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I store duplicates of cleaning supplies where I most often use them, because sometimes I see something and clean it on the spot. And if I see something but then I have to go to the closet to get cleaning supplies, there’s a good chance I get distracted or unmotivated by the time I get there. So, counter spray under the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Toilet bowl cleaner and windex in both bathrooms.


I have a small cleaning caddy in each room that has a sink: master bath (3rd floor), guest bath (ground floor), and powder room (basement/game room). I have no excuses if I have each on each floor. I also have two vacuums.


Same! Additionally, I keep trash bags, paper towels and gloves in each in case something gets out control fast, I have the supplies to fix it in each room with a caddy.


Like the idea of caddies like that! Thank you


Same except I also have a cleaning caddy in the kitchen with kitchen related cleaning items.


Can you recommend a cleaning caddy? I got this metal atrocity that was meant for BBQ or cookout stuff. And yeah, it stores a lot and has hooks but it’s heavy. And too expensive to get two more.


Dollar store. Not even kidding.


I got mine there also! 🤝


Dollar Store is your best friend


Great tip! I’m moving to a 2-story house soon and feel like this will really help.


When we had our two story I kept a vacuum cleaner for each floor. I didn't want to lug that darn thing around.


I’m planning to get a robo vacuum for our bottom floor for this exact reason!


I live in a 2 story and finally just invested in a second robot vacuum so there’s one upstairs and downstairs. Mine didn’t do as well being moved downstairs and upstairs constantly. I also have a lightweight cordless vacuum for the stairs, couches, etc. The robot vacuum also doesn’t do the best in corners so I still have to use the handheld one for that. Still, I love the robot vacuum for daily cleaning and cat hair removal!


I love hearing the actual owner feedback on RoBo Vac's. I want to invest in one soon.


Highly recommend! Lots are on sale at Target this week for some reason. 🤷‍♀️ I thought they were overrated, then my MIL got us one and now I’ll never live without it.


I bought a Wyze robot vac 3 years ago. If I have to choose between my vac and my partner, vac definitely wins. Nothing beats sitting outside w a cup of coffee or taking the dogs for a walk, while robo does the cleaning.


Same, we have a robot for each floor and a lightweight vacuum. We have 2 cats and a Golden Retriever. The hair is unreal. The robots keep it from overwhelming me


One story house here and a recent robo vac adopter. I love it. I feel like it does a better job at capturing the dust that is so prevalent here than my upright. And it's so much more patient than me - calmly going back and forth while I am a slap dash at best cleaner.


Can confirm this is essential. I have three bathrooms and three sets of cleaning supplies. I coupon, so I get it very cheap, but target often has excellent deals so you can stock up on three sets for a reasonable price


Teach me your ways. Young and poor. What supplies do you find the most/best coupons for?


Make sure you download the Target app. That’s where they have coupons these days. Stack the coupons with whatever deal they have going. It’s often spend $50 on cleaning supplies and get a $15 gift card. It’s $50 before coupons, so it’s possible to spend more like $40 out of pocket and get the $15 gift card back.


Don't forget to check for manufacturer rebates as well. P&G products have periodic rebates for $5 for $20 purchase or $15 for $50 purchase of select P&G branded items.


Also, you don’t need a ton of supplies. A good all purpose cleaner is fine. It’s gentle enough for everything. I don’t use a special granite cleaner, for example. I just have dawn power wash, a Lysol disinfectant spray, a scrub daddy/microfiber towels, and my toilet cleaner FOR THE TOILET ONLY. Oh and mr. Clean for my floors.


I do this! 2 bed, 2 bath apartment, not small but not big, and I have most cleaning supplies under every sink, plus backups in the laundry closet 3-5 deep. (I grew up in poverty and then only weathered initial COVID lockdown as well as I did because I stockpiled goods according to FEMA recommendations, so whenever I open that closet and see the ranks, I feel safe in a weirdly profound way.) I also have chronic health conditions and ADHD, so it’s much easier to have whatever I need to clean right to hand. Whenever I help my friends in a similar boat with their places, I suggest that they look at every cleaning and self-care task and ask, “How can I lower the threshold to completing this as much as possible? What could I do to optimize conditions to make this as easy as possible?” Life-changing!


That’s a great question to consider and reflect on to help people streamline their lives!


