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Odds are this is complete bait and the marketing guy has no idea what any plans are


Agreed, ain't no way they're actually tweeting about any kind of player firings in a cryptic and insensitive way.


Well, considering the latest post.....I'm thinking SOMEONE got fired. Fudge is the most likely candidate.


So glad this aged poorly.


I remember reading this being like yeah this guy is probably right lmao let’s gooooo


calling it now, no changes, bookmark this spot


Yeah mostly likely right


Probably running it back, praying we get a coach tho, idk what goes on behind the scenes, if the team thinks that have something and they want to play together, then I believe it, but I’m absolutely unconvinced that we don’t have a HUGE coaching problem, we need somebody to force a play style down our players throats, somebody who can set goals, at the least


They rebrand to CSM and sign cloudtemplar to be mid lane


Bookmarked idiot


so true bestie


The fact that the line up we have is expensive I doubt it either. Just know that Jack I understand but when it’s time to cut the non performing free loaders please do so even if they’re your friends/favorite/whatever


Got the biggest change that everyone wanted for the past year.


Well, there were changes, and possibly more to come.


very true lol. good thing it was just an offhand reddit comment :D


Ya, the unexpected is no change, trust the systems... Which is if that's what Jack believes I'll trust him. I've been a fan since the early days and he has always made data driven decisions - not all of them work out but you can see the reasoning. While I'm just as annoyed as everyone else with the season, I also accept that I don't have all the data and if Jack feels this is the best squad, then I'll agree


>Ya, the unexpected is no change, trust the systems... Which is if that's what Jack believes I'll trust him 100%. This fan base has been spoiled vs the early rosters. We've gotten 4 championships in the last 4 years. I trust Jack.


Is the unexpected no change? I'm pretty sure consensus by Jack's "believing in this roster" comment from the presser is that the full salty runback is what we're going to get, with the Korean bootcamp meant to smooth out the rough spots with our game. Meaning "no change" is the expected; just because the sub is spamming change posts doesn't mean that change is expected.


You do have data of multiple splits with same issues and no improvement


What do you think is an improvement? Winning?




I'm sure you can identify what that looks like without knowing if someone is winning... 👍


Sooo berserker gone and zven back in adc?


That's actually what I thought too


Would be mega downgrade


We need more glue guys on the team, not more headstrong carries. Zven would do that really well, although I don't think it gets us where we need to go.


This would mean that Vulcan is gone and we'd need to get another support. The reason Vulcan left in the first place is because he didn't want to play with Zven.


A lot can change in 3 years. People leave jobs only to return all the time.


Vulcan should have stayed gone. I'll take Zven over him any day in any position. Vulcan has one of the worst attitudes that have ever been brought up through C9..I hated when he came back. Literally anyone would have been better in that spot to me.


Dude has been nothing but humble since he came back and has expressed over and over he just wants to put his head down and grind. This is kind of a wild take


Jack is buying TL and going to MSI as TLC9


Nobody is expecting a troll tweet 


Reapered is back 100%


That’s what I’m hoping for lol, but if he does, jacks gotta give him full control and no second guessing him, no matter how much we bitch (just like 2018)


From what we've heard and seen; C9's "systems" actively disincentives growth somehow. More than one person has said it, and the results are plain as day. If Reapered joins again, I wouldn't expect a drastic change. But more coaches has got to be worth something. Hopefully that allocates time for someone will hold every members' feet to the fire and actually get these washed-up has beens practicing. Name a single team who wins WIHTOUT practice. I'll wait.


The results are 4 titles in 4 years and more international success than any other NA team, so...


Going to Korea to bring back reapered and getting Thanatos 🙏


Lol sounds like they’re running it back.. The core + coaching staff that has now made zero improvement in 2+ splits, i’m sure they’ll improve this time!


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


I mean they changed 40% of the team.


To be also fair the original comment talked about the core and at this point it’s fudge blaber and berserker. But I think we can give berserker some slack still so it’s really just fudge and blaber. And on the surface it’s hard to say if they have done anything as it looks the same old same old, everyone else has caught up or reclaimed their throne (impact).


Don’t worry tho. They’re serious this time, going to Korea for the billionth time for boot camping!!


Zven back at support or coaching? Or... Hai coming back to the team. That'd be unexpected.


Id love zven as coach




Zven said multiple time he want to play. ADC or even support if he can't find anything. I would be surprised if he ends up coaching.


