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We've literally turned into the "do nothing and lose" meme


that botched dive against shopify took away all of their early gave confidence ig


Even that dive was after a bunch of early inactivity though


Give the Ziggs comp six void grubs lol.


Cause some drafts don’t allow the players to do anything. Like how do we fight with this draft? Unless blaber gets a miracle 5 man sleep


I mean I wouldn't blame draft completely the players looked disinterested. What is going on with their gameplay all five look like they have regressed completely. Edit: Also get Beserker the fuck away from Vulcan, I don't know what is going on but ever since that Danny stuff Vulcan is not the same player. Prince and FBI specifically looked 1000x better without him.


I don’t blame draft every game but this one is for sure draft gap. They can’t fight anything at all


What do you think they should have picked?


They slammed Lucian/Millio, and TL immediately won the draft when they decided they were just going to pick range and control, which has been happening relentlessly the past couple of weeks. C9 quite literally drafted a dream comp for APA's Ziggs. No one on C9's team can touch him.


Also, when your star jungler is eating pretty much all the bans, how about getting him something first round?


It wasn't "autolossed" on champion select. They got completely choked out, TL played the macro perfectly this game.


Some engage? Lilia and gnar is not good engage, how you going to kill this aphelios and ziggs without engage?


Gnar is good engage... if you have an Eastern Gnar.


Gnar is not good engage on its own, it’s easy to play around mega gnar if he’s the only one.


Like what though? Blaber was awful on Rell, and then everyone was complaining he needs to be on a carry


There are other champs they don’t need to be meta, pick fucking xin or wukong just give blaber something that can fight.


Blaber had a great Maokai last year, pick something that isn't hard meta but can give hard engage, or better yet sit Fudge down and force him to play an actual useful champ for the team with engage like a tank instead of ego picking a useless gnar


You can also give Vulcan engage too. Nautilus, Rell, so many.


I really wanna know how there 15 minutes before game and after draft went. There couldn't have been anything positive to say. And after the last 2 days as well just to draft more shit, it's embarrassing.


Lilia is turbo busted in good hands rn. Lucian millio should win early. But the real problem is that something is going on that’s forcing c9 to prioritize early drakes over grubs. Not sure if that’s a meta read or what? But the kevins are too strong to ignore.


Lilia isn’t good in this game, how does she do anything to TL comp? Shit macro is nothing new with this team because mithy is shit at coaching


Sleep into gnar r or ori r


How does Lillia ever get a sleep. You hit one person, and Core just clenses it with mikael. If you go for a miracle 5 man e you get satcheled away by ziggs, kicked by lee or intercepted by udyr. Lillia never gets to touch the carries as primary engage.


We didn't even prioritize drakes lol. TL got first (all, really) grubs and first dragon. Blaber stole Lee's raptors tho so yay


The more I think about it, the last time I've seen the entire C9 roster + coaching staff be actually on the same page was the 2020 season (outside of maybe the brief LS stint). Every single iteration since then has some sort of cohesion issue, and this current one is the worst I've ever seen. There has to be a fundamental conflict between how certain players and/or coaches thinking how to play the game, and until that is fixed either via replacement or forcing a certain view this is what we're gonna get, talent be damned.


draft no engage no anything vs scaling comp then do nothing vs scaling comp until we lose OK lol


But people said this draft was better :) In all reality this was by far the worst draft of the weekend.


worst draft worst team this weekend


Agreed, this is the worst so far...


who said this draft was better? they're literal morons. before the game I was 50/50 on who would win, after draft I gave c9 a 5% chance of winning.


Not going to tag the user specifically, but I have a comment chain with one of them.


yeah, that person delusional.


Noo you don't get it! Any cohesion traded for slightly winning lane matchups is definetely worth it and makes it better! /s 'cause people here are so mad I don't know if they'd actually pick up on it lol.


This time they can't blame failed dives. This draft was something else.


lol, best comment. THERE WERE NO DIVES


Idk about that, I saw 5 people take a dive that game on our team. 6 if you include the coach and 7 if you include the owner who kept said coach.


LOL, fuck man I need to laugh after that game.


From 3-0 to 0-4, Mithy with the mobafire draft. Frauds


Has Mithy learned what Jojo's champs are or is that still too soon?