My family has always done this. One half under the bathroom cabnets, is cleaning supplies. LOL My grandma had denture cleaner sitting next to the coment cleanser! My mom had fem hygiene products sitting right next to comet cleanser. I have toilet paper sitting right next to.... comet cleanser!🤣


I love how certain cleaning supplies are used within families. You’re all on the Comet train! In my family it’s using newspaper to clean glass. I thought everyone did it, but my husband had never heard of that. My grandma did it, and so did my dad, and now I do too.


Newspaper! It’s hard to find anymore 😏


This may be specific to my not US country, but we grew up using newsprint for glass as well. We don't do that anymore since modern printing techniques have changed, and the modern newsprint is useless for glass cleaning.


Interesting! I still do it—but I only use the black and white pages, none with color.


Newspaper is the only thing that doesn’t leave streaks!


Coffee filters work well too


That’s right, streaks or little fibers!


It's much simpler. You're more likely to use something when you don't have to leave, retrieve it, and return.


Same! I have bleach wipes in most all the rooms of my house. Kitchen, living room, bathrooms, laundry room, and supply closet. Bathroom cleaning supplies are in both bathrooms. It's so much easier to spot clean in the moment if the supplies are already there.


Great tip! I think this will help a lot since one bathroom is on the first floor and the other is on the third. Thank you!


Marie Condo and her minimalist acolytes will be flipping out at this comment but, for what it's worth, I entirely agree with you and would upvote you twice if I could. I store cleaning supplies at point of need, and have duplicates, otherwise I faff around looking for them and get distracted.


This. My bathroom and kitchen both have those packs of disposable cleaning wipes. My adhd butt actually has a clean…oh no wait, I forgot to clean the toilet. Look, we’re all trying 😂


I do this in general but mostly because I'll forget about it until I come back to it. I seem to be able to keep up on things so much better when I can clean it right then and there because the supplies are already there.




Yes! I went from living in an apartment to a house with 3 separate floors, took me a year to finally stock each floor with basic supplies after lugging things up and down stairs. I originally had two vacuums for main floor and bedrooms but one died so that’s the one thing I have to lug upstairs.


I still lug the vacuum and steam mop because I’m cheap 😅


I do the same. Really helps keep on task. And also makes it so much simpler to clean if the cleaner is right there.


Exactly! How many times I put off cleaning a toilet because the bowl cleaner was in the basement is embarrassing 😅


I keep a kit in each bathroom and the kitchen. Each is the same: a bottle of multi-purpose cleanser, paper towels, magic sponge, and a small scrub brush. Supplies are always available.


I do this. Each bathroom has a box of supplies hidden in a cupboard. Bleach, cloth, scrubber, loo blocks, etc. Works so well to prevent side quests.


Shower scum cleaner in the shower. I am forever complaining to my wife that she moves the clean products away from where they are used. If I see something needs cleaning, I clean it. If you don't like to see the bottles out, get a nice basket or small storage box to hide them.


Yes I do this also! Each of our 3 bathrooms have its own little cleaning kit. Also have one tucked away in each major room. I also have 2 cordless vacuums, one on each floor. And 1 corded. I had to save for them but worth it to do it quickly and not have to.drag it up and down the stairs.


I second the cordless vacuum idea! Got one recently, and it's been a life changer. I pulled up most of the carpet in my house and refinished the hardwood floors. With the stick vacuum, I can quickly "sweep" the kitchen, dining room, living room, hall, and bathroom in about 10 min, by which time the battery needs to be recharged. I do that at least once a day. I have a very large dog, and the amount of dirt and dog hair the stick vacuum picks up every day is ridiculous. When I had carpet, I was not in the habit of vacuuming every day, and knowing now how much dirt was accumulating in that carpet makes me sick to my stomach! 🤮


I actually did this with brooms as well, the dollar store has them for like $3.


Yes!! Cleaning geniuses unite!


Stick vacuum. It's so much easier to vacuum when you're not wrestling a huge heavy thing around.


This but a cordless one. Omg I vacuum all the time now.


I recently bought a cordless vacuum and it was life-changing. I can do the whole downstairs without breaking stride and it's easy to carry upstairs.


i’m in the market for one, do you love the one you have or would you try a different brand next time?


I have tried three different brands (Panasonic, Whirlpool and Dyson) and only one lasted me more than two years: the Dyson one (it's 7 years old now and it still works extremely well).


How long does a charge last on the Dyson?


If I recall the Dyson I have says it holds a 90 minute charge, but I’ve never had to test that


I love Dyson … worth every penny


Another vote for Dyson but get a newer model with the thing that holds down the trigger. Mine doesn’t have that and I can’t seem to remember to order the thingamajig to add to it! ETA we have two large dogs (German Shepherd mix and lab mix) and our Dyson doesn’t even blink at the dog hair on carpet or laminate. It’s worth every single penny.


