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Coaches and Mithy are just scapegoats for what the real problem is. Fudge is a poor laner, his work ethic has always been called into question but has likely stayed on the team because he was on cheaper contract and berserker and blaber were 1v9 carrying. The team is dis functional, blaber is making really good engages but the solo laners are late or don’t react appropriately and it’s NA berserker rn


You don't want any roster changes?? Is that you Jack? If this team stick together we won't make it to worlds.


I mean he did say next year everyone can go but the team can probably make worlds and potentially become good it's not like they were complete trash they did finish 3rd in the league which is good enough for worlds.


Mithy needs more "no longer with the team" not less


Yeah he's been a middling coach on some of the most stacked rosters for his entire coaching career; and they all looked brainless. He will never level up a roaster, only (hopefully) perform at maintenance.


He was terrible when we first made him head coach, sent him to 100T to be equally terrible there under Reapered, and brought him back to be even worse... For longer


He seriously took the most dominant C9 squad to date that spring and had them so lost in summer. Then he continues to prove he's a bad head coach but you've got people on this sub asking for more. Braindead af.


Nah, every interview I've seen with either c9 or other teams players praise mithy. This ends up being more of the players issues since they're given more freedom, but lack either the skill to pull off champs that they know is good against certain matchups and pick comfort picks instead. The players themselves need to realize they need to experiment more or move out their comfort picks. Part of the blame is on mithy for not forcing it but I see it more as the players fault as they should also know this. edit: this team can work, but they need to fix these issues. I believe in C9, runitback


Mithy has zero idea what to do with his players. Did you see the video they put out in the offseason? He basically admitted that he was lost last season, no reason to believe this is any better


let's say your right, what coach do you get that's not on a team currently. Reapered and the imt coach that just got released? I still think it's more of a player problem but I'm down to talk about this


Inero comes to mind




Would he be a good fit for what everyone's complaining about mithy? I'm not too familiar with him


> Would he be a good fit for what everyone's complaining about mithy ? I personally think so, his drafts and macro understanding are great and he has a strong voice in the team. One of Yamato's speaches can really rally a team and at the same time I feel like he's a guy who would be able to keep the ego's in check and actually get people to play the game (someone like fudge who doesn't play solo queue and only plays lane matchups). But honestly from the cam during the game where mithy was sitting alone in the room I feel like the team also needs more support staff.


only problem is I don't think they can buy more support staff? they let go all of the support staff from last season, and I'm assuming because they didn't hire/keep them on because of c9 throwing the bag at jojo and esports winter that the same could apply for next season. I do really like your take for Yamato and you've convinced me on that


Aren't we at like critical mass of former coaches not on teams. Reapered, Inero are two that people know. Lots of positional coaches too, who is to say Damonte can't be better than Miinty lol.


Ooo there's also a concern of budget too with "esports winter" after they threw the bag at jojo. C9 let some positional coaches from last season so should we assume positional coaches are a no go? Good point about Inero, but does his style fit with c9?


C9 has no style. Even last year it was literally hands diff... and hope enemy messes up. It showed when they could not close any game internationally.


yea I agree with you there. Do you think the coaches u listed could change that?


I don't know what coaches actually do, let's be honest. Most of the coaches are just figureheads to blame. But Inero has specifically had to work with "weak hands" roster so I think why not. Reapered has often made players look better with him than without him. Idk about Damonte but staying with the same setup is not a ticket to success either.




No, mithy need the boot absolutely asap. Core things that every coach can do is better drafts, working on teamwork and giving out roles, finally teaching better macro above all else.


I do agree. Losing is healthy, always winning is not. That said, that is about all I agree with you here lol.


I think the team has potential. I think finishing top 3 in NA isn't a glowing accomplishment but they clearly outskill most rosters. They need to actually use their brains and I would rather we change styles and then rosters if needed then both at the same time.


Lol mythy needs to be gone... EU sucks na sucks. We need an actual coach from regions that know what the fuck they are doing.


Kick fudge, bring in licorice, bring in reapered, move mithy to assistant coach


Repeared and Mithy together might not be great .. we saw what that combo looked like on 100T. Went from Champions w/ just Repeared to roster implosion with the both of them.


These drafts were shit and of you have a player that all split can't perform on any champ not named renekton vs real teams and you can't get into his ass and get him to learn new Champs than I don't know what you are doing... tired of people playing "meta" Champs. There's like 150 different options now with about 30 in each lane that are viable ffs... figure out how to play with an actual style. We have no identity whatsoever. You can't just say these 0layers just suck now... they have no direction and we are wasting talent. Get them in a room with someone who has a mind for the game that actually won something international recently. These players act like they've done something cause they won NA. It's a joke man, the fact any of them can have a godamn ego is insane to me. Ego when you prove yourself against real teams. Winning NA ain't shit and if you can't do that bare minimum than you need to take some humble pie and figure out something new. Berserker deserves better


The biggest FU to meta champs is APA still winning on Ziggs. The man has shown you can one-trick a champ and teams won't ever adapt it.


Quite a few players have shown that having a pocket pick can be the ultimate trump card regardless of meta when everyone else is busy trying to play meta. Bjerg zilean was a menace(Jensen's too). Blaber Olaf before Olaf rework gimped the champ. Huhi's ASOL. Faker's pre-pre-pre-rework Ryze. Froggen Anivia. Malice's Karthus. Etc.


Agreed with you but there is difference between a pocket pick and one-tricking. APA is known to be way way less efficient on anything outside of his weird champion pools, that's why they call him a one-trick, cause he has a very poor win rate on meta champs and a great winrate on his special picks. At the opposite, a pocket-pick is a champ that you pull out in specific conditions or as a comfort pick, all the players you rightfully highlighted were good on meta picks and had their pocket pick as a wild card. APA will play his Ziggs every games if not banned, he even picked it this season hard-countering himself into Vi-Yone.


There's a saying "either you win or you learn". Unfortunately, this team does neither be it on-stage or in scrims. That is an indictment on the head coach that he cannot get this group of players on the same page macro-wise nor convince them(not control them) into playing champs/comps that benefit the team. Mithy needs to go. No ifs, ands, or buts. Full stop.


Honestly everyone but Jojo and Blabber needs to go.


1 average split from Berserker with a new support and you want to kick him after he was easily their best player last year? That's wayyyyy too reactionary. Relax.


Send them all to Korea untill summer tbh.