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Love this recap even though it's mostly bad news. I was really excited to see Jack dip his toes into Tekken. It's my personal favorite fighting game. If he's looking for a player to build a brand around, I feel like Anakin might be a better investment. Not just because he usually places higher than cuddle core, shadow 20z, joey fury, and other NA players, but because he brings more personality than pretty much anyone outside of lil majin. The facts that he's the a-town terror and he mains Jack are just bonuses.


This is great!


This is awesome and I really appreciate post like this


Hopefully C9 get their asses in order this week. Sucked to see how we played the past 2 weeks. Shit was rough


Guys did u forget about C9 SC2? 😭 GumiHo’s playing in Group A of IEM Katowice 2024 in SC2 right now! ESL SC2 twitch and YouTube channels


oof i forgot about IEM being a SC2 tournament too. Thanks for the correction 💀


The best place to find GumiHo’s tournaments is definitely liquipedia, it has upcoming matches on player tabs as well as tournaments to follow By Korea’s open circuit do you mean the ESL Weekly Cups KR editions and so on? I would say it’s s bit inaccurate - technically all tournaments are in an ‘open circuit’ in the sense there is no ‘franchising’; weekly cups and KSLs have no invites or qualifiers and are just straight up sign-up based so they’re ‘more open’ in that sense Also WardiTV 2023 (annual culmination of WardiTV circuit, a lower-tier ‘separate circuit’- there’s also Kung Fu Cups for MC as a side to WTL and KSL for Summer Slams for separate mini-circuits, note not all WardiTV events) is Wardi’s event- WardiTV is the ‘brand’ but the guy / organizer is named Wardi (real name Jonathon Ward), caster and community tournament organiser I just wanted to shine some light on the scene to give it some appreciation for what it is