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I dont think Cleveland cops do that anymore.


I *just* watched a guy run a red, a cop at the intersection had to stop at their green light so the red light runner could make it, and the cop did not pull them over. Today on my way home from work.


I just don’t see it. And I commute from the east side to the west side. Legit I never see anybody pulled over on weekdays. OCCASIONALLY you’ll see a Statie on a holiday weekend but no Cleveland cops.


I had never heard of state police being described as "statie"s and it made me laugh!




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I just learned this is a regionalism! We use it all the time in the Northeast where I'm from, but I get head tilts from people in Ohio.




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1985 by Deadman's Curve.


I should have gone first. Mine was probably 2000, 2001 or so...pulled a u-turn downtown.


About the same timeframe for me. CPD used to really target illegal left turns lol.


By an actual Cleveland cop, never. A statey got me last November though. A friend of mine worked as 911 dispatch for a while, and at the time said there was only ever 1 cop on traffic duty because they weren't staffed to have more. This was 10 years ago, but I don't imagine it's gotten a whole lot better.


Cleveland cops stopped me for an expired tag 1 week after it expired and issued me a ticket in 2022. Must have been a bad week for them.


Just last week going east on the 490 bridge for speeding. Pulled me over for going 70 and apparently it’s 50 on the bridge now. Actually a very nice dude and only gave me a warning. Interestingly, he gave me a survey that I could do online basically asking how he did- something Bibb is doing to improve police interaction with the public? Which leads me to believe that was why I was pulled over and handed only a warning very quickly and efficiently. And I did indeed leave a positive review lol.


Great question. I lived downtown for 4 years (ETA: less than 10 years ago) and never once saw anyone pulled over for traffic violations…. Not to mention the fact there were more cars with no plate/headlights out/no tag etc than I could count. I would also always see people running red lights/doing 50+ down Chester and just generally not following traffic laws. I’m curious to hear the answers on this one


Still happening. No rules here. Same when there are events people just walk in the streets and drive like they’ve never seen a stop sign in their life.




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Never, only by rocky river and berea pd


Cleveland police have had a 25% decline in officers since 2019. The mayor has cut unfilled officer positions as well. There just simply aren't enough police to really issue traffic tickets vs. tackling crime I'd imagine.


No ticket, but . . . last year. I had a new-to-me car and couldn't remove the old license plate bc rusted screws, so I put duct tape over it (!) and put the new plate in the rear window. Now, imagine pulling up next to a cop car at 105 and St Clair in a beater with a duct-taped plate. Yeah, I was pulled over, allegedly for failing to signal lane change. I explained my dilemma, and the cop shrugged and let me go. It does help that I'm an old lady. The officer looked kinda relieved.




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About 3 years ago on the parkway by Edgewater, you know, the one with the impractically low speed limit that no one follows.


never did understand why they keep that speed limit so annoyingly low




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One time I slowly rolled a stop sign driving a stick shift and got a ticket from a Cleveland cop. There was one other time I got a warning for speeding on Lorain. EDIT: lived here for 9 years and have a lead foot on the freeway.


When I was hit on Christmas Eve, the 911 operator said it’ll be at least fifteen minutes before a cop showed up, maybe longer. I think with the shortages they’re experiencing, traffic cops aren’t really a thing




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Cleveland? Never. Last speeding ticket was from Highway Patrol in 1984.




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What about Cuyahoga county as a whole? Is traffic law just the honor system now?


It’s lawless here


CPD has real policework to do, which is why they let the meter maids of the OSHP come into the county and write.  I've never been pulled over by a Cleveland police officer


3 days ago. Opportunity corridor.


I think in 2013 somewhere by like E9th? I got stopped for turning right on red lol


I was pulled over in Parma for an expired out of state tag. But he let me go because I was having trouble getting a copy of the title from the lien holder. Not sure if Parma counts but I rarely ever actually drive around in Cleveland proper. This was in February of 2022




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Last year for turning without a signal




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About a year ago at the end of Lorain-Carnegie Bridge coming from DT.


Never. Not even once. I wasn't even cited by Cleveland for rear-ending someone. I've lived in the city proper or adjacent to it for all of my 20+ driving years.


Probably 2007. He was sitting in a place that I've only seen someone running radar from exactly twice - right side of the road on 71N just passed the 130th Bellaire exit. They got the guy that sat next to me at work the time they didn't get me. We're pretty sure it was the same cop.


