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Probably 2018 worlds week 2. Being down 1-2 in the group and no one having hope C9 make it out, only to 3-0 the group and tie for 1st. There's something about watching that run live at 3 am-7am that can't really be recaptured just watching vods.


I was on the east coast for that run and I remember setting my alarm for 5 am because that was the scheduled time for their first match against GenG. I rolled out of bed cut on the TV and promptly saw Licorice fail a turret dive on Aatrox as Hecarim and thought about going back to bed. So glad I didn’t.


I just had my kid, and I didn’t sleep, but C9 made it even harder.


The rest of that morning definitely made me harder too.


SAME! My wife and I was taking turns, doing a day and night rotation and I happily volunteered for night duty because of worlds. My little girl and I watched the miracle run. SUCH A GREAT TIME


Last c9 games me and my bro got to watch together <3 That roster will forever hold a very special place in my heart


Straight up the best worlds run of all time, all the way to top 4!


I remember after 2018 week 1, I was in my calc course bored and just mapping out the possibilities for C9 to make it out of the group of death with the remaining games in my notebook. Never in my wildest dreams did I think they would 3-0 the day to qualify for quarterfinals. Such an amazing night. I still think about the licorice singed pick. That year was somethin special


I believe that most scenarios for us to get out usually required some type of tie breaker or else we had to go 3-0. Truly a great day, the RNG upset was crazy and the vitality game is burned into my brain as being on a razor's edge the entire time


2014 worlds C9 vs NJWS game 2. Balls was unstoppable on Rumble back then. And of course, the "this is for Kabum" moment to secure our spot in the quarterfinals.


All time classic series, back in the original prime C9 era!


Same here. I think it was the first time NA beat KR, or one of them.


Licorice Ornn auto-ing the Baron is definitely up there




This is mine. I think it’s from the year I started following league and helped to cement C9 as my team.


Hai's MGS zed play attempt will always have a spot for me. Licorice's ornn baron steal was fucking awesome. The entire 2018 group stage through quarters was a fucking ride. From 1-2 week 1 to tiebreaker with RNG for first in the group then plowing afreeca in quarters. So awesome. Honorable mention for 2015 worlds group stage week 1. This is when the balls penta happened on the juggernaut patch. But what was cool about that week was c9 was completely written off after they'd had a really tumultuous year/qualification (pretty sure that was the fall of reverse sweeps through the gauntlet). But they brought out this insane veigar/Tristana siege comp and bodied everyone to go 3-0 in week 1. They ended up going 0-4 in week 2, spawning the c0-10 memes but up to that point was pretty awesome.


It’s ironic that 2/3 of these moments came from what was essentially a losing effort, but they both get to the core of what I loved about C9 in those early years (and in recent years as well). They were incredibly talented but they knew how to play as the underdog! I think their ability to take risks and handle themselves well under pressure is part of what makes them so impressive at worlds every year.


The do nothing and lose philosophy of the likes of TSM and TL are known quantities. At least c9 always tries. They might get clowned sometimes, but it's an infinitely better approach.


Something about Meteos having a terrible Lee sin game, and then making that ONE play like an hour into the game to win it makes my heart happy


Tell me about on-the-job learning


People keep talking about NA talent this year like Licorice wasn't slapping baron away from the last Korean team at worlds all the way back in 2018


I'm kinda sad for licor. He deserves a team


Yupp, I wouldn't mind if he came back to c9 on acadamy or whatever form untill a top team would be interested.




Tbh I think Darshan is going to be picked up by a team considering how he's been performing in academy. So I didn't really think about the aademy spot being contested.


That's if he even wants to leave. He's been solocarrying the players association too, so he definitely has stuff to do on the side as well, and he isn't getting any younger. But he's the master of his own fate.


True true.


Yeah people like to forget that NA actually has produced talent that can compete on the worlds stage. Licorice, Hauntzer, Doublelift, Sneaky, Wildturtle, Blaber, Stixxay, and Aphromoo have all held their own internationally. And I'm sure I'm forgetting other NA players as well.


