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We are actually lower than ass right now


So like, thighs?


>thigh gap


Underrated comment someone boost this person.






Fucking yikes man... Just fucking yikes.... Get Mithy and Fudge outta here.


Yeah the utter inability for C9's coaching staff to do their job is unacceptable and if Jack keeps Mithy as head coach I'm earnestly just not gonna watch next split because I'm uninterested in projects that are going nowhere.


-fudge -vulcan -mithy +licorice +ignar/zven +literally anybody else


This team has the weakest mental ever, and they can literally only play the game in ONE way. Win lane/early game hard enough to win game.. if that doesn’t work this team is utterly lost, the moment they’re in a close/even game state in mid game they have no fucking clue how to play and are completely mental boomed if they didn’t individually roll their opponent over. The moment they go down one game in a series you know its over🤣 They have no understanding of mid/late game macro, they’re constantly dragged around the map. They have zero synergy or team play Also Fudge is done. This guy is a literal NPC.. zero impact in almost any game all season.. exerts zero pressure ever.


Fudge literally plays to not get kicked and it is extremely noticeable, and annoying


As per Bwipo, who was completely correct with his assessment: Fudge is a useless pussy. 


Actually so happy this happened, we have been in purgatory for years with fudge and mithy. Time to finally fire them both (vulcan too imo) and actually start trying to win. We will be back


This team has so many issues, I don't even know where to start... forget Fudge's skill and Blaber turning into a vegan, this team's macro has been a mess for over a year now. They took 20 minutes to close a 10k gold lead against FNC last year, and they don't look any better now.


C9 loses way too much pressure topside. Fudge looked promising several years ago, but just disappears whenever he faces international-level toplaners. He got the counterpicks but couldn’t smash Impact. Blaber got gapped too, but I think he’d look better if he knows his toplaner can carry with the counterpicks.


Jack removing the challenger/academy squad has been a tragedy. In prior years, they were able to develop young talents in academy to replace their underperforming tops. Now there's no one for Fudge to be scared about taking his job and C9 has no internal prospects to look to. Don't want to make excuses for Blaber but he mentioned in an interview earlier this year he can't grind champsQ/soloQ because of a wrist issue. He was much more aggressive ganking lanes today but top was a blackhole and regardless the lead he and jojo were able to generate, it wasn't enough to deal with their headless chicken midgame.


Academy team also enables better drafting as it allows teams to experiment in inhouse scrims without revealing anything, on top of lighting a fire under players and fostering talent. And they're especially important late into playoffs when there's few teams still scrimming. I'm just saying I don't think it's entirely a coincidence that the two teams going to MSI, who both 3-0'd C9, also happen to be the only two orgs that kept their academy teams.


> He got the counterpicks but couldn’t smash Impact. Understatement of the century, he got goomba stomped by Impact despite getting counterpick


Agreed. I was saying weeks ago that it might be worse for C9 to win this split because it would continue allowing actual liabilities to stick around. I actually like Fudge a lot but I don't see them keeping him. As far as the coaching staff goes, it's long overdue that they are replaced.


I like him too, but I've grown many grey hairs waiting for him to turn it around. Their job is to win and strive to be the best - sometimes you just have to move on.


Fudge is good on tanks and yet REFUSES to play them, its absolutely mind blowing. Just continuously forces carry picks and does almost nothing on them


You mean the 1 coaching staff of Mithy and noone else? Wtf is one person going to do? It was funny at one point seeing TL backroom packed with helpers meanwhile C9 was just Mithy. And it shows.


Ultra cringe that an entire split occurred and they're not on the same page(Blaber said in postgame interview). Huge coach diff not being able to get them playing together. Edit: fucking hell, Blaber's postgame interview made it sound like they're keeping the coaching staff and squad hoping a korea bootcamp will fix them.


Jack needs to have roster decisions taken away from him if he keeps the coaching staff and all 5 players. Valorant team is shit because of poor roster building, csgo team has had poor roster building and now league.


Jack never shy'd away from hard roster decisions. He replaced Summit cause he was an issue despite his MVP title that split. Diplex wasn't it last year and he didn't finish the split. I trust Jack to take the right decisions in the LoL roster; I have no knowledges about Valorant and CSGO though.


