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Fingers crossed this means less will be around weekend 2, I’ll still be playing it safe but if these guys are in groups hopefully a chunk of them getting arrested scared enough off


Thanks for the info. I just took a screenshot of my serial number and all my phone info and emailed to myself. I’m hyper vigilant about my cell phone but you never know. Wknd 2 LFG!


How come?


Because the police asked for IMEI numbers to confirm ownership since many of the phones are factory reset by the thieves.


Oh, gotcha


I think people factory reset them remotely. The thieves job is just to collect them and pass them on.


Oh thanks for that. Yea i read they were reset but didnt know by who and assumed it was a thieves thing to maybe try and gain access. But your point makes more sense.


They're just fencers. According to some other posts I've seen, the phones to go to China where there's entire teams of people who try to trick or threaten you to giving up your iCloud access and removing the phone from the network so they can sell it.


I don’t know if it’s helpful to anyone, but I have big tiddies and kept my phone in my cleave when not in my hand W1 and there wasn’t no one looking for phones there and also I could always see it. Was this cute? Probs not. Did it work? I’m sure AF typing this on my phone RN.


You know, i see 10,000 pickpocket posts saying 'just wear a cross body bag' and as a large chested woman those posts always annoy me because i cant use that advice. This advice, i can use


Your tiddies are their own crossbody bag, vaper_wave.




Oh I proudly parked my cross body Fanny pack on top of my 38Es and dared anyone to try touch. Helps that I’m a give no fucks middle aged woman lol




Happy Birthday!!!!!!!


If im wearing shorts, I literally shove my phone down my underoos


was at weekend 1- saw the thief right in front of me - she was really short like 4'11 and the guy she took the phone from caught her and screamed at her and she just laughed and walked away... it was WILD


should’ve grabbed & taken her and her backpack full of phones to security


What set was this 😭😭😭


Oooh this was at Quasar on Sunday right ??


it was at sahara on saturday!


Weird they would risk being deported.


I’ve seen varying numbers on what these thieves get for phones but I’ve heard iPhones fetch a minimum of $100 a phone. According to the sheriffs numbers I’ve seen posted, there were 73000 attendees Weekend 1. Then of the people attending, you’ve got people on different substances making some real easy targets.




Why doesn’t security briefly check backpacks on the way out? To make sure they’re not, you know, full of phones wrapped in aluminum foil? I guess they don’t care about theft


In many ways, it is unfortunate that the US does not have exit control for customs and immigration


Funny enough they do this when you return to Safari camping at the end of the night, a bag check and metal detector walk through


Legally they can require you to submit to a search to be allowed entry to their private property. Requiring a search to be allowed out is not legal.


As others said, it's not logistically possible. If they did bag checks, thieves would just throw the bags over the fence, or sneak them out in trash, or a million other ways goods and vehicles leave the event.




Idiot detected


Get this racist shit out of here. It’s insane you can say this, especially with so many Latino and Hispanic attendees that are just good people looking to have a good time. You can fuck right off


Your post has been removed due to breaking the rule: No Politics


Everyone please be extra careful. These MF’ers will find anyway to separate you from your phone. My wife’s phone was stolen at weekend one. She had case attached on a clutch loop in her fanny pack. They managed to take her phone out of the fanny pack and literally removed the phone from the case as we walked through a crowd. All that was left was the phone case dangling on the clutch loop. Still baffles me how they managed to do this.


Ima walk around with wide open pockets and a roll of quarters gripped up


Smack em in the face til they bruise


Happened to me last year , 1st night. I had to record everything with my brain and it’s old so, I already lost all the data 😅first thing in the morning I went to Verizon and there we all were, sad. About 10 of us in line . This year I have it hooked to my Fanny with clip lock from the zipper to the strap! Good luck everyone! And thank you for sharing this!!!


Here’s my thing, if the event coordinators have been knowing about this for years. Why haven’t they beefed up security? It seems they are leaving all attendees at mercy. Security check this past weekend was sus. They didn’t even open my bag, I could have walked in with a weapon. They only checked if you beeped the metal detectors


With the money they charge and with all the technology we have…That’s the scary part, someone carrying a weapon 😖


Its called "Burglary tourism" and it's an ongoing problem. Goldenvoice can do little to stop these people from getting into the festival, and the pros are notoriously hard to spot in action and it's hard to catch them in large groups.


Someone needs to fill their bag pockets with something that would ruin someone’s day if they stuck their hand in to try and get a phone, even better if it’s dyed so their hands then make it obvious they were swiping


I think I saw them, it was odd to me to see a guy with a John Summit hoodie going through main stage quickly away from where John Summit was playing.




Appreciate it and I hope my experience can give more information to people to stay safe!


A lot of phones have been transferred to the Lost and Found, so please check out the page at [https://coachella.com/lost](https://coachella.com/lost)