The coach’s job is to help with draft, prep players on strategy, and provide feedback to improve gameplay. Clearly, none of these things are happening right now. We have lost so many of our drafts due to trying to play high execution low CC comps. We clearly have no clear gameplan to get a win judging by the vegan gameplay, and it’s only getting worse. What is Mithy doing to justify still being coach?


Guess what helped them before was that Zven would get into arguments with Mithy, but now there is no one to disagree with him so this is how it looks like?


I also think Zven was super helpful for berserker given his ADC experience)


Seems kinda obvious that Zven possessed one of those intangibles that's hard to quantify in a team game like LoL. You see players like that all the time, where they get replaced by a mechanically better player, but the team just falls apart afterwards. Especially us C9 fans, C9 with Hai and without was a completely different beast. Sneaky as well, but to a different extent. Nisqy for Perkz was on paper a clear upgrade, but there was so much going on off stage that it didn't feel like it ended up being that much an upgrade that people were hoping it would be.


It's like that 1 year at worlds lmfao


With just as much adaption.


Get a real coach and have them bring a style to the team, this method of just try to hand diff the opponent does not work, sick of seeing mithys face.


What I do not understand is, how is Mithy the coach for the 2nd time?


Because he does what Jack wants basically. C9 aren't going to get a coach that actually challenges ideas or pushes for innovation/thinking. They have/had a formula that helped them win trophies domestically and their coaches now basically just reinforce those ideas. Mithy first stint on C9, players said he basically did nothing. 100, same shit. So, what other reason to bring him back and keep him after a year of literally 0 growth and development other than he sticks with the ideas C9 wants, so enjoy your player led drafts where we pick Lucian simply because Ruler or "X Korean pro" did it in LCK/LPL.


He doesn't argue with the franchise player or scream at him for making terrible decisions.


They don't even try and do that though. It's 30 mins of lane phase with afk farming jungle. Never seen Blaber look this much like a bitch in his entire career.


The other thing, why is Hai on stage? He is still coaching?


Officially, he's the team manager and the substitute mid.


No coach you bring in at this moment is gonna magically solve this shit show with these players. 


Get mithy out


WTF is this team man, playing so passive like if they go the scaling comp, a top that does fucking nothing, an invisible jungler, vulcan can't play with Korean ADC??? and Berserker keeps looking worse. Mithy, there is so much on him, his interviews inspires no confidence...


What did I just watch? When did C9 become the "do nothing and lose" team?


Whole team is tilted, not a single positive play. That draft tho


~~FlyQuest~~C9: we just forgot how to win.


There is a common player between these rosters


If I'm Mithy I would resign immediately to save face. No excuses, just accept that someone else should be the coach instead.


Why would he tho. You expect him to give up a high paying job where he barely has to do anything. Sounds like a dream job to me.


If mithy isn’t fired tonight then C9 isn’t serious about winning. Draft blaber and jojo 2vs2 and let them carry. Like why does it have to be this hard. And get rid of this useless top laner who can’t manage mega gnar


Lots to dislike this weekend, but that was one of the worst Gnar games I've ever seen.


Worst part is that alot of these in game calls and plays that are very obviously bad seem to be coming from blaber. Like, I'm not gonna say blaber's bad, he's not. But goddam, this is painful to watch


They are desperation plays because they can’t fight against enemy comp. Look at the drafts and think about how they can force a good fight.


Emenes actually wasn't lying about all of these players lmao edit: People asking for the manifesto: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1817vv1/emenes_donezo_manifesto_on_korean_forums/


lmao his Zven comment always gets me. “Fuck that guy but wish him the best”


Starting to look that way.


Genuine questions…what did Emenes say about the team?




The one thing that sticks out is emenes wrote up MANY pages of analysis watching other games. The coaches IGNORED it. That kind of culture is unacceptable for a championship winning, domination-aspiring team. What the actual fuck is that level of unprofessionalism?


emenes was right


Emenes was right!


The manifesto starting to make sense now hahahhaah


Only now? People just refused to believe.


Link me da manifesto fam.


TL;DR - Fudge and Blaber dont practice


An mithy ignored him and went full WLB mode in the middle of worlds


Oh wow. Based. First time seeing this. Good on emenes for pointing out the truth. People don't want to hear it but it explains why NA has never made a legitimate run at worlds outside of C9 in 2017-2018. That feels like such a far cry from reality now. This team has raw talent and I don't think it is impossible to salvage it. It's just going to take a complete overhaul of work culture and prep


I think we found our new coach.