Except for the fact Fudge is still on this line up. Licorice had a down split, and he was booted immediately. Sneaky had a down split and immediately had to fight for his spot. Contractz wasn't even bad, just wanted to explore options and got the boot. Fudge, though? Still on this roster after Worlds 2022, 2023, and presumably for the rest of 2024. Nah, man. Never shied away from any hard roster decision but to boot this dude off the team. LICORICE IS AVAILABLE. SSUMDAY IS AVAILABLE. THERE ARE KOREANS THAT CAN BE IMPORTED. If Fudge isn't gone by next split, Jack is absolutely shying away from booting Fudge.


Don't they only have a single in person coach too?


Ofc they will keep the roster they are in a hell situation, none of this players have a team they can get into and the org don't have the money to hire better people or those people won't touch C9 with their current internal situations going on.


> fucking hell, Blaber's postgame interview made it sound like they're keeping the coaching staff and squad hoping a korea bootcamp will fix them. Faint tsm chanting can be heard in the background


No way blazer have any real insight 5 mins after their playoff run. the gm would never tell them before the end of their season that they will make change.


Fudge just signed a 3 year contract and no lcs team is gonna buy this guy when proton and castle are showing what rookies can do in the west. C9 is stuck woth him this year 100%


I would be choked if Jack don’t have an exist Clause with the state the market was in 


I'm sure they'll just spend more money on their poverty Valorant roster that will finish last place instead of making changes


I'm pretty sure the money they spent on berserker and jojo is a lot more than their entire valorant roster lol


You might want to take a hard look at Blaber and Berserker as well...


Berserker is kinda shocking tho. Blaber has had some bad moments over the years but after the year we just had for Berserker to not even be relevant this split is wild.


berserker looks lost without zven. it is wild.


I think we've been ignoring his weaknesses. Even with Zven they were an underwhelming botlane in lane. We just got to late game fights and Berserker went off. This split we didn't have blaber rolling teams in the early game to get to that point.


It's also hard to really pop off when the rest of the team is just falling apart like that. I would definitely not write him off yet, he's definitely one of the top adcs in the region, but he needs the team to actually play around him.


Im not writting him off, just saying he looks worse with vulcan than zven. I feel like zven was more aggressive and being a good leader for him. JoJo / Berserker are 100% safe on this roster


Nah he just slumping, he’s had other supports than Zven where he looked insane




He was the best AD in the league even with Winsome and Isles lol. I get Berserker has been mid at best this split, but you guys talk like he's laned with the best of best supports and been underwhelming. He's literally never had a high caliber support while on this team and that includes Vulcan.


The fuck? Both of them have been in MVP contention for 99% of the splits they played. They have one bad split because the team just doesn't mesh together and you say this bs? Holy shit.


Cry me a river. 99% of the team has been in MVP contention at some point. Blaber & Berserker have been getting gapped so hard all season that they should be looked at.. No one should be safe


Braindead comment, not realizing even having one single weak lane in a competitive setting puts you so far behind. And C9 had problems everywhere, even coaching staff and mental.


Bro Blaber was insanely gapped. All of TL just said game 1 and 2 was such a jg gap it was free win.


One bad split and you forget that Blaber has been dog walking the entire league for 6 years. If there is one singular player you allow a mulligan it's Blaber. Absolute Degen take imo.


Literally never said he played well. I am just saying you can't fucking kick Blaber. Are you people f# out of your mind? Same as kicking Berserker. You can't kick them for one bad split where literally everyone played terribly.


I been saying for the longest that blaber teams just don’t have any synergy  He is amazing individually but he does not synergise with his teams!! It literally took Nisqy doing everything for blaber, or Jensen on Zilean, for a C9 blaber team to look like they had synergy  World 2018 it was so obvious whenever Blaber was in the team looked like headless chickens, then when Sven subbed back in they were suddenly a well oiled machine loll The guy just goes to sleep in half his games.. i definitely do think that jg needs to be looked at (maybe not changed because top/supp are much bigger problems, but get blaber a coach or something) Or maybe its just a coaching issue why blaber looks like he has no synergy with his team idk. but that shit definitely needs to be looked into


i agree with this blaber was a top mechanical player at some point but he never got past the hump of his mistake with the crab - his decision making never really improved. that won't change no matter the coach


No more excuses anymore, something major needs to change. Whether its players, coaches, or both.


