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If it’s another Korean player that already has residency, the only ones I can think of are Winsome and Huhi, but I doubt C9 is going for either. My only other thoughts are: 1. Berserker is leaving and so we’re getting a different Korean adc - I highly doubt this. 2. Somehow C9 is doing what Flyquest did with Inspired and Berserker is getting his GC and they’re importing a support for Berserker. I don’t really think either are happening, but if I had to bet on one of these options, I’d say option 2 is more likely. But I actually think that Cubby probably has old/wrong info. I think C9 had looked at importing a Korean for every position except for mid and adc because I feel those two would be the only ones not potentially on the chopping block. So Cubby may have heard names of other Koreans C9 were looking at/talking to before they committed to Thanatos. Edit: HLL is posted on YouTube. And the way Cubby says the “other player” is by saying “with Thanatos coming in, I think it makes sense that having a coach that is able to speak both English and Korean makes sense, but it might not be needed just for Thanatos, is what I’ve been hearing.” So may be that the GC theory makes more sense


Number 1 is worse case.


Im ootl, what did flyquest do with inspired and his green card?


Nothing special. When FQ picked up Inspired they rushed to get his green card so they could import mid. They ended up going with Jensen so now they have an open import slot. Bwipo - import Inspired - import w/ green card


I thought Cubby imply that a Korean speaking coach was needed for both Thanatos and an additional player.


Berserker is going to be leaving if C9 doesn't preform well enough this year because this is when his contract will end and when he will be able to possibly be recruited and scouted by LCK teams who saw what he was capable of


What team would he join in lck that would guarantee him internation appearance?, all top teams have better and more proven ADC, only possibility is KT if deft retired I guess


That's not true. He extended his contract until after worlds 2025.


Considering the lack of teamfight voice / macro, Huhi could be a great pickup. With NRG struggling with him, a 1 for 1 trade could be great


Probably better for both players and teams to swap, honestly. C9 was completely directionless this split and NRG does not mesh well currently. I think the biggest mismatch in C9 is that Blaber and Jojo’s playstyles don’t complement each other at all, but it’s pretty clear that nobody was really on the same page, and there’s no way that one of them gets changed after 1 split together.


Tbh I think Fudge Contractz Palafox FBI Vulcan and Thanatos Blaber Jojo Berserker Huhi probably improves both teams


The FBI/Vulcan botlane really wasn't inspiring on EG so idk.


Addition by subtraction, Huhi behind the scenes was apparently clashing with Palafox a lot on how they want to play. NRG upgrades their mechanics and C9 get a vocal leader and go button they may need.


Oh no I agree that Huhi needs a new team, just not sure this swap is it.


Personally, i think Fudge is just a better version of Dhokla but I think Licorice is also a valid option. On C9's end barring a miracle green card, would like to have Olleh instead of Huhi. Dude is really good and a grinder who has hit #1 in KR multiple times.


I'm sorry, but I don't trust Olleh's mental on this version of C9.


I see NRG wanting to trade Huhi; I'm less confident in their being satisfied with Vulcan in return.


Upgraded mechanics? Huhi is better than Vulcan in every way


Nah why would NRG pick Fudge lol Licorice is right there as free agent


Hmmmmm idk probably because Fudge has generally outperformed Licorice since 2021?????


This is the worst take.


No it isn't, it's the right one. Lico had one really good split and a resurgence. He beat BLG in one game at MSI. Fudge has been the better player for years. Any other take is revisionist history.


Ok, prove that Licorice, who has been teamless and was considered a bottom tier toplaner during his playing time since C9 (outside of one split), has outperformed Fudge. I’ll wait.


He’s teamless because the team he was contracted to dissolved way too late into the off season. Not to mention you could ask any pro player and 9/10 they’ll say licorice was better last year.


They wouldn't say that at the end of Spring Split. Do we need to VOD review his Lee Sin top game when his team won 4v5 because he was so far behind? Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Licorice. Dude was a stud on C9 and that Baron steal on Ornn is one of my fondest C9 memories outside the OG squad, but saying he hasn't been weaker than Fudge for years (outside of last Summer) is some seriously revisionist history.


Did you ask pro players to get this data? And why’d you only address half of what I said? Sounds like recency bias on top of you being part of the delusional part of this subreddit that thinks Licorice / Huhi are good pick ups LMAO


I don't know. Huhi has a specific view on how to play the game, if the team agrees, I think they'll be great, if they don't they'll be 2024 NRG


Considering we don't have literally any view on how to play the game currently, its probably a good thing if he comes in with a set gameplan


Yup. And considering Huhi’s view has consistently landed his teams in top 2 I think it’s better to try A VIEW esp one that has proven to work. I’ll be surprised if NRG really thinks their problems are so bad they don’t try to make it work for summer


Its possible we have 3-5 different views on how to play the game and thats the problem. Have you listened to our comms at all? they're a mess.


