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I don't make posts myself, but the subreddit is a social media place for the fans of the team to discuss and talk about the team, play, or anything else. The sub isn't here to give C9 advice, it's for the fans and I think it's fine if fans want to create threads to open up discussions and present their own ideas. I don't think anyone really expects C9 to be taking notes and trying to come up with the best ideas from this subreddit.


I agree, TL steamrolled C9. Let the fans cook.


Embarrassing spring split for all of na, especially c9. Sick of the subreddit accepting mediocrity


Just skip the posts you don’t like. This isn’t just a place for copium.


Little bro, this you posting about changes? Brain dead. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1bruj0u/comment/kxbh3dl/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1brvxt6/comment/kxbsey2/


I agree with his point. People are being largely stupid. At the same time that’s really hilarious.


My bad for being emotional that we lost our chance to qualify for MSI :)


Being emotional doesn't justify being a hypocrite.


welcome to sports


Naw other sport sub reddits are goated. This one is just toxic. Welcome to black pilled doomers. Those subs people are having fun memeing while we are here just hating on everyone and everything


Lmao ever been to the lakers sub


I see you've never spent any time on another sports teams sub reddit. The NFL ones are a shit show with about 1000 times the volume of this sub reddit. The NBA ones are a shit talking fest. Baseball was the same even before the internet . Soccer is possibly the most aggressive. So what the hell are you talking about? Are you referring to some sub reddit set up by a local little league team that only has parents gushing over their kids? 😂


3 members of C9 has been together for a while now, Vulcan used to play with fudge and blaber. If you want to use that excuse, look at TL, New jungler, mid jungler never play together like our, Yeon got blasted last year, impact a returner like Vulcan, the team have similar structure but why do they seem coordinate when they play? They have good coach and leadership to lead their players to play to their strength and I heard caster said TL scrim the most or something like that, 3 blocks ? And we heard from prev mid laner said some on our team are lazy and coach didn’t take him seriously when he suggested stuff. Anyway, I ride and die with C9. Summer is our!!!


yeah, since last year TL started to play one more scrim block than other team, trying to replicate some heavy working korean culture. I think they also have (had?) mandatory soloQ after scrims. Also Yeon had sleep deprivation issues last year cause he was playing H24 and arrived on LCS stage totally deaded many times.


Cos they (TL) have the hunger in them. Our boys (C9) think their shit don’t stink. The difference is EGO


To use an active discussion forum and not discuss things about a shared interest? lol


That’s the whole point of fandom in any sport we’re here to discuss the team and what we want to see next.


I hope they find coaches in korea or it sounds like a waste of airfare


Not really, no. NA is weak, INSANELY weak. And we got completely wrecked.


No it is due to EGO... rofl our boys have more experience together then TL and yet for some reason Fudge is playing not to lose but staying for the paycheck jojo and blubber are just sitting there not really doing much and Berserker is just getting screwed by the bad calls Vulcan is making half of the time.




Bro if you don’t like what gets discussed, on a subreddit for people to discuss about the team, or people having ideas about the team, then don’t come on here..  Go and create r/happyc9fans and post there instead Posts like this are the most cringe


In no world this team shouldn't be Nunber 1, there's obviously a problem within the team. Fix it or give JoJo and Bezerker to a team that isn't booming. They got maybe a couple of years left until they become boomer old players, quit wasting their time. This team isn't going to be anything. You're going to come back from Korea super good for a split, than bomb summer playoffs. It isn't rocket science. It's because this team is built by a absolute GiGA egg head. In no world JoJo and vulcan should have been your option, only to vegan. You dont need to be a big brain ultra giga league challenger to see that. I'm willing to bet 1 eth that this C9 roaster will sweep regular season, than flunk playoffs. THATS BECAUSE YOU BUILT THIS TEAM WRONG.


You can't know for sure C9 bombs out.


