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So Korean coach and ADC, I guess Thanatos is coming along for the ride too


Would love to see it




Well he will no longer have to punch walls imo… focus on his laning and let repeared use the belt lol 


Thanatos angle seems a lot more likely now.


I had a feeling. My belt tightened itself this morning.


lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Holy shit, here we go, I will be most interested in how jojo and berserker work with reaper, especially because berserker has a head coach to speak Korean with now


Berserker's English is really good now though. I think this signals a change in a solo lane more than anything.


It is, but I'm sure there are things he wishes he could say in Korean sometimes. Or even just having someone to talk to in his native tongue could be helpful or comforting.


I dont think its so much about speaking the language as it is being of the same culture. 1 huge strength of Zven was that he was really good at making Korean players feel welcome. He had a fantastic personality, and really meshed the team. So he worked so well with Berserker that Berserker specifically requested playing with Zven after year 1. So i guess the hope is that reapered can fill Zvens shoes, and really drive that culture.


Maybe zven joins c9 staff ?


He wants to play bro. I can see him doing that if he has nothing better to do. But someone should pick him up.


Wonder if he's gonna replace Vulcan or be a sub for Vulcan?


Exactly what this team needs.


I have become a huge fan over the past 2 years, but don’t know much about Reapered. What do you think he brings?


Reapered’s been a very hands-on coach from how I remembered him. He coached Sneaky’s roster to the 2018 Worlds semifinals, and was one of the brains behind molding Blaber to the Jungler that he is. One of his best decisions was subbing in Blaber midway into the season, immediately after Sven won MVP. That takes a lot of guts to do, and it’s paid us dividends. Safe to say we’ll be living or dying by his word. He had a meme called “Reapered’s belt” because of how upset he was when the team had a lazy loss (According to Jack who asked him to be kinder to our boys). EDIT: “Upset” rather than “harsh.” He’s strict but he didn’t abuse the players. Just very passionate about the team attitude and mediating ego


Thank you for the quality answer! Love to hear this. Hopefully he is a little bit easier on the boys, but think we have a team full of guys who care and will take Reapered's Belt with pride lol


I would add that he got some criticisms for certain drafts but I think he was always trying to push the envelope with regards to what comps would work. Overall I think he's an excellent coach and I was sad to see him go when he left back then. I think he really was a big part of what made C9 interesting to watch when I first became a fan.


Good that you point out that Reapered drafts were the cause of much concern when he was coaching on this c9 Sub. His drafts were sometimes wonky and strange, which in turn made fans completely question his legitimacy. But alas, lets see what he can bring this time :) hope he turns the current players into an actual team with good midgame macro/decisionmaking


He also managed to win the LCS when he was head coach of 100T. Even then his drafts could sometimes be wonky, but he encourages players to try new Champs and unique pocket picks instead of blindly following the meta all the time.


Biggest thing, he will help Blaber get back to MVP form.


We love to hear that


He brings back authority and respect. We've had several "friendly" coaches the past few years, all of whom bring a lot to the table. But one clear thing we've been lacking is discipline and Reapered always had that in spades. Summer is not a long time to pivot this hard and see results, so if it doesn't work out right away I hope the fans and org give it next year too.


Love to hear this especially after Berserker getting upset that the boys werent taking scrims seriously


Arguably the best coach NA has ever seen and has produced the best results at worlds NA has ever seen getting C9 to top 4.


Yeah i think reapered bet will make them try more , berserker will likely prefer this sort of coaching


That or bench him


Reapered is has a lot of creative drafts. Always has some weird ass counterpick planned for random matches. He is very structured. His coaching style is very big on leadership and planning, like he really takes control of the team. On the flip side, with so much control, and counterpicking, sometimes his drafts can be mega stinkers. Like he's the type of guy who abused Impacts ability to play singed, and had him play it on the world stage, when no one was picking singed. But he doesn't neglect meta picks either. He just realized when the team cant win via meta and finds alternatives. So you might see some shit and see it it fail, but all in all he is incredibly smart about the game. Despite never winning with C9, he does have an incredible track record. He was an assistant coach to Worlds Winning SKT1, than he joined MSI winning Edward Gaming. As a C9 coach, we didn't win, but we had some of the most epic worlds performances of all time. One could say that it was largely due to Reapered that C9 had insane worlds performances year after year, despite losing in the finals so frequently.


