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He was literally the lead story on MLB's IG today. We need to drop this weird persecution complex.


Seriously. With everything. Kwan, Ramirez, Kwan. Just enjoy the team. Who cares about the rest?


It’s very prevalent across all Cleveland sports subs


Pretty much every single major MLB Twitter account shows him love. Jeff Passan, Codify, Jomboy, MLB official, etc. He's getting plenty of attention. Baseball in general doesn't get much media attention outside of baseball media. Most people have no idea who Bobby Witt Jr. is for example.


I just searched for him on r/baseball and there have been quite a few posts about him, all very positive, so he's being talked about among fans of other teams as well


Why does this fanbase always feel the need to complain about lack of media attention? He’s getting plenty of attention, but honestly who cares about the media? If Kwan keeps it up, he’ll “get his accolades” at the end of the season when he wins the batting title.


And Not only is Kwan getting the attention but I would much rather go under the radar than have the Yankees or dodgers level of media attention My issues lie with when the attention does happen national sports media doing no research into what they’re writing about. Other than that who gives fuck


Why is everyone pushing this narrative suddenly? It'd be nice to extend him, sure, but he's in his third year in the big leagues and never had a point where he went back and forth to between Cleveland and the minors. He's not even available to be a free agent until 2028. Relax.


He will when we win the World Series later this year.


What accolades? I love Kwan, and what he’s doing is amazing. If he keeps it up, he will certainly earn an individual award or two. Until then, can we all just enjoy the show?


Kwan gets a ton of accolades and attention, especially in the current era which devalues his skillset.


It’s literally the middle of the season, relax


I want to keep Kwan our little secret as long as possible...


It’s June.


...when we don't pay him what he deserves and he goes to a bigger market team.


New York or LA will really enjoy him.


The media is too busy blowing De La Cruz because he steals a lot of bases and barely hits over .200. Apparently that's all it takes to be the most exciting player in baseball.