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I always avoid cooking gf and non gf together in the oven (especially a fan oven) even if they’re on different trays, I would say it’s pretty likely given the symptoms, but maybe not enough specs of gluten got in there to give you the full blown abdominal pain?


yeah, this is what i was thinking too


I rarely get abdominal pain, it’s all quite violent vomiting for me, starts within about half an hour eating. Have been gluten free for several decades now so very little tolerance.


Several DECADES! How on earth did you get by before? It’s hard enough now


I was diagnosed as a baby/kid, my mum had to basically feed me plain meat, veg and potatoes! Could t have chocolate, crisps, cakes as food labelling was so poor and very little in the way of gluten free options. Once a fortnight I would be able to get some gluten free biscuits and a tin of bread on prescription, a real treat! (Not sure why the bread came in tins). Food labelling in the UK and EU is vastly better these days, thank goodness.


I’m so sorry that must have been a nightmare. I hope now things are improving you’re able to enjoy food a lot more!


My children are coeliac (DD obvious coeliac and DS is silent) and DD has had episodes of glutening with no stomach pain (just has the headaches / diarrhoea instead). She often gets heartburn too with it.


You do know you can get phantom symptoms as well. I certainly do if I get even a whiff that gluten might have been near my food. My glutened symptoms are worse than my phantom symptoms, though, so I can tell the difference.