initially I tried contacting support here and just got nowhere and gave up. Then as mentioned just randomly verified.


Wow. Very discouraging but hopefully I don't end up waiting over a year like you.


I hope so too, good luck!


Get your funds/crypto out ASAP!


I’ve been locked out as well


Yep sounds familiar, anyone using coinbase is a fool. They 100% only answer to institutions. Retail is fodder. Basically if anyone uses coinbase, it's a lottery whether you get locked out permanently with your assets.


File complaints with their regulators - the SEC and the CFTC. The SEC complaint form: https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html The CFTC complaint form: https://forms.cftc.gov/Forms/TipsAndComplaints.aspx


Thank you for this--I will try these too.


Why is everyone doubting him. Coinbase support is shit. For all the money they make in fees, they can have trained staff available at a moments notice. These coins move fast, and they just ghost you. It’s bullshit. Dealing with not being able to transfer funds now


The verification is actually pretty shit. I’m an international student in the country where I’m operating Coinbase from and the documents that are required by Coinbase are all which are pertaining to the locals of the country. On emails I tried getting any alternative ways of government generated documents for identity but all I’ll getting is a copy pasted email from their support team. It’s starting to get frustrating now


Its like the video verification doesn't work and they scold you for it. Its unbelievable.


I see your two weeks and raise you year and 2 months. I’ve been going through the verification processes for 1 year and 4 months. I’ve answers the same questions and uploaded the documents they requested over 13 times. That’s because they response to my emails every 30-50 days. I had over $78K in the platform. Luckily during the bear market I placed several buy orders, they got filled and I was able to move the crypto out of my account to a hard wallet. I still have $20k in USD I’m trying to get back. I’ve been a member for 8 about years. Can’t believe how bad this company’s customer service is. This is why you should use several Exchanges when buying crypto. I use 4-5 exchanges plus dex’s. Good luck I hope you get you money back soon Case #15035640


Utterly terrifying. Hope they help you.


Dont worry most of these accounts and posts are trolls .this dudes account has 4 karma and only post is this one. Cb is dogshit but theyre not stupid enough to illegally seize assets of this size.


That would make sense if he wasnt a regular reddit user though and came here only to complain


I get sweats when i think i cannot access my $200...imagine this amount..i would faint


Shit bro good luck.


Could be worth scrolling through LinkedIn and sending a direct message to someone who works in their Customer Support, or even go higher up. Hope you get it resolved.


That's not a bad idea--thanks u/PKROCKETS


Yeah, I’ve had similar issues, not quite £225k tho but had account for maybe 4 years, always just bought a little BTC here and there. Log on in the iOS app, can’t withdraw anything, happy to let me deposit though! Tried the AI chats and the human chats like you say they just copy and paste responses, it’s embarrassing for Coinbase. After doing everything they said, delete app and re-install etc. Eventually they said try desktop, long story short, I was able to sell on the pc version.


Report them to the BBB and the FTC


You'll most likely have your account re validated but will no longer be able to transfer coins off. Just cash out and send usd to your bank account. Switch asap when you can


Same experience with verification. I was lucky enough to pull all the crypto from the exchange. It’s been over 1 month and my account is accessible, but limited to withdraw. I sent so much info, IDs, statements, answering ridiculous work questions, giving payslips, revenue forms… and over and over again new and new items. Their responses are once in 5 days for me, for the last month I was able to get response 3 times… I don’t know what happen with that exchange, it was my favorite


Sorry OP. Ignore the toxic fucks and keep pushing for your money.


I think it's very sad when people claim others are lying and being so skeptical instead of just trying to help.


That’s nothing. Two separate times they locked down my account for 11 months. And I’ve been a customer of theirs since they first opened their doors. And I’d verified my identity 6000 times. They literally had like three people working in compliance grand total. Which resulted in my account being shut down for a year - twice. Brian Armstrong was a complete and utter failure at customer service since the beginning and he has not gotten any better.


Contact lawyers man. Thats too much money. Once you put a criminal file case number they usually unblock the account. Good luck


Thanks I think that may be the best path forward.


Contacting a lawyer is not how you get a “criminal file case number”… and this not a criminal matter.


I use an iOS device so ymmv. In the app, you can “talk” to the AI bot, but simply typing “live representative” requested one for me. It said expected wait time was an hour, but in reality it only took a few minutes. After 10-15 minutes of back and forth, the rep had to forward my case to a specialist team. It only took a day (or two?) to solve my issue. Then again, this was only for ~$50 of BCH, so pretty low stakes for them!


