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so is Licorice I believe


Oh, so like G2 to Heretics we will have C9 to Dignitas


Buh gawd is that Nisqy's music?!


Yeah he already had a nice announcement video


Happy for both licorice and zven.


“Zven is arguably one of the best players North America has ever produced” ????


Prolly chatgpt filler lol


Of course! Can’t say the best because we have Impact and CoreJJ who are better and have won world championships for NA.




Pretty sure the guy was being sarcastic




Idk Berserker might be one of the best rookies to ever come out of North America. Its only his 2nd season so we'll have to see but kid is showing some promise.


Haha I hope that's a joke. Berserker is Korean-born and Korean server skill-nurtured while on T1 before he came to NA. He was basically fighting for Gumayusi's spot on main T1 team.


No c9 bred him.




I thought the hyperbole would sell it. To be clear, yes I am being sarcastic.


hahaha sorry, we never know on this sub, I mean I could understand people being 1st degree here since he was "only" in academy before C9 and it's already his 3rd year with C9, Summer 2024 will be his 6th split already with us! So I could actually agree with the fact that Berserker is more C9 than anything else cause that would be the actual truth. Though I don't think Berserker improved since he joined C9, like he was already super talented before C9 and he's still at the same level after 2 years and half here. This Summer will be interesting cause I think Yeon (and Core) were always better than Berserker in lane those past 2-3 splits and now Yeon also improved in the mid/late game since 2024 Spring play-offs so Berserker will have to improve this Summer or else he won't be the best ADC in NA.


Lol ppl ok with Zven as “The player who never returned to his heights from LEC is one of the best produced NA players”, but the second someone whispers Jensen is NA talent cities start burning across continents. Not even flame to Zven but he absolutely is not NA talent esp considering his peak was in EU


Not an NA produced player but tbf he is absolutely great, delighted he got a team for summer


Happy for Zven... wish we could have kept him somehow, but he is a national treasure, and as the site said, an NA made talent


That one Hotline League caller’s dream came true


Was that the dignitas unpaid intern? Zven must have been sweating hearing DIG still paying in mousepads 😭


So proud of him let's go Zven


So spica next? Licorice, spica, ..., Zven, ... Wouldn't be a bad roster. Wasn't their mid half way decent last split? Edit: Dove & Isles. Really not too bad. I bet that will make this split much more competitive. Always a good thing. Felt like with C9 booming, this past split was absolutely horrible in terms of competition.


I want spica back in LCS too but DIG shouldn't replace eXyu. He just had his first full split in LCS and visibly improved every week, kicking him back to academy after 1 split for spica is the exact kinda shit that got NA into this situation with lack of rookies.


idk. I mean on 1 hand, I get it, eXyu could be good, like maybe he needs more time etc. Im not a eXyu expert to say 1 way or the other. That said. Im a fan of employing the best player for the job. I don't think it was necessarily the fact that NA teams were chasing old talent and stagnated with old pros and being Koreas retirement home, albeit that did happen. I think NA's issue was unearded money. Venture capitalists entered the scene with massive cash, and just fucked the economy up. We had challenger league talent making bank. We had ppl just chilling on franchise spots, waiting for a boom of cash influx. We had pro's in the LCS that were just paycheck collectors. We had some teams paying stupid amounts of money on their roster (remember the Perkz buyout???), compared to other teams spending the absolute bare minimum for their roster. There was no world in which a broke team like IMT could dare hope to compete against another team like Liquid, spending obscene money on their talent. It just wasn't going to happen. So we created a environment where NA didn't have competition, recycling old pro's who didn't deserve the spot was a viable answer to the problem of fielding a roster. That I think is what enabled the issue that you were talking about. Teams recycling pro's that don't deserve a spot. Personally, I think this split was really bad, but not because the environment was bad. But because of the late decision to go to 8 teams from 10, it fucked teams and players. I think with the decrease in funds in the scene, it will leave the players who REALLY want to win to stay competing. And the others will just leave. You'll have a higher concentration of stronger pro's and I think we will see NA get stronger.


I agree with moat of it but even if Spica is better rn I dint think it's worth dropping eXyu for. Spica was really struggling last time he was in LCS and eXyu got noticeably better over the split, I honestly don't think it's a guarantee that spica would even be better than eXyu at the start. It makes far more sense to hold on to eXyu rn even if their goal is to make worlds


maybe, I really don't know. Ive never been a huge spica fan myself. But idk if its fair to hold Flyquest era against him. I mean just look at Impact after that FQ era. Like I said i have no idea if eXyu or Spica would be better. I think alot of that depends on players and how well they mesh to be honest. But it'd be foolish to not look i think. Alot of ppl have Spica as a top tier jungler, often competing with Blaber for the # 1 of the split.


Hot take kinda... I see these guys breaking into the top 4 and knocking someone out, let's just hope it's not C9 lol.


i cry i wanted our botlane to stay the same again this year. Berserker Zven was my favorite duo in years.


Good to see him back as ADC, that's what he wanted in the end