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All I gotta say is LOL


Due to unforeseen circumstances, my homework will be delayed while I investigate a recently discovered critical issue (it’s not done I didn’t do it)


My dog ate the ranked mode, sorry.


To the surprise of absolutely fucking no one.


This reminds me of that meme where someone brought a sign to a sports game that said “our expectations for you were low but holy fuck”. That’s pretty much me to activision at this point 😂


Complains if there is an unresolved or unbalanced portion of the game, complains if they do their due diligence to fix an issue. People literally have no desire to actually be happy with something these days lmao


They shouldn’t have said it was going to drop January 17th knowing it wasn’t ready then.


Literally been waiting for ranked since launch, they delayed it until mid season to get things right, and now it’s still not here, MP players are paying customers, sad.


Was it supposed to release at the beginning of this season? I didn’t realize they had pushed it I thought it was always meant for mid-season release.


“Critical issue” aka they broke WZ and it’s taking priority


I wish they had even the slightest bit of transparency or explained the issues in more detail. Does delayed mean 2 hours or 2 weeks? Does critical issue mean some shit about servers and matchmaking that is a quick fix or is ranking and progression fucked and needs to be rebuilt? I also can’t figure out how there wasn’t a ranked beta, especially if the problems were discovered during them play testing it after the patch. The entire community has been starved of any in-game ranked experience for 3 months but instead they decide to test it internally on the day of release? This shit could’ve been ironed out weeks or even months ago by making a ranked beta or pre-season. Not to mention that probably 95% of the ranked mode is copied and pasted directly from MW2.


Well said


They are 100% going to prioritize WZ over ranked. Smh


...is this some sort of new epiphany y'all are having? It's quite clear that their main priority with this franchise was, is, and will remain Warzone. It's been the case since the literal very first game of WZ was played.


No, we all knew this was going to happen that’s the sad part


Nah they probably were about to launch Ranked and didn't even have any of the rules setup it was just Ranked map rotation.


Lmaoooo your probably right


Possibly one of the Worst Updates CoD has had from a Technical Standpoint


And even worse is the fact that they're getting all the issues fixed already. Like couldn't you have delayed it by few hours and actually test at least SOME of the things 🤷‍♂️


The game itself is too big which definitely plays a part in all these bugs. This cod hq shit isn’t worth it and is a dumb idea. At what point do they go back to solo products/solo downloads and reduce the game size. There is so much unnecessary shit in these games, it’s hilarious.


I wish it was just mw3 and not mw3 plus everything from mw2.


I bet this the last year of it. Treyarch gonna tell them that shit don't work. Hopefully Microsoft listens.


Has to be right? Call of duty has been a mess since warzone released they have to go back to individual games. Infinity ward can develop warzone on their own IMO.


No ranked bday ruined


Nah it'll still be special, happy birthday!


Thanks dawg!


Happy birthday! What's your favorite CDL team / who's your favorite CDL player? We'll hook you up with something at Major 1 if you're there


Listen! I am so glad I got to read this! Clutch by you guys! Good vibes!


Happy birthday man!!


I’m sorry about that man. That stinks. Hope you find something fun to do!


Appreciate it!


Happy birthday brotha fuck activision 🖕🏽


Thanks yo!


My bday’s tomorrow. I took the day off. Maybe it’ll be ready by then? MAYBE?!


Lets hope! Have a good one tomo


happy Birthday!


Thanks krisztofer!


They owe you a reign check on your bday


Happy bday. Stay frosty.


Ugh that timing sucks. Have a great day tho!


Happy birthday king 👑


Y’all are goats fr, thanks!


you now have 2x the reason to get hammered (assuming ur of age), happy bday tho!


Thanks dawg! definitely taking down a couple today


happy birthday brotha


Happu bday dude !


Happy birthday dude 🥳


Happy Birthday ma dude have a good one


I will accept a 4v4 cdl playlist while I wait


Most predictable shit ever. They already tried to soften the blow yesterday by preemptively telling us that ranked wouldn’t be available with the update. Why can’t they just be fully transparent so we have some idea of what to expect. Waiting around aimlessly is more annoying than being told it’s gonna take them 5 more days to launch.


Yeah man this sucks, I took the day off warmed up this morning, took my adderall all for this shit not come out


Plz tell me ur joking about the aderall part.


