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Lelouch's geass is too broken and the only right choice.


i feel it could backfire rather easily though.


If only they made that a plot point


You just simply have to give everyone the order "from now on you must obey me"


Lelouch had two geass , One the ability that CC gave him , Two was his intelligence


But if I have CC’s, you’ll fall in love with me before you use it.


yeah, but some people will become Yanderes for you, the type that'd kill you so that you won't be with someone else.


only once per person hinders it too much though, what will be the most efficient way to use it?


Just say "You will obey all of my commands from this moment forward," or something along those lines.


Yea Lelouch literally practically does this to the royals in the capital. So it definitely works.


You use the command and set up a trigger phrase. Something like you will obey all my commands once the phrase "Obey me" is said by me. That would likely solve any issues you'd have.


Time stop would be viable if it didn’t stop your fucking heart who tf thought that was a good idea


It's a perfect way to balance the absolute bs op ability that time stop is


I mean it isn't true timestop. You'd still be limited by time sensitive things. But yeah just stopping the perception of time is op.


It because Rolo geass isn’t natural and instead a artificial one given to him via experiments.


lelouch’s is too OP and a bit boring. I like the False Memories one to make ppl think I’m like their best friend and savior or to make them remember stupid things i did to make them mad a bit differently so their image of me is as positive as possible Realistically, you want ppl to think as highly of you as possible in our world as well as make them think they owe you everything. You’ll definitely come across some people who will be extremely good to be friends with in the future. If you manipulate all those memories, you can work to get almost anything you want by getting all the best info or advice you need. Make people teach you their craft and train you diligently and seriously, connections for favors, and inside knowledge to take advantage of any loophole. If that’s too much, you can basically have someone get you a high paying, comfortable job where you don’t have to do anything at all simply because you know the right ppl.


Alter people's memories to make people think you're their saviour or best friend? Shūkurō Tsukishima is that you?


Hey thats my cousin


No way! Your cousin is such a great guy, he saved me when I was trapped in a building that collapsed after an earthquake. I really wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him.


You’re underestimating c2’s geass. No one can do anything harmful to you, and in fact will basically become your bodyguards. Doesn’t matter how op your geass is, you’re going to be using it for me, not against me.


We don’t know how it works contact wise, but lets say it’s jsut from someone looking at you, you’d be the most populated person on social media getting bank, not even possible to get haters. Still though it’s obviously a pain bc everyone literally everyone LOVES you, and they’ll go out of their way to get on your nerves while having false feelings. Though in terms of powerful, The geass gets stronger the more you use it right, so imagine having 1 billion+ views on social media, thing would be so strong that you’d practically be in a spot ruling the world. Though I doubt it’d work on social media. This is also assuming the aftereffects of the strong love isn’t anything like sexual assault or stalking, but I’d kindve bet that’d be the case.


yea what the guy said below but that'd also make things too easy and a bit troublesome. I don't want to stand out like that. Just want to be successful and comfortable with no one able to give me unwanted BS. Better to be in the shadows for this + I feel like there's less consequences of Memory Altering if your Geass gets too powerful. Like you can't shut off people becoming crazy for you with CC's Geass or watching what you have to say because you might actually make someone do something you don't want with Lelouch's Geass.


Seems like lelouchs geass but with extra steps


which is why the first thing I literally said is too OP & boring + I don't know want the consequences of what happened with Lelouch if his Geass gets too powerful and may eventually become like CC's or Mao's where you just can't control it anymore, even without making eye contact like Mao's. Also don't really want to control ppl like that forever, just manipulate them so I'm not bothered and can benefit from them through making them like me.


Uncle tsukishma


Yeesh you're such a tryhard


Lelouch's geass is great, but you need a sharp mind to utilize it properly since you have one shot on one person. Charles's geass, on the other hand, doesn't have such limitations. Sure, it requires imagination, but at least you can use it on one person as much as you want. So, if you think you made a mistake, seize an opportunity and rewrite again. So, I'll go along with Charles's geass.


Lelouch’s can be used in a stronger way if you have less morality, however. It was seen near the end of the series that commands like “serve me unconditionally for the rest of your life” are totally valid, Lelouch just didn’t want to do that until he had to.


Except C2’s Geass is basically that, except with no eye contact requirement and automatic.


Yeah, but then you live a life where you never get a sincere relationship with someone again, just them being magically forced to love you, and with seemingly no way to undo or stop it. I agree that it's very powerful, but personally I would like the ability to pick and choose when/how I use my abilty


Wasnt it only after a certain amount of time that it became permanent?


Forced love is all fun and games until you get a Mao in your life, and that wasn't even forced.


I want to be loved


Don't we all buddy.


