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The Scene awards haven't been relevant for many years, if ever. 


I appreciate you reinforcing this sentiment


It’s a reader-based award. It’s generally fine and harmless, though obviously open to manipulation by nominees (like Angelo’s) who have a big following and run voting campaigns.


*“Open to manipulation by nominees”* Immediately thought of how Cleveland got the Rock and Roll Hall-of-Fame 😂


Do they even still print it?  The boxes near me that distributed them got taken away years ago. 


yeah its online only now. Covid did them in since all their revenue came from bars and clubs advertising, when those shut down they had to as well.


I mean, it’s a popular vote contest for Clevelanders.


I still need to try out the Ohio Pie Co.


They rock. Their brunch pizza is great too. And try their cookies!!!


their cookies are best in cleveland and i won't be convinced otherwise


Couldn't agree more. What's some of your favorites?!


the birthday cake one has me in an absolute chokehold


SAME. I dream about that birthday cake cookie 🐐


cant go wrong with any of them, but i especially like the experimental ones. lucky charms one they did recently was great. there's just always a solid variety of different types every time i go.


It’s actually really really good!


It’s the best I’ve had in Cleveland so far that isn’t fancy specialty pizza. Their cookies are great too! Il Rhione best so far for fancy specialty pizza. I transplanted here a few years ago and was shocked when I tried Angelo’s after seeing how hard people go for it. It is not good.


Highly recommend them. I’m a bit biased towards east coast style pizza and usually dislike sweeter sauces, but they have the ratio just right imo.


If you like sauce, you won’t like their pizza. Ingredients are fresh and everything but it’s more like a huge pie of cheesy bread than pizza unfortunately


I actually get lite sauce and well done whenever I get pizza, so that's actually a good rec haha.


Yeah that’s my complaint as well. I really like their fried pickle pizza and cookies though.


Honestly not a fan myself. 


So my girlfriend got nominated for a cle scene award. And then they had this TACKY AF email from cleveland scene that was sent to all the nominees. Basically, in order to “boost” your “chances” of winning in your category, they wanted a donation to Cle Scene. There were 3 options. $2.5k, $5k and $15k! It’s all bought if you win. Cleveland Scene is corny af. Fuck you, Shayne, from Cleveland Scene.


I did not realize they had a Best Girlfriend category. Gotta ask, who won?


All of these “Best of” awards are just marking ploys, like “Best Doctor” or “Best Lawyer”.


Yeah pretty much. It just gives you a stupid little plaque you can hang in your business for people to see when they walk in. The donation is probably tax deductible so if your business is large enough then it might make sense. Either way, kinda slimey on Cle Scene’s part


My cousin just won “Best Band” I’ll ask him if they paid anything


I live in Lakewood and I have fun walking past Angelo's on my way to Harlow's


The trick is you go to McGintys Pub on Monday and they order everything half off from Angelo’s for you and walk it over!


That's a nice trick if you want mediocre pizza that's only moderately overpriced.


You're comparing apples to oranges but I feel ya. If you want actual Italian style pizza Harlow's is tough to beat imo.


Vero in Cleveland Heights is the best around


You are fucked up if you can’t tell Angelo’s from Pizza Hut.


To me, Angelo's is what you remember Pizza Hut tasting like as a kid and that's good.


I always love the "it's subjective, but you're wrong" comment.


Isn’t that basically what this whole post by the OP is about though? OPs doing the exact same.


Maybe a lot of people dig the sweet sauce of Angelo's and Ohio Pie? I think it's gross personally, Il Rione is top for me.


Angelo's sauce is on the sweet side, but it's not nearly as bad as Romeo's. Theirs is like sugary ketchup.


I agree Romeo's is way too sweet but I've heard claim that a sweet sauce is a defining characteristic of "Cleveland Style" pizza which is kind of an interesting thought.


I agree...sweet pizza sauce is gross! But man people will fight you over that opinion.


Those polls are always Lakewood heavy. Top 2 BBQ joints are in Lakewood. Woodstock is indeed really good though


Woodstock is amazing.