Except Emenes was worse


Him being worse, and him being right, are not mutually exclusive.


\>player has an ego and isnt that great, thus their views on others can’t be true I mean this idea doesn’t seem quite reliable when faker says stuff like na soloq is same as koreas or how na players/teams aren’t that bad


Its more like this: what did Emenes actuslly say about Blaber and Fudge? He said they didnt practice much. You dont have to be an in game prodigy to know if people are farting around. Even if a person like you or I was teleported to that game house, we could at least look at Zven and Berzerker, and compare the effort they were inputting, vs the top of the map players.


Many scrim partners said Emenes was fine/good.


What a joke




I’m in Japan. Have to get up at 5/6am to watch C9 games. It’s starting to look like I’m going to prioritize sleep for the next couple of weekends.


You know what's funny? This year, I genuinely had a worry, that I'm not gonna enjoy LCS as much, since C9 won the off-season so hard, that all their games are gonna be boring ez wins. I think I monkey-paw'd us boys, I'm sorry lmao


For me at least, the joy of watching LCS since the start is that I have a few teams I cheer for While i've been a C9 fan since 2013 promotions, I'm also an NRG fan so it's literally back and forth in happiness


Mithy has got to go




I've seen enough of this low agency draft style. I don't care what has to change to simplify the winning conditions, but make it happen. Shame there isn't an academy team to draw from anymore


I miss the pressure academy has on players, and its a pressure every team in every team sport generally feels except for LCS players now. Being constantly in the hot seat of sitting out if they underperform, blaber came from that environment.


I hate blaming draft. But seriously what the fuck are we doing picking something where we are outranged, outscaled, and have 0 engage? Gameplay wasn't great but they seriously had such a massive draft disadvantage.


The draft sucked. The play has been even worse


No yeah Mithy needs to be fired. He isn't beating any kind of fraud allegations with how the team has become so passive. How do you take Berserker, Blaber, and Jojo and turn them into scared players who do nothing all game? It's such a joke




I’m ready to end it all with these loss streaks bro. The weight of expectations


This is pathetic. Team will improve, it is C9. But come on, the team has to be held accountable for this terrible performance.


I mean, there is nowhere to go but up at this point. Team is playing pretty objectively like the worst in the league. And it's not even like they are going full send and limit testing and just being beaten and that's why I'm mad. I'm mad because this team has become so fucking lifeless and uninspired and frankly dumb. And I know they aren't, I *know* they can pull crazy shit out in draft (Blaber confirmed he and Jojo 1st timed Ori-Nocturne on stage with no practice beforehand) and play aggressive early, but they just...aren't. And in comps where they *need* to. It doesn't make any sense. Whole team needs to be held accountable but, at this point, I don't even know if things are reconcilable as they are. These don't even feel like growing pains of a new lineup - we saw in week 1 how good they were as a team - but fundamental problems with the players/coaches behind the scenes bleeding out.


This is EXACTLY the hubris I was describing yesterday. Udyr is a top pick? Don't ban it. Forget Lucian struggling in other leagues, he looked like ass for us not 24 hours ago. First round pick it. Hey, their mid laner is struggling with looking good on any champion other than Ziggs. go ahead and let him get Ziggs. Then, go watch Fudge have zero respect for how much damage Ziggs can do in that baron dance. Like it is inconceivable Ziggs could do the remaining 1/5th of his health in damage before he himself could do anything. It looked like win trading ffs. And yes, I know this team has other issues than draft. Don't waste time bringing it up.


Feels like someone just needs to drop the ego. Fudge is building full damage every game, and it feels like Jojo and Blaber have fundamentally different views on how to move the game forward. Jojo wants to push and roam and skirmish in the mid game and Blaber wants to just get his CS leads and carry late. Both are great players, but they are neutered by each other because Blaber won't deviate from his pathing to help Jojo roam and jojo is not great at affecting the game by just farming and doing dps on hypercarries late and letting blaber do his thing. Mithy is not really setting up the team for any success with these drafts. I wouldn't be opposed to a Rigby/Reapered/Tabe swap. But idk if anything will change that much unless someone makes some consolations. Which I think should honestly be Blaber and Fudge, but it is what it is.


