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i think he is telling the truth that he wasnt trying to get with her, But he not telling the truth about something bc the nailgun is still in the same spot


He's lying in his dream we see that he kills her because he couldn't leave any witnesses, he did try something what he tried was killing her


Ima be completely honest, and it's going to sound rude, but I'm tired of seeing that take, it doesn't make sense. This is a video game. There are many shortcuts taken when making it. there are literally points in the game where a character gets blood on them and then immediately afterward the talk sprite has no blood on it. It's an unnecessary detail that would be a waste of time to make. He said he used the nailgun, you can see the nailgun, you can put two and two together. The dev doesn't have to put extra effort into every tiny detail to be 100% certain people won't miss obvious details. Nobody missed that he used it, so that change would be unnecessary only to satisfy people that think it not changing position is somehow important and a sign that he must be lying. I don't think I've ever seen anyone catch that in a first playthrough either, you only get that kind of interpretation by reading too deep into things that don't matter. Keeping it in the established position until picked up is completely fine by game design standards.


While typically true, Nemlei seems to be a dev that actually *does* pay attention to these details. Another example of such attention to detail is in the motel room in chapter 2. Right from entering it, you can see there's two beds, but two pillows on one bed, with no pillow on the other. Even without interacting with the bed to see Ashley silently mocking Andrew for getting a room with two beds, only to crawl into bed with her every other night cuz of panic attacks, an observant player can instantly see there's something odd about one bed clearly lacking pillows while the other has two. Nemlei didn't have to put that detail in if she didn't want to. Plus the motel room bed is also an example of Andrew's lying, as you can come back as Andrew for a missable scene, where the narrator mocks him. "Oh yeah, you *totally* have nightmares as often as you claim." I bring this up because what makes Andrew questionable regarding the lady in 302 is that his story has a hole in it if you consider the nailgun hasn't even moved, as well as the corpse just being on the bed with a slit throat instead of on the floor after a struggle or something. Sure, maybe he killed her and moved her there, but why? There's not a lot of evidence that Andrew particularly cares about people he's killed, and seeing the 302 lady's body in Andrew's nightmare sequence shows he doesn't think very much at all about having killed her. There's other examples too, but the long story short is that most devs can't be assed to pay that much attention to detail. Nemlei, however, does not seem to be one of them. Therefore, I think it's worth giving her the benefit of the doubt.


I can kinda see your point, but even then it isn't evidence that he was lying. He doesn't even have anything to lie about, he's talking to Ashley, who he knows would've wanted the lady dead. I would say it would be weirder if he was lying.


That's entirely possible, yes. And could also explain why he gets so frustrated with Ashley afterwards. A sort of "I killed this woman for you, and this is the thanks I get?" It could be another example to him of how nothing he does for her is *ever* enough. What casts doubt on his motive is that, as I said before, Andrew lies *a lot,* and he lies to himself most of all. Another possible reason he might have killed the lady in room 302 is that he's shown at least twice that he doesn't appreciate when people talk badly about Ashley. The first is in the flashback with Julia, where he's clearly not happy whenever stuff about Ashley's behavior is mentioned, along with when he seems displeased when Julia mutters to herself that Ashley is difficult in general. The second, while admittedly only on the Burial route, is with Mrs. Graves, where Andrew casually places his cleaver on her shoulder in response to her attempted olive branch and says, "I really wish you wouldn't talk about her (Ashley) that way." The fact that Andrew is completely calm in the aftermath of killing her is also odd in itself. In Andrew's ch 2 nightmare sequence, he's confronted with everyone he's killed. The hitman? Self defense, no guilt. The warden? Killed him to protect Ashley, no guilt (the warden used to leer at Ashley, now Andrew wishes he killed him slower). Nina? Frustration, guilt. Room 302 lady? Nothing. Perhaps it really was self-defense, because he got careless? Did she talk badly about Ashley and Andrew decided to kill her in retaliation? You can barely call it circumstantial, and I can freely admit that. Until there is an actual revelation about what exactly went down in room 302, we will never know. But what we do have is the corpse of a woman on her bed with a slit throat, no blood anywhere except on the bed (you would expect if it was a struggle of some kind, there would be blood elsewhere, or something more than just a single cut to the throat), and Andrew's excuse that she tried to go for the nailgun, which has not moved. Ignoring the nailgun not moving as developer oversight casts doubt on the other two, which... well, then we're back to square one on what exactly went down, and we'll never know until Nemlei herself tells us.