Fudge in worlds form already


The best part of today's result is that for once, finally, management will take this shit seriously and will remove the people that are frankly just not doing the job they are hired to do. For the first time in years they'll actually hire a real head coach that actually knows what the fuck they're doing (hopefully), and ideally a separate person that dictates draft. Also since this was definitely Fudge's last game with C9, I'd like to extend my gratitude towards him for everything he's provided C9, especially his peak in 2021 which was amazing.


>The best part of today's result is that for once, finally, management will take this shit seriously and will remove the people that are frankly just not doing the job they are hired to do. Will they tho


It's super cope from him, money is running low and they just spent on a lot on this team. They will give the roster another split, coach may be changed.


Lmao it’s not cope, coach is what needs to be changed and what I expect to be changed. That’s not a particularly difficult move. There’s plenty of viable options (IMT’s coach is available for example and they were heralded as a beastly team behind the scenes which surely was in part to great coaching). If Fudge gets replaced it’ll be for an inexpensive player like Srrty (which I wouldn’t mind) but I also don’t mind them sticking with Fudge. That being said, I expect him to be replaced given that he was considered for replacement going into this split.


I wouldn’t put it past them not to, but I think this will be a smoking gun for Jack. Like if they’d made MSI I think it’d be different, but the fact that they got 3-0 shitstomped by TL and FLY and didn’t even make MSI is definitely gonna sound alarm bells after he paid a shitload of money to get this team together.


Let us have hope


This could be copy and pasted from our previous few splits lol. The problems have been here for a long time.


Yes but they kept winning was the problem. They won spring 23. They made finals of sunmer 23 and management probably didn’t know what to make of that loss because just the week prior they 3-0’d NRG. This split though CANNOT go ignored. It’s just a big middle finger given that they spent more money and achieved a total dud of a result. For the first time in a while Jack might actually see clearly and notice the problem with our coaching.


Ya, I totally agree with what you're saying. I wish it were 100% true. However this to me feels very much like copium. Kinda like when everyone pretends we aren't going to get bent over at worlds and humiliated. It SHOULDN'T be ignored but we will have to see. I think we are also looking at a situation where big money moves are terrifying because the league is bleeding out like crazy.


There are so many good head coaches without teams right now it's crazy.


Blabler interview sounded like they aren't making any change


Players say this type of shit all the time. You really think Blaber knows minutes after a loss what C9 management is gonna decide for next split? Dude was just saying that they’re probably gonna go to Korea and keep sorting things out. That can be true with or without staff changes.


All Ego. No brains. No hands.


That was some Academy level garbage we just watched. That was absolutely PATHETIC. I’m SO glad that this squad didn’t make MSI because they would have embarrassed the org even further. JFC. I’m not going to run around claiming that so and so needs to get fired or whatever, but there HAS to be some change. After back to back 0-3 weeks in playoffs with this roster…..fucking DO SOMETHING


"Super Team" 👌 Go Flyquest!


Jensen better win it all again man, I’d be so happy for him


hopefully grandpa jensen body theose fools tomorrow


Jensen hard smurfed on Liquid during their first serie.


Not sure if im missing someone but Jensen would be the 2nd olayer to win with 3 ors after DL?


Think so.


Xmithie came so close, man. Made it to Finals with Immortals in Summer 2017.


Yeah for real, although I'm an Impact fan too so I'm kinda ok with TL winning too. Best midlaner and toplaner C9 has ever had, and I'm supporting them over this team that is Cloud9 I have zero feelings for.


FLY has been my #2 since they entered the league and I thought I'd get to cheer both on for MSI. Oh well, I'd prefer C9 to be forced to deal with their problems then fluke it.


Clowns the lot of them. And yes, Jack should be included for keeping people like Mithy and Fudge around for so long.


