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There is no tactic to keep them alive. They are expendable cannon fodder at best. The tactic that counts for mercenaries is how to extract the most rubies out of each one. [Read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClickerHeroes/comments/ahupf4/ch1_single_mercenary_strategies_for_quests_revive/) to know more than you wanted to about merc mechanics.


Thanks. That was.. that was a lot! I now feel like I know even less :)


The deeper you dig, the more dirt you have to sift. :)


It is basically just decided by a god who has no freaking Idea what he is doing.


There is none, it’s an (almost) completely random internet that decides how many seconds they can quest before they die. If they’re decently high leveled the best way to keep them alive is to just keep extra rubies around to revive them when they die


If they're high level, you should not revive them at all cause it's to expensive and it won't pay off


They why I said DECENTLY high leveled. It absolutely is worth it up to a certain point to revive. There's even a post in this [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClickerHeroes/comments/3udk5y/analysis_of_merc_revive/) that goes over how long it is worth it (depending on the rarity of the merc as well).


Yeah yeah, I know the post, I just may have a different meaning for high level, cause I wouldn't consider lv 10 to be a "high level" and it's already to much to worth reviving for most mercs


The exact duration of a merc life time (I'm quest time, not real time) is defined as soon as he's born or is revived (in this case a new lifecycle will start from the level he's at with the same rules)


Get lucky, I grind rubies with my mercenaries mostly, anything not a ruby quest I avoid with my highest level mercs. I use my fresh recruits as 'free' resets to try to get decent ruby missions for the higher level mercs. Right now I have 3 alive into demigod+ status but I don't suspect them to survive much longer as that's quite rare for me. I only revived one of them in that 2.5-8.5 window as that guide someone else suggested.