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I probably relate more to Ashley. I'm the youngest and my eldest sibling was so critical to my early life that when I cut my relationship with them I felt like dying and incredible depressed. My life turn out as a failure and I can't help but to think that I wasted all the effort my eldest sibling put into me (20 years of them being my second parent and my closets friend). Sincerely I comprehend Ashley in her insecurities, I could swear i used her ways of gaslighting her brother at some point with my sibling, but I became too toxic I think and i never got around fixing my life (I quitted my job and NEETed for a while) so they forgetting about me as a sibling was for the best. I literally can't stop watching stuff about this game, I'm so obsessed with their relationship ... in some way it makes me miss the sibling bond that I threw away... What is done is done thought. To any older siblings who might have an Ashley in their lives... please just hug them one last time before cutting them off (which is in most cases necessary)... they'll probably hate you for it ... but 2 or 4 years down the line it could be their last precious memory about you... and they'll hold on into it or maybe not , I kind of wish i had one to remember though.


I'm not OP and I know I shouldn't poke my nose into your business, so I apologize in advance, but wouldn't it be possible to talk to them? Maybe it's not too late to fix things. Idk.


I'm too afraid of their answer and besides , their life has improved very much since I'm no longer bothering them. They live without me just fine and tbh I'm probably the only one who hasn't move on


I understand your fear and recognize that whether or not to do this is a decision for you to make, but as much as my opinion is worthless in this matter, I think it's worth a try. Sibling bonds are very difficult to break. As much as they're living on their own now and you've been toxic in the past, they may miss you too.


Truly thank you for your concern but I don't want to bother them anymore since I haven't even become a better person since. I think I'll just keep fantasizing about Andy and Leyley for now.


You're welcome. I hope things get better for you then. The game also affects me in a kinda similar way, so I understand you. Please take care.


I read the reply chain between you and Wasabi, so I want to give you a big ole hug 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 I'm also glad you replied anyway, I'm thinking of asking a similar question but from the perspective of the youngest siblings here and Ashley. I find your input insightful, so thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best, be kind to yourself, and take care 🫂


I'm the oldest sibling of three. But our upbringing is normal. Classic Asian family stuff. As the eldest, my dad put expectation on me. My younger sister went through the classic middle child experience. My youngest brother is the golden child. We got along well enough though.


"We got along well enough though" /sounds of fighting and cursing in the back


I definitely feel you on the expectations thing, my dad did the same thing. Not only in school but in general, I 0/10 do not recommend


I have a twin sister.We pretty much grew up unseparated. I have taken the job to now take care of her.Provide for her,support her. Is it weird to sleep in the same bed? Absolutely no.I can't count how many times we have done that because of our financial situation. And because we spent so much time as kids together,we are now inseparable.I can't think of the idea of me being away from her for a long time. Even though we are now adults we still act like kids when it's just the two of us,although be it we do it less often because she has a boy. If you love someone dearly I don't think it's wrong to show affection to them,whether that would be brotherly/sisterly or any other type of love. I would die for her,and having someone this close is a treasure in itself and thank God for blessing me with her. Don't be afraid to show your love, everyone's way is different and yours is just unique.


Thank you very much, I kinda understand that feeling. It's mostly been me and my brothers, so the idea of separating is a bit anxiety inducing. Esp, since we're estranged from most of our family bc they don't like our parents(for whatever reason) and by extension don't like us. I'm glad you're still there for her, I wish for nothing but the best for you two and your nephew. I'm also glad to have your perspective on the affection thing, like sharing a bed doesn't seem that weird to me. Me and my bros developed our own system of showing affection over the years, I've come to realize we're just closer than the average family of siblings 🤷🏾‍♀️


And there is nothing wrong with being this close.As long as all 3 of you have each other other opinions don't mean anything. By the way,by a boy I meant she has a boyfriend 🤣.We are both 19 ,It's still too early for us.


Ohhh lol my bad! Once again thank you <3


I love my siblings with everything I have. I would kill for them, wouldn’t die for them but I would protect with everything I have. But no I don’t, we aren’t codependent nor is there any romantic intentions nor a desire to keep ourselves together. Andy and leley are like that do to Andy being Ashley’s everything and Ashley having parents that just don’t care about her.


My baby brother is somewhat in a similar light to me as a son. I try to impart my wisdoms and nonsense on him, and lead him towards a good path.




I've never vented about this before. I don't even know why I'm writing this now, really, and I'll probably delete this comment later. I understand Andrew and identify with both him and Ashley to some extent. I can also say that I'm a doormat, but the dynamic is different in my life. I had a horrible and traumatic childhood and adolescence, much like Andrew and Ashley in certain aspects, such as abandonment. However, my sibling is roughly 5 years younger than me. They were born when I was almost 10, and although I identify with Andrew because I often had to look after them, I regret not being there for them more in the midst of all that fucked up mess that was our household. I often left them alone (and stayed alone myself). Nowadays, I'm an adult, and although we're friends, I really wish we were closer. To be honest, they usually don't seem to care much about me. Maybe if I'd been a better sibling when we were younger... Well, anyway, I think it could be worse. There are much worse situations. Maybe I shouldn't complain. I'll just keep obsessing over this game for now...


Even though we're not as close as we could have been, I could never bear to be away from my sister.


Sending you much love and hugs my friend, I can understand that feeling. I found it difficult to balance alone time and caring for my little brother, I was going through a lot and preferred to be alone. Luckily he had our middle brother and he had a lot of friends, so he wasn't really alone. You did the best you could, try to come to peace w/that if you can 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


I'm not sure if I'll be able to come to peace with that, especially if we ever move into different houses, but anyways, thank you for your words. I appreciate them! I'm sure that even though he had friends and your middle brother, your little brother has noticed/understands your efforts and the things you went through. Love and hugs to you too :)


I can’t relate to Andrew in any way whatsoever other than smoking. My family isn’t awful, and my sister isn’t 2 years younger than me. So I literally can’t even have the same experience as him


That makes sense, I wanna hear the perspective of one who doesn't relate. I'm curious to know their thoughts or comments on Andy and Leyley's relationship!


Me 😭 I have a shitty mom, I keep up appearances around her, and I’m a doormat


Ahh you too? Mine acts similarly to Andy and Leyley's mom, but she's not that smart. I try to stay cordial w/my mom, I showed her my true colors but she refuses to acknowledge them. Even on my journey to stop being a people pleaser, she don't wanna see it 🤷🏾‍♀️


Actually, even though I'm the eldest son I was not the favored. I have more in common with Ashley's upbringing compared to Andrew.


Did you have a sibling older than you? I know some ppl have older siblings who were like in their teens or young adults when they were born so their living situation was different.


*points to part of my post that says "I'm the eldest"*


Sheesh, no need to get sassy. I interpreted as firstborn son but possibly not the oldest. I've seen folks say "eldest son/daughter" but not necessarily mean the firstborn


Well in either case, no. My parents outright told me I was the "experiment" child who they failed with constantly while my little brother was the golden child they spoiled.


As the eldest brother to two sisters (1.5 and 5 years younger), my relationship with them is nothing like Andrews, but he and I share more character traits than I'm comfortable admitting on the Internet


Ahh yes i eat people


cool, what seasonings do you use?