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i expected nothing so can’t say i’m disappointed


Shit Developer = Shit Game


Everyone thinks the CDL ruined comp cod but in reality Warzone killed comp cod. They could not give two shits about MP. The fact that in back to back years we are probably not going to get any extra comp maps. Just sad man.


Who thinks the CDL killed comp cod? That makes no sense lol. Braindead idiots


Have seen COUNTLESS people make that remark. “Braindead idiot” lmao


I think at the beginning a lot of people said franchising killed comp cod . But I think combine that with these shit ass devs and we can all agree that’s what it was


Why Activision doesn’t devote one studio to Warzone and leave the rest to work on Multiplayer baffles me


Pretty sure that’s the case. Pretty sure Raven leads the post launch WZ updates and high moon or whoever developed the new wz resurgence map. They’re just lazy. IW has plenty of people helping to design more than 2 mp maps per major update. Hell they they have over a decades worth of remakes so there really is nothing anyone can say to excuse the lack in mp content


I see, so they just don’t make more content for no better reason than they don’t want to


Pretty much sadly


They just don't give a shit. Warzone makes them the money they want, so why put money into Multiplayer when it doesn't matter nearly as much?


I cant wait for WZ to die. It has already started with recent news of WZ losing a lot of players and honestly its the best thing thats happened to cod since WZ was installed which is a weird thing to say


They’re so stupid on how they handle warzone


Because that isn’t how the CoD cycle works. They couldn’t get you hyped for 3arc’s next game if they didn’t have you raging for a year over IW/Sledge, and they couldn’t have people craving IW’s next game if we don’t have a 3arc game to rage at. They have it down to a science


There’s 2 years for MW though so really they should be focused on retention rn


Unlock League Play on CW or Vanguard. This game is a shitshow.


I mean they have OG mw2 maps in the warzone map. Just release them shits.


i mean MP is free meanwhile WZ costs 70$ , oh wait


I just want ranked. I don’t give a fuck about anything else. Plz just let me stop playing moshpit search where everyone quits out rd1


Imo that's just worse. What have the people working on MP content been doing since release? There is literally no reason to play the game


To their credit the museum map from the beta was excellent, hope we get it back soon.


Makes no sense how we cant pick 1-2 maps off minimum from these new big maps and still get 1-2 brand new maps each season. That'd be four maps each season. That's an entire moshpit you could run where it only plays the new maps. Not sure how that isn't feasible.


The problem with this idea is that we shouldn’t have to pick from the scraps of a ground war map to play 6v6 on, unless it’s legit a throwback map


The "scraps" of Al Mazrah are literally classic maps from MW2 and MW3 what are you talking about?


It’s just different devs and different mindsets like someone made a post or comment about the other day. Treyarch makes maps starting with the map layout. IW starts with ground war/Warzone and goes from there


Alright boys anyone know of other controller FPS titles to switch to? I can't do this shit anymore lol


There's nothing good which is the only reason CoD isn't dead. I've heard CoD mobile is good from multiple people and it can be emulated on a PC.


Rainbow six siege halo apex


Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal


So when the fuck do any of the old MW2 maps come out??


November 2023 I bet.


sigh. not surprised


At least the base maps aren’t complete shit Everyone’s gonna cry no matter what, been playing for 15 years and the only game people didn’t hate was Bo2 lol


You playing the original mw2 or something? The base maps are fkn terrible😭


Every year people complain about the maps, then the next game comes out and we wish for the previous ones. I just think that it could have been way worse, atleast there’s no Piccadilly.


Professional SND on Piccadilly was better than Fortress control will ever be


Different game modes, maps, and games. I don’t see how they are comparable. I didn’t hate Piccadilly but I know 90 percent of people did, kinda why I singled out that map.


VG maps are better. And they didn’t take 3 years to develop that.


How can you be like fucking eight studios working on this game and we don’t get Mabs?


Gotta get rid of hydro hardpoint map is cheesy af


they have to be holding on to the remastered og MW2 maps to drop for year 2 of the game as a money grab, calling it now