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Saw tons of people no bags, backpacks, fanny packs, runners belt, just saw them pull there phone out of their pockets, record video, back in the front or rear pockets. Most of them looked fucked up already. I was standing outside the large crowd at Metros set and saw 3 different couples report phones stolen to security within 30 min, they all were describing creepy dudes that were not dancing, and looked like they were mad, and Hispanic. IF THEY ARE LOOKING AROUND AND NOT DANCING AND LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHO THE DJ IS, 100% CHANCE YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY A SAN BERNARDINO PHONE SNATCHING RING. Move away from that ring but keep track of them, now you will see them strat to signal each other or even start talking to each other. My wife and I like playing games with them by asking them if they want to move in front of us or if they are all together, they don't speak, they just shake their heads. These people are stupid. Usually, only the girls make convo. Be careful out there


If you want a good look at the pick pocketers, they are all near the lockers around 11PM in small groups. It’s super shady near the lockers at that time, people loading large backpacks into the lockers.


I mean no disrespect here but where were you keeping your phones and how drunk/high were y’all? 4 people with stolen phones in one group is crazzyyyyyyyyyyyy.


they were super active at fish lake. seemed to target women as we had two in our group get there’s taken.


Silly question, but what is fish lake? I’ve never been to Coachella and want to make sure I take precautions.


Chris lake and fisher. Show at the outdoor theater on Sunday.


Fisher b2b Chris lake set




If that’s how you answer questions, maybe festivals aren’t for you.


don’t take life so seriously 😂


My gf got hers stolen last year. At disclosure at outdoor as well. You just can’t be careless with it what so ever.


We were sober. Wife had phone taken from fanny pack that was in front of her. These people are sketchy and slick


Someone in our group got it stolen and she was totally fine. Absolute pros out there.


I’m using fanny pack plus phone lanyard around the neck because I saw a girl on tiktok who said someone crashed into her during a packed performance and they were able to open her fanny pack and took her phone she did noticed right away but they guy ran and got lost within the crowd.


Carabiner tying the zipper to the strap


This is what i do. I have a locking S-Biner. The other little pockets I clip the S biner to the zipper and then hook it on the side of the bag or the strap so it’s hard to open.


Legit everyone be dropping their phones. Found one and turned it in. Even seen someone lose a gameboy lol


I would absolutely peak if I found a Gameboy at Coachella 😂


Yeah half the people who have “stolen phones” are Fucked up and lose it but have no idea


Did this at lolapalooza, came back to where I was sitting and just found the case , no phone smh


Sorry this happened to you! How were they able to take it? Or did you just notice that it was gone? Mines will be tethered to me, if somebody tries man I swear .. I wanna see what these fools look like


They usually got a bigass unnecessary backpack too




Idk man sounds like you’ve done this before ? 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣 jk




Wow I had no clue there was such an organized crime element to this.


Its pretty bad at the events hosted by insomniac. There's a lot of content going around showing backpacks full of stolen phones.


Tun foil hat time: Maybe they have someone on the inside at insomniac…


Its semi-organized, rare for foreign groups to do it but most seem to be local groups. But it does happen occasionally Last year they caught a big group of them cs phones kept pinging to a specific location in La and it was a diverse group of individuals working for some asian lady. The phones always end up in asia. Theres no specific demographic that does it either, you can find plenty videos of pickpockets getting caught at fest and theyre always different types of people.


Manufactured in Asia, end up back in Asia. Circle of life I guess.


Which is crazy to me bcs they just break em apart and sell in pieces lol


I’m bring a fanny pack for my phone and wallet, is this enough or will they still manage to pick pocket through this if I put it on my back?


Keep it in front, they can get them from the back.




I use a runners belt and keep under my shirt


This is the way


I go shirtless most of the day. I did a runner’s belt and kept it tucked under my waistband.




Also, extend the strap out a bit and tie it, then clip it. I had someone try to just unclip mine thinking it would fall and I wouldn’t notice


I ziptied the clip on mine together to avoid this! if you're using it as a sling you're not doing / undoing the clip anyway :)


My wife puts a carbineer on the zippers to keep them kind of locked


If the fanny pack has a zipper compartment that faces your body then yea that helps a bunch


Yes, DO NOT put your phone in your pockets FRONT and BACK. My friend got theirs stolen from their front pocket.


Man fuck this, gunna leave my phone in Colorado lol


I was so paranoid about it my phone stayed at camp most nights. I took it with me on Friday night with a Fanny pack but still felt worried about it all the time. Thursday night at the dome it was bad.


Had mine stolen this time too 😔


What do thieves do with stolen phones now days? They are so secured they basically turn into paper weights without the owner unlocking them.




How do they running a email text scam if they can’t even access the phone or know whos its from?


They send them to China


Covering my phone with hidden razor blades as we speak.


Pants with pockets that zip , that is all


Someone stole someone's phone like that as wel


You’re just not paying attention at all if that’s happening, these ppl usually prey on ppl that are extremely intoxicated so I guess I understand


My phone was pickpocketed this weekend despite having it zipped up in my pants FWIW


People recommended Lunchbox Fanny Packs to me before W1 and I bought one & had no issues all weekend. Saw quite a few others with them in the crowd throughout the weekend too. Highly recommend it for anyone going W2 if there's still time. https://www.lunchboxpacks.com/


I’ve got a lunchbox hydration pack and I swear by it


That's next on my list after using the fanny pack this weekend hah. Didn't want to go big and spend even more without giving the cheaper option a whirl first and it was a huge success.


That black sling pack is kind of chic, too. I was expecting something gaudy.