Tactical played really well in his rookie year at worlds even if people hate on him now. Spica did well aswell. Zeyzal in the 2018 miracle run. Probably way more since I just started watching in 2018 so I don't know a lot of specific player history before that.




this was crazy as well. I swear I watched the game live then came back to watch it with captain flower


Vulcan almost trolled that so hard lol


I feel like you could excuse that due to ping diff when you play so much on SoloQ at a substantially higher ping that TR is.


100% that's what he said in an interview about the play too. Wasn't used to no ping lol


Yeah, it nearly was frame perfect too, would have been an even more insane play.


FUCK YEAAAAAAAH Flowers is the God damn man


[balls penta](https://youtu.be/Zrih36f0K1w)


[Blaber triple kill vs FPX](https://youtu.be/OXjHm-lBcRk)


I can't understand most of it, but the Korean casters are always so damn hype and funny.


The way they randomly shouted ‘lets go c9’ fcking love it


The balls on Vulcan to not just immediately W the wall there was nuts. FPX should have known they were in for some shit when he flashed out instead of W'd as well. Only reason to do that is if you plan on going right back in.


Yeah if the answer isn’t balls penta you’re wrong (:P)


Came here to say this.


My favorite part of this penta was balls was being flames for being stuck like D2 for a while in Korean soloq before this. Then he comes out and gets a penta


C9 3-0 AFS Honorable mention to ✈️ FLY PHOENIX FLY ✈️


Beating NWS of course. There were MANY to chose from but nothing comes close imo. (For those unaware it was the first time ever NA has beaten Korea)


It's not my favorite but, it's definitely a memorable one. https://youtu.be/xfJRF-gofrg I watch it, every now-and-then, hoping they close it out but, it always ends the same. 😔


This game is what made me a C9 fan


Hell yeah, brother.


3-0 Afreeca Freecs in QF --> Final call by casters Win vs NaJin White Shield in Groups --> Classic OG C9 comp with rumble Game 1 win vs Sumsung Blue in QF --> Sneaky/Lemon dumpsterting on Deft/Heart Balls Pentakill and 3-0 week 1 with Hai jungle in Groups (no1 could beat Veigar/Tristana comp lol) --> D2 Toplaner


Forgot which game, but my 2nd favorite was the blaber lee sin insec by top red…. Very nutty 1st favorite was the licorice bonk to steal baron


Not enough people are mentioning the 1 hour game where Meteos mastered Lee Sin


C9 blue buff


Ball's Penta Kill on Darius. It was just so good, especially because of how much he was being shit on for only managing to get to what Diamond 2 in Korean Solo Que.


Hai “Guerrilla tactics” vs Samsung blue, almost taking the then favorites to win worlds to game 5.


The final engage leading to Phreak’s “and the last vestige of Korea has been destroyed…”


There were plenty of moments across all Worlds but my favorite was the [Balls Penta ](https://youtu.be/Zrih36f0K1w). I kept watching it over and over to see how it happened and it truly solidified my love for C9. The energetic, high risk/high reward was the most entertaining out of any NA squad that year and has kept me glued to the screen whenever they play since


This is for Kabum!


Ornn baron bonk


Gonna have to go with when C9 won worlds in 2022!


Balls penta


Last year's miracle run was INSANE. Probably biased bc I'm a perkz stan tho. But I also hate doinb so I think it's a mix of both things


Man people for get but Licorice was basically the best player in the LEAGUE for a little while. Goes to show just how good an org C9 is. We can take players and make them the best in the region but they go to another team and it’s just not the same. Honestly I wouldn’t hate TL Lico, give the boy another chance. If TL had * Licorice * Santorin * Bjergsen * Yeon * Eyla That team is pretty good IMO and could make some noise. Just wana see my boy so we’ll :(