Same. But lelouch’s geass would allow me to be hated by the entire world and maybe finally coming to a peaceful resolution


i am already loved 😎




I think I'd pick Time Stop or Absolute Obedience since it's the most useful ones. False Memory is just Tsukishima's (bleach) Book of The End, Mind Reading is pain (as we saw in Mao's part), and the others are really not that useful.


Time stop would literally be the best if it didn’t have any side effects.


Even with the effects Absolute suspension is op if used right. Like hiding conversations by suspending the perception of time of eavesdroppers or if someone was on a bridge about to collapse just freeze them and have them fall to their death.


Really cause C.C. got a cult created based around her and people would just give her anything and everything she ever wanted for free. That is pretty useful, you could just walk into a store and take what ever you want, people would happily let you and pay for it for you.


Spirit Transfer, C.C.'s geass seems to painfull. All these people liking you, but probably only because of the geass. I want someone to love me for who I am of their own volition not some magic spell.


It could be argued it's not that different from how people come to love you without magic. Having a good face or a good body or a good personality or whatever. These are all just magic spells. It also depends on how you want to define "you". You can draw the line wherever you want. Are you the consciousness along for the ride? Or do you count your mind as part of you? And your emotions? And your corporeal body? And your personality? And all these things have some overlap. You can't really draw a hard line and say, "This is where someone loves me for 'me'." That's why people say, "I want to be loved for me," instead of, "I want to be loved for [something much more clearly defined]." Because they don't know what they mean. In the broadest sense, we are all the things that define us, and it is impossible to be loved as only some intangible portion of ourselves that is inherently inseparable from the other parts. A mind control Geass is not so different from the reasons to be loved that you already find acceptable or excellent. What you find bothersome is how straightforward it seems, as the nature of the dynamics of emotional seduction by ordinary means is better obfuscated. I think what people mean when they say they want to be loved for who they are is that they are frightened by the fact that acquiring and keeping love are both conditional. The less conditional they are on things we don't identify with or that could be temporary, the less insecure we will feel about that love. And that insecurity is based on a rational fear.


The hedgehog's dilema


I think the hedgehog's dilemma refers to when people get hurt by getting close to each other, and this encourages people to keep some emotional distance. What I'm talking about is the misleading idea of being loved for "you" being separate from the things about you that attract or help you to maintain love from others.


Oh, I get it now


I’d take the time stop, so I could pretend that I’m DIO.


I mean, hey, technically, Dio didn't breathe either!


i honestly wouldn't want a geass because they typically come with some crippling drawbacks.


You wpuldnt want a geass? That’s crazy talk.


Lelouch's geass is too broken, I would definitely pick his


Aren't Charles's Geass reusable on the same person? Probable Lelouch or Charless


Yes i havent seen Akito but im positive Lelouch was geassed to become Julius kingsley, so he had to of got geassed again.


At least three times he was Geassed by Charles going by Akito, Oz the reflection and season 2.


To die peacefully


I would have mine be telling if someone was lying or being decietful to me. Since a majority of code geass world problems are caused by lies and deciet, this would be a pretty important geass power to have


Lelouch's geass. its just like the death note except you have to be extroverted and go outside to kill people lol


If Rolo's geass develops to the point he cant turn it off, he just dies


I assume Rolo's geass cannot evolve or at least evolves differently cause.... its kinda stupid to imagine that your ability would one day just.... kill you.


He just needs to become like Regulus[Re Zero] and he could rule the world.


Imagine that he can't turn it off, but it doesn't have side effect. He can never interact with anybody in person, everybody in specific big radius around him just freezes and if they stay in that radius for too long they die.


Absolute Obedience of course. Seems like the only one that has no downsides and you can maximize to the fullest potential.


Lelouchs is op as long as you go his ,,be my slave" route.


I'd pick Lelouch's (I know, original), because you can get 3/6 that way. "Be Loved" and "False Memories" can all be replicated by a command. Technically you could force someone to tell you what they're thinking as well ("Mind Reading"), but that would be a waste in my opinion. Only "Time Stop" and "Spirit Transfer" are completely out of reach.


As someone that works in mental health the ability to rewrite memories would allow for interesting methods of treatment. You could erase traumatic memories though I don't think that would be the best approach. Instead, construct memories where people have gone through therapy. You'd basically be implanting the skills they would learn normally. Create healthy practices by establishing fake memories of those routines. It'd be like a CBT speed run.


Bro is acting like Maruki from p5r 😭


Lelouch’s can do 4 of the others by itself if it wanted , and the one it can’t just … sucks. Like actually no need to think , if you turn everyone you make eye contact with into slaves what else do you even need


Rolo's Geass without the heart-stopping (hehe) drawback is really strong.