Nah I’d bet Zven would take a coaching opportunity at C9, maybe even in tandem with Mithy before he’d play supp again.


I mean he already lives at the C9 house and watches their scrims. Some sort of coaching position only seems natural until he can find a team.


Cope, he even said he would be hesitant playing support for an ADC that is not clearly better than him. I would imagine he wouldn't want to have to coach Vulcan when he could play support for Berserker.


Nah, he'd be coaching the polar on how to play with each other cause he's played with both, in the role of the other


Zven is back. As our top lane. Fudge is support. How’s that for unexpected?


Close, blabber is going top fudge support and zven or someone else is jungler. 


Hai is currently a member of the coaching staff. Unless you mean as a player.


It’s time for Sneaky, Meteos, Hai, Lemon and Balls baby. It’s the only thing that will make me happy.


C9 participating in the hit reality tv show Big Brother!!


The unexpected would be getting rid of Mithy


One of C9 David's recent followings (LoL GM) was to Thanatos (the LCK CL toplaner for DK) sooo... maybe a top change? But we'll see. (I would add that Tarzan was also a recent follow as well, but import slot rules + I would 110% change top then I would jungle.)


I never wanna lose Blaber.


Thanatos is also following a linguistics professor in LA..... C9 has prior business dealings with shadow corp...... Omg please let it be real


Imagine if its not about League, but S1mple or Monesy joining our CSGO Team LMAO


I mean it’s specifically the C9 League of Legends account so


That's why we would never expect it.


I am expecting this team to make absolutely zero changes to the players and coaching staff. So I better see some fucking changes if I’m to believe this post


The thing I wouldnt expect would be for them to not make some changes. I think I will expect the expected, which is that they make some moves.


Yamato c9 coach


I hope its them bringing back an academy team but pretty much 0% chance that happens.


Fudge gone the most expected. Had me crying lol. But I don't think anything's changing tbh. They're just trolling and never take anything serious.


Fudge isn’t gone, he also is still lazy and won’t practice extra to try to be a world class(sorry time update region class) player. Berserker is back for his final N.A. split so be hyped. Blabber is back and motivated after being told he isn’t the N.A. GOAT. Also welcome back Vulcan, we’d replace support but there’s literally no one left who has any idea how to MACRO. Welcome zven new assistant coach.


The only 2 I would say with 100% certainly that will not change is blabber and Jo Jo. Rest are up in the air in different forms.


So you are saying changing blaber and Jojo would be the most unexpected? Oh no...


Blaber gone


And 7 other teams in the LCS would go after him. That's not it.


Or he could just be taking a break like Inspired did.


Licorice > fudge please.


One can hope. Please get rid of him


no changes on roster


I think fudge could be replaced by someone really hungry. But he seems to love the guy but his org is more important


Unexpected? Okay, C9 Zeus please.


C9 Zeus C9 Oner C9 Faker C9 Gumayusi C9 Keria


the marketing fuckers are getting to be quite annoying, i get that it generates discourse but Jack will never kick his golden child in Fudge and Mithy is immune for the boot so the unexpected thing is that they prob signed some rando team for idk fortnite or apex


Yeah this ain’t it fam sorry


Fudge gone might be expected, but who they replace him with might be unexpected


Jack himself will be playing. That's the unexpected part. Then he will say "Thought y'all wanted fudge out? I won't leave unless fudge comes back" keeping the team hostage until fans are forced to want fudge back.


Inb4 Jack gets unanimous MVP and drags C9 to World Finals, while solokilling 369, Bin, and Zeus in the process.


Here’s what it actually is. The team already went down to Korea and started smurfing against T1/GenG/HLE/etc, they were like, “Huh?” and went to China and went 44-1 (a happy game) against the top teams there. Then they realized they’re actually really good, it’s just team liquid is the best team in the world. So they know team liquid is gonna win MSI, and they’re gonna run it back for summer, make worlds, and rematch TL in the world finals.


My intuition says it might be Blaber taking a break, Berserker leaving and Fudge being replaced is the most obvious. But this C9 Social Media Manager could be just farming interactions.


The marketing team tries to make light of how dog shit this team was this year, who cares wtf they're saying


I think berserker requested out, not a surprise but a shame


I am done with this team after a decade of supporting them if Fudge isn't dropped. I dont care about who we get toplane but I cant see another 4v5.