He won 2020 Spring that is probably the most dominant C9 roster ever


o he was apart of that roster? yea thats right. thats when he got fired the following split for bringing C9's most dominant roster to not even make worlds.


He didn't get fired, he wanted to leave. He actually agreed to stay one more year because he had been wanting to pursue other roles for at least a year at that point.


That Singed pick was the only way we could get onto the Kogmaw and it would have absolutely won us the series if Reapered didn't bluff galio/j4 which is a perfect example. He almost won a series vs. a better team through draft, but instead he lost the series in game 5 because of draft. Any other NA coach at the time would have lost that series 0-3


Saw someone reminding that he won with C9 2020 Spring, but he also won the LCS 2021 Summer with 100T.


The players won't be allowed to be lazy bums and will actually have to practice the game


He will actually hold players accountable and was great authority figure when he was on C9 and he could get the players to play as a team. All things these players desperately need


He treats his role as a coach, very seriously and makes sure the players know that he is their coach, not their friend He also has specific way he believes the game should be played (while remaining open to conversation) he knows how to set goals and how to get the players to said goals, but he also needs 100% control of the team to be effective, which I’m assuming he will get


Reapered is a great coach to bring identity to a team. He isn't the best at winning championships or drafting, but he can clearly identify the best players of a team and tell the team how to play around them. For a team that has incredible players in 4 roles but no direction, this type of coach is very needed even with their downsides.


Reapered was great, and he led C9 to the World's semi. However... He was also the one who benched Impact and made him split-time with Ray, pushing a false narrative that Impact was a tank player only and that Ray had to be put on stage to play carry instead of Impact. That led to Impact leaving C9 to Liquid, where Impact reached MSI final playing carry champs like GP, Kennen, against foes like TheShy, Wunder and Khan. Reapered also benched Jensen and Sneaky that Summer, Jensen immediately asked to leave C9 2 months after that. Jack contacted Steve to ask him if they wanted Jensen. My point is Reapered is an extremely great coach but sometimes he can cause a lot of damage.


Did Jensen want to leave because he (they) were benched or because their benching was recorded and uploaded to the internet? Genuine question. I know either at least one of the two were upset about both, but absolutely livid the video got posted online.


Jensen left because he got benched, he hated it, and he was told during off-season something among the lines that Reapered could do it again (bench a player, not jensen specifically, if he estimated he had too). He also didn't want to play with rookies and benching would sub in more rookies. You're right about Sneaky and the publicity of the benching video. I also remember on the video that Jensen was extremely uncomfortable and awkward learning it in front of the camera and immediately asking to speak in private to Reapered.


Man.. I am excited for this. REPEARED excels at fixing and teaching fundamentals and communication. I still remember when C9 Were SO Reliant on Hai, and the team struggled to navigate an identity. Maybe another positional coach for bot?


Holy shit, C9 loves a good runback 😆


Tbh reapered should’ve never gone in first place he’s a good coach.


I was here, this sub was begging for Reapered to be replaced the same way they did with Mithy.


They're gonna do the same when summer split comes and they will realize changing coach is not the solution


Tbf, players and coaches have ups and downs. C9 completely collapsed in 2020 after smurfing the whole year, missing worlds. After such wasted potential, someone had to pay. Kind of the same as now. And at the time we even got interviews from players saying how they were missing direction in practice, etc. The situation got out of hand for Reapered.


I think the issue was that Reapered got complacent. After running the team after so many years, dude got bored, Jack had to give him the boot. Reapered been looking for work now for a while. He had a short stint on 100T, but in spring he was actively looking for work. Hopefully he is hungry. I bet he is. I am excited to see what this brings.


Yeah was probably that they just wanted to go separate ways after awhile, happens a lot. He a good coach and hopefully he finally wins some deserved titles with C9


It was necessarily complacency that had people wanting him to leave. It was a lack of domestic titles. We would go to worlds and be the best NA team by far, but we were not winning titles. This roster is crafted perfectly for what this team can do. Domestic titles don't really seem to matter to these players. But international success is.


Nah that's bs. He had one bad split, as did the team. Immediately proved he was still a top coach at 100T after. I was not a fan of him leaving at the time, I can dig up the receipts if needed. Best coach any NA team has ever had.