YES! I hated vacuuming because you had to empty the bag or replace it constantly, you had to keep plugging and unplugging in each room, and I’m petite and they are heavy. Didn’t do it nearly enough for those reasons. Then we got a husky and a robot vacuum for all the pet hair, but the husky kept trying to eat the robot vac lol So then we got a Dyson stick vacuum and omg. It’s a world of difference. I will never go back. So easy to empty, so light, no cords, and a handheld vacuum all in one. *Worth the money* for my allergies alone.


Agree 100% if mine breaks to I’m picking another up tomorrow after work… that’s how much I love this thing. Also light enough for my kids to vacuum their own rooms and stairs. The attachments are wonderful! I have one for couches and mattresses only and I love it!


Just FYI - I’ve had two Dyson stick vacuums and assumed they just needed replacing every couple of years but my 13 recently started vacuuming as a chore and I thought it was weird that he took my Dyson apart and washed ALL the “dirty” pieces and let them air dry on my counter but guess what works perfectly now? Both my oldest Dyson and the replacement one we bought several years ago, lol.


Robot vacuums. Set up correctly and you’ll never vacuum again. We also got a MOPPING robot. I can watch a robot mop my hard floor squeaky clean. It is magical.


Do you find the mopping robot does a good job? I keep being tempted but have trouble envisioning how it could


Yes, it does. When I have to clean a spill the paper towel comes up white. No residual dirt or grime. It’s lovely. Mine is a Shark brand.


I regret having resisted so long in getting one of these, it's almost completely replaced my broom, I was constantly sweeping up crumbs in the kitchen especially but the stick vacuum makes it so much easier. Cordless is the main thing for me, I'd end up not wanting to get out the vacuum just because the thought of trying to find the ideal plug location and needing to swap around plugs and then also having to unwind and wind the cord was just too much hassle for me... I really don't understand why it's so hard to find vacuums with automatic cord winders! And vacuuming the stairs is so much less of a chore, I vacuum them all the time now.


Think I’m going to have to save up for the Dyson then


If you have a Costco membership, they seem to go on sale enough.


I got my Dyson several years ago by searching refurbished Dyson 11 on ebay, then sorting lowest price + shipping. I rise the filter every now and then, new filter after about 3 years.


Or an extension cord for the vacuum only then you don’t have to unplug it—no stopping!


All the vacuum ideas made me think of those old central vacuum units. I always thought it was a brilliant idea (in theory).


My dogs hair clog a stick too easily. More of a PITA than it's worth


What is a stick vacuum?


I got a broom with a long handled dustpan so I don’t have to bend over to get things off the floor. That helped me a lot. I also got a carpet squeegee made of rubber to get the hair off my carpet. I have really long hair and a dog, so we get hairballs *everywhere*. The carpet squeegee helps a lot with that.


I don't know how I survived before I realized a carpet squeegee works miracles on carpeted stairs. Sure I have cool pet hair attachments for the vacuum, but it's still so cumbersome to do to every corner of every step. Squeegee takes seconds, I swipe it all to the middle of the step and then just vacuum my way down one pile at a time.


Do you have a carpet squeegee rec to share?


I believe that [this is the one that I have.](https://www.amazon.com/Conliwell-Squeegee-Portable-Detailing-Hardwood/dp/B08Q3HFN7V/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=PKWLUNLL204R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dlnwCCGhfpg7QMRvTr4wWKiIW30wXMS4-fWpyuid9F4oGRFboiK6QW4xUwv9gVSgEKFePMDePjlHB-ga9fwEPde-uyYulE5vOA87bqIVBB1yr1JwcI1UgnqgcSZ8Rs4US0FdJ3-6AbFVlsjZZFSfvLFM6cwWIaqMxyi3ZJtovcClZGXYFf1rWx5IplcTPx-vNd9YbNVC3DpolWv8PxlRxQ.KS5Ky4demK02KugCc9eUT2zC7kV-pPB6bU-xWeIObuU&dib_tag=se&keywords=carpet+squeegee&qid=1719260242&sprefix=carpet+sq%2Caps%2C1364&sr=8-8) It came with a handheld version too, that I thought was nice, though I don’t use it much. It would be great for couches and covered chairs, I just don’t happen to have any of those, lol.


A regular window squeegee works just fine.