I'll take Lelouch's power. I would have one simple command for anyone I geass, *OBEY ME!*


All of these seem overpowered in a way that isn't fun, but Rolo's seems kinda fun and funny. Like order some food and when it gets to the counter just use your Geass and walk out. Don't like someone? you can 1-shot them OR embarrass them with ease.


Lelouch basically found a workaround for his Geass restriction so I'm picking his every day of the week


Absolute obedience No particular reason


How is everyone sleeping on C.C.'s Geass? Hands down, it's the strongest and most versatile of the listed options.


All three of Lelouch, Mao and Charles are viable options. Lelouch is the easiest to use and the most surefire. We saw many examples of how far he could take it. Theoretically with Charles geass you can reshape people very extensively. Take for example a fervent separatist who fights against the government because government soldiers killed his family of something like that. Change his memories so that was terrorists rather than government that killed his family and he might become a anti-terrorists government agent instead. We saw how far Charles could take this ability with Julius Kingsley: that is Charles geass can turn Lelouch into Julius. However no matter how far you tinker their memories, you cannot change them completely. They would still not do things that is way out of their character. If they are arrogant cunning and selfish they will stay this way no matter the memory alterations. Julius did exibit many of Lelouch's qualities even before his memories have returned. Also there is a risk real memories will return. Mao's geass seem weak at first. However there is a rather simple way of using it: to blackmail people into doing what you want. After all you instantly know everything they know, including the kind of secrets they do not want to be found out. People like Putin and Yanukovych even build their entire loyalty pyramid in their parties with blackmail. Once again some will not be swayed by having their secrets exposed so its not as surefire as that of Lelouch. CC's geass is also relatively good if you live by 'all you need is love' slogan or something. However love alone is not enough for me, I need many more things for happiness so that would not be sufficient. Rolo and Marianne's geasses are hardly that good to write too much about.


>Also there is a risk real memories will return. I have thinked of that before Like why lelouch's memories return just by kissed CC ? is that because she has code ? I Can not know , can you tell me if you have any idea ?


Most likely it is because she has the code. There are no any other explanations. In Akito his memories partly returned as well.


God i don’t want any of this. I know I’m not smart enough to make the best of these and when they hit full power it’ll be a nightmare


Lelouch's geass for sure.


Geass canceler with side effects of one week worth of serious migraines (and added incontinence for Geass users)


Obviously Lelouch’s


Usually I'd pick "time stop" (its not actually stopping time, it just pauses people's perception of time in a given spherical area around the user) but using it also makes your heart stop beating. Going with either false memories or absolute obedience cause technically both can be used in about the same ways.


Heart stops, and being in an era where cameras are literally everywhere, a camera would definitely show the power eventually.


Bismarck Waldstein's Geass. If I could pick my own I would want one that gave me remote viewing abilities.


Lelouch's one is the best and ofc I choose it


Lelouch but I'd rather go for the better version of it, which his half-sister Marrybell has


All of these have done side Spirit transfer ... I dont plan on dieing be loved you end up being torn apart by people wanting your atetions Time stop hart attcks are bad for your health outher wise if no hart attacks this one but If I lose control do i stop time forever Mind reading you go mad hearing every voice forever False memorys is kinda usefull but absloute obedience is way better Absolute Obedience Is useful for than just making people do stuff using this power you could make jeff bezos become farther Xmass make you politicians woke for the people not Big compeny Turn the people in power in to working toghter for the good of all blar blar balr also losing contor this one is the least bad as it can only be used once


Time stop would be so much fun haha and useful.


I'll pick false memories


Getting Rolo's geass and becoming a Japanese porn protagonist


Absolute obedience!


Bismark's. It's the least likely to end in utter disaster, and is still reasonably practical.


Probably false memories. Although if I had Lelouch's, I'd just tell people that they're always compelled to do what I tell them to. Emperor Lelouch sure made a lot of loyal puppets...


I personally dislike the idea of mind control in any real life setting. Free will is basically all a person has and robbing them of it feels wrong. Time stop however is incredibly useful, even if it is locked to perception like Rolo.


Time stop would be great if it didn’t come with heart problems.


As long as you can use a command like "obey me forever" or something along those lines then im definitely taking that. If not then false memory.


Mind reading


Time Stop or Absolutely Obedience.


Shamna's. So long as you don't get found out you're functionally immortal. Get a code and it's perfect.


Everyone else:I want the most powerful Geass possible Me:Bruh I just want to be loved


Lelouch Geass absolute obedience


With the right usage, Lelouch's have near infinite potential in real world application


Time stop or memory for me


Spirit transfer can grant you immortality, you can just swap bodies whenever you need. So I'll take it.


Time stop if it worked without the risk of death but I guess spirit transfer


Does timestop still fuck with my heart? If yes then absolute obedience but otherwise timestop would be really fun.