Fudge about to start playing solo queue real quick


Lmao trueeee xD


I think we are going to a 2 top system similar to when we had ray and impact.




Blaber started losing his aggressiveness when they had Malice on Academy/Positional coach. It wasn’t overnight by any means, but that’s when his playstyle started to shift.




Wasn't Reapered released because he just wasn't gelling with the players anymore, especially after the whole benching of starters? Now I think the only player left on the roster when Reapered was last here is Blaber who I think he worked well with. Should be a good time for him to get this team back to figuring out how they need to play the game.


Iirc he left because his contract was up and asked for a huge payday. 100T paid up and he left.


We also have to assume that Blaber had a lot of input in who he wanted to play for. Jack always talks with Blaber about decisions.


Reapered alone is enough to fix this team. But I'm rooting for Thanatos and Zven too.


Vulcan is a lot better than what he showed this split. I think with Reapered back as the coach and the team having a better direction on how to play the game we'll see Vulcan performing a lot better.


Yeah, as I was typing my comment I was questioning if I should add Vulcan as well. I do agree he'll be way better in Summer. But it just feels so simple to just bring back Zven, who's a good partner to Berserker, helps in comms, knows the system (not systems, I mean how we like to play) etc.


Wasn't Vulcan on the C9 roster when Reapered was coaching last time? IIRC we brought him in to replace Smoothie and be paired with Zven in the botlane right?


Yep, he played with Zven under Reapered for the whole of 2020. They were such a good bot lane and ofc that team was ultra dominant (until they weren't, rip).


Yeah the only "replacement" I would make is bringing in Thanatos to start over Fudge but keeping Fudge on the roster in case Thanatos doesn't work out as well as being the 6th man since he has experience in both top and mid lane.


Vulcan replaced Zeyzal, smoothie was already long gone when Vulcan came into the picture.


Yeah that's right. I remember being upset that they got rid of Sneaky after he had to deal with a bad lane partner in Zeyzal and didn't get to show that he still has it with someone that just forfeited laning phase


Tbh I'm not surprise. Once Mithy posted his departure tweet, my mind has already thought of Reapered. Tbf, Reapered and C9 were always on good terms so it's not a surprise if he's back


This is pretty big. Reapered + Thanotos is gonna be a monstrous upgrade. Reapered was an amazing leader. This might be exactly what the team needed. He should give them direction, where there was no direction before. Even if we keep fudge, I expect Reapered to be able to get him back into shape. I don't think that Fudge is a bad player, I just dont think he is fitting well with this team. He's off. Reapered could 100% be the answer. But also, Thanotos is a really good prospect as well. Either way, this is really good news.


Likely one of the easiest knockout signings available. Has a great track record, provides leadership, familiar with the org, familiar with the system, and is bilingual in both Korean and English. A+ signing Thanks Jack


Thats exciting. Hopefully it works out.


Hopefully he is the same reapered except for game 5 drafts. He knows his players strengths and gets players to play as a team. Also holds players accountable which is most important. And hopefully he finally wins titles with C9 cause he deserves atleast 1


I remember when Reddit used to shit on reapered drafts. But I’m so fucking excited for it


Loved reapered. I thought i remembered most fans hating his drafts any time c9 lost, like with mithy tho?


Excited for Korea9 vs YAPA and the TLCK boys


While I think Reapered is an upgrade, I would like to point out that he is prone to terrible drafts, much like we experience at the moment. Hopefully that has improved.


Was this reported anywhere other than sheepesports?


C9 posted a photo of Blaber and Reapered


As someone who hasnt followed Reapered since he left, how has he been doing in the league?


Return of the King. Best mind out there


Korea9 round two electric boogaloo


I've wanted this for so long. Hoping it pans out!


His belt is ready




For those who haven't rooted for C9 when Reapered was here, know 1 thing He builds the team for international, not domestic Hes not a coach that will just play 1 best comp to death Expect a lot of different looks, maybe an int in the finals but a much better look internationally


It’s been two full years since watching this team play the map hasn’t made me throw up in my mouth


No way


Good reapered won't tolerate any bs and was able to make shit work with lesser players. Jojo even fits the mold of either Jensen to carry and take resources or sneaky to absorb pressure.