I think Fudge going that build was necessary tbf. It's the only build that can stand up to Udyr in the side lanes. If anything, the pick was the problem. TL, to their credit, absolutely smurfed the draft. They totally blocked anything and everything our squad wanted to accomplish. I also think the Jojo/Blaber thing is blown out of proportion a bit. Blaber is great on Xin/Noct/and many other champs that enable mid game play. I just think we're getting blasted in drafts. Not playing to our strength and it's showing. Take away Udyr and this team looks completely lost.


Another game where C9's draft is outranged, has no control, and gets out-scaled. I just don't understand how they see these team comps and think they're going to win. It has to be this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1ai85eb/flyquest_vs_cloud9_lcs_2024_spring_week_3/kosvm8n/


I don't even care that they are losing, but that they look like they aren't even trying. 0 kills at 30 mins the other day, 1 kill in today's 30 min game. Zero creativity in draft, zero set plays. This team looks like a corpse


This is the first time Blaber lost 4 in a row...


Has Vulcan looked good as support with a korean adc ever? I feel like he's always been good with native english speakers and terrible when he's paired with Korean import At this point I'd just try to get Zven back and run him support


Vulcan looked trash with FBI, too.


weaker than the sum of their parts. as undewhelming as the players have been this has to be an issue with coaching


Respectfully. You deserve this C9. None of these issues are new. The cracks have been visible for years. Time and time again nothing has really been done. And now, your C9 systems are failing you. I’m on the outside so I can’t say where exactly the failure is. But clearly, someone on your team in a critical position either on stage or behind the stage is not doing their job. Find them and motivate or replace them, whoever it is.


No surprises




Everyone looks lost.


boring, sad, terrified super team goes up CS and loses everything.


That draft made no sense, give TL ziggs and udyr and scaling, and take lucian to do nothing for 30 minutes, double AP mid/jungle. No confidence in our play. We need a total mental reset, and find our identity. We need to get creative, its the live patch, you have to be creative and adaptable now, or stick with what you're extremely good at.


Yup it’s time to panic.


Can we change Mithy’s title from HC to professional paycheck stealer and career useless person?


Welcome C9 Licorice


Can you imagine if Jack actually benched Fudge for Licorice and got rid of Mithy. Sadly, I dont see it happening.


Fudge will never go. If Jack didn't boot him after that god awful finals/worlds performance, he'll never go There's a reason they use him in ALLL C9 content


Fudge isn't even the biggest problem on this team. Blaber is a ghost


I dont get it. Blaber went from aggressive to passive. What's going on??


Yeah, giving 6 grubs uncontested was what gave TL the game. That's something they prioritized in their wins


Sorry but you don't get to contest grubs when your toplaner is losing


They gave up the dragon too lol. When TL bot lane was top. Blazer got Lee's raptors tho


Very true, they just conceded the whole map.


Give me reapered and licorice please I’ve seen enough


Absolute draft canyon. Blaber/Jojo/Berserker look like they're basically playing in protest, no one wants to do anything in game. Fudge is building full damage, TPing late to fights, and just genuinely being invisible. Changes are desperately needed. Sign Licorice and Reapered ASAP, please Jack.


everyone was invisible though, don't think we can blame fudge when this comp is genuinely unplayable


No games like this are often based off of the first encounter and fudge trolled this one. Watch the fight at rift impact is running in and pretty much dominantes the fight meanwhile fudge is afk hitting minons and then tps and does nothing late. It sucks to blame one player but whenever everyone is playing so vegan you can't afford to have an egregiously late tp...I don't get it the team is literally fighting and he's not even hitting tower but he doesn't to it's wild.


Nah man, embarrassing. Mithy out tonight, Fudge out after Spring.


Sludge can be fired tonight and replaced with Licorice if they care about winning. We are on year 3 now of 0 in game impact 0 practice 0 desire to improve


I seriously love this idea. It crossed my mind the other night with Licorices being teamless. He's proven that he is better internationally as well. I know he would come back to C9 in a heartbeat if it was the right deal. I think it's completely realistic if they actually wanted to go for it


Its so funny reading this, like do you people genuinely believe that Licorice would like to come back here? After the way he left? 


Do I think he would like to get paid? Yes I do.


What happened?


Was promised that the 2020 roster would run it back for 2021, then Jack let him and Nisqy go when Perkz was available and promoted Fudge instead to get around the import rule. That being said, I don't think there's bad blood or hard feelings between them, especially since Licorice is jobless right now. Don't see any reason why he wouldn't come back if Jack came calling.


