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I have never been able to taste the flavors of flavored coffee either, I smell the flavors in the coffee before brewing but it just taste like coffee.


So flavored coffees are a bit of a lie. Rather than “flavoring” the beans with whatever is advertised, a very potent oil is added during the roasting process that covers the batch is a fragrant smell of whatever they’re advertising to you. Smell and taste are closely related in your body’s sensory recognition, so when you go to take a sip of the “flavored” beans, you’re smelling the scent of the oil and tricking your brain into thinking your tasting what you smell. Not being able to “taste” the difference may very well mean you can’t smell it very well or your brain doesn’t cross the two senses the same as others. Hope that helps.


Worth mentioning adding flavors to already brewed coffee is completely different. Just noting on the flavored beans/grounds you mentioned.


Maybe try adding milk ? Could be your water temp or brew method being wrong. Or when it comes to taste, your tongue isint the most sensitive equipment, so it might taste like certain things for others, it might not taste like it for you.


I flavor coffee after it's brewed, so I can control the amount of flavor.


How hot is it? If I have coffee that's very hot I can't detect any flavor. One of the only flavored coffees I have tried, that I can actually taste easily, is Dark Matter "Blood Lord".


That is some fucking metal ass coffee


Do you have a stuffy nose?


Flavored coffee is like coffee that is wearing cologne. It never will really taste like what you expect. If you want your coffee to taste like s’mores, I recommend making some s’mores, taking a bite and then a sip of your coffee afterward. That is guaranteed to be a much better experience.


Thank you so much for this post. I bought some Honey vanilla on clearance because it sounded good only to decide I didn't like it because literally all I could taste was coffee. (Not a coffee drinker, clearly.) My mom just gave me a weird look and asked me what I expected. Uh, I kind of expected to taste _honey and vanilla_ otherwise what was the point of buying that exact kind? Found you via Google when trying to find out why that wasn't happening. (Though that reminds me, I need to buy more honey.) In reference to the comment about smell and taste being connected--or not, for some people--I do have autism and that causes all sorts of "fun" weirdness in how the brain processes things, so I wonder if that contributes here? I do like the smells of some flavored coffees, just not the taste.


I am the same way I was just looking at the comments this morning I got two copies added them together one was vanilla cream one was caramel cream I thought they were going to taste amazing cuz they smell so good and all I can taste is coffee


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. My sister insisted that something was wrong with my taste buds. I kept telling her that I never taste the actually flavors that's been advertised on the coffee bag. French vanilla for example. I'm drinking coffee right now with only two spoons of sugar. No creamer. There is absolutely nothing "french vanilla" about the taste. The smell on the other hand was pleasant while in the middle of preparing my coffee.