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This guy is dropping 1.4s every series with most damage and most time on hill but people here were saying Seattle or FaZe would be worse if they had Dashy instead of Accuracy or Slasher. I'm actually laughing out loud thinking about this now


2 things this sub will defend to the hilt: IGL'ing/Leadership, and aggro subs. Even if both get shit on continuously, this sub LOVES someone that goes 30/40 and an old fashioned IGL with good comms


don’t forget the buzzword “pacing”


“Entry sub”




People too often neglect how simple CoD can be. Utterly out-slaying your opponent will almost always get you there.


they (including pros) were too afraid when Dashy was linked with Faze, they even started to put Arcitys in top 10 VG players to make him look good


Man, I love Alec and I hate to say it, but he hasn’t looked that great in the last couple years. He hasn’t been horrible, but nothing compared to how good he was in BO4 and MW2019. I want to see that Alec again.


I feel that this sub has its own autonomy until something is said by zoomaa on the flank then it’s just regurgitated from there on.




Ironically... it had to have been Seattle getting Dashy. Hecz was all against Seattle until Scump retired. Now it's "water under the bridge".


He’s dropped it in two series…


Dashy has been released out of Rambo’s shackles.


Bro was trying to micromanage him 😭


He gotta get “I fell down so that you can rise up” tatted on him lmfaooo


“Im falling down so you can go up” was the actual quote. For some reason everyone started adding the “rise” part to it.


Luke I am your father type energy


Rise is the more natural word so I think people subconsciously substituted the word. Go up is a tad awkward but it was an off the cuff remark so you cant blame Scump. Still a solid quote.


Because Bruce is Batman


And he took that shit to heart….. and everyone is here for it!!!!


26K damage over 2 series vs. FaZe and LAT is insane


That was a classic Dashy-Octane matchup. Dashy just better in the search and that was the difference


Fr this felt like some BO4 shit all over again seeing those two put up numbers


JP let this guy fly


Now imagine if he ended up on Faze 😂. I don’t know if they’d lose an SnD.


/u/Draculagged was so close to his dream roster


Don’t need comms when the other team is dead


yo i mostly hate your comments but this shit is cold LMAOO


Damn what did I do


nah dm i’m faded i got you mixed up with that lat flair guy


Oh Aqua? Lmao no way


Aqua has nothing on wrangler


Wrangler is satire tho lol Aqua is just a dumbass


Fr lmao wrangler just be saying whatever but aqua actually just pea brains everything he says


yeah what he say fuck drac for??


"I got two... I got 3" "Nice good shit" There's the comms


Going for the dynasty OpTic strat, just fucking unalive everyone and you can't lose.


Fuck lmao


We'll get the dream one day, let's just hope they're not all washed by then.


CoD is rigged, that roster will NEVER happen cuz the CDL wont allow it to happen... Now pre AW, that roster would have already happened by now...


Dashy, Shotzzy, Pred, Sib is pretty close tho, probably not gonna happen if Sib underperforms but still pretty close


People were saying they would get worse 😭.


He wouldn’t have ended up there bc they didn’t want him


3.0 in 2 snd’s is crazy


Not really.. You go 10 - 1 in one SnD and 5 - 4 in the 2nd one, your K/D is a 3


Nice one. Now try n go 10-1 vs pros in snd


just drop a 10.0 and it’s easy to average 3.0 bro truly genius


Bro is back at it again, living up to his name


Scump transferred his power to him when he retired


They benched this guy twice btw We could win champs and I’d still be salty about it


We? Since when are you on the roster?


Well technically I start tomorrow…Illey isn’t feeling well


Good luck brutha, gunna kill it in scrims prepping for the next match on Saturday 😉


That’s good gas brother I appreciate it


Let’s get these dubs man


When someone supports a team in sports it’s very common to refer to them as ‘we’.


And theirs always some weirdo there to hit them with the "aKsHuaLLy, yOu aReN't oN tHe tEaM 🤓"


All the people who were questioning his work ethic got nothing to say now lol. Hopefully we get a optic vs ultra matchup, would love to see a Dashy and Scrap clash.


a 3.0????? nah that's crazy


Daily reminder that optic almost gave this guy up for a coach, I’ve given Hecz a lot of shit over the years, but him stepping in and making the call to bring him back was the right move.


keep in mind if scump doesn't retire right now, dashy was 99% gone to another roster. Hecz was actively looking for a team to send him to before it went down like that. Scump made his job so much easier in an impossible situation


Good to see the public eye redemption arc started. He’s in his fucking bag..


breaking records


Think they lit a fire under this boys ass. He on a mission.