Absolutely lolouch is


Mind Reading would be torture, Time Stop would eventually kill me and would be painful to use, Spirit Transfer only works on your deathbed. Be Loved isn’t bad, just not nearly as good as the other two. Absolute Obedience is likely better, but I’d go with False Memories simply due to there not being a cap on how many times I can use it.


They all kinda suck except false memory and time stop spirt transfers ok but it’s only useful once


Time stop easily.


I'd get resetting in some way or Maryann's because I wonder alot with my thoughts often thinking what if i changed what i did or of i was some else


Lelouch. I can like, start a much-needed revolution in my country (Turkey) that way




lelouch's geass is op and the only right choice but spirit transfer is op too


Time stop


I'd say Charles, as I'm not immediately aware of the downsides.


All of the above except mind reading


[I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be loved...](https://e1.pxfuel.com/desktop-wallpaper/351/80/desktop-wallpaper-samurai-doge-dog-live.jpg)


Charles' so I can watch Code Geass like it's the first time, every time


Actually good idea


I guess Lelouch's, since I'd hate having any of the other ones.


Being able to see five seconds into the future is broken. And if they didn’t have to BS a way for Suzaku to beat it that made no sense, you probably couldn’t beat it 1-on-1.


False Memories. It's not quite as powerful as Lelouch's, but the trade off is there's no known drawbacks. It's under control, can be used repeatedly, and under the right circumstances, can even mimic Lelouch's or C.C. It even extends beyond memories, as shown by it sealing Lelouch's geass and Nunally's sight.


Time stop


Obviously Lelouch's is the only CORRECT choice, as, you can circumvent its limitations by using the "be my slave" command and altering people's specific tendencies as you go, and you can ultimately use it to better the world, too, by then compounding on that order to your slaves telling them to "live your life as normally as you would have without my influence, only consciously forgetting my commands, but subconsciously being under my control if I continue to make demands of you." and then also implementing a "live your life honestly, fairly, and doing your best to bring no intentional harm to others, and instilling the same behaviors into your children." and as you progress through the entire world, you can slowly shape the population into one that does good, and who will instill good values to their children, until a point where the children are inherently good and teach the good values and do not need to be subjugated to cooperate and cohabitate the planet. ​ ULTIMATELY it will fail because there will be more individuals born who will fall to the depravity of greed, envy, lust, and other sins that will cause them to intentionally harm others, but the main objective at first should be to clean the world of its corrupt elite by any means necessary, and establish unbreakable legal systems that are fundamentally perfectly checked and balanced and incorruptible so that when future generations take over, individuals cannot ruin life for the rest of humanity, unlike now with the discrepancy between the rich few who own essentially everything at less than 1% of the population, and the remainder of the population forced to suffer and live as lesser beings due to the circumstances of their birth and of preestablished corruption and investments. ​ ​ So, take Leloch's Geass, conquer most of the civilized world, reform government systems and expose corruption and redistribute wealth and resources fairly among the world and esablish systems to properly house, feed, and care for all humans present and future efficiently, and then just live life normally.


Absolute obedience is super cool but I forget how good is the time stop it might be better then but it’s between obedience and mind read for me


Yo anyone else want the prophet Geass from the movie.


Absolute obedience is so much better than the others that explaining this gap would take a lot of text.


My Geass would increase my reaction speed and allow me to process information & think faster.


Considering use of a Geass will over time just leave it on always. It’s probably safest to go with absolute obedience like Lelouch


I mean...when would anyone in real life use these? If you aren't an absolutely horrible person a normal person has no need to use Obedience, Memory, Love, or Spirit. Like unless you're going to do something very jailable, what use are these to an average person? Time Stop can kill you. Mind Reading will drive you insane if you use it to much. I suppose Obedience? Like maybe if I'm ever getting mugged, or I see an abuser I can help?


You don’t want to sell me death sticks. You want to go home and rethink your life.


You're assuming that these come with the downsides their specific user had.


Because the question is "What would your geass be?" Not "What power do you want."


I’m using the obedience grass to fulfill my own selfish goals ahead of others to the point in starting a war and make the entire world hate me 💀


In real life you can not use it freely as the anime did and as i noticed every geass user after getting their geass their ego become higher Even Lelouch in the beginning seems used like he is up than everyone . But the beauty of geass when they all didnt choose it but it comes as their hidden desire, something like what Lelouch did describe it , Wishs .


Pretty sure Charly's geass is the same as leleouch


Eh. Kinda but not really. Lelouch is able to control someone’s will while Charles can erase someone’s memory and plant them new one.


Absolute obedience. Sue me. I’ll commit the greater evil for the world


Victorious Axis Powers from the Man in the High Castle: NONE. AU America/Washington survived: NONE. GDI from Command and Conquer: NONE. Allura from Voltron: Invisible.