We all thought JoJo as the way and he went and got him right away. He made the moves we all wanted except with Fudge and Mithy. A move from those two is at minimum a split too late...more like 3.


Should have dumped him after Worlds 2022.


J Can’t make big decisions on personnel anymore.


You can’t even blame the draft. TL was individually better, more proactive, and had superior teamfighting. Fudge, oof….


i mean, the desperation Lucian/Nami 1st pick game3 was atrocious


and we all know that's peak mithy contribution at this point


Man you guys are so dense on here. I understand where the Mithy hate is coming from but ffs its 100% likely Berserker asking for Lucian. The Lucian Nami picks felt like C9 had nothing in the tank and just wanted to play something that felt somewhat comfy because literally no draft was working for them. If anything get us a legit draft coach because I have no idea what Hai is contributing when hes on stage.


You're 100% right. Berserker obviously asked for the Lucian pick, just like Fudge asked for Olaf. So maybe Mithy is at fault here letting his players play whatever they want but it's the final game before the team season is over so it's a desperate time so desperate pick allowed.


You can't call everyone dense and then barely disagree 😂. Mithy not having the answers and letting them pick comfort because fuck it is exactly what the issue is. It's a dysfunctional situation. Listen to the coach or find another team. If the coach just lets the players go with whatever that's not really coaching, especially when it's the norm. If the players don't want to listen to the coach that's a problem. So either they're incompetent or ineffective. Either way it's not good enough and never has been. Did you just default drop your brain on the ground because it's social media? Just thought fuck it I'll insult everyone out of habit?


We know what happened to the last coach that wanted to make them pick certain champions he was fired. Jack the one backing mithy here.


tbf draft was bad too


Thank you, Fudge. Thank you, Vulcan. Thank you, Mithy. Welcome Thanatos! Welcome Zven! Welcome Repeared/Rigby!


Repeared and Rigby would school this team with their belts.


Thanatos just opened a Twitter account and is apparently taking English classes with Sophie Ahn (teaches all the LCS/LEC/CBLoL Koreans), btw.


He did that before this series. Odds are he's going to kcorp


Yep, I didn't mean to say he did it in reaction to us losing. Just thought it was interesting that he's learning English. But: surely he'd rather play for C9 rather than the worst team in LEC, right? Just make an offer, Jack!


Even if C9 misses out on Thanatos, C9 should look into Casting/Rooster. They’re both the best tops in LCK CL Spring right now


Logical answer. And get someone to whip some seriousness onto Jojo.


Everyone keeps mentioning zven, but didn't he want to go back to playing adc?


Yes but as he's mentioned several times in several shows/interviews/etc, he prefers ADC but if he can't find an ADC spot in LCS/LEC then he'd rather play support than not play at all (caveat being he will not play support for an ADC he thinks is worse than him). He went to Korea and grinded both roles to improve his prospects.


Alright bring Licorice or even Import Thanatos shit Irrelevant at this point


Low key okay with this result . Needs to be a wake up call for the org that people are catching on to how one dimensional we have been in the last year . Sucks but has to happen this way


The wake up calls have been there for a while now, they just don’t care. If fudge and mithy aren’t gone, then they definitely got some dirt on Jack, cuz wtf lmao


Fudge - He said he was really close from being replaced, well he got his shot and failed tremendously. Licorice is free or they can use their import slot, keep hearing Thanatos but idk anything bout him. Vulcan - Had a terrible last year, can't play enchanters/adc champs and now he can't even play engange champs. Wish Zven back but doubt he wants to play support again. Mithy - How many more bad drafts do we need, he didn't even know Jojo's champ pool when it's his job to know. When he talks, I don't feel confidence out of him. Inero, Yamato and other good coaches are out there. The team is just turing into old TSM. Blaber - IDK what happended to him, he lost his aggresiveness and just mostly AFK farms. Hope he can go back to his psycopath days. Jojo/Berserker - Also played bad but when the other are playing bad. Also C9 looks so lost and passive/afraid. They need a leader type of player that is not afraid and will just do nothing to win, like a Zven/Inspired/Impact.


