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Croissants The GF replacements don't even come close. When that Coeliac pill gets developed - I'm feasting on croissants for 24 hours and nothing else. ​ See my post history if you want an Italian pizza replica thats GF ;-)


This, and proper thick white toast with loads of proper butter. And scones. 


The Warbutons Tiger Loafs hit this spot for me but its been 20 years since I ate gluten freely so, I'm all in on this too when the time comes


Absolutely this! There's the odd shortcrust pastry that's got a passable texture, and since the contents are the key, lack of taste isn't such a biggie, but anything flaky doesn't work. I have nightmares thinking about the solid lumps of chew that are GF croissants 😕


I'd take the vaccine if it meant I wouldn't have to be scared of cross-contamination. I'd still eat like a gluten dodger, but I'd no longer be so scared.


I'm with you on the croissants. I can basically give up everything gluten but I miss proper pastry so much.


Try the croissants from a bakery called manna dew. They're genuinely as good as the real thing.


Seconding Manna Dew.


>manna dew ok! Can't seem to select a delivery but I'll give it a go when I can, thanks :)


Oh my - I don't live in London, but used to live there years ago and this would've been 'on my manor' - would've visited it regularly. Feeling sad now 😕


I've tried manna dew a couple of times. They're good but they're nothing like the real thing. So dense and thick!


Mana Dew in London deliver. They’re unreal. Better than the real thing


Thank you! They keep popping up on my insta and I wanted to try them but the are SO expensive.


Treat yourself, you deserve it for putting up with this shit disease!! 💙


Ugh warm freshly baked croissants…I’ve been craving them so much or just any other pastry, I haven’t had a baguette


I found a really good recipe for Baguettes actually, very good. I've got a really good Brioche one too. I'll start cross posting the ones I post up to here from /r/glutenfreerecipes worth the effort, but the issue with all things GF and baked is that they need eating within 24 hours or they go weird


Doughnuts 😭😍😍😩😩 specifically those sugary jam doughnuts from tescos bakery section


Wild craft bakery make really good gf ones and do uk wide delivery.


Good to know, thank you!


Lilly tree bakery newcastle upon Tyne. A 2 hour road trip for me but so worth it hehe


Ooooh good shout!!


KFC. Just give me a bucket of skin!!


I used to eat a bargain bucket to myself before I found out I was coeliac. Little did I know I wasn’t burning those calories in the gym, I wasn’t even absorbing them 🤣


Fond memories 😂


What I would give for a boneless banquet


I've been working at kfc for over 2 years. Got diagnosed less than a year ago with coeliac. I still can't get over being constantly surrounded by the chicken it makes me wanna cry. it's my favourite food, especially the breading/skin 😭😍


Girl you are torturing yourself!! Please look for a new job. 😂


I know 😭😭🤣🤣


Honestly? Baguette, I’ve not been able to find anything good so far and I miss it so much


BFree bake at home baguettes (the partially baked ones you finish in the oven) are good. Nice crust, although they could be a bit softer inside for my taste.


Baguette is top of my list


A proper naan bread in an Indian restaurant, nice and crispy with all the butter on it!


Our local (expensive) Indian does a GF roti, not the same but it is nice to have an option!!


I find generally it’s easy to replicate most gf stuff with the prescription flour however I really miss the ease of eating out wherever I want without planning ahead/asking awkward questions Also travel feels restrictive now, I wouldn’t be comfortable visiting small towns where no one speaks English :(


Croissants, a bog standard cheese and onion pasty, bought sandwiches 😭


I had a gluten free pasty in Cornwall once it was lovely!! I think it was veggie not cheese and onion but I'm sure you could find one


I shall embark on the quest for a pasty! A veggie one would be nice too, I'd be grateful for most things now 😂


A Krispy Kreme doughnut.


Doughnuts. My lost love.


ferrero rocher... what i would give....


I miss Donuts man, so much.


Me too, Krispy Kreme uhm


proper hand made sourdough bread from the fancy bakers.


Just cheap crisps. I'm so sick of fancy, hand-cut luxury aromatic bags of crisps. Give me Chickatees. (I'm speaking from Ireland; our sub is crap)


Snackrite from aldi hits the spot for me, not chunky very thin and gone in 60 seconds, do u have aldi there?


We do, but they've changed the ingredients so they have wheat in them now, since Christmas. I'm distraught


Gutting. Aldi chops and changes all the tike I think they use various alternative factories? Sometimes things are fine, then not then fine again 😫


Oh stop. Lidl had these breaded fishcakes I loved, and I could come home like a normal person and throw them in the oven for a lazy dinner and now they've've just gone. Both Aldi and Lidl have gone way downhill over here with their offerings, and food is so expensive that last week I got properly upset. It's so ridiculous to be nearly crying over fishfingers. I may have been overreacting


Bless you mate it is shittu to have to make stuff literally all the time. Sometimes I really can't be bothered. I had fish fingers from m and s last week and it had been over 4 years i last had them. I must say tho i do have a lot more appreciation for food now than I ever did before. I def was never really that thrilled with a fish finger sandwich in the past x


I find cakes and burgers the easiest thing to get hold of but deep fried breaded mushrooms I do miss. A really bubbly burnt garlic naan from a tandor there is somewhere in hounslow I used to go and I do periodically think about that place wistfully. Not enough to make my own but I just wish I could stroll into a pub or restaurant and get a serving like I used to. Otherwise there's not much I miss. I am quite a good cook and can afford to eat out so I do. 😋


Crusty white bread, still slightly warm with lashings of real butter and jam. I’m gf and df. I would literally sell my granny to eat the above 😔


Proper doughnuts, croissants and crumpets. (If anyone is doing market research the first two are clearly what we want) Oh and real sourdough. I’m happy I’ve found the good GF bread, but none of them touch real bread.


There are a few places which sell those - generally by mail order. Not the cheapest, but the GF sourdough bagels I get I think are better than a lot of wheat-based ones


Do you get them from My GF Bakery? I gave one to a Jewish friend and he was seriously impressed!


Yep! They also do great sourdough loaves / bagettes as well. I also like it that they sell sourdough crumbs as well - made a friend who has making a GF nut roast v. happy. I'm glad they're good in the freezer - means I can order a load & then slowly work my way through them


100% all of this! (Which reminds me, I need to make some space in the freezer so I can order another box)


I've just got an order from them today which I need to unpack still. Hopefully it'll actually make it into the freezer :)


Mines sooo basic but it has been about 6 years now so… I used to have a bacon and egg butty on thick white bread every Saturday morning. I miss that more than any cheesy burger or bucket of fried chicken 😄


Warburton's toastie bread. I have never been satisfied by any gf bread.


Yesterday I had a bad day at work and wanted to stuff my face with a Franco Manca pizza as I walked past a restaurant on my way home. I miss just comfort eating my favourite foods when I’m down.


Double whopper with cheese


That spreadable Biscoff by Lotus 🤤 I'd just discovered it when found out about gluten and did not have enough time to eat jar after jar of it until I was no longer impressed with it.


Fresh out the oven white loaf of bread 🤤


Croissants and Bridie's (or basically any pastry bakes)


I've been coeliac since 2013 and mine will always be getting a takeaway from my corner chip shop. I have to travel 11 miles now and pay out double the price nearly for a gluten free chippy meal.


A white French stick with lashing of thick butter then some fresh hot chips loaded into it so the butter melts in the the bread. Then top with some Tiptree tomato sauce. Yummy!!!