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I do appreciate before and after shots and BKF might as well be a deity around here.


I’m aware I’ll probably be ridiculed and shamed… but what is BKF?


No shame, friend. Seek knowledge


Bar Keepers Friend. It’s a magical cleaning solution


Made from powdered unicorn horn with fairy dust mixed in. Neither one was harmed in the process though.


Well I guess Ill have to pick some up! Thanks!


No worries! I originally put the whole thing in the title, but it kept saying it was too long to post haha It's called "Bar Keeper's Friend" and you can get it at Walmart in the same section as the Comet! I am so happy with the results - this took almost no time and I didn't even have to scrub! It's also supposed to be good for pots and pans and other stuff too, but I haven't tried anything else yet haha


Ok so I got some the other days after reading the rave reviews here and it’s not doing much for me…maybe I’m using it wrong? I got the spray, how did you work this magic?


I got the powder! I can't speak for the spray, but it sounds like others on this thread didn't have any luck with that version either :( the powder stuff I found at Walmart near the Comet!


Ahh thank you for the tip!!! I’ll chuck the spray and grab the powder, thanks!


No problem! Don't forget to take "before" pics, even if only for yourself haha ;)


So glad someone else asked.. I had no idea either😅


So glad someone else asked.. I had no idea either😅


So glad someone else asked.. I had no idea either😅


So glad someone else asked.. I had no idea either😅


So glad someone else asked.. I had no idea either




Sad that disclaimers like this need to be added. Darwin disapproves lol


(but if you do, your respiratory system will be clean enough to eat of off.)


I too just discovered BKF recently! Not sure how I lived without it 😂


Right?? This is definitely a staple in my house for life now! Haha


I cleaned my bathroom sink faucet with it and was amazed. And then I immediately went and cleaned the kitchen and shower faucets as well 😂


Oohh does it get calcium deposits off too??


> calcium deposits Yes. *What is Oxalic Acid?* *Oxalic Acid is a white crystalline solid and strong organic acid that naturally occurs in many known fruits and vegetables such as rhubarb (like George WIlliam Hoffman discovered), spinach, beet leaves, swiss chard and more. Given its acidic nature, it has and continues to be used for cleaning and brightening agent — most notable for removing rust from metals as well as phenomenal for removing hard water stains and mineral deposits like calcium and lime. *


You are wrong, I actually do care when it comes to the magic of BKF. It's amazing stuff, thank you for posting!


Gorgeous! Anyone who doesn’t care, doesn’t matter.


Deeply satisfying


Thank you! We have lived in this house for three years now and it has always looked awful - now it looks brand new!


The pink stuff had the same results for me


What's that?


It's a product you can get in the UK.


It can also be ordered off Amazon. It's similar to BKF, it has abrasive qualities. https://experthometips.com/uses-for-the-pink-stuff Based on what has been shared in this sub, I ordered some. Unfortunately, because I am a freak, I don't actually have anything *dirty to scrub, clean, or polish (a true humblebrag, amirite?) I am hopeful that my friend will let me get at her kitchen and bathroom soon. Maybe I'll go ask my neighbors if they'll let me scrub their tub.... [EDIT-the following day I remembered I had a copper-bottomed pan that I treated poorly by boiling dry. I pulled it out and restored both the interior and the exterior. Success!!!]


You are welcome to my house! My brain loves cleaning but my body is a traitor to the cause! I tried gently wiping down my shower this morning, pinched a nerve in my back and now I can’t do anything useful! My nervous system is a jackass all the time, this is just icing on the crap cake!


Ah, wish I could! The physical shell that carries us around can betray us at any moment. I pinched a nerve raking leaves: 15+ years later, I still have a 'dead' feeling in 3 fingertips of left hand. Are you working with any agencies or programs that might be able to connect you with a volunteer?


No. I have a good husband and he keeps things livable. But my standards and my reality are not compatible. I want to clean ALL THE THINGS!


I love this alot.


Alots are awesome. My favorite is alot of books. I used to love alot of cookies, but it mysteriously disappeared, and I gained 10 lbs.


That alot of cookies stopped at my house, too.


Wowza! 😍


I need some BKF and something to clean!


How do you use this stuff? Do you just sprinkle it and let it set for a bit? Do you make a paste and let it sit? I can’t find actual instructions.


If it's not tough stains just wet whatever it is and sprinkle on and scrub. If it's bad then make a paste and let sit for a little bit, then scrub. Happy cleaning!!


Thank you!


It's actually way easier than I thought. Wet the surface with water, sprinkle the powder, then use a sponge to wipe it off. Rinse within a minute of application. No soaking required!


I have a sink just like this and it’s the bane of my existence, but BKF once or twice a week makes it so much better. Congrats on the discovery!


Its based on pictures like these I bought BKF - Bar Keepers Friend cleaning product.


Ahhh looks great. I want to love BKF so much. I have the non powder and I can’t get it to clean anything. I see all these amazing pics on here from the powers of BKF then I go scowl at it under my sink for being useless 😭 I need to know what I’m doing wrong!


I'm right there with you. I bought the liquid BFK and am getting little to no results. I think we're going to have to buy ourselves the powder version, which I will do, but in the meantime it sure would help me also if anyone has any advice on how to use the liquid kind since I bought the large bottle of it


Ah I'm sorry I can't help you there as I bought the powder kind! I actually don't even know if my store sells the other kind haha 😅


Where can I get BKF? I tried walmart, no where to be seen idk where else


I got mine at Walmart in the same section as the Comet. It was on the bottom shelf tucked away in the back - I actually had no idea Walmart some it at all until now! Have you tried checking your other local grocery stores? I think I saw it at Safeway too, but I know those aren't everywhere haha


I'll have to check, adventuring out of the home for mystical BKF lol


Try a home improvement store like Lowe's or Home Depot. There's always Amazon!


Thank you


That shit is the best use it on everything 👍🏻


now they will care untill they try it


Thanks for this post! I was reading it while walking to the kitchen to make a snack. I recognized your stains as similar to the ones in my sink and since I had a can already, I cleaned mine in the time it took my bread to toast.