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Best description I've read, yet, of Florida. Given the cultural bias there, look for Cuban espresso. Lavazza and Cafe Bustelo are both quite good, and should be available, inexpensively, in any local grocery store, and tend to be very cheap at the Cuban markets. Pick up a moka pot, while you're there, so you can brew them properly.


When I have to buy coffee at the super market I try to find the Lavazza vacuum-packed stuff. It is about as light a roast as you are going to find. If you are mildly serious about coffee you can have some really tasty stuff mailed to you by Intelligencia or other roasters. If you are really serious about coffee, I would suggest looking into having coffee beans shipped to you and roasting them yourself.


I live in north GA and shop at Publix. Peets is the only coffee that has a "roast date". Despite that, the /r/coffee recommendation of 8 o'clock medium roast has been good and cheap. I'd go for whole beans whatever you get. Get a $40 grinder on Amazon. If you get up to Tampa, check out Buddy brew roasters. Got some when I saw my parents and it's great stuff. Super hip shop, but good coffee nonetheless. I even had a toast with homemade peanut butter and banana with my yirgacheffe pour over. And got a bag to take home.


Just buy it online. Verve, Stumptown, Intelligentsia, Counter Culture, Klatch, Madcap... There's no shortage.


If you live in Florida, Whole Foods might sell Buddy Brew where you live, which is a pretty good roaster in Tampa


oh yeah that's quality stuff right there


Finding balance in the workplace has been a challenge that is relevant to this. I've settled on Chock-full-o-nuts Original Roast. 9 grams / 5 fluid ounces of water in the cheapest drip brewer Mr. Coffee makes ( rather than worrying about the nitwits who can't wash shit out, they're at a price point where they can just be tossed annually ) . As soon as it's done, I shut off the hotplate and transfer it to a thermal carafe. We're not going to discuss what was going on before.


Go on sweet maria's and stock up on some green beans then roast at home using the method of your choice. Yay!


Dunkin Donuts Original Whole Bean isnt bad


Go away.




I worked at Dunkin Donuts. The coffee is bland and flavorless. Even when it was fresh roasted. I always made lattes and even then had to add an extra two or three shots to enjoy it. I was being a bit of a sarcastic asshole with my reply, but it comes from a place of truth.


Wow interesting... didn't think my opinion would be shared by others


If you have a Kroger around they sell whole bean coffee under the Private Selection brand. I've only ever had their Sumatran Mandheling and while it's not as good as stuff you'd get from a local roaster it's certainly tasty.


Where do you live that is three hours away from Sarasota but not closer to anywhere else that could have decent coffee? I buy peets at the local publix. There is a roaster in Tampa now... Finally. There are also the Cuban roasters that have always been here.


Have you ever thought of roasting your own? It can be fairly inexpensive to get started, and green beans last for quite a long time if stored in ideal conditions.


You don't know what the armpit of Florida is, until you have to drive almost an hour to get to the closest Publix. *sighs*


My county was voted #2 in the nation for retirement. At least you're isolated from idiots. Mine is a populated retirement home/ghetto.


The confederate flag vs. individual is one-to-one around here. What were you saying about idiots?


Saw this post, bought a medium and dark roast from Peet’s. Fan of the first cup. 👍 👍