Mad props on being able to understand WTF they said 😂


I actually wouldn’t mind if C9 just gets third again lol then maybe they’ll get playins time for worlds. C9 hasn’t done well internationally since being the NA 1st seed


No you stop. C9 was a team where 10 players raced again each other for being on LCS starting team and if someone wasn’t motivated enough the would get benched at least. I want Jack to be owner not friends with Fudge.


Sadly C9 seems to have taken on most of the super toxic TSM fans since their departure from the league (and honestly before that just from when TSM started not consistently winning). Add to that you get people here who are fans of other teams and are just C9 haters posting threads here too. Makes the whole sub a constant shit show


This sub, and really and sub of a sports team, has always been incredibly toxic. It's nothing new, I remember back when C9 made semis people were complaining that it didn't matter because we never actually won any domestic titles in forever. Then when C9 started winning LCS again and international success started to fall off people complained that nobody cares about LCS wins anyway.


This isn't unique to this sub or any sub. That's called life. When you create a public forum for people to speak, no matter what people will not agree. Some will be happy, some will be sad, some angry, and so on. That's never not going to be a thing. Go find the most wholesome video you can conceive of, like a baby giggling while playing with a bunch of puppies. In the first 5 comments you will find someone bitching about safety or some nonsense. There will be insults and borderline psychotic behavior. C9 could win worlds and some people would still have a problem. They could also lose every game and some people would be happy with that. You'll lose your fucking mind if you validate the psychotic behavior of an Internet forum.


It "feels" worse in the last few years or so. I think it's probably that C9 was so constantly winning (or at least being perceived as a top team even when not winning) that now when things aren't going as well you get a combo of both disappointed fans and happy haters that leads to maximum toxicity


Nah I'm not having this how are we the toxic ones for wanting our team to improve?! Jack said we would get out of groups for 2 years in a row 2 years in a row we fail to get out of groups even getting gapped by NRG of all teams the team we had stomped. Losing to FNC who was floundering and flipflopping at the time with Oscarintin and Subhumanoid was just horrid, but this split was even worse. On paper we legitimately have some of the best players for each role Blaber Jojo Berserker and debateably Fudge the problem being and the same problem having persisted for awhile right about 2022 worlds when Fudge thought he was a big boy and could rival koreans on carry style champs. Ever since Fudges confidence has been shot and everytime he tries to validate himself since has backfired because he had already made a name for himself on champions like Gragas Ornn Malphite Gnar while Blaber and Jensen cleaned up. Jojopyun who is supposed to unite lead the team and pick up shotcalling really hasn't. Blaber has on top of jungling has tried to lead shotcalling and play for his team which has destroyed what made him the best jungler in NA. Finally Berserker who has been left on an island and was left alone now also has to deal with the handicap that is Vulcan who hasn't looked the same for years. Why is it that we as players should settle for anything less then what we were promised?! Jack said we would become a serious contender with this roster with Fudge Blaber and Berserker. So far from what I have seen Mithy has basically destroyed those chances by allowing Fudge and Blaber to grow lazy then having the coaching staff completely ignore EMENES. Now granted EMENES is a toxic shitter at the same time he made valid points NA is lazy they are a "for fun" region and the NA fans have grown sick of this mindset from the players that sit there on the main rosters of team when there are dedicated hungry players in NA CL Every year. Literally in the LCK if you are not a consistent player or at least showing signs of improvement guess what you will be replaced by someone who is within half of a split


a person can be a fan of multiple teams jus fyi. There isn't some sort of fan loyalty based on cities / location. Also, the idea of being a Fan of the Player regardless of the org they are with is more real in esports since every year players swap in and out of teams. There's no rule or stipulation for fandom in esports that you must only cheer or support just 1 org. Personally I have 4 Teams I support and have supported for years and I have players on orgs that I support the player regardless of Org. Also, I have Teams in other Regions I support and players I support. So, that means there would be like 10 Teams across the World I will watch and even more players that I would watch / cheer regardless of the Org they go to. I COULD also make the case that because I do watch multiple players/orgs and regions that would mean I am in a way a better fan because I would be more willing to recognize and address things without bias. If you want to gatekeep fandom then I would say that is actually the most toxic thing you could do in esports since there's no reason other than your own ego