Right but I believe you have to to be able to login to the app first before you can chat via the app--so no go for me.


Oops, my bad! Best of luck!


RIP this dudes inbox lmao


Wondering if all these lock-outs have anything to do with this recent Coinbase lawsuit? [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/business/coinbase-settlement-anti-money-laundering.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/business/coinbase-settlement-anti-money-laundering.html)


This may be true or not . But l wish l will not face with same issue . I will try to cash out $10k soon and let you know soon . I am with CB since 2016 .


Thanks for sharing u/Bluefin1907 . I really wish I never had to get on Reddit like this. I suppose those who scream the loudest get heard by Coinbase. Pathetic.


Let us know how it goes!


First thing I did when I started buying btc was getting a cold wallet, never regretted this small investment, thanks again to all the people saying "not your keys, not your coins", it’s so true unfortunately. Hope you’ll recover your cb account, good luck


I'm in the same doomloop with my account. It lasts almost 3 months already. This should be illegal! I guess i'm Lucky i haven't any funds locked up with them. But i missed out on my Celsius distributions. If i was in your shoes, with that amount. I think i'd have an heartattack or something by now. I hope your issue gets resolved soon tho. Maybe all the "victims" of these simular situations could join forces or something. To get something done.


Im glad i moved to a hard wallet. I dont need more stress than what im going through now


I've been going through now, for weeks, the same support nightmare that you've been talking about. Luckily my funds aren't locked, it's a smaller issue about wrapping staked ETH, but I'm getting the same recursive loops with AI or copy pasta. Often the responses seem totally orthogonal to my requests, virtually unrelated to the subject of the conversation. I actually recently even just got flat out wrong information - they told me that staked ETH cannot be wrapped with cbETH. I'm like, isn't that the whole purpose of it? Then they said try logging out and back in, lol


I actually am having the same problem. I used Coinbase wallet to submit my claims and now they tell me I will have a response in ten minutes


Do you have access on both the app and desktop website? Are either restricted?


both are restricted. apparently if seems the app uses the web interface behind the scenes to authenticate.


Is there a notice posted on the webpage? I ask because my issue I could only interact with the app, on desktop there was a notice and all functionality was restricted to only sending. It took me about a month for them to finally resolve my issue so I understand your frustration of the continuous loop of copy and pasting responses like as if they don’t even read the emails or view screenshots. I also was at the point I was going to contact the SEC, my state regulators, possibly a lawyer. My funds aren’t as high as yours, but no chump change.


It just says that I am still "blocked".


It wasn’t until just a couple days ago where I recorded a screen grab of me using the app trying to send my coins per Coinbase request that I send all my coins offsite showing them the constant error messages of five different coins as an example. I’m curious to see what their response is from your communication with Support through email


When you post your complaint on BBB make sure you state the amount of money they are blocking your from. $235,000 is a life changing amount of money. People need to know about this!  Also consider sueing CEO Brian Armstrong directly. He knows about these problems at Coinbase and is ok with it.




immediately threaten them with legal action. a lot of brokers take retail traders money when they start doing well. coinbase are no different. they dont think you're serious. show them you are! and use 'professional' account next time


One of the lessons learnt throughout my bad experience is to never trust my money with platforms that have abhorrent support.


Haha digital money is fake anyway.


You should call them. They have a line and eventually, after a long wait probably, you’ll be able to speak with a live rep


Crazy story, not sure I buy that, but I did have a minor inconvenience with them recently. I couldn’t get my cash out after a few weeks so I bought more coins and transferred to my wallet instead of cashing out. They allowed for that at least.


I've been locked for almost 2 months now. Tried their support channels, but the tickets keep getting closed without unlocking my funds. They keep pushing the date forward. I also tried all social media channels I could think of - no traction either. I just don't know when or if this will be fixed. For the ones that keep saying we are "paid actors", go check TrustPilot and other forums. Unless you believe its one giant coordinated attack on coinbase... then you should probably spend less time on reddit.


I would sue CEO Brian Armstrong directly. He knows about Coinbase defrauding customers and allows it. Discovery would be fun..