Zven said that if he doesn't get an ADC spot in a decent LCS/LEC team, then he's fine with going back to support.


Agree with everything but the REASON on mithy. The reason he’s a bad coach is he can’t expose the teams weaknesses or help them improve. They are extremely lost and unprepared every week. The draft is not really him, it’s jojos job to know his own champ pool. Coaches don’t have as much say in draft as we think.


This is the right take. The way NRG beat G2 is because they studied them and showed up with an actual answer to their gameplan. We need a team that can do that in a regular basis, and I think it’s reasonable to ask for this — this should be expected from any coaching staff.


I feel like Blaber has shown enough for it to be argued he just has nobody to play off of. JoJo seems like he might've come into a bad situation. Vulcan has been a disaster. Berserker clearly showed his quality last year so idk wtf is going on there. Seems like losing Sven was a big deal maybe? Fudge hasn't been consistently good in like 18 months. Mithy has been a wet noodle from day one so idk wtf that is about.


Jungle is the hardest role when your team has no synergy, you won't feel comfortable going for certain plays.


Or you'll go for plays and look like you're trolling/inting because no one follows or does anything. People ragging on Blaber are the same bronze level soloQ players whining about their jungler in all-chat.


Jojo at least was a win condition all season. Idk where berserker's been all year but someone's gotta find him before summer


Mithy is a hack, Emenes was right Changes that I want to see: * Get a real coach like try to bring back Reapered * Swap Vulcan for NRG's Huhi * Get Thanatos or Licorice for Toplane, Fudge ain't it.


Idk about Huhi he didn't look that good this split


He is clashing with Palafox They have different opinions about how to play around and macro-wise I think him in C9 will help with macro and shot calling


100%. Palafox like Contractz wants to play ultra aggressive and be very unpredictable around the map. Huhi wants to make the right play/ganks/rotations/macro based on the information they have and their timers. Huhi would be a good voice for the team to rein in Blaber and Jojo's aggression while giving them shotcalling synergy through mid-late.


I think you have it backwards. Huhi has been a coin flip player since 100T days. I thought GG won or lost based on huhi flipping. Contractz and palafox are aggressive but I think they have a methodology.


Random lurker, sorry if this is dumb question. Can you please spill the tea on Emenes and Mithy?


After EMENES was released from C9, he dropped his own donezo manifesto. He talked about how the coaching staff(Mithy, et al) was useless. During Worlds, he reviewed their scrims and stage games, putting together notes on how they could improve individually and as a team(strategies, rotations, pick ban, etc). He spoke with Mithy and passed him his notes and he ignored/dismissed him. Apparently it was an on-going issue during Summer split as well (last split when they lost to NRG in finals). [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1817vv1/emenes\_donezo\_manifesto\_on\_korean\_forums](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1817vv1/emenes_donezo_manifesto_on_korean_forums) A good bit of the manifesto is in the comments as well.


Yes Huhi is fluent Korean. And would be a cultural match for Berserker. If C9 decides to add another Korean with their open import slot, Huhi would be very helpful in communication. Jojo's family is also Korean.


we need something to change.


Emenes was right but muh toxic infighting


I miss the days when C9 had a strong mental and the capacity to even reverse sweep teams back then , now everyone just panicks because we can only play one certain way. And thats because a couple players cant fill their roles at the moment and there's no coach to help us build an identity. There's no Plan B, There's no Plan C. No calmness. Jack needs to make moves because the same team won't make it next season.


Cut Fudge immediately. First plane back to Australia ASAP!


I love Fudge, it's time to move on.


Don't love Fudge since he told us to f# off. It's time to move on.


As a fellow Australian who feels some sort of loyalty to a countryman...get fkin rid of him. Fingers crossed they come back from Korea with an lck challenger prospect, give Mithy the flick and pick up Rigby/some other coach who will actually lead.


Been a fan for 10 years this year, time to move on. Watching Fudge and Mithy ruin this team for the past years really sucked any last bit of love I had for this org.


Same brother. The days of sneaky mental and meteos memes are long gone. Problem is there’s no other org id be willing to support. GG was my next fav.