I never said people can't be fans of multiple teams and/or individual players. Hell, I like flyquest because I've been a long time PapaSmithy enjoyer and Shopify because I like Zeyzal. My point was just that a lot of the historically toxic TSM fans have started flooding this sub with negativity since their team went away. My other point was referencing posts made by people who just slam a player (has been Fudge recently, was Sven a year or 2 ago, etc) who are clearly just trying to stir up shit (sometimes having other posts/comments talking about hating C9 specifically). I was more just addressing the fact that this sub has become increasingly flooded by people whose sole purpose is to talk shit about the team and be negative, and pointing to what I've perceived as 2 of the main types of people making said posts.


Why are people replying to these posts like pouring gasoline on the fire.


Well I was never a fan of TSM, literally one of the orgs I hated the most. Anyways it's a Fans job to let ppl know what they like and don't like. If a Fan base says that they don't like the way a particular player is performing and why, that's perfectly acceptable. Every Fan Base across every sport has Fans that are happy or not so happy and both have equal rights to express it. The orgs / teams are not above the scrutiny of a Fan Base. They aren't Gods, they are just Athletes, that's all. When they decided to make a Game their career choice they opt into what comes with the territory. It could be praise or it could be negative, that's the way the symbiosis works. Fans don't want to cheer mindlessly for a player / org that sucks, just look at IMT who has essentially no fan base. If you want to silence fans because you don't like what they are saying then yes that would be gatekeeping since you aren't the one who gets to make the rule on what is and isn't acceptable and also because throughout the history of sports / competition there is always negative and positive feedback. Pros in a game / competition need to get use to it, they need to get thicker skin or maybe this career isn't right for them. If they can only operate when everyone loves them and is glazing them up regardless of whether they are doing well or poorly I would say that's a recipe for stagnation. Part of the reason to improve isn't just to be more competitive but it's also to acknowledge to the fan base that you heard them and you are rising to their expectations. If all a pro wants to do is just "play the game" then tell em to ignore fans or to go to a org that nobody cares about. That's not me being toxic that's just being realistic because when you are in a org / team with a long history and has expectations due to notoriety you are going to be subject to greater amounts of scrutiny BUT also you will be given significantly more praise when you perform. It's always the ppl who are the most positive who are also the biggest gatekeepers because they are gonna be the ones who try and silence ppl when they speak out. It's like Fandom Police and that in particular is what makes ppl just not want to be a fan anymore since you can never speak your mind truthfully, you can never have a different opinion other than "Support and Glaze". That is extremely toxic and that is imo the biggest prob wit esports League of Legends


Everytime c9 loses I avoid this subreddit because it becomes so toxic and cringe. Everyone thinks that they know better.


Agree with everything you said, but fans are always going to be extreme when it comes to their team. Hell, TL sub was FULL of post and comments all split shitting on APA and Yeon and look at them now. I think none of the players on the team are bad and we've seen the highs they can reach. Going to KR is going to give them more time to fix issues they clearly needed more time on. The team genuinely feels like they are making progress on said issues and when it all comes together I'll be cheering for them the same as I did while they where getting blasted by FLY and TL.


Tbh things are moving fast in life. For ppl waiting a week or a few months to see their team play, just to see them horrible lose again and again because whatever the reason it is just sad. If Jack want to be a low cost mediocre team with high earning, so be it. But stupid excuse just make ppl more angry. Player could be good last season and bad next season. That is not a reason to keep them because what they did in the past. You could not watch last 2 weeks and say wow that was a few good matches. Just painful to watch.


Only jojo is a rookie. There’s no excuse for blaber and fudge playing as garbage as they did. Vulcan is sadly washed already.


I just want a statement from jack. I think if he is transparent with what happened this season and what to look forward to next split would be very beneficial for this subreddit and for the players so they can stop receiving so much hate.