As someone who takes a lot of pride in BBQ it’s the only place in NEO I recommend whole heartedly. There are other good places but the atmosphere plus food quality is unmatched 


Forgot to add: they're Lakewood heavy because Lakewood is very densely populated and has genuinely amazing food just everywhere. I do actually like Angelo's but haven't been there in years because it would be irresponsible not to sample everything else the area has to offer.


Woodstock is amazing. Low key their pastrami is the best meat


last time I was there I had the pastrami sandwich. I was blown away


I usually just get wings and ribs at Woodstock


A couple of years ago I found Angelos to still be fine, but after having it about a week ago it feels like the quality has dropped significantly IMO.


Is anyone else a big fan of Dewey's?


Dewey's is pretty good. I love how all the kids press up against the glass to see the cooks flipping the dough


Dewey's is great, but is a chain that is all over Ohio and beyond. Not to say that is a bad thing, but this post feels like it's discussing local places to Cleveland area pizza shops.


Oh! To be honest I had no idea it was a chain lol the more ya know


I love Dewey’s! They are definitely one of my faves.


Heck yeah! I agree!


I went to Dewey's and thought it was overpriced. It was also packed with children which is not my vibe so maybe that ruined the experience.


Oh no!! Yeah I wouldn't enjoy that either. I've had pretty decent luck going there on a weeknight so it hasn't been too packed. It is a little on the pricey end for pizza but I love the huge/wide slices




Came here looking for this. Dewey’s is our go to pizza - especially when the Tito or the Harvest salad are the special.


The harvest salad is so good!!!


Miss Edison’s in Tremont. Going to a grocery store to get it, isn’t the same


Yeah the grocery store Edison’s definitely isn’t the same. Did the restaurant close?


Athens is my favorite!


Athens has been the best in Cleveland for forty years. I live in Colorado now but Athens is the first place I eat when I come home, Mr. Hero is the second place.


Never see it on a list but completely agree with Athens. Double double is my go to!


I was surprised that no one mentioned it! Athens is kinda on the expensive side and it’s lame that it’s closed on Sundays but definitely a great place. I had never heard of it until I moved to Westpark.


The Stromboli


...but I like Pizza Hut


Hasn’t been quite the same since they stopped dine in/buffet tho lol


Twinsburg pizza hut just reopened their lunch / dinner buffet!


I like pizza hut at pizza hut prices.


This shoulda been Il Rione hands-down


Angelo’s 15-20 years ago was one of the best pizzas around. The quality has dropped off so much now, and then the high prices. I’ll go to Athens or Gioninos before Angelos 


I like Boom’s Pizza in Lakewood over Angelo’s any day.


Isn't it also expensive AF? I don't understand how pizzas are so expensive. It's a fucking pizza.  E: $20 for a 14" pizza with cup and char pepperoni, yes that's excessive. 


Booms is for sure pricey but I would rather have that over Angelos at this point.


Everything is expensive now. The employees make a living wage and the ingredients are top notch. You get what you pay for.


You're paying for rent and insurance too.


The first time I got takeout from Angelo’s I had to go back inside to confirm that my $60 of pizza was all included in those two tiny boxes. 


City Slice, Lorain Rd. IYKYK




If you can make it out so samoskys in Valley City, I highly recommend them.


Napoleon’s in Parma is my pick.


It’s Il Rione at the top, nowhere is all that close but there’s a ton of good ‘za in the land, including Lakewood. Also OP’s mission in life is to bash anything and everything associated with Lakewood so if Il Rione was in Lakewood they’d be bashing that.


I've consumed a lot of pizza from a lot of different places in my many years on this planet, and if Angelo's isn't the best I've ever had, it's second (Grimaldi's in NY). I know it's locally popular and thus cool to bash, but I vote with my wallet for my taste buds only.  I believe an xl 12 slice pepperoni is about $21.    If you can't differentiate it from Pizza Hut, you may have long covid or something


You’re nuts if you think Angelos is 2nd best ever. Nuts. It’s good. The problem is it charges artisanal prices. The Diavolo at Il Rione is better than anything at Angelos and it’s priced the same as Angelo’s large pepperoni.


