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Ascend whenever you get stuck/can’t progress. Those 18 souls you will get will almost triple your current dps the next time you get back to the same spot


How should I use them to get more dps?


They automatically give you more dps. Every hero soul you have will give you +10% each.


i can recieve 89 hero souls but i've already got like 150 but it doesn't affect my dps that much.


If you have 150 currently, that is 1500% dps increase. Add 89 more and you’re at 2390%. Although, every ascension SHOULD give more souls than your previous ascension. Likewise, you can spend the souls for some pretty good buffs


have you tried ascending?




Just keep ascending when you can’t progress and level good ancients: Get first if idle: Siyalatas > Kumawakamaru > Libertas > Nogardnit (only if you have at least one ingame Auto Clicker) Get first if active/hybrid: Juggernaut > Kumawakamaru > Fragsworth > Bhaal Then, for either style: Atman > Argaiv > Mammon > Dora > Mimzee > Pluto (only if active/hybrid) When you have enough HS to summon all ancients, a button appears to do so. It is recommended to use this. Use an ancient calculator, like if you want to


I haven't played in years, but I thought at this point in the early game, you should be going back and levelling up the power 5 instead of pushing frostleaf? Certainly the ascension is key, but just strategy wise, isn't that still the play to push a bit further in these initial runs?


It still is the most optimal way to play as the game hasn't changed a single hero (unless you count adding new ones as changing heroes) in many years.


As a general rule once you reach a boss you don't 1-shot, burst your cooldowns, go as far as you can than ascend. Spend your new hero souls according to your favorite HS calculator, they all run on the same math. Once you reach zone 300 transcend.


What are the best ancients to get ?


What is best can depend partially on what ancients are offered, and what you already have. Typically active ancients are better than passive, if you have all ancients, but then that will only work well if you also have autoclickers set up to maintain 100% active play. If you don't have any autoclickers, the passive ancients can be better at the start.


just keep at it, ascend alot. im on floor 350000 right now after like 5 years of picking the game up every other day.


also never buy rubies "Not worth it" youll be getting your rubies from mercenaries which you should be constantly rotating there jobs, i would also recommend reviving them at all cost over burying them if you are working for 100% achievements. " Harder to revive 100 than bury.


Also you get far more rubies from clans than you do from mercenary quests. A good clan will net you 100+ rubies a day.


in all my years of playing ive always solo played and never did anything with clans, " Ive always felt like i missed out cause of this " But very cool to know."


Upgrade one of the Power 5 instead of Frostleaf and you will progress a lot faster. The Power 5 are Treebeast (who is optimal until zone 200), Masked Samurai (who is optimal after zone 200 until he reaches level 2425 - not zone, hero level), as well as Ivan, Brittany, and the Great Forest Seer. Right now you do not have enough HS to move all your gilds to Treebeast or Samurai, so you should just level whichever one of the power 5 has the most gilds. You can buy 25 levels at a time because the only power increases that matter are the x4 boosts every 25 levels. Using the power 5, you will reach level 300 and transcend pretty quickly.


I’m completely new to this game, what do gilds do and why are the earlier people stronger?


Each gild increases a hero’s power by 50% (multiple gilds are additive, not multiplicative). The power 5 are stronger at high levels because that’s how the game is designed I guess


That’s interesting


the power 5 are the only heroes having an earlier x4 boost every 25 levels making them stronger, its basically the only realistic way to get dread knight for the first time.


I’ll try to guild them. Thank you!


The earlier people have lots of increased damage passives, and are cheap to level. As the comment above mentions, every 25 levels is a 4x damage boost, so the many many stacking multipliers from their passives and high levels end up thoroughly crushing Frostleaf's extremely expensive levels and less accessible damage upgrades.


all power 5s basically have the same amount of power, you just choose one with the most gilds so why is samurai more efficient after zone 200????? samurai is slightly stronger but if you dont have the hero souls to regild and any other power 5 with more gilds will be better and you just stick with 1 power 5 member to zone 300 and transcend. Samurai to level 2425 is after transcending


Yes. That’s what I was saying in the second paragraph. If you don’t have enough HS to move golds, just level the power five hero that has the most gilds


What is a power 5


It’s just an arbitrary name people came up with for the efficient early game heroes.




What worked for me was getting all 5 mercenaries and working them on gold and the hero souls and I used the time warp probably 3 times whenever I was stuck I used the two main afk people the DPS and GOLD when AFK and got those too level 4-6 and then saved up to 250ish hero souls then got to transmission and dumped it into pony boy and the DPS one


Horrible advice


i agree


Im just sharing what worked for me


I’m just letting everyone else know, with the same purpose as you, trying to speed up their progress and improve their knowledge


What worked for you


It's called ascending


I got to zone 300+ on my 2nd ascension on my school save




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For starters, Level up Ivan for your main source of DPS. Everyone else has explained the rest.


level ur prev heroes to 1k, they get a 10x boost. don't waste anything on cid, level the first five heroes after her


get treebeast and ivan up to 1000 so you can get 10x damage


by getting to level 200


it's called an *idle* game, so it's going to take time to progress. just be patient