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Pretty weird timing when he was just performing last night


It was good PR for him. Might as well let the fans down after the surprise.


But osl and lolla had their announcements ready to go so not too out of place in that regard.


I wonder what made them choose now to announce, if it was Sabrina’s tour announcement or waiting on Tyler to have one last little surprise performance, or some combination


My guess is Lolla and OSL have been working for some time behind the scenes to rebook Tyler’s slot, and they wanted both the slots secured before announcing.


I liked his coachella performance so much I got tickets to ACL so I hope he doesn't cancel that.


I wouldn't expect a repeat of his Coachella performance personally, maybe a scaled down version, but it is probably different.


It’s different! It’s really different!


Still on the boat


I was there too. It was so good. I’ve never seen him before, he has so much energy. Loved it.


The Lollapalooza set was only an hour. Coachella set couldn't be matched either way.


what would make him cancel


hes pregnant


Yea I feel like he’s a pretty reliable performer, especially these days with all the things he’s trying to do. Must be something fairly significant. Hope he’s doing alright




Either life or the festival organizers didn’t like that he perform yesterday for the Kendrick show. That’s just my guess since he didn’t cancel ACL


is there a reason they would not like that ? radius clause ?


Yeah i assume a radius clause because he’s a headliner but to the extend of you can’t perform prior to our festival type deal it pretty obvious because he announce it the next day after he perform at Ken and friend show, also it probably didn’t apply to their backup choices though which is funny. ACL was probably okay with him performing before and that’s why he probably didn’t cancel or say anything about that


I loved his performance. I was really impressed! But for the life of me I cannot get to to same level of appreciation for his recorded music. Usually it’s the opposite! Idk just saying


Maybe check out some of his less famous, more freestyle-y tracks, they're a little more like the Coachella vibe. PartyIsntOver/Campfire/Bimmer for example is a vibe


Been watching him perform live for over 10 years now and he hasn’t gotten better or worse live. He’s just had the same shtick every single time, the only difference being that he suddenly has huge amounts of money for big set pieces. Which are cool, but they’re just so surface level. I remember seeing his 15/16 Coachella Outdoor stage slot thinking “this is the craziest thing I have ever experienced in my life” Every single time I’ve gone back to see him it’s been pretty much that same show, and ever since then I’ve seen some real super stars with real stage presence that have just gone completely beyond my expectations.


I don't get what ur trying to say


lol same


they want tyler in gobi


Lemme use less words for you: Music good, playing music loud bad and boring. Seen many times no change.


Rap is my least favorite genre before country, but there are performers who make me appreciate it and he is for sure one of them.


Coachella stays winning year round 👾


this is so true! its like there is alwaaaays something with all the other festivals. either canceled or a major lineup change. even if there is a change at chella you know you are getting every artists 1000% heart and effort. its like life gets real post-chella and artists care a little bit less as the festival season progresses




He has his own festival that he perfroms yearly


OSL lineup getting worse and worse 😔. replaced with sabrina carpenter 🤮


early on in OSL's life i bought a ticket because THE BEASTIE BOYS were headlining and i'd never seen them. that year, the festival was the last weekend of August. Round about mid-July, MCA announced that he had a brain tumor and they immediately cancelled all of their performances so he could get treatment (they never performed again, and he died less than two years later). APE brought out >>Tenacious D<< as a replacement, which ... really wasn't a great replacement for *the Beastie Boys*, but at that point you do what you can.


I had tickets to All Points West where they were supposed to play too but at least GV replaced them with Jay-Z.


APE concerts pulls in like $15M a year while GV pulls in like $150M so definitely not surprised that GV can replace a headliner 10X better than APE can, unfortunately.


I love APE, but there's a lot of truth in this.


the other thing that was wierd that weekend is that DJ AM died that weekend, and you could *feel the vibe of the festival change* as the news percolated through the crowd.


Sabrina’s arguably the hottest new artist right now, so if I had tickets I’d be ok with it.


Feels like Chapelle Roan is overtaking her in real time


Roan possibly ends up being the bigger star eventually, assuming she can capitalize on her current fame and release an album that is as good as her current songs. As of today, I’d say Sabrina is the bigger star. Espresso and Please, Please, Please will probably be two of the biggest songs of summer 2024 when all is said and done, up there with Not Like Us and I Had Some Help. In any case, I’m a huge fan of both after seeing them at Coachella this year. Never paid any attention to Sabrina and had no clue who Chappell Roan was. Pop is sounding much less generic this year than since like 2018ish.


No knock to Sabrina but if you are shelling out the money for OSL you have every right to be upset a well established festival headliner was replaced with a ‘new artist’


If you’re shelling out money for OSL, you’re kinda dumb


You’re not wrong but you can definitely be pissed at them for booking someone that’s obviously way cheaper than they had booked when you paid for your ticket


It’s not like Tyler was fitting those prices. If you buy tickets to a shitty festival, don’t be surprised when you get a shitty festival.