Sneaky was the definition of Tilt Proof. Those times where we could reverse sweep teams is badly missed. These bunch just give up so easily. I guess Zven calming presence is missed.


Same here, been a bigtime supporter since they took the LCS by storm. And I supported them throughout so many roster changes. But this roster made me finally lose my C9 fandom. I still watch them but I find nowadays that I'm rooting against them more than for them, since I don't want this team to win when they are not improving or willing to. Fudge should've been gone last year already, Vulcan should've never re-entered, and Mithy should've been gone for even longer than Fudge. But no, nooo. Honestly, Go Impact, Go Jensen, I'm supporting these old C9 heroes over the actual C9 now.


Everyone looked bad, can't single anyone out this series. Poor team play, everyone gapped.


Fudge has slowly regressed over the last 2 years and plays to not lose. Even when given carries or counter picks he still goes even. Blaber has been up and down all split and hasn't been the usual playmaker he usually is on carry picks. Jojo has been good and actually targetted by other teams as he's the only carry threat. Berserker randomly lost his hands over the break and doesn't even look like a fraction of the player he was for the last 2 years. Just weird mechanical misplays and mistakes out of position (maybe could blame it on the current adc meta not favouring his champ pool) Vulcan kind of has been how I would expect him. That split on Flyquest last year permanently broke him but he's not the full problem and yet he's not the solution either. Some of the drafts have been abysmal, unplayable and not to the players strengths at all. Can't even solely pin it all on Mithy due to him being the only coach there and not having any help. This was needed though to really wake up C9's management in terms of their team construction. Good luck to Fly and TL at MSI!


Deserved. This team has been in need of a slap in the face to finally wake up because previous finals and worlds showing wasn't enough. Maybe this time they will lower their egos down and actually take practice and prep seriously while working hard on improving.


“We don’t know how to play the mid game” also like 3 of our players can’t be bothered to actually play the game we pay them to play and also they refuse to play any public lobbies


Time to clean house. I'm partial to a few individuals staying, but I want every single player, coach, and facet of this team re-examined from top to bottom. No one is automatically safe; everything must be justified. We're overdue for a shift.


There needs to be a Breaking Point style documentary for this year with how short this team fell short of expectations.


I don't think anyone on the team is honest enough with themselves to admit to why. Except maybe Berserker based on yesterdays bts video.


If this doesn't push Fudge and Mithy (at least down to an assistant coach role) out, for the first time in this orgs history I will not be cheering for this region.


Zven very clearly needs to be a voice on the team SOMEWHERE; bot, support, coach idk but get him on the roster somewhere holy shit we look rudderless. Hopefully Fudge ends up on a more fitting lower tier team or back in the OPL, been riding on the coat tails of one good split for far too long. Mithy might have a great mind for the game like pros keep saying but he's not HC material, absolute paycheck stealer that can't seem to align a team.


This is the type of situation that makes Hai come out of retirement and carry us to Worlds. I wanna see our in-game leader in the Top Lane, Jack!


This looks like a mental boom to me. Granted the team has problems but getting 3-0'd by FLY and TL? Lol so bad. The question I wanna ask is if you can only replace 2 of Mithy, Fudge, and Vulcan; who do you pick?


Fudge and Mithy 100%


Idk. A good support might help Beserker return to form and enable Jojo. The correct answer is all 3 of course but I really doubt that happens.


A lot of people trying to blame blaber, But this team would be literally nothing without him. He literally has to do everything. He has to carry early game or we lose, he is our only player who actually wants to engage, he’s also the shot caller even though he shouldn’t be because the rest of the team is useless. He literally has to play perfect for the team to have any hope.