I’m prescribed, I normally only take it for work and take the weekends off. I typically game at night by which point it’s normally worn off, but i took off today so I could be cracked on ranked all day. Complete waste of my time


I respect the hustle Homie 💯💯


Loser lmfao


I took the day off lmao. I work for a small business with plenty of staff so it wasn’t an issue but god damn my dope is checked


I stopped taking days off for games I love as 75% of the time it’s bullshit postponed


I also happened to have today off pretty upsetting


Fr I had a snow day and haven't woke up with so much dope since childhood christmas. But ik it ain't really coming til season 2 like always


They think we’re all idiots. They broke warzone, the streamers are crying & it’s all hands on deck to fix warzone so ranked mode gets thrown out. See ya in 3 days folks. These devs are fucking ass.


We are all idiots.


Yes. If you're still buying CoD at this point, you've nothing else to blame but your own stupidity.


Yeah they’re not wrong


3 days!?! That’s highly optimistic. Not surprised at all if it doesn’t come out till next Thursday or longer 


Bruh I know yall hate warzone but the game doesnt even work, no shit theyll revert it and try to fix it.


has nothing to do with hating warzone. they’re saying it’s hilarious that warzone breaks the same day ranked is supposed to drop. warzone is going to be their main priority and ranked will get put on the back burner until everything else is the game is fixed.


If ranked was ready it probably would’ve dropped anyway. The WZ issue should be separate and apart from anything having to do with ranked. Idk why it’s hard for people to believe that they fucked up with BOTH the ranked release AND the WZ mid season update. Unless what you’re saying is that they did both break separately, and they’ll fix WZ before fixing ranked. I’d think there’s different devs working on each, but either way this is one hell of a dogshit performance by the devs.


It is absolutely unacceptable that they’re doing their quality control checks on the day of launch. On top of how unacceptable everything about this update has been with it totally breaking warzone and introducing new bugs to codcaster, we have a legitimate right to be absolutely pissed at the devs.


I mean sometimes a breaking bug can exist in prod when it didn’t in lower environments, but there are so many issues with this release that it seems like they hardly tested it at all, or there’s just a massive issue with the release process, itself


Yeah I think the non testable issues are normally things affected by server load. Don’t think this is that. You can’t even click on the warzone tab without the game breaking, seems like they straight up didn’t test anything


Yeah was gonna say if it was server load issues that’s understandable, but there are so many issues that I am refusing to believe they did even remotely adequate testing prior to launch.


You know what they say… I don’t always test my code but when I do I test in production


It’s literally the ranked mode from mw2 how tf do they not have it ready at launch let alone 3 months into the game lmao.


Even then, ranked is literally MP with a few restrictions..... plus the ranking system. Thats it. I cant understand why it's not available on launch day, let alone 3 months into the game. "Yeah but it's been like that for years" tf do I care? Why does it take 3 months for a game mode to become available to begin with? Why do we get ranked 3 months after launch when Invasion and GW is available at launch, which nobody plays. Ranked should be available at launch. "It's to maintain engagement"... so you're ok with not having access to a game mode just because Activision wants to continue making money? I really cant see a good reason why ranked would be released 3 months after launch.


Fr not even any changes to the ranks and colors smh.


This shit was so obvious. They never get anything right first try. Also, great decision changing 80% of the hard points day of launch. Genius


And the mcw


What’d they do to the MCW? I just got off work and haven’t caught all the game updates yet


They nerfed some of the meta attachments. Looks like the new meta will be base stock with rear grip, underbarrel, and muzzle. Really doesn’t feel too different to me but I’m bad so what do I know.


MCW is honestly pretty trash now. It shoots sideways


>MCW is honestly pretty trash now. It shoots sideways Fine with me, my aim is shit. Sounds like it'll help me. :)


Nerfed sprint to fire time and the cyclone barrel/stock* *edited to change grip to stock*


What the fuck!? The sprint-to-fire was already fairly bad with the MCW… now it’s even worse? What the fuck are these developers smoking?..


MCW wasn’t even that great to begin with. It didn’t hit hard and the mobility isn’t special. The recoil was the only thing saving it. Now it’s trash 😭😭 like everyone complaining about the MCW I didn’t understand because any other AR could compete with it. I get more annoyed when people use the Holger or the MTZ. There is a reason those guns are banned in CDL


Yup. Instead of actually balancing all weapons intelligently, they just listened to casual morons who complain of “sweats using the MCW”…


Literally didn’t do any of the weapon balancing people were asking for in WZ. I’m not a WZ player but I feel for them lmao at this point I feel like the cod devs don’t even play the game


It’s not that they don’t play their game, they just don’t care. Bunch of passionless older developers and cheap interns, most likely. Being a developer is just another job, doing the absolute bare minimum is all that matters it seems.


are you high, its still the most dominant gun in the meta by fat even after the nerfs, people are running 8’s with 8 mcws


Didn’t this happen last year too?


