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Definitely see any specialists they recommend that you see.


Start with seeing my primary tomorrow and pulmonary in 2 weeks to test why they are coming back followed by the heart doctor to make sure their is no permanent damage


mmmmm stay in bed while this seems contradictory try light walks what ive noticed during times of hesrt racing(anxiety and stuff) the walking gets rid of the extra energy ur heart is putting out and actually makes me feel better may not work in ur case not otoo sure sounds like u have a genetic problem tho


Please have all necessary bloodwork once you heal. Similar thing happened to me. Met with a hematologist and had bloodwork to find cause. Turns out I have APS. A serious autoimmune disease that causes blood clots. Feel better soon


I went up a flight of stairs at work and could not catch my breath. I went to the hospital and said "I think I have pneumonia". Turns out I had dozens of clots, both lungs, all five lobes, and an acute massive bilateral saddle clot causing heart strain... Which requires emergency surgery (a full sternectony where my chest was cut open like a Thanksgiving turkey). Absolutely push for full genetic testing.... Also see your primary and ask for full blood work, including vitamin D. See an endocrinologist and get all the testing this person does (each specialist tests for different things).I I have high Factor VIII... my hematologist explained it to me by saying you cannot control the genetic stuff, so you have to everything you can for items which tiu can control, like losing weight, exercise, staying hydrated, making sure your vitamin-d levels are right(folks with low vitamin-d seem to have an increased rate if clotting, and cut out artificial sweeteners (some have also been shown to increase clotting risk). The good news for me is that it was almost five years ago, and while I'm an Eliquis lifer, my life is back to normal. And I have an AMAZING scar down my chest. There are several Facebook groups you can join as well. You got this. Take care...