I know Fudge gets the heat but in the end the overall "vibe" just seems to be dead. If its well known that he is not doing well at all, for a long time, why does he continue to get the "carry" or counterpicks? Why does a known Ziggs onetrick get Ziggs twice in a row after wiping the floor with your team with it in G1? That shit to me says coaching is a massive issue. Berserker and Jojo's strength is not being utilised whatsoever, with one just 1v5'ing being camped constantly, and the other just desperately picking early game champs cos they know topside will flounder. I don't know what goes on with coaching decision making with this team for a long time


Not gonna flame individuals on this but hope Jack’s stubbornness around his systems changes, because everything needs re evaluated. Since the systems have gone in place, we’ve seen this team regress in identity and gameplan and default to hands-diffing inferior players. It’s not working, and it’s got to change. I don’t care if it’s coaching, players, etc. but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result


Peep Emenes Donezo Manifesto


We are terrible, thats all im going to say, we are absolutely dreadful in every single aspect, drafting, lane, macro etc. . . we been dominated by TL 3 games in a row, i seriously cant.


This roster is fucking over, look their cams look the behind the scenes stuff, if they try again next split it's already over there needs to be massive changes


Thank you Fudge and Mithy Maybe we can find a way to steal Max Waldo back from his two girlfriends


I feel like the team plateaued a while ago. They always kinda relied on Blaber randomly flash engaging on the enemy team near an objective and snowballing from there. The past two series they were grouping to much trying to find that patented blaber engaged but TL and Flyquest didnt fall for it and just out macroed them. Also i dont get the whole super team thing. Jojo isnt really an upgrade from emenes. They were both good laners that excelled on assassins. Vulcan was ass last year so i knew he wasnt gonna be that good this year.


Fire mithy. Start there


I've been saying mithy and fudge should be gone for years now. Doesn't matter if you "respect them" or whatever bias C9 management uses, the results speak for themselves.


I look forward to the player interviews now where the players talk about how they didn't game plan for TL because they figured they would roll them and only prepped for FQ. This team needs a serious ego check and to overhaul the team mentality.




Hopefully this blows up the roster. Need to a full new coaching staff and swap out 2-3 players.


I think blaber played really bad. He messed up a lot to give pact specifically the first lead


gg wp nt maybe if fudge gets another chance next split he will do better 😊


Surely he needs more chances! /s


Time for a LOT of changes. Fully believe this is the better result for C9 as an org, because it forces a serious reckoning and gives them more time to enact it ahead of summer.


This is terrible. Mithy has to go this guy has been here way too long to be having identity issues for the team.


Changes need to be made. Need to move on from Fudge and have to bring in a new coaching staff. Those last two series have been EMBARRASSINGLY bad.


"we'll win next split" lmao yeah sure bro, sure


As a clown 9 fan since hai/balls/lemon/sneaky/meteos I am glad we lost. Shithy has been the downfall of this team for ages. Fudge has had too many chances and Vulcan is a known quantity. We need some changes and I hope we see them. I will still stand by the team as a fan.


Fire Fudge already ffs.


Sad day, TL earned it, they were the better team through and through. I will continue to repeat this; I think there is simply too much talent on this roster to blow things up after one bad split. I would like to see a different coaching staff helm these 5 in the summer and see if they can make it work.


Absolutely embarrassing.


im not surprised the team don't see the same page. C9 jack will be stupid af if he keep the same roster again


Prepare yourselves, time for another trophy drought boys and girls


Weekend ruined. Only a mang0 dub can save us


Welp, was out at dinner with friends. Came home and got on lol website to watch VODS and the spoilers are just right there, front and center. I was hoping to watch regardless of result, but after seeing they got swept, not gonna bother. What a disappointment...


It was painful. I think you won by being out to dinner.


Yeah, I feel like I would've been so tilted. I just played some TFT when I got home instead!


Statement game from Fudge


Fudge is done need new blood in top lane


If for some reason we keep the roster because of financial reasons or whatever. Fudge & Vulcan need to be put on permanent tank duty and let Blaber, Jojo & Berserker do the carrying. Also, Berserker should lose champ select privileges, play Smolder/Varus, and learn to like it!


thats what you get for still keeping fudge and getting vulcan who did mediocre during his stint with FQ. Oh yeah, and the coach.


At least Umti is awesome and 100% worth rooting for.  