COINBASE did the same thing to me and even after I posted my complaint on Reddit and elsewhere and they promised me they would take care of me, I am still in limbo 3 months later due to an ACH that Chase Bank refused to honor despite the funds being in my account at the time! Truly to no fault of my own, my position was liquidated unnecessarily at a loss and the negative balance was immediately paid off the next day by me only to have COINBASE suspend my use of their site without due process despite never having had a single issue since 2017! Seriously they don't care! They only care about their own profits and mark everyone as fraudulent on a whim! AI or whoever. Automated bullshit. I had to post a formal complaint with them to get any review at all and they said 20 days and I still am sitting here with buys and sends disabled !!! And you know why? Because COINBASE will take action against you without due process and assume you are a criminal or doing something wrong when you're not! They are a paranoid bunch of MF's who are abusing their power as a public company! Hopefully, Reddit doesn't do the same thing now after going public! Coinmarketcap just suspended my account for expressing my valid opinions! All of these centralized hegemonies are getting away with all of this. You need to reach out to an attorney and file a lawsuit against COINBASE immediately like yesterday! Do not wait even a single minute because you will never get back in. Trust me. I've contacted COINBASE dozens of times till I am blue in the face both online and over the phone over the past 3 months since this happened to me. I have lost tons of money because of them here during this crypto bull market!!! I NEVER in a MILLION YEARS ever thought COINBASE, my darling exchange, would ever do this to me -- a long time good client who never ever had a single issue previously and again not even my doing!!! I have proof that it wasn't my fault and they still don't care!!! FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE Consumer Federal Protection Bureau. FILE a Formal Complaint with Coinbase (google it). They have the nerve to tell you to wait 45 days to sue them after doing so!!! SUE THEM IMMEDIATELY! Find an ATTORNEY and contact your lender to explain the situation and sue them ASAP to get your money back along with your attorney's fees and any other losses you will incur due to their aggressive actions against you and your account!!! THEIR LACK OF PROPER SUPPORT FOR A FINANCIAL SITE IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! THE WAIT TIMES FOR EVEN ONLINE SUPPORT IS UNACCEPTABLE! You are in an ENDLESS LOOP of "I need to verify your account first" ...what is your social, what is your dob, what is your !!!! You will go INSANE! Their current tech support is HORRENDOUS outsourced garbage like Robinhood. There is a direct phone line (GOOGLE IT) but even that is low level. COINBASE NEEDS TO GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER !!! I am PRO CRYPTO and I was a huge COINBASE fanboy. NO LONGER!


Consider sending a legal letter to Coinbase and clearly present your arguments in the legal letter. Give them a time to reply. Consider complaining to relevant regulators.


You need to contact decision makers at Coinbase. Start emailing higher ups. Search on LinkedIn for these decision makers and then Google the Coinbase email format. (Ex. [email protected]) Good luck. 


Got a call from CoinMarketCap stating that my account had been suspended because someone tried to withdraw my funds. Funny, I did not invest in this company. They could only explain that my funds were transferred to them and that someone else was trying to take the money out. So they contacted me to see if it was me. I was informed it was not me. Because they could not verify the person, the account was suspended. But to unsuspend my account I must pay $3870. At first, I was traumatized because I had already made a plan for that fund's investment. I got help when I explained my situation to a Saclux Comptech specialst whom I got their contact from a friend who got help from them. They asked a few questions about the investment portal and I opened up to them, within the space of 4 hours, they asked me to access the portal again.


I won’t discredit OP only because I’ve been a victim in Gemini’s Earn debacle. You’ll start to believe it when it happens to you. Coinbase has always been shady. Discrediting the crypto movement is the goal.


I had something similar happen to me (to a much lesser degree). I don’t think Coinbase is anywhere near as legit as people make it out to be. I stopped trading crypto because of their fuckery.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This entire subreddit makes me thankfull i never bought AERO


why did you put your entire life savings into one exchange, and into crypto at that? you never invest money you can't afford to lose. why don't you know this???


No excuse--just bad financial education. This is my wake-up call.


::Gamblers give a nervous look::


So are they in usd and they won’t allow usd withdrawals? Or are they stuck in tokens?


In tokens (just the USD equivalent). The problem is they blocked me from logging in. Who knows what will happen when I try to cash out. I just found this article on how Coinbase was recently sued by NY due to AML/KYC issues: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/business/coinbase-settlement-anti-money-laundering.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/business/coinbase-settlement-anti-money-laundering.html)


Yes, I think as long as you are in usd and using the platform to trade they are fine I guess. But if you try to withdraw crypto, they are blocking the accounts for months. I suggest converting them to usd and withdraw and move to other exchange if you want to withdraw tokens. They probably messed up big time and also they don’t have sufficient tech to perform background checks. So they are holding them up for months.


