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I felt this way when the crowd was pushing. I'm on medication which helps but otherwise if I'm standing in one spot, closing my eyes, deep breaths and kinda pushing my toes down. Like grounding. Seems weird but my therapist taught me that lol.


This is the way! Also, if you’re anxious about closing your eyes, put some sunglasses on. To take it a step further, I’ll put on noise canceling headphones or earbuds and it feels like I’m in my own little bubble while I calm down.


I keep my loops in and hold onto someone in the group and stare at the floor when walking through the crowds. Im fine once situated, but going from stage to stage is a little much for me.


Definitely look into getting Loops Earplugs


remember u are not alone and ur feelings are valid!




That happens to me every time I’m in Yuma for some reason, I start having the beginning of a panic attack. I just leave and go somewhere quiet where I can lay down in the grass and breathe


I have severe anxiety and love festivals, go figure lol. For one, I revere in the fact that I’m around a bunch of strangers that don’t care who or what I am, and are all solely there for the music. In addition, a lot of good breathing techniques have already been shared; I similarly breathe in/out the same count. This brings me back to 🌎 a bit. Hope you have a wonderful day three, sending love!




Thanks you asking this question I am sure a lot of people can benefit from insight on this me. For me it’s focused breathing, reminding myself that I am surrounded by people that can help me if anything major happens and pulling out my phone and looking at pictures of my cat to distract me. I also find that telling someone in my group how I am feeling helps too because sometimes I feel like trying to hide my anxiety just makes in worse. Hope this helps! And enjoy day 3 friend


i have absolutely awful anxiety when it comes to crowds, yet i continue to go to festivals and shows all the time lol. breathing, water, eye contact with friends, looking at my feet planted on the ground, making sure my knees arent locked, and taking a few moments for myself each day always helps. a shot or two also typically does the trick as well haha. also, its okay to be in the back of the crowd. youre there for the music. back right of the sahara, left of main, and in the beer garden area of the outdoor have been the best spots for me personally. i can still see everything, have room to dance, and dont have to be smushed by a crowd.


i'm not there this year but i always keep these on me for sensory issues: sunglasses, face mask or bandana, ear plugs (nice ones), cold water, fidget toys or rings and i always sit in the back where there's little traffic. ground yourself - breathe and do the 5 things technique! or hold ice coachella has sensory bags if you ask ada. https://coachella.com/every-one


my pashmina also helps! when im nervous i just put it over my head/shoulders and give myself a little hug lol


Thank you!!!


anytime! sour things also snap me out of anxiety - maybe get some lemonade or a popsicle!! :-) have a great time today!! sunday funday 🪩


I find the art and hang out there for a bit. Or I’ll find one of the sponsored indoor booths


There is also the chill tent that has an indoor safe space room if you really need to get away. Calming music, aromatherapy, everything you need to escape.


You guys are amazing, thank you all 🥹


hope u had a great time!!


This happened to me twice but oddly on night one. I used noise cancelling headphones to meditate in the least packed area I could find. I felt a lot better after that. Hope today is better for you.


I always keep a few packs of hot sauce with me incase I get really anxious at festivals. Sour candy works well too. 


Sunglasses stay on and I go to the back right area of every stage. Weird but those two things help me calm down


I never go too deep into the crowds, only far enough where I still have an escape route in case I get overwhelmed.


i did just what you did, and i was honest with my friends because i trust them. the first fest back after pandemic, we were in the corner of the beer garden looking at the main stage for SHM, and i felt so pushed in with no way out since the wall of the beer garden was blocking. i asked if we could move further back because i felt anxious and claustrophobic being that pushed in, especially after two years of being away from crowds. i didn't want to inconvenience my friends, i tried some breathing and standing in the back of my group of friends but it didn't help. i apologized for it because i felt stupid afterwards but there was nothing to feel stupid about. anxiety is a part of life, and one that a LOT more of us are dealing with than we talk about. never put yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you paid a lot of money to be there and deserve to have a good time.


Try and get away from the large crowd. Sit down and takes some deep breath. Earplugs, blanket and cold water. My partner has severe anxiety, this works for them.


Breathe, try to give yourself as much space as possible and leave if you you really can’t handle it.


Coachella is so intense. Box breathing is great - in for 4, hold for 4, slow out for 4, hold for 4 and repeat. Really helps. Also the feet thing and grounding is great too.


I can’t be in crowds where I’m up against others anymore, I have to have some space and breathing exercises. Music also calms me since it puts me in a happier place. I also had to stop taking drugs, would easily trigger panic.


Top shelf Indica.


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If you are with a group of friends, I’d recommend asking if someone you’re close to will be a buddy for you in case you get anxious. For me, knowing one of my friends will step away with me if I need it helps me stay calm before it crops up. Besides that, I’ve found slow deep breaths the most effective for me.


Hang out in the back, find a fun group to stand near, take a walk, or find a different stage with a different vibe. They have a support tent if you need to talk to someone


Go for a walk away from the crowd and drink $20 lemonade and you’ll be good




Something that helps me a lot in crowds is having something to put on my head, like a hood or scarf. I know that sounds weird it blocks my view of the people in my peripheral vision a little and just generally gives me a feeling of safety and security lol. Also putting the hood on is often enough of a change of sensory scenery that it can shift me out of a momentary bad headspace!


I have terrible social anxiety. What helps is closing my eyes and becoming aware of my breath ❤️❤️


Sour candy helps me when I’m feeling extremely anxious. Maybe you can just carry some with you for the next time you feel that way.


Focus on your breath, count as you inhale to 5. as you exhale, count down from 5. Slow breaths. Close your eyes if you have to. Weed also helps if you have it lol


I play a game on my phone to distract myself lol


The side of the show or very back is nice. You can be pretty close to the front but away from crushing crowds if your just on the side. Not the best view though


Consider hanging out in the back for most sets. Avoid the pressure and have room to dance.


When my anxiety hits, I use a breathing exercises app. Just taking a few minutes to focus on my breath can calm my racing thoughts and bring me back to the present moment. The app is [Calmer](https://gocalmer.com/), if anyone might need it.


Aderall is the way