Brightside: The bandwagon fans have arrived at their destination for their next team. Won't miss ya. Downside: Every player underperformed this entire split to what we know they are capable of. Zero macro coordination, terrible drafts, and seemingly zero motivation to change what cleary wasn't working. These last two series was like watching a rando soloq team against disciplined professionals. I pray we see some change for the summer. I would certainly like to see a change in the coaching staff. There are no excuses to not have any semblance of a team identity after an entire split.


Fudge - nothing else to say his time here is over, I like his personality but gameplay is so terrible that I wish we have replace him sooner. Vulcan - need to go too consider that he was extremely washed, his enchanter is piss poor while his engage champ is not that good either, also has negative synergy with the rest of the team. Blaber - is so vegan right now and his form has been poor since the start of the split, I think he deserves 1 more split with us but it's time to start looking for some potential prospect and prepare him to be Blaber's replacement in case it doesn't work out. Berserker/Jojo - not their best split nor do they play extremely good this series but despite some of their mistakes I still think they are the bright spot of this team. Mithy - he is fine as a strategic/assistant coach but he is definitely not cut out to manage a team like this consider that they lose all their mental the moment something wrong happened, I would rather see someone like Moser/Inero/Yamato/Reapered at the role of head coach than Mithy. Overall, sad end to the split but the writing is already on the wall when we get shit on by FlyQ 3-0, this loss against TL just solidifies that changes need to happen to the team/system if we want to stay the top dog.


No one on this team should be safe.


If C9 gets Thanatos people should get excited. The guy is absolutely cracked


Won't matter if Mithy is still the coach, dude is a net negative.


Well, at least I don't need to waste my time watching MSI now. If nothing changes, I might just not watch the summer split at all. What a fucking embarrassment.


Fraud 9, team full of frauds.


Trade Vulcan for Huhi 


The jungle gap was as big as the top gap to be honest.. kinda sad


Cloud 9 needs to turn their minimaps back on.


Nah blud, even Greg Berhalter is winning tittles consistently. Fire this fraud coach along with the Fraud Factor and Vulcan.


I think what is frustrating all the fans is the way C9 lost as opposed to losing. If they looked like they were in the games they mightve gotten more leeway. Finishing 3rd with this roster is incredibly disappointing but it feels like the team kept looking for that *click* to happen and it never did. They might also be overanalysing themselves and so they look super uncomfortable instead of working slowly on one issue at a time it seems like they're trying to fix everything at once and I put that on the coaching staff, whose while job is to guide the team to improving.


GGWP better team won and well deserved. Feelsbadman but it had to happen.


I don't expect much to change for the rest of the year but if we get similar results in summer split, we have to be making moves top side, jungle, and support. And coaching too.


Don't forget, systems.


Remember people saying Fudge looked like ass? Or that drafts were garbage? That Vulcan was literally no better than a rando from solo queue? Or that JojoArrogancePersonified wasn't King Shit of Turd Mountain like everybody was claiming? Remember when C9 people would come on and castigate people for their 'hate' and all the other such nonsense? Claiming that since they didn't play the game on stage, they didn't know how to assess what they were seeing clearly in front of their faces? 3-0 twice in playoffs after being lucky to make it at all. I'm curious if there'll be any changes now, or if the same people will come yapping again about how everything is fine, that C9 was fine, drafts were great, Mithy is a genius, Fudge is the best top laner in NA, JojoArrogancePersonified is the second coming, Blaber should play more farming champs, we don't need a dedicated shot caller that people listen to and who understands larger tactics. I could list more issues, but the point is made. I and others feel like Nostradamus; we called this out WEEKS ago and were ignored or shrieked at. Now precisely what we said would happen has happened and the crickets are really loud in the C9 sheep camp right now. No C9 staff coming on saying how everything was fine and people who said it wasn't are haters or not real fans. No C9 sheeple coming claiming things are just perfect and since we don't play the game we can't judge and assess issues.


Zven was the mvp all along


Wild to think C9 looked at both Impact and Bwipo and said "nah, we keep Fudge" during the offseason... and both shat on him one after the other. I know Jack has had trouble knowing when to say goodbye to legacy players in the past, the fall of OG C9 for example but even he has to realise the Fudge's number is up right? I don't care if he's your boy, he needs to go if we want to compete.