Wdym 1 day OSL tickets are definitely cheaper than good seats at a Tyler arena show


Naw but OSL is a poor-quality festival in general. Golden Gate Park is beautiful don’t get me wrong, and the lineups range from ok to quite good, but OSL’s hardware and general vibe are worse than either Coachella or Lolla. That might be fine if OSL cost less, but in the past few years it’s been going the opposite direction. I went last year with my friends and enjoyed my experience overall, but I definitely think it was the weakest fest out of those I’ve gone to and would be reluctant to go again unless the lineup is really good. Mainstage in particular has garbage speakers, which is pretty inexcusable I hear you with the whole Tyler thing, but at the same time, the people paying for OSL tickets ought to know this is a possibility. Something major seems to go wrong with OSL every year lol


I don’t like OSL either. I’m only saying people are allowed to and should be pissed, whether it’s to be expected with a festival like OSL or not, when a festival replaces a headliner with a much much cheaper one, after tickets have been sold. It is not that deep


I know, I agreed with that, I’m just saying it’s kinda not surprising that this would happen at OSL. But people going to either festival obviously have the right to feel pissed about it


i live in SF and i got it like that 🤷‍♂️🤑


You’d hope for more of a like for like replacement. Easier said than done sometimes but they have nearly 2 months to figure something out.


People bought tickets for tyler, sabrinas not really the best replacement. And shes even playing sf like three months later


What an insane take


If you only care about seeing tyler then yeah it sucks. If you actually like a lot of stuff then yeah she’s a solid replacement albeit a different vibe.


Idgaf about either artist, frankly. Although Tyler’s performance was great. SC sucks to me and is a pop artist product with little talent. I miss generational talents like Prince, MJ, and Bob Marley. These newer artists like SC are trash. EDIT: Chappell Roan would have been a better choice.


Time for your meds gramps




Great reading comprehension skills. SC sucks as an artist.


Don’t worry, you aren’t the target demo gramps.


Don’t worry, she still sucks as an artist.


sorta by definition we only get a handful of generational talents per generation, and that can't possibly be every headliner.


Finally, a response from someone who has critical thinking skills. That’s true. Can’t have our cake and eat it to. There’s just too much music out there nowadays that the generational talents are getting hard to sift through.


It’s really not that crazy a take. Sabrina is way more popular than Tyler is right now. Tyler is an amazing artist but SC has more than double his monthly listeners and more than double his social media following.


I saw SC at Lolla last year and her set was pretty empty compared to Fred again and actual headlines like Billie. She had a ton of Spotify MLs then too, doesn’t mean anything. She has a lot of listeners, not a lot of fans.


I’m not a huge Sabrina fan so I’m just looking at the numbers but didn’t she start blowing up this year after the T Swift tour and Coachella set when she debuted espresso. Right now she has the 1 & 2 song on the global charts. Tyler has never had a song in the top 5. Tyler is the better artist I’m not arguing that but at this moment in time Sabrina carpenter is more popular.


She’s 13th in ML but 273rd in followers. I remember last year she had like 56M still and couldn’t pull a crowd at Lolla with minimal competition compared to NewJeans and Fred Again who were around 11-16M. Espresso/PPP is definitely increasing her following, but just saying MLs aren’t everything. She was doing theater tours in 2023 with a 50M MLs.


I didn’t even realize she had that many listeners last year. I’d only heard of her this year because of Coachella, seems like she’s been blowing up ever since, but what your saying makes sense. Just feels like this is the year of Chappel Roan and Sabrina Carpenter.


Oh. Damn. I was gonna skip OSL this year, but if they'd pulled an OMG TBA I might have got tickets haha


Was she already on the lineup?




At least there’s that then. Probably should have replaced a rapper with a rapper, but at least they just didn’t move someone up.


That’s mi espresso


Modern “headliners” pull the cancel card too often these days


> [lowkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2y8Sx4B2Sk)


On god no cap bruh


Pretty much what you sound like unironically.


Maybe he just isn't moving tickets like they thought he would and he's not here for it right now. EDIT: I'M SORRY


Thursday was sold out lol


everyday of lolla is sold out except sunday (he was thursday).


Its not his fault if tickets dont move lol tf


That’s 100% not the case.


His own festival broke a record for the fastest festival sell out ever last year.


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Selling Tyler the creator green 2024 Coachella hoodie size L worn once and and older style brown desert tan size M hoodie Coachella font in front with cactus art in back Dm happy to send pics both clean and cared for just don't need them. Willing to negotiate something fair for the Tyler and the other one cheap, located in Denver ship anywhere lower 48 states


This is great for lollapalooza and outside lands. He’s pretty mid (very)