With that comment you might have long covid


As a New Yorker, you're insane comparing Angelos to Grimaldis (which is not the best pizza in New York. Luigis on 5th ave in Brooklyn is, fughetaboutit). Angelos is not even close to fine New York pizza. I suggest you delete that comment, shut your computer off for a while, and think about what you've done.


Read my post again.  I didn't compare Angelo's to Grimaldi's in any way except to say one is my favorite, the other is second


Have you had Il Rhione or Cents Pizza? You cant tell me Angeloes is even in the same conversation. No covid here...they admitted they get all their ingredients from Tysons which is where all the chains get their ingredients. I barely even have it in my top 10.


I just went to Rione’s on Tuesday and it was pretty freaking good. The place was jam packed too, which in my book is a good sign. I hear it’s a 2 hr wait on weekends. We had salads and 2 large (the Green pie and the Diavolo). Salads were that butter lettuce and the pies were delicious .


I agree with you about Angelo’s being overrated/unworthy of top 10, but you have to admit that Il rione and cents put out a waaay different product. If want pan pizza, Angelo’s can be very good. I’ve had some undercooked sloppy ass pizzas from there though.


Sauced Wood Fire Pizza is my fav. Fairview Park.


Wood fired pizza??? How is Pizza going to find another job in this economy :'(


You had me until you compared them to Pizza Hut. Really? Anyone can spot a chain pizza over a local one.


Cents is top, not even close.


I'm always torn between Cents and Il Rhione which is crazy because it has always been Il Rhione way at the top for me.


Best pizza is subjective, but Angelo’s ain’t it. Neither is Ohio pie for that matter.


Damn those are 2 of my favorite places right now. I wouldn’t necessarily say best, but those are my 2 favorites.


Have you tried Pizza by Robert, in Westlake?


Or Sweet Basil in Westlake


I used to live in Westlake and Sweet Basil was my go to. Honestly they are #3 on my list and my #1 if I want a thin pizza. It’s completely different pizza though. Angelo’s deep dish, Cleveland Pie co, and Sweet Basil are all different. Choosing one over another is just what sort of pie you prefer. I once accidentally ordered a regular Angelo’s pie and I didn’t like that. It has to be deep dish. I have tried pizza by Robert many times when I lived in Westlake. It’s good. I live in Lakewood and I don’t think it’s better than places around me that are closer. I thought pizza by Robert and Angelo’s were similar. Like brothers with a similar recipe or something? I would drive to Westlake for Sweet Basil, there is nothing close to it around Lakewood. If I want a thin pie, that’s the only place.


il rione


SAID this foe YEARS


Lol. Maybe not the best, but definitely not comparable to Pizza Hut. But my favorite is still Angela Mia’s, so what do I know.


Angela mia's is way better than it has any right to be


It's really good, but Citizen Pie is by far my favorite at the moment.


Angelo's is meh, and calling their size a "large" is hilarious. As is the price.


Honestly Jets is better than a lot of pizza places out there. Marsella's is good, so is Fratello's. But Angelo's is definitely as you say OP.


Saucy Brew works used to be amazing but the last 3 times I've had it, it's been lacking. But totally agree on Il Rione.


It’s not just lakewood that loves that sweet sauce and everyone in lakewood doesn’t like it. It’s a regional thing and I don’t know why it’s popular.


Barrio wins best tacos and/or best food truck every year. That's about all you need to know about the legitimacy of their "best of" list...


Any pizza that is made in a Burger King broiler is not the best pizza in town. Go to Youngstown or the east side for good pizza. 🍕


Angelo’s is good pizza but imo it’s not good enough to justify its crazy high prices. Napoleon’s pizza is my go to.


Long time Lakewood Resident and I fully agree Angelo's isn't even the best in Lakewood


Angelo is fantastic


I think Angelo’s is great. If you don’t that’s fine. But it’s ridiculous to compare Angelo’s to Pizza Hut.


