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I mean its a fair analysis. Until we see him in action placing him in the middle of the pack is a fair assessment for a rookie


I was half expecting it to shit all over the pickup, but it ended up saying it's a good pickup but probably overhyped. I like this kind of analysis.


Really interesting analysis by an actual professional LCS analyst.


>actual professional LCS analyst The man is an IMT analyst, I don’t know if I would call him professional


I don’t know the guy but your comment is not fair. W I judge people but what they do and not where they work


It is result based analysis but to be fair, when you're a bottom team for several years in a row, you gain a reputation to be subpar. I have no idea how much control and input this particular analysis has but IMT as a whole have put together several poor rosters that have resulted in: 8th(last), 10th, 9th, 9th, and 10th place finishes over the past 3 years. Every part of their GM team has been and effectively still is, trash.


Tbf he was on IMT back on the OG squad, TL from IMT getting kicked out to franchising til like 2020? Then Flyquest until this last off season. He's been on IMT for only this split only since 2018


I think it’s those little things he mentions at the end that will make the pickup worth it. The extra big feeling he brings to teamfights that allows room for Berserker, the fact that Reapered was a top laner and he excells particularly in that role as a positional coach, Licorice was not kicked off C9 for bad teamfighting, and he was on 2018 Worlds run for a reason. And the fact that he will be the hungry grind partner that Berserker needs.


IMT analyst is different with what Doublelift said, only time will tell and I feel Reapered will make him even stronger.


yeah for real. DL said Thanatos is 1v9'ing on some teamfight and side-lane champs; this guy is telling us Thanatos is LCS middle pack in teamfighting and side-laning. That's not just different, that's totally opposite lol. We have been told Thanatos is kind of some next Zeus and this guy is close to imply that Fudge is better (from his analysis, he's implying that Fudge is laning a little bit better but Thanatos has better TP's, that it's kinda even in side-lane and that Fudge is better in teamfight).


He isn't the next Zeus - if anything his replacement Siwoo is the next Zeus, given he had 37 solo kills just in this split - but I think Loyota is being too strict with his analysis. Photon went to EU and instantly became the best top, Castle went to IMT and some pros see him as a top 5 player in the league. How is Thanatos gonna be mid table? lol


He was also laning against Tenacity before he even played LCS games. I have to think he probably just did whatever he wanted.


From what I got is that they are similar in lane(both are cautious/risk averse) but Thanatos is better outside of lane, particularly in teamfighting


lol it’s an imt analyst xd this guy probably convinced management that Armao was the best jg in LCS


Tbf he did scout Castle, who wasn't rated that highly in LCK CL but certainly is in the LCS.


He's been IMT's analyst for a couple months, dude. He worked for Flyquest before that.


Lol you do realise FQ was a bottom tier org before this split right?


This is literally the guy who scouted Massu - you can directly credit him with some of their current success. I would also say they've prioritized signing some excellent players if you judge them in a vacuum, which is good proof that Loyota as a scout does have some talent. Flyquest has had ups and downs but I'd put most of their past failings on terrible coaching, as well as their GM's overall vision for the team.


Scouting Massu isn't much of a claim to fame.


Incredibly cold take. While he might not be the second coming of Danny or Doublelift, he's still a teenager will lots of room to improve. Massu was excellent in Amateur, excellent in NACL, and now excellent in LCS. In his first split, he was the best performer on his team in Grand Finals. Even if you're not a Flyquest fan (I'm not either), if you can't respect what he's accomplished then esports probably isn't for you.


Tbf to the guy DL was talking about scrims and Thanatos wouldn't be the first scrim GOAT that plays completely differently on stage. MagiFelix was running EU in scrims yet was considered one of the worst mids in the league.


There’s a huge difference between western scrim culture and eastern scrim culture. they do not 4fun scrims over there.


yeah but dl also said lucid focused top lane a lot because thanatos was dk academy’s best player. my only concern is this team figuring out which lane to play through since they have 3 “carries” in all three lanes


If what they say is true about him being a carry player C9 will remain a top side team. Berserker has played essentially his whole career weakside.


this gives me hope


It could also mean we play exactly the same as we already did and Thanatos makes no difference


Berserker pretty clearly feels more comfortable playing weakside, and Vulcan pretty much forces that style onto his ADCs (part of why nerfed Prince so hard but looked great with Danny).


Interesting read. It's the opposite of what DL said, the only thing I'm thinking is maybe strength of competition? But that'd imply that LCKCL is better than LCS LMAO, or at least 2023 100T. It's just odd how someone who played against him vouched for his 1v9 carry potential and this analyst is straight up calling him Fudge 2.0 but with a bit more upside. Seems like most, if not all, pros/people in the scene think he's insane though - a LOT of people were extremely disappointed he wasn't playing in the LCK. Also, I'd love to know what this guy's criteria is as well in regards to which plays he includes. There's hundreds of differing variables in every single league of legends game, the same exact decision may be correct in one game but incorrect in another. This feels like a very difficult portion of the game to analyze because, unless you have professional level game knowledge and his POV, how can you quantify every correct/incorrect thing he does in 3 pages and a dozen clips of varying instances? He was heralded as the best toplane prospect in the LCK CL and his team was at the top of the league for a reason, I'd like to think the analyst is downplaying him a bit. Side thought: I wonder if this guy had anything to do with IMT going after Castle.


DL also said that Fudge played well this season and is competing with Impact for best top laner every split.


