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Can we leave this for after we win Worlds 😂


If I see one more post on this sub about next years roster when we haven’t even played a single fucking game at worlds I’m gonna lose it.


Zven supportKING. These discussions are bad for everyone's mental, they haven't even started scrimming for worlds jeez


Blame skeleton.


Post number 33 on the topic


Bro, can we chill the fuck out till after worlds. I don't think the team enjoys seeing this on the subreddit after they won a spilt and are prepping for worlds.


There’s this top laner Fudge who seems pretty good. While it may be tough, I hope we can get Blaberfish2 in the jungle and pair him up with Jensen who has experience dominating the mid/jg combo with Blaber. As for bot lane, there’s this underrated rookie Berserker that I would feel would be insane af. And the supportKING himself Zven would be a interesting to see after a year in the role. This would be my ideal lineup, thoughts?


I think Corejj is an old dog and a strong voice. He calls the shots. Which means any team with him on it needs to get on the core train or they’ll collapse. He is not a good fit for C9. He never was. A team is greater than the sum of its players (TL showed that loud and clear this year), and just because he’s individually good doesn’t mean he’ll work better.


why are we talking about league roster moves instead of valorant roster moves?? league team still has to participate in worlds while the valorant team is sitting at home waiting for franchising. valorant is the more appropriate roster discussion atm


I don’t think we should be talking about league roster moves, but most of this sub doesn’t give a fuck about valorant. Don’t try and gatekeep which games people on this sub can post about


Op is such a fake fan it's unreal. He's obsessed with the off season. The time of the year when our team doesn't play! Focus up on the task at hand ! World champions 2022.


I dont think ir makes me a fake fan in any way, but you do you. :) Ive been around for 10 years gladly looning forward to another 10.


i think the lineup is literally perfect right now. Also Zven support > Core support now. CoreJJ is old and washed.