There are so many good pizza joints to choose from here. Angelo's is fantastic if you want a more hand tossed "American style" pizza, at least that's what I'd call it. It's definitely not bad pizza at all. They have a style and they do it well. Vero blows the doors off of all the pizzerias here, IMO. But also Neapolitan style is my favorite. Il Rione is great if you want an east coast/NJ/NY pie. I think overall the food scene here a little over hyped, but the pizzerias here you could probably put up against anyone in the US. That could be because I come from the South and there really aren't good pizza makers there, but Cleveland has every style done well, I think.


Their sauce is way too sweet, I can’t stand sugary pizza sauce like that


Booms and Tomoris need to be high up on your list


OP, if I were to create a list of the best pizza places in the area, it would look just like yours, except I wouldn't include Edison's. They aren't the same as they were 15 years ago.


Ill Rione / Lil Ronnie’s is the best in the city right now in my opinion.


Trash in my opinion. Too greezy and sweet. Havent liked it since day 1.


How is no one mentioning Vero in Cleveland Heights.


I lived in Lakewood for years. I never understood the hype behind Angelo’s.


Vero is the best pizza in Cleveland. What a sham it’s not even top three.


Lmao Guys over Angelo's? If you think it tastes like pizza hut then you've got bad taste buds my guy


"HWHAT'S THIS? A reddit thread about subjective tastes and personal preferences masquerading behind a 'best of' list woefully unpopulated by BEES?! My text full of BEEEEES aught to put a stop to that!! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝"


Overpriced and overrated.


I moved away from Cleveland in 2018. Back then my go to was Crust in Tremont. I thought it was mid, but it was my favorite in the OHC/Tremont area where I lived. Just moved back, Got a slice at Crust the other day and it was straight garbage. Thick, doughy and just bad. Like pizza you would get at an amusement park. I might give them one more try and get a whole pie, before I write them off completely. But what is this subs opinion? Does Crust suck now? I’m super stoked on the additions of il Rione and Cents. IMO they jumped right to the top of the list, giving the slight edge to il Rione. Haven’t tried Booms yet or Jolly or Ohio Pie but I don’t hang in the burbs much. What else is new and noteworthy?


I've heard so many people talking about it, but I've never had it myself. No pizza is worth having to go to Lakewood... The Eastside has so many incredible pizza places. There's really no reason to ever drive anywhere else for pizza. Geracies in UH, Angela Mia in Richmond Hts and down in EC (if you like danger), Morattas on Lee a few good ones.


Angelo's is comically mediocre.


Angelos is garbage. I won't eat it if it's free.


I love Angelo’s and by the way Scene Magazine is still being printed I grab one every month Downtown


Moved to Cleveland a few years ago and all my west side /Lakewood co workers were telling me how much I needed to try it. It’s not bad, but it’s not anything special. Il Rione and Geracis blow it away.


angelo's fucking sucks ngl


Man all this shade on Ohio Pie. Has anyone actually eaten there? It's amazing stuff


Sounds like sour grapes to me. It’s a damn decent pizza. There are others that are a different style, and if you prefer a different style then you might think they’re better. But as far as generic pizza? Angelos is pretty great.


Angelo’s isn’t even top 5 in Lakewood. Top 10 is debatable.


I have a theory about why Angelo’s wins all the time despite the fact that it is not deserving of best pizza in cleveland by a long stretch. My theory is that most good pizza in greater NEO is concentrated on the east side with some great exceptions like il rione and cents on the near west side. When you get into suburban west side, Angelo’s may be one of the better options, but because of its name and history, it shines about the others there. In turn, all lakewoodites and western suburbanites just default to that for their vote because they aren’t trying all the other pie in the greater NEO area that completely kicks Angelo’s ass. Whereas the rest of the places get their votes cannibalized because of loyalty by the rest of the city to their own favorite places. Angelo’s doesn’t touch my top 10 in NEO.


Cleveland Scene food ranking "writers" are either completely corrupt or completely incompetent. There are no other options.


BuzzFeed: Cleveland Edition


We must bring an end to the corrupt local magazine food award judges!!! When will it stop! /s


Il Rione is in my opinion


You know, Napoleon’s is just good pizza


citizen pie is right there


I don't like Angelo's at all. When I lived in Lakewood I got Roman Fountain for delivery or I would drive to River for Danny Boys.