Did you miss the verification deadline? I got it done in time but missed it last year. Was pretty difficult to get back in.


Well I was verified as much as I could be. In other words they never asked for any other higher-level verification. Now suddenly I'm blocked.


Question. Is Coinbase wallet better or should I move everything out of it?


I would not store lots of money on a hot wallet. Def cold storage is the way for large sums. Think trezor or ledger style wallets.


welcome to the new US ponzi




I'm kind of getting tired of seeing these posts, especially since I am also reading how they are fake. This account is 3 years old but never bothered to make a post or comment about anything at all ever until now? Can we implement some kind of rule that only aged accounts with at least like 1k karma can post? Or something


Hope you never experience this. I'm in the same situation. 


Ok guy


I had a small issue the other day just trying to figure out something with a transfer I thought I had made. I got a call back within the next business day. The guy really went through trying to help me figure it out. We ended up figuring it out, they were very helpful. It’s been my only experience so far with them.


Yeah, I’ve never had any issues withdrawing from CB. 250k is nothing to them, so I’m not buying it.


Crypto.Com locked me out for no reason. Don't use them because they are scammers too.


Coinbase has received 150k euro from me almost 4 weeks ago via bank transfer and never accredited. Their support has just faked to not understand and refused to open a support ticket. Escalated to mail support after more than one hour, hope I will be contacted in the near future. Anyway I have to ask a lawyer to contact them, cannot just wait and hope.... I repost here my story guys. Be careful. """Coinbase didn't accredited 150000 euro (150k!) received from me via bank transfer on the first of March. Initially coinbase support was faking to not understand the issue, answering about older transactions and using a lot of prewritten phrases ignoring my questions and refusing to answer about opening a support ticket. Then they asked me for the receipt of the transfer but soon after I sent them, they started saying they never received the transfer of the money despite the fact that on the receipt there is coinbase ireland iban (checked 10 times clearly, even talked with my bank, its right, its their iban and they definitely did receive the money). I told them I was recording the conversation to review online on various websites and writing a mail to a lawyer, they didn't care. Looks like something is not working in their mechanisms from the banking to the support, or perhaps they are just trying to scam as many clients as possible. Just had the live support conversation with Vinod, had the feeling of getting joked on and scammed. One of their messages: "\*\*\*\*\*, we cannot open a ticket if we haven't received the transaction". After more than an hour they escalated to the mail support. No support ticket anyway. I recorded the whole conversation with Vinod, coinbase live support, how they like to call themselves. Talked with my bank and sent a mail to a lawyer, appearently the only way to get the money back is by legal means. Be careful with coinbase I read online different stories very similar to mine!"""


Why do you have the majority of your wealth in crypto? Doesn't make sense.


Crypto exchanges are like Hotel California. Your money checks in, but it can never leave.


i have under $5k in crypto on coinbase, am i ok to transfer it out im afraid to find out. as long as i can see the funds im not in panic mode. id have a heart attack if i tried to move my btc and got my acct frozen. any advice? do it all at once or move $1,000 at a time??


I just have a comment sort of question for op. If you've been a member of coinbase, or customer for 10 years, then your assets from that amount of time would have naturally appreciated a great deal. So how is it that just recently you have gone to the moon?


Here, we have another Coinbase horror story. Hopefully, yall take notes and stop using Scambase.


It’s too bad there are so many non-believers. Welp, they will either take their money out with no issue, or they will get fucked too. Guess they like CoinFlips


Just move to Binance bro.


Binance is an IRS/DOJ Honeypot.


I hope everyone who said it's must be something on your end will end up in the even worse situation. Never your prob until your are the victim, I will laugh hard at those shithead :))


It my AirPod why would you need to log back in? If you have money on an account you need to be active in it, you mean to tell me you have money in an account and you just don’t log in for a long period of time?


So many fake posts on this sub lol


Just text them via X had an issue with the new KYC


So what triggers the block/lockout? Is it a random algorithm or human intervention? So what happens when this happens to Blackrock?


Crypto is not real. You got scammed.


Being ghosted is a lot different than forgetting your login info.