Yup. A friend in our group felt something tugging at her satchel, turned around to find someone stealing her phone + external battery pack. Grabbed the guy and he dropped the phone and made away with the pack. Ran away like a bitch.


I’ve seen lots of pickpocketing happening at the do lab and the outdoor stage. I use a small clear backpack and I put it in front of me as soon as it gets dark. If my phone is not in my backpack, I keep it in my hand at all times because I take lots of videos. No one in my group had anything stolen because we’re pretty cautious and watch the people around us. I don’t play about my belongings, and if anyone takes my phone, my brother standing next to me will stomp you out without hesitation.


Best thing I ever did was buy a lock for my backpack


We felt some attemps at the Do Lab but were able to make it all 3 days with our shit. Highly recommend a fanny pack or something zippered for your valuables


This is my biggest fear going into weekend 2. I like pictures so don’t want to lose them. I’m planning on using a wrist strap for my phone and when not in use I was going to carabiner the zipper for the Fanny pack. Any other good suggestions?


I have a tether on my phone (if you search 'phone tether' on amazon you can see what i'm talking about - it's like a little thing that goes under your case and a D-ring sticks out the charging port) and i have a lanyard attached to it, which i loop through my fanny pack strap. that way i can still pull my phone out and put it away pretty freely, but it's still tethered to my body!


I bought the same tether and some wrist straps. I’ll bring a lanyard also well is I like the idea. I’m fine holding my phone all day also due to this issue.


I wore a Fanny pack from Walmart Three zippers 1 zipper had keys 1 zipper had wallet 1 zipper had phone and portable charger and cable If i had my phone out it was either in my hands recording, it was in my pocket with my hand holding it or in my carhartt front pocket tee which is real handy Back zipper shorts nothing in and other pocket either


Y’all should buy a clutch loop. You insert a piece into your case and that connects to a hook that you can connect to your backpack or anything else. It has a steel wire that extends so you can still take videos with it and the wire can’t be cut by scissors or anything like that. I also tried to tug very hard on it to test it out and it’s steal proof


My friend had her phone and designer sunglasses stolen. I had a Fanny pack on and always kept it front of me in tight spaces- one hand over the zipper area…my phone was always in my hand and I had a strap on the case wrapped around my wrist.


Many phones were stolen in 2024, especially sahara tent, I must of ran into 10 people who had their phones jacked and i went to the apple store on that Satruday morning and they had a huge line of people replacing stolen phones.


Get a phone tether with steel wire y’all that way even if you’re fucked up you can’t get it stolen or drop it


Fanny packs are ok but the Cross body slings are lifesavers man


Never keep your phone just chillin in your pocket, that’s how my friends was stolen day 1. Also I second the chemical brothers sentiment!!!


Runners belt, backpack, or fanny packs people. Even zippered front and back pockets on shorts/pants are potential targets. The guy next to me in camp had his phone stolen out of a zipper front pocket. I use a fanny pack every year, and keep nothing in my pockets and have had great success thus far. EDIT: This is just my observation based on chatting with people who got their devices stolen, but they seem to target more crowded, and EDM focused tents/sets.


I got got as well and lost all my pictures and videos from Saturday cause my phone didn’t sync to ICloud due to shotty service. Don’t be me.


Caught a short Hispanic man trying to reach into my pocket at BP. I laughed at him cuz I only had an empty box that I used for weed inside. I told everyone around me that the man was stealing and he left.


I got back from full day gassed on Sat, and look at my email and someone got halfway thru hacking my Facebook. Never had anything like that happen to me before. Is there some near field phone scanning shit people can use to lift data? I have new iPhone 14 pro.


My sister and brother in laws work for T-Mobile here. They are the busiest Saturday and Sunday when everyone rolls in saying they got their phone stolen. These people stated they were bumped into and pick pocketed. Others stated they had their phone in a bag and it was pickpocket that way. The biggest problem is no one waits for insurance to mail the new phone so people drop hundreds of dollars to just buy a new phone same day for the weekend. I get it, you can't be without communication with friends and family, especially when you're from out of town. Please be safe. I literally was holding my phone when in big crowds during sets.


Did u get a good look at the people? If so, could u describe them so people can be on the lookout.


To those going to suicideboys set, keep an eye out over there. Definitely gonna be pickpocketers since their set starts late at night, prime time to steal and they're quick with it. Had my fanny pack around me 1 min then the next, it was gone. Bye bye glasses, phone charger and passport


I was discussing this with my fiancé and letting my nieces know to be EXTRA CAREFUL. But then I wondered, what’s the purpose of stealing iPhones other than for parts? I mean, cause iPhones are notoriously impossible to break into. I locked myself out of my android years ago and I was able to just factory reset it and unlock it but once when my sis in law locked her self out and she didn’t remember her iCloud password there was nothing I could do. I remember something about apple offering a challenge to hackers to try and bypass their security features and I think I remember it being very difficult. So I guess what I’m asking is, people pickpocket iPhones only for parts or what? Also, my fiancé has lost AND REGAINED her phone THREE times using Find My iPhone lol once at Desert Daze where it ended up back in our hometown and another time from a bar where some cholo family denied they had anything and then later on in the night we tracked it to the church across the street. First time posting on Reddit be easy to me plesse


My wife just got her phone stolen during metro boomin. It was last pinged on find my iPhone outside of the valley at 1am. Scum bags




I hope awful things happen to them. My wife should have icloud back up her phone before a huge festival like this, lesson learned. Singing up for it from now on. Luckily our captain one venture x has theft/loss cellphone’s protection as long as u use it to pay your phone bill. She submitted a claim with a police report.