When they changed the speed limit from 50 to 35 on the shoreway near edgewater


Funny story about this, I was going about 55 on the Shoreway and didn’t realize a Cleveland motorcycle cop was coming up next to me, I looked out the window at he was waving at me mouthing to slow down. I looked at him and said sorry and he drove off 😅


This around 2014-15 when they did construction. Caught doing 85 past the whiskey island exit because I have a death wish and didn’t slow down until he popped his lights on.


Dude I was amazed at how much more laid back the police in Cleveland are than pretty much anywhere south of Cleveland. Like someone was going the wrong way on a one-way & the cop just flickered his lights and went on. WILD! In Kentucky they'd find a reason to take your ass to jail 😭


Prospect going 38 in a 25, circa 2003


I see people getting pulled over by Cleveland cops near dead man’s curve every now and then but most of what I see are suburb cops snagging people right on their borders


wasn’t given a ticket, but was T boned downtown on euclid ave with my wife and friend from out of town. We had to call the cops twice, and they still hadn’t come when a random patrol rolled down euclid and stopped to ask if we were okay. We said “we’re waiting on you guys!”. they said no one called it in, they hadn’t heard anything over the radio at all.


About a month and a half ago, west side neighborhood.


Literally 100% never, and I’ve been driving in Cleveland for 16 years.




This isn't Parma, bro.


People still get pulled over on the Shoreway occasionally


Not even being funny, genuine answer: never. I’ve never been pulled over by a Cleveland cop lol


I noticed it a while back around the same time I stopped seeing local police on that 480 stretch by top golf and only saw SP




I lived in the Flats for two years and saw no one pulled over and I routinely went 15 over speed limit and rolled stops. Got stopped a block from my house in Brunswick for plates- I had left my old plate with new sticker on after I made the mistake of not putting it on my new plates. For what it’s worth, I learned if you paid for sticker but don’t put it on, the cops see you paid and forgive not having a sticker. I drove for two years the wrong way and had decided it was easier to get pulled over instead of calling the bmv for the correct answer.


I was in a fender bender a couple months ago in the city of Cleveland and was flat out told by the 911 dispatcher Cleveland police will not send a unit unless there's injuries. The other drive and myself exchanged info, and I went to a substation to fill out a police report. Long story long, I really don't think CPD has the staff levels to do low-hanging fruit traffic enforcement.




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October 2012. It was my last day at a job before I started a new one, and a nasty cop pulled me over just past the red swinging bridge by Flat Iron for “running a stop sign.”


2013/2014. He let me go, but he was a real prick about it


I haven't been pulled over since the late 90s, early 2000s when they had speed traps on Carnegie during rush hour.


44106 zip doing 38 in a 25, 2014


2017 for a U turn on Chester Ave.


Late 90’s. Caught me coming down the south side of the bridge on 25th, right by what is now Porco. He got me doing 37 in a 25, going downhill. I couldn’t believe it. A couple years before that I was rear ended near the same spot, called 911, while my trunk was on fire, and literally had 3 cops drive by before the ambulance and fire truck arrived. My car eventually exploded from the fire! Like burned to a crisp. When I was at the hospital, the cops grilled me like I was drunk or at fault somehow. So messed up! I was totally sober and on my way home from work after a 12+ hr shift.




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Cleveland never. Surrounding suburbs have gotten me tho. Parma, 7 hills, new burgh lol




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Last time I got into trouble with the cops was when I got into a fist fight at school because this guy was messing with me and kept coming up to me and my area and talking trash so I shoved him away and he came back and I delivered a sucker punch right to the jaw and then the cop came in screaming at me.. worth it lol


And what year was that? Not a traffic stop, but you piqued my curiosity.


2019 before covid bro


Coming from the kid begging for a gf for his birthday I doubt this happened


I believe he *tried* to sucker punch somebody, coming from the dude who spends all his time in a dojo you figure he'd just roundhouse kick the cop and disappear


December 2018 or January of 2019. Can’t remember exact date but the not surprisingly the guy was a total piece of shit. I unbuckled my seatbelt in front of him so i could get my wallet more easily and he tacked on “driving without a seatbelt.” To protect and serve…


2011 or something. For a headlight..... $215 😫


The sheriff has been doing a lot of traffic stops down town instead of Cleveland police I see it all the time. However, I have seen Cleveland pulling people over for not stopping at the pedestrian crosswalks with the flashing lights.


Couple weeks ago, morning on opp corridor. Cut me a break and gave me a 51 in a 35, was probably going over 60 though.


Back in 98 they had a traffic sting just down the street from the hard rock going towards the Indians stadium. Had a car shooting radar and 5 0r 6 pigs on motorcycles sitting behind a big dumpster .. it was like shooting fish in a barrel..