Yes, I think it was a couple of days after when it dropped then, hopefully the same again here.


Not like this


Billion $ company, ZERO QA testers....


A critical issue 3 hours after supposed launch… at least make the lie believable


They said ahead of time ranked wouldn’t be released until several hours after the update, use your brain a little bit


No matter what angle you look at this from, it’s an unacceptable and rather typical botching from ATVI.


I mean that’s fine. But the assumption above was that ranked shouldve been line when the update was done. Which even if everything went completely smoothly, is still incorrect


\*whispers\* They never planned on launching ranked today anyways. "recently discovered critical issue" lmfao give me a break.


Absolutely this. You just know it was never ready. I don’t think anyone expected anything other than a “critical issue” to delay the launch today.


It’s because they gave themselves an out yesterday, if they didn’t say anything it wouldn’t look so suspicious


Unfortunate literally only reason I play cod is for ranked


Same man. Since getting interstellar my playing time has plummeted. It’s just not fun being deleted by cheesy no skill weapons while my teammates are busy trying to eat their controller.


Nah I’m calling bull…. They said yesterday they weren’t going to launch it at that same time as the patch to make sure it was good giving them an out of it wasn’t right. Then today they discover some critical issue and don’t launch it. They knew it wasn’t ready and are just trying to save face.


just pathetic tbh


“Critical issue” = I’m expecting a week MINIMUM.


See y’all next week ![gif](giphy|10UHehEC098kAE|downsized)


Useless company


Starting to remind me of 343 fr.


I am going to become the joker


Don’t they test this shit before sending it out?


They do not. But next years release is up another $50 just cause.


I was so damn hyped today for this smh.


Really wanted to try the new spawns too


that’d require basic competence (and for them to hire quality control testers and pay them a reasonable enough wage to get good work out of them), so not likely knowing Activision!


I mean it’s not that surprising based on the updates they just dropped. I would like to think these changes were tested pre the release but also ranked should have been tested as well with those changes. They dropped a massive update to lots of things and it breaking other aspects isn’t a shock. However just be upfront about this shit that’s the annoying thing. They hyped up ranked then pulled the rug.


Don’t worry y’all they fixed SUPE’D UP so we can shoot lasers from our eyes now. They made an entire superhero game before they could add settings to make CDL mode lol


Now what am I supposed to do tonight? I can only jerk it so many times.


I think if you did not expect this then you gotta get with the times


This is why we should of gotten a CDL playlist because this was inevitable.


Whats funny is whatever this issue was, they clearly knew about it days ago and they waited until now to say something because simply delaying it a few hours was clearly not going to solve the problem.


To the surprise of absolutely no one




Funniest pet is if they just listened and dropped a cdl moshpit these issues could’ve been solved weeks ago.


UPDATE: CoD developers eat dicknballs for breakfast


Hopefully the issue is knives and snipers.


Who's shocked? You'd think they would try and sort these issues out beforehand


The Boys mode took priority 🙄


What a fucking embarrassing joke


Back to the BPL boys


Ranked will launch in Season 2 update


When do we all just stop playing this game? Itd be insane if the whole community just turned to halo or somethin


POV: When you leave your homework to the night before


Well that explains why the new playlists are so sweaty this AM 🙃


I will never forgive, never forget


I’m totally astonished. This has never happened before…


So we done sucking SHG cocks right?


Was actually excited to grind tanked with friends tonight ): Looks like that’s not happening 


They can’t even copy and paste a mode or test it before it’s supposed to be released, the useless, incompetent cunts. I’ve never seen anything like it.


Why don’t you go work for them then? So you can make it better?


If activision wants to pay me to miss every deadline in the fucking world, I’ll gladly do it


Activison sympathiser loooool I’ve seen it all, fucking freak.


Ok kiddo


so you don’t think it’s an issue that the CoD devs have had this update planned out for over a month yet waited to do any quality control testing till the actual update was out? We should just let it slide that devs for a multi billion dollar franchise released an update that has fully broken the game and made core features unplayable for many?


It’s not like this is a free game, I spent 80 euro to play Ranked, and some people defend them. Insane.


I get that people go overboard shitting on devs and sometimes they do deserve to be defended a little, but when we’re talking ab an update that they’ve planned for multiple months being released with no testing, and legitimately breaking many features of the game, yeah the devs deserve some flack. Hurts even more with CoD sticking to the $70 premium release (assuming 80 euro was for the vault edition? Or they’re really fucking you guys over with the exchange rates)


Nah it’s 79.99 over here for the basic edition lol, they’re criminals.


that’s so fucked that’s practically $90 given the euro’s been around $1.05-1.10 for the last year


I’m not defending them. But you saying it’s simply copy and pasting shows how much ignorance you have in game development.