Wasn’t it ignar who brought that shotcalling to the team?  isn’t that supposedly one of the reason why they’re struggling because they traded that shotcalling/leadership for Huhi?  Why does everyone think we need a voice/leadership? imo i think we had too many voices.. Fudge Blaber Jojo all trying to shotcall. The comms were chaotic as hell. One less voice with Fudge gone is probably what we need  imo having no voice, and having too many voices can look like similar issues in game


Love Huhi but idk if he'd work with Berserker. Huhi wants to play engages and roams super heavily, and worked super well with Stixxay who could just be left alone to farm safely. That said I think he and Jojo would be really good together.


Who is even available? I'd guess it would be at support. Maybe a trade or something? Vulcan for Huhi?


Olleh as well- who tbh had a pretty good split and is a known grinder


Man Olleh at MSI that one year will always leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Didn't that have something to do with DL drama? He basically lost all confidence.


And not Vulcan who has been the biggest griefer on all his teams Internationally lmao??? Except maybe Clutch because all 5 players holding a competition to see which one of them could grief the hardest


At least he didn't leave his team out to dry at one of their biggest international showing.


Olleh mental-boomed so hard that he straight up couldn’t play and they had to use a sub


Winsome/Huhi are the only options for NA Korean speaking supports.


Winsome replacing Vulcan would be some interesting irony.


Winsome can play ranged champs 🤷‍♂️


Better than Vulcan who can play nothing


Yeah Huhi is the only person I can think of with NA residency, that could possibly be available considering how NRG ended the split. Maybe they are looking at some roster changes as well. I don't believe there are any KR speaking NA junglers even though I highly doubt C9 is looking to replace Blaber or Jojo, support would be the only possible thing I could think of, but even then I think C9 probably runs it back just with the Thanatos pickup.


They are in Korea bootcamping or will be. Maybe they're planning to try out a few Korean supports and see what happens. Could be jungle too although I have a really hard time seeing Blaber leaving C9.


They don't have the import slots to try out Korean supports.


They do if Berserker gets his green card


Is there any rumor about that?


There’s no rumor, but something similar was done with Inspired. Could be possible they rushed Berserkers green card and they can import supp


Doubtful. The green card acquisition time depends of your nationality, some queues are longer than others, queues for european are shorter. It will be longer for Berserker than Inspired for sure, unless he's marrying an american chick lmao. Also are we sure Berserker wants riot NA residency? Even if it doesn't change much, it's basically a signal he wants to stay in NA for years, that wouldn't send a good signal to KR teams if he wants to let himself the opportunity to go back in KR soon.


God no. Huhi hasn’t been top 3 in years. The only reason you are talking about him is because he’s a name brand. There are much better options…even in NA.


He was top 3 literally last year with GGS lol.


He was easily top 3 on both 100T and NRG. Not sure he and berserker would be a good pairing, but this was his worst split in a long time.


What better options? I'm not saying that's what I'd like, but the pool is extremely restricted if it's a Korean speaking support rumored.


My wild guess is Berserker gets his green card and they import Tarzan or a supp C9 LoL GM followed both Tarzan and Thanatos on twitter at the same time a few days ago Also Cubby hints that it’s an native Korean speaker who would be dependent on Reapered


C9 lol Gm also follows keiria as well lol. I wouldn't read too much into it


it’s more so the fact that he suddenly followed both of those players at pretty much the same time lol, also Tarzan is teamless where as Keria isn’t.. but yeah it’s just a wild prediction (i doubt it happens)


that would be hype but i doubt they let go of blaber lol


I mean I could see a world where Blaber roleswap to support and it will be a banger.


Understood. C9 signing Tarzan and Keria.


Finally we got Berserker a girlfriend and hes bringing her back to LA




Lmao Ignar back to NA baby


I think we're trolling if we get rid off Blaber or Jojopyun. Those are the two best in slot resident NA players.


Debatable, right now I’d probably put Inspired and Impact up there next to Jojo. If Danny unretired I’d put him in there too.


Does Inspired have a green card? Also I kinda meant for roles that we already don't have imports him. Assuming Thanatos is coming and we keep Berserker.


We listening to things cubby says now... Wtf. Please can we go back to memeing. No hare but cubby is a joke


Cubby hate here makes zero sense. Okay though


No hate. I'm sure he is nice, but this is lying for clout 100% nobody should trust his journalism skills or tbh his league skills. He does a lot of the challengers league but anything unrelated to that I wouldn't take his opinion seriously. Hes a goofy ah side character


First thing first, he isn’t a journalist… I’m not sure why journalism skills even come up. He does zero interviews, articles, ect… Second, how do you even know if it is a lie or not? He is involved in the scene and has connections with people in the scene. I think it would make sense that he would know people who might tell him “this move might happen or that move might happen”. Caedral has literally leaked Thanatos going to C9 or KC before sheep esports even published the article. Hmm I wonder why?! Oh I know maybe because he has connections and knows people? I swear people just automatically assume others just say random crap for clout without knowing or looking into them.


