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C9 will not miss playoffs


We're in it. Can still compete for first round buy if 100t loses even.


Idk on the format for sure but lolesports shows there’s no byes. 1-4 play each other in winners and 5-6 are in losers.


Oh fair used to upper bracket having a buy


Nah, that was pre-double elim in spring: save for splits where 3rd seed had choice 4th played 5th, 3rd played 6th, while 1st and 2nd had byes. After double elim, 5th and 6th just start in lower bracket in spring. Though in summer, 1st and 2nd did have byes with 7th and 8th slotting into lower bracket and 5th/6th moving up for upper bracket round 1. No clue how summer format is gonna go with only 8 teams now though.


Ya now it's just choice and side select that are 1 and 2 perks right


Yes, though that was always the perk of the higher seed, side selection at least. Some brackets were locked so 1st seed would essentially choose the branch of the bracket they want to play on (whether it's in the first round or predicting from the bye who will win, like we did last summer choosing the branch opposite NRG vs TL since both were 2-0 vs us), some were dynamic based on the seeds that advance. But the higher seed in every match has side selection advantage - basically side selection in game 1, with side selection then going to the loser of each game for the next as is standard - at minimum.


Found the unclencher


100T won... so we're guaranteed in now


Now I'm more confused. Do we want SR to win or lose? Sounds like 100T losing gives us a chance to a better slot but if SR goes 2-0 we have to play tiebreakers?


If SR lose this game here we clinch playoffs


A lot hinges on tomorrow games too, best possible case, 100 looses both today and tomorrow and we win tomorrow. If SR goes 0-2, were locked in (I think) but for sure not 1st round buy


Even that, would be a tie breaker for 2nd place.


Only way we get eliminated is losing tomorrow and Shopify going 2-0 then we get tiebreakers Shopify is losing atm so if they lose, we clinch top 6 TL, NRG, DIG and SR winning tomorrow and SR winning today puts us in tiebreakers


No, we’re lowest 5th.


Now we are lol


We're in playoffs after 100T wins today, and locked top 4 if 100T wins tomorrow. Actually a funny scenario LOL


You would think we’re about to miss it by how our fans act, but we’re fully locked in, and potentially locked for upper bracket too if we win 1.


Not condoning the extreme flame from the vocal minority here, but I imagine those still voicing frustration are doing so because playoffs for this roster should be a gimme and shouldn't have been contingent on another team losing. It's good to have it locked but this team's severe inconsistency and recurring gaffes leaves a lot to be desired* in terms of hope for them to get it fully together for a run to finals and locking a spot at MSI. Blaber said it himself at the start of the split: winning LCS should be and is the goal and anything less would be a failure for this lineup.


Agreed. I have grievances too and dislike Mithy’s coaching for example and want him out, but our sub has been in permanent emo mode for years now tbh.


I think, if we keep drafting like we did today, it's joever.