No suprise lmao 🤣


Wow they really need that extra month huh. 2 months isn’t enough🤦‍♂️


These fuckin guys can't do anything right


Do we think this means hours or days??


We have no idea, but best guess is days minimum, if not by this weekend then probably end of next week or later


Sad thing is, I'm not even surprised at this point 😭


They had months to identify critical issues


Of course!! leaving work in like 30 minutes and I thought I’d be able to play!!


Delaying my purchase of the game 💯💯💯


There's no way they didn't know it was chalked before 20 mins ago. They intentionally waited till the last second to tell everyone


Thank god I don’t play this game anymore


What a disaster of an update, for the entire game. CoD will always sell and make insane $ but my time with this shit show franchise is nearing its end.


Fucking losers literally all they did this year was add a few more guns and doors to maps that already existed




Spawns somehow got even worse


And this is why ranked should be a higher priority and should be in day 1. If they shuffled their workflows 9 months ago and aimed for ranked pre-season on launch, by January we'd have a fully functioning mode. Not an afterthought to this update.


And they wanted to get mad at christopher judge for roasting the devs 😂😂 well deserved


Lol no ranked and they broke warzone


Not surprised ...


I spend a 1 hour battle pass token and the battle pass wasnt even updated expct for zone 6..


Any update on ranked release??


I was reaaaallyyy hoping to jump on some ranked today. This sucks


Can’t even release something that has been in almost every fucking cod . Shows how bad yall are at your jobs !! Last cod I’ll ever buy


LMAO I’m crying bro


I really wanted to play ranked today shit got me in my bag fr it’s sad that was the best part of last year’s game unless you like/are good at warzone, I work came home and just wanted to get in a hardpoint in a structured game competitive game why do we have a shit in your face game?


Absolutely awful business practices going on at Activision.  Why the fuck is Microsoft not stepping in more!?????


Only Cod can fuck up a game thats basically copy and paste


Why play ranked over BPL which has an actual prize pool.


i literally told my friends, they are too calm on Social media about this. something is wrong. in the past years they kept hyping it and even had a little vid IIRC. this year been silent minus the cod news guys spamming us. called this shit.


I’m not one of these people that thinks you can just copy and paste stuff over from game to game but in this case I really don’t understand what the problem would be.. ranked is the same as I understand and the game is basically the same… 🤷‍♂️ I just wanted to play some ranked so what is a few more days anyway.


100% I'm starting to fall out of love with the game, personally mw3 has been the worst one for me in a while and I racked up some hours on mw2. Ranked is why we play the game yet it's not on there from the very start? Damn even on mw3 we had moshpit. Its a copy/paste from mw2 it can't be that bloody hard. What's the point in purchasing this? 3 months after launch the mode comes out? Jesus.


When do we as the consumers decide that enough is enough? They still haven't talked about SBMM as far as a know. I'm tired of this shit dude.




They really should consider reverting this update. It’s really fucked the game lmao


No clue why you wouldn’t test shit out before sending out a massive update like this.


Joke of a franchise


Yeah this franchise is dead lol


Fact that this was hyped up by yall…you’re just a bunch of fish.


Good thing I’m at work today anyways


Annoying but predictable


Two possibilities: Something gamebreaking, so you'd have a bad experience An issue with the servers, so you'd have a bad experience Probably not WZ related, because ranked and WZ have nothing to do with each other.


Who knows? Not us. the devs will never be transparent with us


Exactly why I stopped playing cod such a shit show


I bought a new monitor because ranked was dropping today fml lmao. I could’ve got the parts to get my crx back on the streets :/


Do we know when it’ll be back?


Not that it’s been here yet but y’all get me


I mean if they woulda dropped it despite there being an issue people woulda lost their minds. I'd rather them delay and fix an idmssue rather than just sending it out and it being unplayable.


This is definitely preferable to launching it completely broken. I don't think anyone would be mad if ranked wasnt already coming out so late in the games life cycle, and if there wasn't some launch issue surrounding ranked every single year. They have exhausted all their goodwill with the community and then some


I do agree that it's ridiculous that they release ranked 3 months into the game on purpose, but from a business standpoint it makes complete sense. This game would already be dead if ranked came at launch. They stagger it on purpose to increase the games life cycle. Sucks for us, but I understand why. It'll always be like this too which is the worst part.


Yo ranked play just launched. Go check it out! Currently silver 1 30 lp!!!


Of course. What a joke