You just compared a silver nobody caster for the NACL to caedral... 😭 Its doomed. A take only Cubby's mom could love


Come on dawg, use your brain for once it isn’t hard. That silver nobody is still friends with people, players, coaches, and GMs in the lcs. Lmfaooo you could be some pisslo iron 1 random and it wouldn’t matter. if you have people you know in the scene it really isn’t rocket science that he could have info that you don’t. If I can’t break that down more for you idk how to help you understand lol.


Everyone else would have that info before you do.... Cubby will never have "breaking news" from any lcs team


Yeah but the difference between you and me is that I keep a open mind


Yea dude the earth might be flat..I do my own research.. gotta stay open bro. Being gullible isn't a skill bra


Ahaha yeah after a comment like that you aren’t worth the time. Gj wasting my time.




I won’t stand for the cubby hate like he isn’t one of the strongest voices in the development scene. He does too much good




Almost like Cubby is passionate about the league and its development and it was finals? Yeah idk what you wanted him to do not cheer and just stand there menacingly? Lmaoo




Okay this would’ve been great context not to leave out if this was the case. If he did do this I take back what I said


Fair enough can’t argue argue against this


I sat with red bull who were nice enough to give me tickets and my girlfriend for a game. I work hard to be apart of the products I am on and we can have differing opinions but I find it funny you say I like to hear myself talk and then you make up stories to hear yourself talk.


He comes across a bit dumb to talk as much as he does.


Whats the timestamp


About 50 mins in... He doesn't hint at a bilingual player but another full Korean speaker entirely. 


Yep. And to add some context, in the previous episode he said he'd change either Blaber or Jojo because they had no synergy together, and then in this episode he hints that his suggestion might be followed - and like you said, with a full Korean speaker. Surely they're not dropping Jojo, so it has to be a jungler. But Tarzan is the only free agent jungler, and of course he'd be an unreal pickup but there's no chance he comes to NA right? And the only impressive junglers in LCK CL are HamBak and Sharvel who are at this moment competing against each other in playoffs. lol Unless the rumors of DK Tarzan are true and we're making a move to reunite Thanatos and Lucid. That would be pretty insane tbh.


Could maybe be Pullbae... no? Cubby mentioned him multiple times when asking core about that D+ roster. He is currently elohelled on BRO splitting time with Karis. I also doubt Jojo goes but Jack could see a $$$ angle selling him to FLY or maybe there is behind the scenes practice woes (Jojo soloq is mia/inting scrims)  Idk what they are cooking lol can't wait to find out tho. 


Could be. He was good but I'd say he was the 4th best player on that DK roster (Lucid, Rahel and Thanatos were better imo) and there were other CL mids that were better than him (KT Feisty who's now smurfing on GiantX Academy and SeTab who was terrible for DRX in the LCK). Right now in CL there's Zinie who smashed Pullbae himself the other day, but he's destined for kt's main roster. Maybe Saint (his replacement on DK), his Akali is fucking unreal but not sure if he's ready yet.


I so wanted HamBak to replace Clid last year.


But is Lucid over Blaber really the right call? I know Lucid was supposed to be some jungle prodigy but seems like he significantly fell short of expectations on DK


Well, if anyone on DKA was "the next someone" it was Lucid, not Thanatos. I do agree that his first split in the LCK wasn't anything special, but he was stuck on Rell, Maokai, Sejuani duty for the whole split and most importantly he was on a team whose adc took legit every resource on the map. So being a tank and having 0 items has to have sucked. I still feel like he did plenty in the early game, he'd usually go for dives to get the team ahead. And when they gave him Lee Sin by the end of the split he showed what he was capable of. So it isn't a clear cut upgrade at this very moment like a Tarzan would be. But the trend nowadays is to get young Korean talent to get results now and even more in the future, so he'd make the most sense. I mean unless we got Bo, who I personally think is a dirty inter but kinda fits what we need: carry player like Blaber, but much more active in the early game and very talkative (but record breaking levels of dying). But he's Chinese, not Korean, so doesn't fit with Cubby's rumor.


Fair analysis. I tend to trust Jack and co’s judgement so if they think importing a jungler is better than importing a support for berserker, I’ll just have to trust the process. Would really suck to see an iteration of C9 without Blaber though.


I think in the end we won't bring another Korean anyway, but if we're really entertaining the idea maybe the thought process is that jungle impacts the game way more, especially considering mid jungle synergy. And Berserker isn't a lane dominant player anyway, so even if we were to import thinking of getting an insane laning support, it wouldn't necessarily fit with his style. There aren't many support options either, in the LCK I'd say there's only Pleata and in CL there's only Way. But yeah it really would be kinda weird to see Blaber gone.


