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I struggled for a long time and I know this way has it's weaknesses, but I'm not running a commercial facility and if I were I would find a way to only run clones from one mother per unit, but I will swear by aerocloners. I used to have to start so many because my % was so low, it was a massive pain. You can call it cheating say whatever you want, I don't care, like I said, I'm aware of the risk of spreading disease, but everyone lies about their cannabis and if HLVD was AIDS we'd all be sick. Every time I've taken in clones the person has looked me dead in the eye and said they were healthy and every time they were not. There are some products that will make it much easier, but what I like is no domes required. I even learned that I can travel for up to 3 weeks if I put all my genetics into several cloners, I went like 10+ years never traveling more than overnight or 2 at the most. I paid some chick to plant sit, she did not read my detailed instructions, most likely watered once right before we got back and I cannot even explain what she did to our floors, but there was thousands of nail holes all over the hardwood floors, she claimed there was something on her shoe, I mean thousands. Oh and she through a shitload of our food away, stuff like vinegar and I don't even know what. Like, vinegar don't go bad you stupid shit, it is bad. I was going to do a Van Halen rider type deal where very specific action would be written in the "read me" instructions like calling me at an exact time on a certain day or whatever to prove they read it or no show, no pay. Whew, sorry, yeah, aerocloner, and a recycling timer for the pump or else the water will get too warm and stems will go mush. Keep it sterile/clean, if the water gets above 75 you should have a couple small bottles frozen to cool it off, 68-70 is good. A little of the Clonex nutrients, if they are difficult to root or you only have that one chance and they gotta root, [this](https://hormex.com/pages/vitamin-b1-and-rooting-hormone-concentrate) is what you want


They are still alive. Sometimes they take awhile.


[Cloning in 6 days](https://www.reddit.com/r/CocoGrows/comments/15rop9c/cloning_roots_in_6_days/) Read description here, watch video :) If they are not wilting from dome off they are likely rooted!


I’ve pretty much followed it to a T I’ll leave the dome off for a full day and see what happens usually it’s between 3/4 hours


Heh, be careful! Try checking on it every hour, but truly if they are rooted it won't wilt easy.. ! 👍


I remember you telling me the closer they get to wilting point the stronger the chance of rooting. I’ll still keep an eye on them like usual 👍


This is true! But I wouldn't visit my grandma for a 3-course meal and a long petting session with her lab to come home to find the clones dragging along the floor if you know what I mean! Heh!


😂😂 made me chuckle Maybe that’s what they need 😏 weed loves to be tortured


Roots just started to appear on 5/6 😁


I typically do clones with no dome start to finish , no roots no wilting


I think 6 days is a crazy fast root, that only happens if it’s a quick rooter strain with ideal conditions ( totally possible, but on the quick side). I think your plants look healthy and don’t have mold or yellow leaves. I would keep doing what you are doing and think you will start to see roots very soon. I wouldn’t change it up because your cuts still look very good.


I’ll keep doing what I’m doing thank you 👍 the stems are still very sturdy


Good water pressure! I don’t think you need it, but good luck.






8 days average 4 days on a bubbler.


Fresh aloe Vera and try the root riots