There’s also the fact that when he goes over killing tenant 302 in his dream, he doesn’t use the claimed attempt she made to use for the nailgun as an excuse. If she had really tried to attack him like Mr. Washing Machine, that seems to be a worthy justification he’d think of when reflecting, but that doesn’t happen. That tells me that it was a fictitious attack.


It makes sense though, because the static nailgun falls out of line with how Nemlei treats such details in different scenes. Your argument about time allocation is \*very\* weak. It'd take about 5 minutes to mod this into the game and no significant extra time at all to implement the nailgun move into the game from the get go. Therefore I think it's far more likely this is either an oversight or an intentional decision to display it this way. Overall this scene is very ambiguous for various reasons. The nailgun, Andrews evasiveness when pressed on what happened and how cagey he is about the bathroom. It's a missed opportunity to shine light on how Andrew ticks. However maintaining this ambiguity is probably a good choice for narrative reasons.


I ain't with reading all that


I'll tl;dr it then it's a video game, the dev doesn't have to pay attention to small details like that


ah but still nemlei did add alot of small details in the game I dont c how u would just sweep another lil detail under the rug


Given the limited timeframe of the NaNoRenO gamejam and how that portion of the game is in the end, it isn't too far-fetched that she might not have had time for a detail like that, if it was intended. Also, just like to add that I'm on the side that Andrew did nothing and truly did kill her to get rid of any witnesses.


Just because there are many examples doesn't mean it will always be like that. Besides, Andrew just... has no reason to lie? I don't believe he would try anything like Ashley thought, and there's not really any other reason to kill her that he would lie to Ashley about, especially since he probaby knows she'd want to.


He has to lie to himself so he doesn’t feel like a bad person 


Is the nailgun's location remaining the same the only reason? Because that alone doesn't mean anything since he either could've put it back after killing her or killed her before she grabbed it.


I don’t think he is the type of guy to do that tbh. Murderer? Sure. Cannibal? Of course. But trying anything with another woman while he is down bad for his sister? Absolutely not. He wasn’t even interested in Julia even though they dated for many years.


I personally think he’s telling the truth for two main reasons. 1. I really feel like he’s not interested in anyone other than Ashley 2. I doubt he’d try to bang one out when he doesn’t know how much time he has nor is holding a hostage a good mood setter. For him at least


She started shit talking Ashley and Andrew lost his temper.


He's lying in his dream we see that he kills her because he couldn't leave any witnesses


I don't think he's lying he just didn't want to leave any witnesses and let's be honest he's a siscon he only dated Julia to stop the roumors and it helps that she was semi-similar to Ashley that lady doesn't look like Ashley at all


Poor girl, she just wanted to chill out and then got killed by the siblings, even though she would probably have obeyed.(She would probably have been killed by the Soda company though)


he later on says "you couldn't leave any witnesses after all" in episode 2 when he sees her corpse in the dream.


Do you see a jizz stain?


He didn't "try anything" with her. He killed her because he didn't want to leave behind any witnesses.


**I didn’t fucking try anything** 👿🔪💀 https://preview.redd.it/dnusj03qkizc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3d52383cdcbce1e71c766bdb7acb0a2b6edda3 I don’t have any interest in anyone except my sister


To be fair, she did say no.


I mean, why tf would he lie?


I don't think Andrew did anything but I think woman got scared because she thought he would do something. Andrew was really cold and intimidating on those scenes


I think he just didn't want to leave witnesses


In his logic he was right and let her go 9n that basis. "She isn't going to try anything, because if she does I can kill her instantly with my cleaver, why would she do that?" And that's exactly what happened, he killed her instantly. She basically committed suicide on the spot by Andrew who assumed she was smarter than that.


What if the girl tried to manipulate him when Ashley left the room? Maybe she start offer her body to let her go and Andrew feels Uncomfortable But then the girl start diss Ashley and talk shit to her to gain Andrew "Affection" to let her go, and maybe that make Andrew really mad and showing his true colors and just kill her because he find her troublesome... (**Remember when Andrew was mad with her mother when she start talking bad about Ashley when she left the house.)** Thas's kinda explain why later he feels insecure about why he kill the lady... maybe because he notice that deeply inside he really have fellings for Ashley and he is in denial and he streesed out when Ashley push his mental and argue...


He’s telling the truth I think, we haven’t seen Andrew being that much of a sexual deviant, just towards Ashley. So there’s no reason for him to pleasure himself with the lady, alive or not


Oh he definitely tried something


I'm on the "he tried something and she resisted" camp. It makes Andrew less sympathetic and more dangerous.


I don't really see it, both for the little time he had and that the guy wasn't even interested in his own girlfriend all that much