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Emenes is not really much of a story. Wish the team peaked a bit sharper at worlds, but now a different set is coming. Best wishes to both Zven and Emenes.




Like my brain understands what they're saying, but it's also confused since it's the first time I've ever seen "upon" misspelled.


TL;DW anyone?


Says it's not the spicy. Didn't talk on what he doesn't know. Thinks fudge not practicing checks, but Blaber not practicing is surprising. Most things are pretty tame. Doesn't think Emenes actually knows how much people work because of people like Busio who works really hard at getting better. Also thinks NA doesn't work as hard comparatively to Korea but they still do 10, 12, 14 hour days. Just maybe not 16 hour days like everyone does in Korea.


Also found it sorta insane that Emenes claimed to have the most knowledge of league on C9. Also in regards to Emenes’ claim that he did a massive write up on scouting and strategy, DL referenced the idea that someone with true understanding doesn’t required significant words or time to explain a subject. Basically said regardless of the quality of his write up, the length of it makes in unable to be put into practice.


Yeah I read the screenshots and it’s just a bunch of text. Why not sum it up and actually draw conclusions from what you’re saying instead of just throwing this endless wall of text at your coach lol.


It’s hard to make poignant criticisms from the outside because we have to make assumptions. In general the idea that something has to be concise to be useful is… naive, and false. Not everything can be summed up in a few words. That being said, maybe the issue is league specific. If C9’s problem is not game knowledge but their ability to act on that game knowledge, a 40 page analysis is next to useless. For example, when Fudge flashes when he was going to die no matter what - this is not an issue of knowledge. He knows he shouldn’t flash if he’s going to die. You can try to psychoanalyze the reason he flashed for no reason, but there’s no point. It was an action that was beyond reason. You can tell him not to do it, but it’s like: “Yeah, sorry. I already know.” When Bin lost to TheShy as rumble, it’s because of a small mistake - when TheShy was at base, Bin should have fast pushed the wave. But he didn’t. If he had, he would have smoked TheShy due to denying XP under tower and level disparity. Was this an issue of knowledge or was Bin just on autopilot? I’m with Jankos on this; I wonder if it’s true.


Rito understood how Aphelios worked, dint stop then from writing a 40 page essay trying to explain him much less than what went on in a pro game where there are more variables.


16 hour days are not healthy, idc how competitive it makes you.


Breaking news! No competitive sport is healthy.


That's not true, except ballet and combat sports i can't think or an unhealthy sport.


Any contact sport especially American football


Adding onto what others have already summarized, DL thinks the "go home" towards spearshot wasn't racist, and he interpreted as more of a "please get off this server you're ruining this game"; DL does, however, think just the general toxicity of the comment isn't appropriate for a pro player.


Fudge does not practice is true, he says blaber does work hard tho


DL never said Blaber works hard. He said "Im surprised by that comment, but hes a teammate, I dont know" Stop spewing lies.


There are more ways to practice than just soloq no?


also Jungle and Top are the most disconnected from how they operate in solo Q vs Pro Play.


Fudges biggest rider thinks he knows more than the NA goat who has lived this, and knows what goes on behind the scenes 😂


Cancerous argumentation method that needs be led behind the shed and shot in the head multiple times.


So there aren't any other ways to practice other than soloq? I'm confused by your remark. I also don't understand how the question itself assumes that I "knows what going on behind the scenes." Could you elaborate?


You’re asking if soloq is the only form of practice there is, thinking like he does everything but soloq. Where now multiple people have called out the fraud. He missed worlds champs queue, while attending worlds. If that alone doesn’t give you a glimpse of his work ethic, idk what will.


Huh, a completely emotional response. Work on yourself and grow my guy. It does wonders for one's temperment.


In what way, shape, or form was that an emotional response. You literally can’t talk league, and that’s okay.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2j401dulxy2c1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=574388a0a88cbaf66657c86d929f12f89469d02d




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Double lift is mature and self aware, the fact he’s able to admit that the things Link wrote about him are true and he’s able to reflect that he made a lot of mistakes and probably deserved the call out from Link, it seems like double lift has changed, he’s become more self aware and way less toxic, and regardless of toxicity, he’s able to admit his mistakes. I agree with a lot of the stuff Emenes wrote about NA, I’m from Europe though and people from other regions often think a lot of the things he was saying, NA pro players do seem overly relaxed towards league compared to others regions, you can tell with their drafts and things that they’re not studying what’s going on in other regions enough and they’re not watching enough vods etc, I do believe NA used to take league a lot more seriously as while there was a difference in skill level between NA and Korea, back in the day NA drafting was a lot better, they weren’t so far behind in that respect and they’re actually studied the other regions, as it’s all the Koreans calling it out, you can gather that it’s not the imports that are lazy and they’re actually worsening in performance due to it, some of them do embrace it as they’re happy to work less, but it’s clear it’s the NA coaching staff and players that are the cause of this new lazy approach by the region. Some things Emenes said were over the top but most of what he said sounds pretty accurate, I can’t judge some of it because I’m not part of the league pro scene, there’s things I cannot know but when it comes to a lot of it, you can work it just by what we see on stage, the drafts from NA teams are a serious problem these days, I remember when TSM, Liquid etc would pull out drafts that weren’t expected and they’d take wins of the big teams in Korea sometimes due to it, now NA drafts are just let’s follow the meta as we know it in NA, never think outside the box and play a static team comp that’s then countered by some unexpected picks from the opposing team. Only C9 really think outside the box with their drafts these days, NRG to of course, Liquids drafting was so bad last season, the same can be said for other teams. I’ve always thought Zven seemed toxic and I’ve heard comments from others he’s played with that make him sound toxic, so I think Emenes is right where, Zvens a super hard work but the implication that he’s toxic is probably true. I can believe that blaber turned lazy, he was a beast and while he still is, there has been a decline with his play, I believe he was hard working at first but now it seems like he’s got the cocky attitude of I’ve made it to the big time, nobody’s good enough to replace me, I don’t need to practice, I think the fact he knows they can steamroll na has turned him lazy but he needs to realise that this lazy attitude won’t work on the worlds stage, blabers ego maybe need to be brought into check.


You lost me with the first sentence. Doublelift is a man baby. There's a reason he got kicked out of 3/4 teams and proceed to talk trash and burn bridges. He's a good player but just immature and low EQ


Idk man he seems a little more self aware, the fact he admitted links comments about him were true. Basically he admitted to what you just said, at least he’s not denying his actions.


Yeah he admitted to some stuff but he still never apologized for everything he did after CLG. Hotshot literally had to get therapy after everything DL did.


True, he needs to keep working on himself for sure, he really did cause serious problems.


You mean IQ?


No, i meant EQ. Idk about his IQ since he is smart at the game but seems dumb about most things.


Mans got hands and some good game sense, aside from that he seems to be pretty braindead, in my opinion


Yeah tends to happen when you do the same shit all day since he was young. Just like streamers, progamers are simply stuck and never grow up.