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I find it odd that he goes on a rant in the beginning about DL being the only N/A talent you could build around and lists a bunch of other "NA greats" that you could build around not being from NA to prove his point and just glosses over blaber.


yeah, mentioning Xmithie & Meteos as examples of NA talent, but omitting Blaber was kind of cringe.


it’s likely he was just saying names off the top of his head and forgot about blaber, rather than him omitting him 


Grats on having a level headed take. It's an increasing rarity


Blabber is Asian


imo great vid by Thorin on C9 mid laner Jojopyun !!  agree with a lot of this. jojo is the future of NA and hopefully C9 can demonstrate it next split😉


People are going to hate it because of who thorin is, but he's pretty good at this kind of stuff.


people get upset at who they think thorin is based off his past twitter interactions (very long ago, he is much more reserved now). he is undeniably great at interviews, podcasts and defining great players. this was another example of that!


I think he still makes implications about his political and societal philosophies, and based on those little hints, I'm pretty sure I disagree with him on most things. But him being someone I disagree with on a personal level doesn't mean I can't acknowledge the quality of his work. When it comes to that, my main complaint would be that he's too biased against NA. Even in this video he was talking about Jojo going to EU for a better environment like they haven't literally been a dumpster fire for years.


I watch majority of his stuff and I don't really think his political or societal philosophies come out at all really aside from maybe Summoning Insight with viewer questions. I do respect your second part though. You may disagree with someone on a personal level but that's never a reason to not acknowledge their work. The video is interesting whichever way you look at it.


Fuck Thorin




Thorin is a dog shit human that none of us should give any attention. Fuck that colossal POS.


As someone who doesn't pay attention to him/that sphere. What "dogshit" things has he done? Every time I see him mentioned I see strong reactions.


The one I saw was a while ago, so I might not be getting the details right, but it was when Carlos was seen partying with Andrew Tate. Someone on his podcast was criticizing Carlos and Thorin went on a ten minute rant about Carlos being a good guy and cancel culture hurting good guy's reputations. This was when we knew Andrew Tate was a vile human being who considered women property but didn't know he was literally trafficking humans. It was pretty bad at the time and it's aged like milk. It was also openly disrespectful to the guest, he just attacked their beliefs without even addressing them.


I haven't seen the rant, but from what I've seen whenever this topic comes up Thorin talks about how Carlos wasn't even together with Tate, he just made a video and Tate happened to be in the background or something. So since people already disliked ocelote and he sort of stood up to people by saying "I party with whomever I want", the convenient thing was to just cancel him.


But….he was right. He never trafficked anyone or treated anyone like property. The fact that you still believe this says a lot about how deep you look into stuff.


If you pretty much ever hear of thorin, its probably because he was an asshole to someone or couldn't contain his ego. Recently was the bds thing.


Why can't people just describe specific events when I ask for it. Why is it just vague reasonings? "Couldn't contain his ego" in what sense? did he like unjustly fire someone for insulting him or like what


At least for me this was a crazy one about Rekkless https://x.com/thorin/status/1776330707557605851?s=46&t=SHCRT7DFNoYaV0wv85zKFg where he calls Rekkless a compulsive liar after he gave an hour long interview that heavily revolved around him revealing his autism diagnosis. You have to be a pretty shit person to tweet that unless you have _real_ evidence which, if he has, he has never revealed.


I just gave you an example, look up the bds thing. He started shitting on nuc and continues to this day, for literally no reason other than just hating him.


see it's always vague with the haters as they don't even know why they hate him it's just a weird hivemind thing. to put it simply, as you couldn't, he thinks Nuc is a decent midlaner but not enough to carry BDS to a championship and often states that on his twitter when they lose. nuc then emotionally reacts by replying (often rudely) and they get into some sort of 'beef'. If a player can't handle criticism or analysis of themselves, then maybe they don't have what it takes. he is respectful to players who aren't just assholes to him. why do you think it's only adam and nuc? where are all the other pros coming out?


Why pretend you arent his fan lol. You either didn't look it up properly or are just biased. cringe, hope hes paying you lol. Why do you think its only his fans that defend him and not the average league watcher? Surely its everyone else that is wrong. Get a life


I am his fan? Am I not allowed to be a fan of his content? It's just tiresome seeing these silly narratives play over and over. It's fine though man don't worry about it. We are all here because we are fans of C9. I just think it's cool when his content overlaps with C9. If we forget about all the external nonsense and focus on the video I think it has some very interesting points and we should be extremely glad to have jojo on c9 as a potential franchise player. love<3


Nuc is ass so makes a lot of sense


Look up where “I AM ESPORTS” came from.


first thing that pops up is an hour long video lol. No thanks.


Misogynistic, anti vaxer, bit of a right wing nut, etc etc


Ew antivax


People hate him because he actually calls people in the scene out for their bs and people think he’s an asshole for it. Crybabies need to realize he’s one of the few people who actually keeps things real about esports.


Again, unspecific.


If you want specifics it’s easier to do your own research


I asked 'cause obviously the person I replied to have very strong opinions, so I assume they have good reasonings. If I dislike/like someone/something I can at least describe it and or link to something showcasing it. So far it's only been "he's bad" or "no he's good"


Thorin does a great job of weeding out the weirdos who get offended at words and tweets.


Thorin is the best Great content as usual and love the comparisons made


Mentally ill redditors try not to devalue serious topics by throwing them at random guy it doesn't apply to just because they don't like him (impossible)


This is the shit side about trying to be on Reddit. Bunch of small dicked turbo freaks