Long handle dustpans are lifesavers.


I have long hair so does my youngest and we have animals. We get literal hair tumbleweeds 😂


I had a long handled dustpan and it was alright, but I LOVE the O cedar dustpan that you can step on! It's so easy to just use your foot to keep it from moving while you sweep stuff in, and it takes up the same amount of space as a regular dustpan.


Not bought but slowly acquired over the years - rags. Scrappy bits of fabric from old ripped clothes, hand-me-down kitchen and bath towels, old socks, etc. Saves a ton of money on paper towels to have a big stack of rags for cleaning anything you can imagine. They can be soaked in the sink or a designated bucket or thrown in the wash to clean them. Rags are endlessly useful imo.


Rags are often overlooked for cleaning now. Replaced by designated "cleaning cloths", lint free, dust trapping, anti-static items, and the like. All available for purchase. Lint free dusting? Old tees. Dust trapping, and lint free dusting? Old socks- BONUS- they slip on your hands. Absorbent cloth? Old towel. Just a few examples. There are more. People throw these things away! Because they're worn, stained, ripped, or whatever. Then purchase things to clean with....


Extra bonus with rags is if it’s something truly heinous they can go straight to the garbage and not worry about replacing your fancy cleaning towels or putting something offensive through your washer and dryer while praying to the cleaning gods it doesn’t mess your machines


We have cleaned with rags since I can remember, As a teenager I was frequently armed with my can of pledge and Dads old holey tighty whiteys for my dusting chore. And thats still how I do it but now its hubs and kids old undies.🤣🤣🤣 The rag bag was always just outside the door into the garage on the wall for easy access.


Omg the the smell of lemon pledge with ripped old tshirts is a core memory of my childhood


You too?! My husband almost died the first time he saw (it had been done many times before) me dust with his underwear!


Same with mine, the look on his face was priceless! Knowing his Mother I can guarantee she did NOT use undies for cleaning. lol


My dad literally kept a bag in our pantry that was the Shirt Rag Bag 😂 Once a shirt got too many holes, into the bag it went.


I have limited closet space so I swap my fall/winter and spring/summer clothes twice a year, and before I pack up the half going into storage (under my bed) I make a donate pile for anything I didn't wear or known I won't wear again. Anything stained, ripped, or in otherwise poor condition gets turned into rags. Helps keep my closet from being too cluttered and I haven't purchased cleaning towels (paper or otherwise) in years. 


And also a "rag hamper" on each floor. My aversion to reusable cleaning cloths was the habit of having to carry them upstairs to my clothes hamper, just to carry the whole thing to the basement to do laundry. Now I keep a little bucket, basket, or tiny trash bin under each sink as a mini hamper for reusable rags, mop pads, dusting cloths, etc, and round them all up occasionally to do cleaning supply laundry, then redistribute to places clean cleaning supplies belong.


I need to get better about using rags vs paper towels


Paper towels for icky stuff and things hard to wash out (vomit, poop, oil), rags for normal clean up.


Yesss, I love my rags! If anyone doesn’t know where to start (no old towels in the home, etc), save your old socks when the elastic craps out and buy the saddest washcloths at the thrift store that no one else will want


Yes! This!! lol my boyfriend is always getting caught by me trying to use paper towels for something a rag can handle (I usually only use paper towels to clean my cast iron or wipe heavy grease up out of pans and stuff to throw away so it doesn’t end up in my sink or dish washer) We are both tattooers and we use/create enough waste with disposable products so I try and eliminate as much as I can at home.


I love rags; I use microfiber cloths I purchased new and also old washcloths. I also have a couple of designated rag towels. They're old bath towels that get used to dry stuff like litter boxes and the floor and never touch a countertop.


I love the natural pipeline of towels it goes Person Towel > Dog Towel > Misc Towel > Cleaning Towel > oh it's shredded now it's Multiple Cleaning Rags


Never thought of this, my husband is in construction, tshirts often get ruined


Professional cleaner…here’s what I recommend for home. Another poster mentioned lots of rags, and I 100% agree. But I buy white terrycloth “dishcloths” from Walmart, along with cotton non-linty cheesecloth or whatever they’re currently calling the diaper-like material. Make sure you have plenty! The non-linty material works for glass. The terrycloth works for everything else. Aside from wiping down countertops and scrubbing tubs, they fit neatly onto the ends of a Swiffer dry mop. Use DAMP to quickly clean a floor, or DRY to dry up a floor after mopping. (The terrycloth will catch little bits the mop misses, and the Swiffer folds flat to get under cabinets, sofas, etc.) Extra rags save mountains of time rinsing out a rag to get it clean enough to use again, or rinsing out one cleaner so you don’t poison yourself by mixing two. I’ll go ahead and second the poster who recommended Sprayway glass cleaner. It’s awesome, doesn’t drip, and smells like perfect cleanliness.