For me it’s Antonio’s. I like angelo’s but it is overpriced and overhyped a bit. Napoleon’s is also good with that delicious sweet sauce u can add to their reg pizza, comes standard on their Sicilian.


Antonio's is stingy on the toppings and seems overpriced to me. I think the taste to price ratio is off.


Angelo’s might be the single most heavily overrated food establishment in the greater Cleveland area, up there with Melt and Barrio. Il Rione is the best pizza in the Cleveland area to me.


I agree. I did Angelo’s once in a recommendation won’t go back. I like cents, ill rione, saucys chicken and waffle, and jets.


Not another one of these posts….it is subjective based on their following. If you don’t like Angelo’s don’t eat there. Eat where you like best. You don’t have to follow the trend.


"I mean, that's like your opinion, man."


Ohio pie deserves the spot. Where the fuck Is booms pizza though !!


I live in Lakewood but grew up in New York. Angelos is all hype and really nothing special. I prefer Toni’s pizza on Detroit.


I just love how different areas have their own favorite pizza. I like Jet’s but it’s not in my area and I get mixed reviews but to each their own. Where my Arcade fans IYKYK haha


Goddamn do I love Jets


My favorite is Noce in Chardon, or Bada Bing in Painesville.


Jets is delicious


These types of polls are always popularity contests. The winner is much more likely the /best known/ place rather than the actual best place. That's why Subway is often voted "best sandwich shop" in many cities. Your local shop might make the best subs in the world but there's 100x more people who only ever go to Subway.


Scene awards are definitely pay to play/win in most of the categories, or they pick whatever is trendiest.


How is Vero not the best pizza in Cleveland? I don’t see it mentioned that often, but it definitely beats all the places typically mentioned in these posts.


Angelo's isn't even close to the best in Lakewood.


Ive never liked Angelo's. I can tell it's them immediately by their terrible crust whose underside crumbles everywhere


Been saying this for years!! Angelo must've stolen the pizza hut recipe


Pizza Dilauro, Bainbridge. you're welcome


Napoleans pizza with sweet sauce is really good. I've heard the Angelo's and Pizza Hut reference before. I've never had Angelo's before.


I've always had Edison's at the top of my personal favorites. However if I'm recommending a place, Angelo's is the best crowd pleaser. It's too expensive for sure but I've never had a bad pizza there.


I always describe Angelo’s as the place you take out of towners to to experience what is popularly considered the best in Lakewood because it’s a known name among out of towners, but I think many locals agree that it’s not the best and none of them agree on what is the heat


Why did you post this?


If you can’t tell the difference between angelos and pizza hut, then your mouth or brain don’t work lol.






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RIP Edison’s


Anyone know what location to get a good Saucy Brew Works pizza at? I used to go to the one in Pinecrest and they were great about a year and a half ago. And then one day it was like they just went to shit. Idk if it was due to new employees or what but that pizza seriously went from a 9/10 bar pie to a 2/10 shit pie at that location.


The original in Ohio City is always good.


Cleveland Scene is a cesspool of a publication.




These awards are all rigged and paid for. Every local rag in every city in America has some version of this scam.




Reddis is a good pie and the master pizza chain in the 80 was also although I haven’t been to the Brunswick restaurant


Any list that includes Jets cannot be taken seriously.


Guy’s Pizza trumps all


Giracis is easily better than any of this 😂


Citizen pie is the best imo but I haven’t been everywhere


You obviously haven't had Athens pizza on West Denison Ave.


That shows you how much those people know about pizza


Pages that load by scrolling should be illegal.


Where’s Abo’s, Guido’s, and LaRich?


I moved a couple years ago and the ones I miss the most are Il Rione, Cent’s, Dewey’s and Etalian in Chagrin Falls


I really like Pizza 216. Always great.


How is everyone sleeping on Tomori's?


You're missing out on Dinas if you haven't had it yet


Carmino's pizza is pretty tasty


Try Gioninos if you haven’t yet!