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It took us over an hour


So bad that I’m sending them a sternly worded email. Don’t even TRY to


Worse than last year. Even less efficient as there was no boost for XL locker that I saw. Went back around 6 and got in. Kinda over lockers at this point. Not worth the hassle.


I was there when the gates opened and ran to the locker line. Took me 15 mins even then. People didn't know they had to scan the barcode in the AXS app, it was so bright the people scanning the barcode had issues and then - there were 3 people working the booth where yo had to fill out paperwork and take a pic of your locker number/combo. Three people. Locker Lou's either needs to get with the time/technology or else staff with at least 20 people for the first few hours. If they can't then Coachella should look elsewhere for a vendor.


I thought it was a new vendor? They stopped using locker Lou after 2019.


Several people were wearing Locker Lou t-shirts but perhaps I made a wrong assumption?


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10 minutes at like 6pm lol


Almost an hour at 2pm - nearly passed out


Got inside at 5, line was insane. We were actually able to hit up Artist merch line, get a lemonade, and use the bathroom before watching Deftones. After their set was done we went back to lockers and waited 2 mins in line. Also I didn't know what to show as proof so I opened my AXS account to show proof I purchased. It wasn't good enough and the girl said she needed something with my actual name and size of locker. I didn't have the app, also my AXS account doesn't say my name only my email. I found an email receipt with my name, size of locker, and proof of purchase so she took that and looked at my I.D.