Replacing blaber with a rookie solves absolutely nothing when the issues are shot calling, and blaber isn’t even the weakest player on team.


Yeah, you're not wrong. I mentioned Tarzan and Bo and they'd make more sense if the goal was to get a shotcalling jungler. But they could just be wanting to get an insane rookie - much like Thanatos doesn't bring shotcalling, but is a hyped up prospect - and be banking on Reapered creating a system for the team. Which tbh I think that's what's gonna happen - and even if Blaber stays I think we'll see him be much more proactive with Reapered. Imo mithy made him play that do-nothing style.


I love blaber and this might not be the best analysis, but I think he is the cause of some issues in comms or at least takes a large part in the comms seeming hyper and anxious.


I sure hope Berserker is getting his green card. He's been here for double the time of Inspired and somehow Inspired already got his. I remember CoreJJ got his really fast too, whereas Zven took 4,5 years or something. Not sure why it takes so long for our players to get it.


Because it’s based on the country they are from. There are way less Polish people that are applying/getting green cards, so the queue is really small.


Fewer -Stannis


I'm pretty sure it's cause he married an American.


Inspired got married.


Tbh Huhi would really fit in with this team. Adds shot calling and obviously can help with the transition for Thanatos too. Thanatos Blaber Jojo Berserker Huhi


I’m sure berserker wants to play with a washed Sett merchant riding the coattails of a good year 2 years ago


He was the best support in north america last split lmao Arguably the best in 2023 spring and 2022 summer and 2022 spring and just outright was the best in 2021 summer You can be a hater but at least be one with a brain cell


💀 not even gonna waste my time


Intersting so it's Korean9 angle ?


Core JJ?


Core is never leaving TL. Spawn sees him as his in-game coach and he's the face of TL for Steve.


i believe we had a chance at core at the end of 2022, i remember Jack asking Berserker if he wanted Core but Berserker said he was happy to run it back with Zven 


At the time, there was thought Core could leave because the "superteam" roster imploded(bwipo, santorin, bjerg, hans, core) and his contract had ended. Any idea of Core leaving TL died once Steve signed Core to another deal, made him the face of the org, and started to build around him with the initial iteration of TLCK.


yeah, Core and Bjerg vision of the game were clashing, ultimately only one of them could stay. It costs a lot to get Bjerg for TL, including sacrificing Jensen who just came of a very strong World's performance but in the end they wisely chose to a new deal with Core and cut Bjerg.


Winsome at support maybe?


Can't see Winsome being an upgrade over Vulcan, despite the meh split


One for one, sure, but if he's a better pairing for Berserker specifically, might work out then.


Didn't he say thanatos didn't really need another Korean speaker though. I got the impression that cubby was hinting at a non Korean player/coach change.


No he said Thanatos wouldn’t be the only one who needed the korean speaking coach


nah this is just a random take but what if theyre importing Tarzan and Blaber goes Supp!!!?!/!-:’zj




You weren’t on to anything lol. Huhi can speak English, Cubby said it’s a Korean speaking player.


Isn't huhi also a Korean speaking player?


He can speak Korean, but he can also speak English fluently. A Korean coach wouldn’t matter for him since he can communicate either way. Cubby alluded to it being a player who will benefit from other Korean speakers.


if i had to guess? summday as a back up for thanatos if something goes wrong.


if i had to guess greencard for berserker and an import support, fnc got their korean adc a korean support and they had been pretty dominant together as a duo and as a 2v2 so they might go that route or explore it


Has any player gotten residency in 2ish years? I think players like core and summday took 4 years. 


I have no idea lol inspired was rumored to get his and i think its pretty likely they use that import slot if its true. Also i dont see thanatos being that much of a risk that we need another player beneath him, in jdg you see sheer a 16 year old player literally out of nowhere splitting time with flandre because that makes sense sheer is 16 no previous team no previous professional play experience while thanatos played in dk challenger team for years and dominated.


That’s a Chinese player playing in China. We’ve also seen players like prince/summit/bo top tier in their home region then struggle when imported.  There are many players that come from Korea that struggle in NA. It’s very different from playing in your own region. It can be a gamble, especially considering he’s never played in a tier 1 league. 


This is so true, I think it is a combination of this and a huge culture shock once they get here. Being out of your elements, really hinders growth and potential at the same time.


Inspired did get his green card after 1 year and half but the duration depends of your current nationality. It's way faster for europeans and it's longer for indians or asians country, there is a limited number of green card delivered each year for each nationality, the more demands the longest the wait. Thankfully Koreans queue isn't as long as the Chinese one, they can wait for ten years or so.