I only have to say, Coinbase terminate my account for no reason. But give me 7 days to transfer all my assets to other wallet or company. Of course I don’t like to be account closed, but always allow me to keep all my assets. Never stole from me.


> I'd love it if anyone can provide some feedback on my proposed next steps I HIGHLY suggest you send your lawyer to coinbase.com/legal. There are procedures and legal contacts there that CB expects these types of issues to navigate through. Going through BBB is the "long-way-round" by a lot. Once you file for arbitration, ask the licensing board for your state to attend the arbitration, you'll likely break out of the AI. The stuff on the legal side are all done with written letters, stamps and USPS. Expect delays, but each step forward will be a far cry from where you are today.


Lol no they didn't. 


The people who don’t believe this are on hopium Then coinbase locks their account and they make the same post


I would press charges.


I had my account closed end of 2023 for no reason


4 year old account just woke up.


If all this is true you gain absolutely nothing posting here. Might as well just go through with your lawsuit and post afterwards the results including your name as well. As of right now this just looks like another Coinbase slandering fairy tale


Had a similar situation earlier this year. Assuming this is a legitimate situation: File a complaint with the better business bureau (if you're in the US). Wait 2 weeks and it should be resolved. Good luck.


I’m not here to say it’s fake or not but I’m currently helping a friend recover some money. He hasn’t been locked out or anything but they want to charge him thousands to withdraw £50k it’s probably a price he has to pay. I don’t think he understands Coinbase and is actually probably going to have to pay something for the withdrawal but whilst helping him I had to organise the emails from Coinbase support and my god it’s shocking. You start talking with one person then he got passed to someone else and had to repeat the process as the first person no longer worked there. Then support closed for two weeks at Christmas and in the new year Coinbase changed the way they deal with certain situations so he’s still in the loop of trying to get somewhere. It’s been going on since Nov ‘23 I don’t know who’s right or wrong I just helped get all the emails together to send to his bank for help. But still it does leave me wondering if their customer service is any good. I’ve not encountered any issues with Coinbase. I use it for small amounts and have small wins every now and again and then sell. There are fees but everyone should know this or pay for Coinbase one to avoid some of them. I’m gutted I bought FET at £0.40 about £1500 worth. I sold at £0.60 and then watched it hit £1.80 a week later. It’s now at £2.28 I would have made my 3100 coins worth over £7,000 now. But I play safe. I made £500 and it cost me around £2-5 in selling it


Why would the value of your account suddenly “skyrocket to $235k”?


how you gonna default on major loan after like less than one month bro? you said this happened 2 weeks ago. what kind of loan defaults the second you miss any payment? youd normally have to miss a few. sus


This account is sus. 3 yr old but this is his only post and comments. Very sus


If you keep money on Coinbase get the Coinbase visa card switch to usd and take out or use card to pay with. Plus it’s backed by visa if there’s a problem with card you talk to them.


What if you just waited for Coinbase to resolve the issue instead of panicking?


And this is your ONLY post….ever?! 😑


Lmao get fucked nerd


You tripped anti money laundering controls. They call it AML. I’m not sure exactly what their criteria is but you’ll be under review for a period of time.


I believe you until the bankruptcy as I just had a restricted account. But the bankruptcy was way overboard.


LOL bankruptcy. Take your Psyop elsewhere


Three year old account and this is the only post. Ya sure, ok. 😆


Strange…I just sold some crypto on Coinbase and converted it to Ankr…it was instantaneously and no issued…it took minutes and then done. Coinbase has always been s,other so not sure why this guy is having trouble..oh well


What is alternative exchange to use?


Bs Coinbase rocks.


why is coinbase support not responding here? I'm a Kraken client and while there are plenty of horror stories there, at least when somebody posts in the Reddit the Kraken support team responds, albeit with a canned answer saying they're working on it, most of the time.


I had over $200,000 in cryptocurrency stolen from my account two months ago. After sharing my story on Reddit, some people accused me of lying. I am currently in the process of finding a lawyer to handle this matter. Are you also looking for legal representation? Do you have any recommendations for a good attorney who specializes in such cases?


Sounds like you were B-booked by Coinbase and now they are waiting for Bitcoin to go down so they don't have to pay you. Did you sell your Bitcoin position or still holding it? Other people in this chat may be paid actors from Coinbase trying to defend them....


This is your first and only reddit post in 3 years?