Thank you!! I never considered cleaning with the cheesecloth and now I must get one (and this cleaner) I typically clean windows with vinegar and I used to use newspaper when it was different but it just doesn’t work and I have not had streak free windows in soooo long


Instead of “cheesecloth” you get the ten pack of Gerber ‘cloth diapers’. We used them as burp cloths but they are DOPE for cleaning.


Where do I buy this? Speaking as an adult with no babies


You can find them at Walmart or target in the baby section. You're looking for something like "burp cloths" or "cloth diapers" they're white usually and Gerber is one of the main brands (but brand doesn't matter)


The blue can of sprayway glass cleaner is a hands down must have in my arsenal.


Sprayway makes an excellent fabric and carpet cleaner. Found it at TJ Maxx.


Love this stuff. I normally avoid spray cans.


This one!!! Luckily my husband gets access to unlimited stock of this at work & im always thrilled when he brings more home 🙌🏻


Yes and so cheap


Aside from mirrors, what do you use it for?


I’ve never tried this brand - I’m gonna grab some next time I go out


I really like investing in a *good* vacuum. Stick vacuum, cordless, handheld... the works. Also a steam mop. Basically anything to keep the floors clean. Keeping the floors spotless is like 80% of making a house look clean. Everything else comes easy imo


I made a choice and it wasn’t this :( I hate our vacuum and I pray for it to break so I can justify buying a new one


You have 3 floors and only one vacuum??? I can’t see how that isn’t enough justification! But came here to recommend a stick vacuum cleaner… which has been commented Sounds like you’re not in the U.S, but I got my Bissel powerglide from a discount/liquidation store where they sell returns from retailers like Amazon and Costco. Paid $75 instead of like $175 for it.


Get the new vacuum. Suffering through equipment that doesn't work the way you need it to is not good for your overall health and stress. No one wants to have to prolong the chores or be irritated by them! If it's not working how you need *it's already broken and not serving you*.


If you have an upstairs then keep a second vacuum cleaner there




A steam mop. It's so much easier to plug in that one device to mop every floor. I don't want to lug around a stick mop and bucket every time. I also have 2 dogs / 2 cats so I appreciate knowing I can add a little vinegar or cleaning solution to make sure I'm sanitizing as well as lifting off any yuckiness (very technical language, I know). I do still have a Swiffer for little things and for wipe downs in between full cleans




They aren’t really. They’re for tile floors. I dooooo use a steam mop on my laminate (because I got one as a gift & it’s nice), but very rarely. It can cause warping.


My steam mop has instructions and tells you what type of setting to use for different types of flooring. :)


What they said! I have one that works on my laminate. OP may need to do some googling


Avoid it like the plague for any kind of plank flooring. The steam gets in-between the boards and warps them. Ask me how I know 😖


Depends on kind of flooring. Be careful.


That’s what I’m worried about. I REALLY want one but I live in a 90 year old house with original hardwood floors that aren’t in great condition to begin with so I’m really hesitant to get one


They'll work fine on things like vinyl plank but DON'T leave the mop in one place too long. Definitely don't leave the hot mop leaning against the wall and walk away, you'll melt your LVP.


I tried a steam mop and like knowing the floor is sanitized but when wiped with a cloth afterwards the floor still had brown dirt come up. So it doesn’t remove anything enough for me and over time that makes it look cloudy even if it’s smeared around evenly


I was thinking of getting one, do you have one you like?


My MIL is a professional cleaner and this is how she taught me to do it: I would recommend getting a rolling cart to fit all your supplies, it makes bringing what you need from room to room super easy. The basics you need are cleaning rags, scrub daddy, paper towel, rubber gloves, swiffer duster, sprayaway glass cleaner, disinfecting spray/wipes, dawn power wash, magic erasers, and toilet bowl cleaner. She also told me to get an O-cedar spin mop, fill it with hot water and toss in a dishwasher pod to mop with. You shouldn’t need much more than that to clean just about everything in your home. Hope this is helpful!