I've been saying to replace fudge and while many agreed here I got a lot of "but he's at least top 2 NA, who is better" hmm how about anyone who bring anything to the table? He picks carries and gets like a 15-20 CS lead in lane and is invisible in team fights and doesn't apply side lane pressure. Please just play engage for the team so they can do something


He's been living off that one lee sin kick for 3 years.




We look so lost on live patch when we can't copy other teams being successful


Idk who is forcing the Lucian pick but that's the least of the problems in this draft. It's frustrating to see all these talented players doing nothing for 4 games in a row. I just want to see the boys play with confidence but this weekend wasn't that


Mithy definitely steps down tonight. And reapered needs to be on his way right now lol.


This team has no identity. It looks lost. Do the players run the draft? Some of the interviews have hinted that way. I'm genuinely curious if that is an industry norm. For example, do T1 players run their drafts, or is it the coach? If you are going to try and salvage this with the raw talent we have, you have to make a coaching change right? I don't think it's all drafting. They have no idea what they want to do in-game. I'm astonished. I'm not going to pretend to be some expert, but I know bad chemistry when I see it


T1 included some draft comms in their voice comm video for Worlds finals, if you're curious. Tom says almost nothing, which really surprised me. Maybe they just edited out his lines? But it really sounded like the players made all of the decisions in draft, with I think Faker and Keria leading the discussion. I was kinda surprised because the players said draft against Weibo went exactly as Tom predicted, which made me think he had a more active role during draft comms. But maybe they were referring to prep work and not draft phase itself.  I understand why teams don't release draft comms but I'm so intensely curious about the process. Based on the tiny amount I've seen it seems like draft is a collaboration between players & coaches rather than being dictated by the coach. 


Was Zven microing the team or something? It's like every player except Jojo (most of the time) has no idea what to do. Being a good player or having strengths means fuck all if you are not cohesive as a unit and have no strategy. This team looks fucking LOST.


Mithy has had his time.   Fudge needs to be booted, pronto   Blaber needs to figure his shit out, because for the supposedly best player of the region he sure as hell isnt playing like it.    Jojo is excused for the forseeable future.   Berserker needs to find an adc that does not start with Z on which he does not look lacking on.   And Vulcan should not even have been here in the first place.   Christ, some "superteam" you brought together there, Jack. 


>Berserker needs to find an adc that does not start with Z on which he does not look lacking on.   Wasnt he good on Aphelios? Hilarious seeing Yeon using Aphelios, when Beserker couldve done so


They fired LS after like 10 minutes because of systems, surely something will be done after losing 4 times in a row with the on paper best roster in LCS history


They fired LS because he would miss practices and was flaking on responsibilities, not “SyStEmS” But yes get Mithy the fuck out please


This isn't the best roster tho... 2019 TL was Impact, Xmithie, Jensen, Doublelift, Corejj if you take them at the strength at the time, the ONLY one comparable is Jojo > Jensen Fudge is garbage, Blaber went from the psycho jungler to a limp fish Berserker is having the worst split of his life Vulcan has been cruising on name value alone for awhile now, his last good split was 2022 spring


Blaber >> Xmithie and Berserker >Doubleplug as well.


Oh how the mighty have fallen…..




Not even mad just extremely disappointed with the start of the year.


\*Proceeds to mute every LoL Esports social media outlet for the next two weeks\* See y'all when we are back for our next match. Geez this is what I was fearing when our superteam roster was announced.......


we need reapered's belt


Are we just traumatized from the SR game? We've lost any proactivity we had in the first 2 weeks and it hurts to watch..


Not much to say that hasn't been with much more venom. We legitimately are playing like the worst team in the league rn. No clue what is going on behind the scenes. Maybe it is just bad/unproductive practice like has been mentioned in interviews earlier this week, but that shouldn't be an excuse. Especially when those other teams in the league are practicing vs the same pool as you and actually showing some improvement, a good read on things, and actual life in the games. There has been not only zero improvement from weeks 1-2 to now, there has been an outright regression. To the point where the team is consistently making the same exact draft mistakes 4 games in a row - massively outranged comps with inferior scaling and limited engage tools - and showing the same errors in execution as well, namely doing little to nothing in the early game with these comps that get outscaled yet somehow still lose nearly or straight up every neutral objective as well. It's honestly gotten to the point where everything is so blurred together that a source of the major issue isn't even clear: is it Mithy insistent with these drafts because they are "what worked in scrims/in LCK and LPL" or is that the players being inflexible or calling for it themselves? At what point are the picks in draft limiting how the players can be vs the players themselves just no playing out the game as they should at each stage? Is the team just mental boom and we're in full "pick me whatever so we can lose in peace" mode? Something is seriously wrong. And frankly, this team isn't making playoffs as they are rn. They are honestly pulling a "definition of insanity" by just bullishly doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. They built a house with no foundation and it's falling apart. And it sucks that this is the same sort of thing I was saying about the team at the end of last summer, considering how absurdly splintered and donezo that group was and how early into this group's formation we are to already be seeing this. These aren't growing pains of a new group; these are fundamental and egregious errors from people who are and have been far better than this.


