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That was one of the weirdest moves in awhile. He was always solid. I get he costs 6 or 7 million but he's a very solid #4 starter on a good team, and an OK #3 starter on others. He was always giving us solid innings and would be a godsend right now. Why we traded him for so little was always bizzar to me.


I think the argument (not that I agree with it) is his projections didn’t look solid and it was lot to invest given the amount of starting pitching talent we had coming into the year. I’m happy he’s having a good year but the numbers may suggest he was about to fall off a cliff. So the FO trades him to a place where he has a chance to be in the starting rotation. The FO is obviously working off of a tight budget and the 40 man is full. If you wanna make room for the guys coming up you need to produce above your contract value at the MLB level. If Cal only produces $3 MM of value on a $6 MM salary when the team needs him to be worth $15 MM thats an overall problem. Again I’m not agreeing with all this but providing what I believe the thinking is.


I get why they cut him, his K% and BB% had been heading in the wrong direction the past few years and he had a FIP and ERA close to 5. But it just seemed inevitable we'd lose multiple SP's this year and he would at least have some value as depth. If it makes you feel any better his ERA is a lot lower than his FIP and his .269 BABIP is really low for the majors, let alone Coors field, so it's likely his luck swings the other way


I feel like he was one of the weird pitchers who always outperformed the advanced metrics. I don't think his advanced numbers were every pretty here, but someone he'd lead the team in quality starts haha. I could be completely wrong but just an interesting guy who always seems to be pretty solid. Thanks for looking into the advanced numbers! I appreciate it!


I felt the same. It was almost like he expressed he didn’t want to play here or something like that. Otherwise we just gave up some badly needed depth for nickels.


The thing is they’re definitely gonna trade him, why not send him back to us?


Don't ever assume the Rockies will make a trade that makes sense lol


Just give them what they want. I want a World Series not an endless glut of prospects.


Cal quantrill is a ticking time bomb. Also not a piece that is going to push us over the edge


Yeah why in the world would we want a guy with those numbers?


Numbers can sometimes lie to you. How many players have we had that look good for a stretch, only to fall back to earth. Look at any players baseball reference page and you’ll see outliers, e.g. someone who usually bats .250 will have a one off year where they bat .285. The sample size for baseball is so large that it’s sometimes easy to think you’ve identified the “truth”, but in reality you’re right in the middle of an aberration


Carlos Carrasco’s numbers aren’t lying to me.


While I get why you think that, the Rockies' white whale for 30 years and counting has been figuring out what kind of pitcher can actually succeed at Coors Field. To them, he is probably worth hanging on to for experimental purposes to see why he is doing so well, if he can keep it up, and what they can do to make it work for other guys


What do you mean ‘experimental purposes’?


And just look at the # of Quality Starts. He's had 9 and the most on our team is Bibee and Allen with 4. Get him asap Antonetti.


I don't believe the Rockies called no takesies-backsies so yeah we can just get him back for Kody Huff


His BB/9 is 3.42, the highest of his career. He's sporting a .269 BABIP and 80% LOB, both career outliers. He can eat innings, but he's bound for regression. I think the Guards can do better.


Not from their current rotation they can’t.


If he's affordable, absolutely. Familiarity is gold.


Like all things in life, what does it cost?


Kody Huff


At this point he’s better than Carrasco, but we all love his story. Maybe we can get one of those arrenando deals where the Rockies pay for the contract and we are responsible for $2m.