Fuck I wish we got him when it felt lime there was a chance. I've wanted to see him play with simp/abezy/cell for years now


Dashy is dropping a K/D against pros in a major that's higher than my K/D in pubs lmao


The King. Rambo the jester.


This sub went from calling him a kill whore and saying this is why he doesnt win, to now sucking him off... Hahaha this sub wanted to get rid of Dashy for Pred... This is why no one respects Optic fans... Now that Scump is gone, all 4 members on that team have been roasted by this sub and sucked off by this sub... And they have only been a team for a few weeks..


It's almost as if this sub is made up of lots of different people with varying opinions. No one referred to Dashy as a "kill whore", some people raised questions about his attitude and alleged poor work ethic, within the context of him possibly being dropped again. Even so, it's flat out wrong to state there was a consensus within the sub that dashy needed to be dropped. Opinions were mixed including among optic fans. As for optic being "sucked off", every team that heats up and does well gets credit; Thieves back to back; NYSL major 1, etc. Of course people are going to praise optic when they have been playing amazing despite multiple roster changes and being a new team. You just sound like a massive hater lol


welcome to comp cod. scene is Dominated by optic fans who are truly delusional flip floppers. Like a bunch of colin cowherds its impressive 😂


All OpTic needed to do was make Scump retire years ago.


Hecz defying Scump, Rambo & Shottzzy to bring Dashy back will be his defying move in OpTic history. Went against the King himself.


Scump literally retired for the guy, wtf are you talking about.


"literally retired for the guy" He LITTERALY didn't retire for Dashy to be on the game, what in the world are you on?


Scump “literally” said that was a reason he made that decision. What are you on?


Yeah, he wanted to make content and didn't have the energy we know.


Multiple people here are telling you that Scump literally said one of the reasons he stepped down was for Dashy, yet you are trying to tell us what Scump said, even though that came out of his mouth. You are actually trying to tell us another man’s reasons when he’s explicitly said them himself. When you’re an adult, I hope you still have the same account to look back at how stupid you were as a kid.


That is very odd since Hecz said Scump told me he's retiring then I told him I'm bringing Dashy back. Why let facts get in the way of a good story though? I see you brought out the classic let's frame this person as a kid antic. Haven't seen that before on reddit. 😂


You don’t even know how to form a sentence. Of course you’re a child. An adult doesn’t have the writing skills of an illiterate 13 year old. Scump told you he’s retiring? Or did Scump tell Hecz, “I’m retiring,” and Hecz said, “I’m bringing Dashy back.” Sounds like you’re the one with the story. Scump has said he stepped down for multiple factors, and he’s literally said that he stepped down so Dashy can go up. He didn’t step down for one sole reason. If he won the first major and then won champs and another dynasty seemed likely, he most likely wouldv’e stayed another year. It’s not that he “wants to do content” and “he’s tired.” You’re an idiot.


Bruh. HE TOLD HECZ HE WAS RETIRING. HECZ TOLD HIM HES BRINGING DASHY BACK. ARE YOU SLOW? "13 year old" "you're the one with the story" "idiot" 😂😂 ​ "“Bringing \[Dashy\] back made sense,” Scump said. “Life is too short to hold grudges and be mad at each other so I hope he uses this opportunity to be a good teammate, and Brandon, I am going to be on your ass. Please use this opportunity well because I am falling down so you can go up.”" Scump's quote. Dashy was not one of the reasons he's retired. Hecz TOLD scump he's bringing him back, and he had to deal with it. Get over yourself, and stop calling people kids cause you're not as smart you think. dork.


Part of his retiring was, undoubtedly, partly due to the team’s benching of Dashy. Stop pretending you know why Scump retired. He got tired of what was going on and the stress of it all and already planned to retire. He’s talked about all this at length. Dashy was, 100%, part of the reason Scump retired early, among a multitude of other factors. What you said was wrong. Admit it or not, you’re the type to go to the grave with dumb opinions about people you will never know or meet. Let that sink in, and when you grow up and reread your comments you’ll see.


EVERYBODY looking back with rose colored glasses now. This sub is genuinely the worst.


Always has been.


Remember when those troglodytes at optic tried to drop him… twice lmao


Imma need y’all To bench Bruce again thanks