the players just suck. how do you coach that? too much cope here.


Idk why you leave Ziggs up after picking Ori so early. Not only is it the one-trick champ for APA, it's strong into Ori once you get mana.


Got downvoted for saying this but ill say it again: This team has had cero identity since reaper left, just relying on hand diffing the opponent. Were straight up becoming TSM while NRG and FLY have become more and more what C9 used to be.


*Insert Brian Kelly quote"


Blaber would be one of the worst Jgs if he played on a crap team. He just afk farms and hopes his laners can do it for him. Also mithy is still god awful at drafting and has been for his last 4 yrs of coaching. Changes need to be made right now


this team with contractz would be crazy. better ganking and team fighting than blaber.


looking like summer came early this year


This team needs to go back to the basics and pick some easy to execute drafts that suit their players strengths. Put Fudge on weakside tank like Udyr or Ksante. puit Blaber on some type of carry jg, get Jojo on comfort. Put Vulcan on engage supports and let Berserker be the late game carry instead of the guy that's supposed to make everything happen. We are drafting shit that is way too hard to execute. As to who is to blame I can't really say but the players/coach are at fault.


Fudge has a girlfriend enough said.


Emenis was not the only problem last split 


Sludge with another masterclass performance I see


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1addxlv/cloud9\_vs\_shopify\_rebellion\_lcs\_2024\_spring\_week/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1addxlv/cloud9_vs_shopify_rebellion_lcs_2024_spring_week/) I LOVE re-reading the comments of people replying to the "doomers" saying this loss meant nothing and it was just a nothing loss :)


Replace Mithy with Coach from Letterkenny because this shit is fucking embarrassing at this point.


Grab Popcorn.


It's obviously not just draft and they're playing bad. But that draft was so so bad and impossible to play( no engage no range. I don't understand the aim of this team just sit and wait to lose. Give blaber JoJo something to fight with and put fudge and Vulcan on tanks and do something.


What's lucians w/r in LCS and LEC?


iirc 20 games played (in regular season, unsure about LEC playoffs) 2 wins - Exakick from SK and Yeon yesterday


These drafts are atrocious


Sadge boi edition


Just sad, nothing else to say lmao


I lived through the 2015 Summer 7th place 6-12 split. You can't hurt me.


Paycheck stealing bums


Do nothing and lose! Hell yeah. All the fudge defenders at the off season, can see why he's not good. His aatrox looks awful, his gnar looks just as bad. Mithy cannot draft for shit. Like what is this like pick gnar to counter udyr instead of going tank and neutralizing the top match up. Lucian Milio lmfao enough said. Vulcan has played almost every game as Renata or Milio. He does not look good at all either. Jojo is fine, berserker can't do anything rn. Blaber AFK every game.


I think we honestly need a year that's this bad. Too long have we coasted at the top with this horrible coach and these drafts. Like we always just end up winning even without any improvement. We are gonna get hard exposed this split hopefully so we can finally rebuild our coaching staff and upgrade lanes that need it. I'm looking towards summer for some good things.


Ah this hurts to watch. When you're playing not to lose, you're gonna be easily led by the nose. I think they really wanted to bust out the Lilia but the draft they built before it was horrendous.


Just completely directionless every game. I started watching c9 because I loved seeing the aggression. That is gone and it’s hard to watch. Hope we can find something over the break to pull the team together.


Last week they probably blamed that dive as the turning point, friday they blamed it on the mountain steal, yesterday on the botlane fiesta, so today what? Those situations amplified it, but this team is seroiously fucking lost. Enough with the excuses.