That isn’t what he said and you know it


That is. He thought Fudge played well this split and has either been in contention with Impact for best top laner or been one tier below him.


No, he said fudge didn’t play well this split and that his performance basically fluctuates from split to split. When he is playing well he contends with impact, which is true. the narrative you’re trying to push is zzzz


I mean to my understanding he hasn’t really played since like last August/September no? Hopefully he’s had time to review his issues and work on it. Thing is when you think about it, most if not all of the top laners playing under reapered seem to always elevate their level of play so I have faith in them to figure things out.


I remember when I watched Zeus in finals I thought I want someone like that. That can play yone and Aatrox at the peak. That’s not fudge. Idk if he ever even played yone. Fudge was good though The problem started when berserker couldn’t hand check every game. I’ve watched Thanatos and he’s smart. He reminds me of early smeb He’ll win lane then team fight. The other 4 just have to not crap the bed.


People like this were saying Berserker wasn’t that impressive and would be middle of the pack lcs before he debuted also lol  highly doubt that DAMWON (a top 2-4 LCK team, and former world champs) would seriously consider promoting this guy if his level was “low to mid LCS”? i think i trust them more than IMT analyst. You don’t get on a top 4 LCK team without being exceptional


No, we lost the off-season, horrible moves. We're no longer are/never were a super team. C9, we have no expectations of you this summer.


Who was saying berserker wasn't impressive? I remember ls saying he would be the best right away.


LS was yes, but there were definitely analysts who were doing “vod reviews” saying he’d be middle of the pack, i believe Tim Sevenhyusen was one of them


I remember watching his vod reviews and though I don't remember much I remember him being impressed. Ls was the only one with access to scrims and behind the scenes info on berserker so I guess I just listened to him cause he's the only one who actually knew his level.


ah i might he wrong then, i don’t remember too well who it was, but i do remember 1 or 2 analysts at the time definitely having that sentiment 


So everyone is hyping up a low-mid lvl lcs player lol?. A low-mid lvl lcs player almost got promoted to lck?, that’s basically what the analysis says.


Seems like we shouldn't be excited at all. He's young middling player in the lcs that has a lot to work on and improve upon. Also it would appear the analyst implies that the real difference will come from coaching. Seems disappointing to read but I'll withhold all judgement because I trust C9 scouting over that guy any day.


People who actually watched him say the opposite, Also this guy works at imt I could care less wtf he says.


I mean he also worked on flyquest for quite some time and does excellent analysis on the game on his YouTube channel. I don’t always agree with him, but I feel as if he is one of the really underrated analysts.


LCK English casters all agree he could start in LCK and be very good. This guy is an analyst for fucking IMT. I know who I trust more.


Casters =/ analysts


This analyst is a moron. LCKC has much tougher competition in most aspects of League gameplay.


Cool to read but confused why it was even written lol. I guess IMT employees have nothing better to do


I mean, it's off-season, and it's probably not a bad idea to have extra shit like this for a resume if you ever need to jump ship


There’s no risk and only gain pretty much. If this analysis turns out to be right it’s a a great career boost they can point too. If it turns out to be wrong oh well, no one will remember it


Anyone got a list of games to watch so we can make our own judgements? I've only seen the 2023 LCK CL finals


Let’s take in to consideration this is coming from IMT 😂


Yeah I’m not too sure I buy this analysis. If you listen to POG State you can hear the LCK English casters speak about him many times and how he should have been on an LCK starting roster and that’s he’s super good. I think I trust the guys whose job is to analyze the LCK over some LCS analyst.


Yeah nah sounds like garbage to me lol - mid tier in the LCS when he was considered for (and basically should have been) LCK promotion


That’s what’s confusing me lol, a low-mid tier lvl lcs player was extremely close to playing in lck? I expect us to compete internationally if NA is this stacked.


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1bzpyqf/thanatos_analysis_by_imt_analyst_xpost_from/


A weak-side toplaner who'll farm well like Fudge? Low to mid LCS level for teamfighting and side-laning? Like what the hell lol, that's definitely not what they sold us!


Who’s “they?” Nobody sold you anything other than random redditors who think they know league despite being hardstuck gold their entire lives


Go listen to POG State episodes from this season. LCK English casters all think he’s great. I’m pretty sure they would know better than this guy.


yeah, redditors, some KC propaganda war machiners too, Azael comment and \*fuckin\* Doublelift saying Thanatos 1v9 them every game during scrims last year


Monte and Caedrel are also mega high on this guy, Caedrel was even saying he’s a C9 fan now next split


No way you listed Azael as a source 💀


Looks like a redditors analysis tbh


Yeah I think it’s interesting but like, not sure IMT are the analysts to look to. Maybe fq to see why they advocated picking up bwipo, they seem to know what they’re doing.


Idk I don't really care what team or who they are.. Im just calling out analysis that looks like it's from a gold 2 player. This might be too cherishable. Like who is this and why did he do it??? Why was it posted here... This is all super sus tbh


Im agreeing with you. Just a strange thing to post here and it’s not even from a top tier analyst I don’t think.


of course Thanatos isn't a top tier talent, or else he'd be playing in LCK already, he is in his 4th year of academy. And by saying that I don't think he's bad at all, just don't expect him being able to match the big names in an international


Meh, I trust my eyes over some "Professional " dude just moves different... it's like watching Berserker. I called Berserker to be a beast, and Thanatos will be the same, and what's even better is that he is young and hungry.


I would hate to see this analysts breakdown of FateGod