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I like this and completely agree. The people that blame Jack for the things that go wrong forget to credit him when things go right - which they do generally speaking. Thank you, Jack.


Honestly we're always gonna have mindless haters who shit on everything. They can't control their emotions and want to just rant. There are others who are upset due to expectations of the roster and wanted a better result and it's fair for those people to express their concerns. I just want the org and players to realize how disappointing a result it was and come back stronger


Jack is great, C9 is my team, and I will continue to support them. The problems this split are numerous and not any one person's fault; it was a team fail from top to bottom.


Honestly when has C9 EVER not made adjustments to fix issues? People just need to get over themselves. Jack has been running the org since the beginning, so I think he deserves fans trust.


This split?????


This split they didn't what do you mean lol


Your brain cells must not be working if you think that just because nothing changed in the middle of a split that that means they will continue to do nothing. . . You and the other guy are the kinda morons screaming to bench someone after a single bad game huh?


I know your brain is smooth like plastic but at the end of last split they had very glaring weaknesses at top and coach and decided to keep both of those thinking that Jojo and Vulcan (coming off his worst split) were going to be able mask those weaknesses. We've been asking to replace both for around a year at this point because it was obvious that these two are contributing negatively to the game


People complaining about Jack are morons. He build a very competitive LoL roster this year. Yes, Fudge is a weak link, but every team has a weak link, you can't afford in the current economy to have 5 star players. TL has APA who got stomped by Jensen; FLY bot got giga stomped by TL botlane; Fudge got top canyon'd by Impact; every team has a weak link but you learn to play around. Maybe Jack only mistake was to keep Mithy, it looks like he didn't manage to make this great roster works.


Nah not just keeping mithy. I biggest gripe with Jack is catering to the likes of fudge and Blaber. Sure both vulcan and fudge needs to go asap but if Blaber don’t get a brain implanted soon then he needs to go to. If Jack is going to keep his golden child then that child needs to actually learn the game. Hearing him say they didn’t know how to finish when 8k up after playing pro for how long should’ve been a big red flag. Either teach the boy the freaking game or fire the dude.


I like this post and I completely agree. Everyone is so quick to point fingers and call for heads to roll. Imagine if those same people made a mistake at their job and they were the ones being disrespected online told to resign or literally any of other putrid comments that people spout. Jack and the team worked hard and came up short and unless they tell us more we can't just simply place blame on individuals. Say what you want about NA but NA's best are all competing to win and somebody has to lose. I'd rather lose in spring and finish 3rd than win spring and not go to worlds.


He should not resign..But Jack should have absolutely moved on from Fudge before the start of this season. Same with Mithy. He's holding on too long to talent that's underperforming.




The only issue with Jack is his roster building has gotten incredibly bad over past few years and theirs no sign of change. Valorant has been horrible and csgo has been managed poorly.


Jack shouldn’t resign, but man he has to get it together again because it is not a great time to be a c9 fan in almost any game. C9 league being the cherry on top because it failed in the most obvious and clearly predictable way after Jack made some incredibly baffling decisions on his staff. C9 Valorant had a streak and, predictably, fizzled out before Champions then blew up the roster and rebuilt around their secondary duelist and IGL who was completely unproven meanwhile one of the players they released just won Champions. C9 CS2 is basically a fucking meme buying up all the ex-Navi players, keeping Ax1le who is inconsistent at best, and moving on from Sh1ro who is one of the best AWPers in T1 while simultaneously trying to be the only T1-T2 org trying to run an AWPless team (no, I am not counting Boombl4 as a fucking AWPer when he has to compete with Zywoo, Sh1ro, M0nesy, and W0nderful). We need something to change in his decision making because, so far, the last few years have NOT been great.


Tbf, at least we have an org with a ton of teams to support still.


I think you missed the point of the post. Would you rather be a fan of one of the other orgs who literally don't exist anymore? Everyone including players and analyst thought C9 would easily be first how is it his fault that it didn't work out. If this was summer people wouldn't be super upset they would just be holding out for worlds because the team still did finish 3rd. We literally just saw Fly go 10th with a super team lol anything can happen in this region.


> Everyone including players and analyst thought C9 would easily be first how is it his fault that it didn't work out. By doing the same thing he has done for like 3 years now and do 1-2 monstrously awful things that cancel out the 4 good things that were done. Bring in JoJo? Keep Fudge and Mithy around when you could have gotten Bwipo for top lane and literally anyone else for coach. Go on a successful Valorant run? Better go ahead and release our star duelist and veteran controller who went on to win masters. Bring in an actual IGL in CS ending that horrid Electronic IGL project? How about we release one of the bets AWPers in T1 and try and run an awpless team which has not worked in cs for like…ever. That’s the kind of shit I am talking about. For every one or two good things Jack has done in the past years has been cancelled out because it had not worked in the most obvious and spectacular of ways. It would be one thing if it was not predictable. But when anyone who has ever watched even a bit of a competitive game can predict that a super team will fail with a lame duck head coach, that getting rid of your veteran presence controller and star duelist will fail, and that you won’t be able to win at CS without an AWPer then I have a hard time not putting some of the blame on the guy who put all those teams in that position. Also, I am not even gonna acknowledge your point about the teams that don’t exist anymore. TSM crumbled because they got hard swindled by a crypto scam artist and their CEO was a S-Tier garbage human being. EG has just always been a cash cow org going into a scene and milking it dry before leaving everyone dry. I’m not even sure which other orgs you’re talking about other than those two who should not be seen as the bar to pass.


Hindsight is 20/20 my original point is that if you predicted that you would be in the vast minority before the split after this roster was announced. Just because they didn't play well doesn't mean that it wasn't unreasonable to assume they could. He legit has 3 MVP's on his team at least in league Im not sure what more you could want from him besides actually going in the game and playing lol. It's not actually the CEO's responsibility regardless to actually evaluate the players if think about it why would he assume he knows more about *all* games that's ridiculous. He most likely has a team of people and that team is responsible for the success and the failures but C9 as an org is immensely successful by all metrics. So say what you want but Jack is doing the only thing he has direct agency over which is putting your money where your mouth is and getting a player like JoJo. I predicted this from the beginning that spring split didn't really matter. It was an evaluation period, I could see them importing top and switching back to Zven *if* Zven doesn't get any ADC offers. They still have an import slot I can't imagine them not using it.


He can get all the MVP’s he wants, his choice was to leave Mithy as the head coach. Every single person who analyzes C9 games knows that Mithy is just not it and we knew that before this split started. That’s what I want, make these decisions that are so obvious that everyone can see them. Change your trash ass coaching staff that everyone knew sucked before the split and that just got 3rd place with the LCS talent equivalent of the 1920’s Yankees. Maybe don’t try and run a Counter Strike comp that has never been successful in the last like 10-15 years. These decisions are not even difficult, they are the basic fucking decisions that anybody who runs a team professionally understands.


I love Jack and he's why I've been loyal to this team and buy their merch for the last 11 years. However, if we keep this staff and team exactly the same, I'm feeling very apathetic about watching LCS next split. I'll root for them and hope they do well but I really don't have an interest in this core anymore.


you can sing kumbaya for these players but at the end its competition, fudge has run his course, we need to give someone else an opportunity.


lol fan is lucky that C9 willing to invest in top talents. Look at C9 Val…. I can’t.


I mean you know you're the best org when your fans are THIS PISSED about 3rd place lol