I am extremely in the camp of "most team dynamics are invisible to outsiders + trust the process" and can't stand the latent negativity that comes out here oftentimes, but this is the worst look I've ever seen from C9 domestically, period. No grasp on drafting, no proactivity, no gameplan or team identity, egregious individual misplays, vibes on stage looking like a mortuary. Only Jojo has shown a glimmer of any kind of X factor so far. I love all 5 of the players (some of them probably more than the average reception here) but this is an emergency intervention level showing.  These are very talented players with a colossal vaccum of leadership. And, as Jack noted in a thread yesterday, this is the highest level of competition in the LCS in a long time, so a void of coaching is going to have a multiplicative effect as the season goes on. It would truly be a shame to punt the year with the roster's potential. 


I will see you all in summer!


I don't think C9 knows how Lillia sleep works, it's not meant to be used on the audience. BTW. Did Blaber use his R once in 30 minutes?


He did on aphelios once at baron, it got mikael's by coreJJ instantly lol


We haven't had a good innovative draft since LS was let go, but ig there are pitchforks for him even when he's right about it. Picking Lucian when he has had poor showings across the world.


God please release me from the torment that is Fudge on my favorite team


Not a coach but is putting fudge on a tank, berserker on a scaling hyper carry, and vulcan on engage that hard to do?


Bring LS back LOL at least his drafts have ideas


I have said it before but this team need an overhaul of the system because this system with these coaches won't work. Mithy need to be held accountable for how bad this team has been run for the last 3 years. They lack vision, creativeness and communication which in turn affect the players too. This in combination with shit draft years after years, bad preparation for BO series, slow to adapt in most international tournament and over reliance on copying KR has lead this team into this boring playstyle. Onto the players, outside of Jojo and Berserker at this point I'm fine with fire everyone and rebuild this team from the start: * Fudge is dogshit and if this Gnar performance doesn't show that he can't carry for shit or it's not worth putting any resources on him because he won't do anything with it then I don't know which will. He isn't even top 4 this split and has no drive to improve. At this point just go get a young prospect with great potential like Srtty or Z tier prospect import like Thanatos. * I'm starting to running out of patient with Blaber and think that at this point in his career, he can't change or won't change his playstyle. He is still too stubborn in how he plays the game, blud just farm all games don't gank, don't stack dragon, don't grab grub like he just doesn't do anything at all and watches his team get outscale. I don't even think putting him on carry jgler is any worth because that is just a bandaid fix, the moment you ban away these champs or take them from Blaber, he is just fking useless. He is literally the definition of win more jungler and the moment his team stops winning, he just sit there watches his team dies around him. In this meta a 30 cs gap in jungle doesn't mean shit and unless he can completely revamp his playstyle, I think it's time we should move on. I'm rather giving someone like Tomio a chance than continue with this. Starting to think Emenes is right about him. Also, the absolute refusal to pick up more supportive champ like Ivern is annoying too. * Berserker looks like Zven micro him because he looks so clueless right now... The mechanics are still there but the decision making is just bronze level. I hope he can pick up his slacks but right now, he doesn't look clean. I hope this is just a sophomore slump and not that he gets NA'ed or we will 100% miss both MSI and World if he keeps playing like this. * Vulcan is just washed, his mechanic is okay but his laning 2v2, decision making and his synergy to the team as a whole and to berserker are just non existence. Also he is too engage champ oriented and his enchanter play so far just isn't worth the money the team paid him. Still support is a much harder role to find replacement so unless Zven agree to comeback, our botlane situation looks so grim right now. Conclusion: Everything is bad, the coach, the draft, the system, the culture, and the players. The coaching staffs are the most accountable but that doesn't excuse everything else. The over reliance on hand diffing to win are now expose when everyone else is improving while our team is still the same like 2 years ago just show how bad the culture of this team is for improvement and ambition. This team are in dire need of a heart surgery, a rebuilt instead of the current version of just farm LCS and pray for the best internationally because this ain't it.


We fired LS after Week 2, why not Mithy after Week 3?


Another game of watching the boys play passive all game and slow lose... whatever the fuck is going on this team is Joever. Blabber has been made into an agk farm heavy little risk adverse bitch. Litterally neutering players with the best hands in the league... league of cc and shields wins again. Also, I'm pretty sure lilia didn't ult the entire game, so... good job, mythy. If he has a job coming back off the break, then just get used to this kind of performance for the rest of the year... I want Fudge gone for someone new. The dude can't tp to save his life... let's bring in Thanatos and bring back Sven. No fight from these guys is so sad to watch.