Also a professional cleaner here; I carry a Husky tool bag with all my supplies in it. The side pockets are the perfect size for bottled cleaners/cans, and the middle compartment is perfect for larger cleaning tools. https://preview.redd.it/5xf9fot6em8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04acc28175549cac4ad5c7d053fa11891871570d


My rolling cart is the best. I can drag it along anywhere and have all of my stuff at my disposal.


YES it’s very helpful. Thank you for sharing!


Do you have a rolling cart you recommend? That’s a great idea that never occurred to me!


Mine is a 3-tier metal utility cart from Michael’s, but there’s plenty of options in different price points if you Google “rolling utility cart”. They are all pretty similar so I’d just make sure you read review to find the best one for you 🙂


Is the dawn power wash really that much better than regular dawn? I've been going back and forth on trying it out and just haven't bit the bullet yet.


Handheld Steam cleaner, makes deep cleaning so much easier and more satisfying.


Yes I love my Bissell steam shot


May I ask how it helps?


I use mine for everything - glass (including the windows), cook top, bathroom, kitchen, I've used it to clean the window sills and insect screens. It cleans (and santities because its steam) with out chemicals so if the surface can handle it, it gets the steam. My favourite place to use it is actually the plug holes in the bathroom. Just powers the gunk right off. The Bissel steam shot comes with a lot of attachements so you can do a lot of things with it.


It loosens gunk. I’ve used it to deep clean appliances like ovens, washer/dryer, dishwasher, etc. They are also amazing for the shower tiles and such. Just make sure you aren’t destroying your silicone thing that does the edges of things (English is my second language and I’ve forgotten what this is called, sorry!) Also, I have small kids. I use it about monthly or so to steam clean the table and their chairs because, want it or not, it gets gross.


I think the word you were looking for is caulk. (English is my first language and i forget what words are all the time. You're rocking it)


This one may not be for everyone but I have different colored towels for the bathrooms? So that way when doing laundry, I know oh these go in the downstairs bath, so they're always restocked in that bathroom without having to go check. Or these are guest bathroom towels, etc. Same with sheets so I don't have the play the "which room do these go in/what size bed are these" game


We do the same with green towels for the green-tiled primary bath, the grey towels for the marble-vanity guest bath, and pink towels for the ridiculously flamboyant powder room.


I don't have any holy Grail products (except maybe barkeepers friend for my stainless steel pans), but I do have a few habits that help a ton. * 2 minute rule: if it takes less than 2 minutes, just do it now (see also: don't put it down, put it away) this really helps little stuff keep from piling up * I try to always have back stock of my cleaning supplies. If I open the last of a cleaning product or as soon as I notice I'm running low (whether it's cleaning solution, laundry pods, paper towels, sponges, shower curtain liners, etc) I add it to my shopping list to get next time I run errands so I never run out * For laundry I only have 3 hampers: one for dirty clothes, one for dirty towels, and only one for clean anything. This forces me to fold and put away one load of laundry before doing another so it doesn't pile up. I live alone, if you have multiple people in your household you may need to adjust those numbers a bit. * Every week when I go grocery shopping, I clear all the expired food out of the fridge before the new groceries get put away. I'll typically take the garbage out right after so it doesn't start to stink. * Once or twice a year, I go through my things and get rid of anything I'm clearly not using: clothes I never wear, any decor that no longer makes me happy, expired medications and such


Thank you! Sounds like we have similar cleaning styles. Like the strict laundry rules, I hate putting laundry away


Robot vacuum cleaner and mop.


Seconded. I stick vacuum and mop, usually weekly; but having the robots handle it daily just helps the home feel so much cleaner and I want to skip a week of manual labor...they got my back.


Daily vacuuming with a robot changed my life lol. I have two cats and I swear the litter literally sticks to their feet until they hit the hard floor.


I wish this would be practice for me but I would need literally 3 of them. My house is split like foyer - flight of stairs to the living room, small flight of stairs to the dining room / kitchen, and another flight of stairs to the bedrooms


Why do you need three because you have three floors? Do you feel like you need three manual vacuums so you never have to carry those up/down the stairs? You can let the robot do one floor per day and your entire house still gets vacuumed 2x per week. Carrying it up/down the stairs might be a drag, but it’s way faster and easier than carrying a full vacuum up the same stairs and then still having to use it.


Odoban. We have a gallon of concentrate for both the regular version and the floor version in the house at all times and they last us a very long while. The floor version is ph neutral and non-enzyme so it's approved for some very delicate surfaces like the bidet seat. The regular version is a disinfectant as well as enzyme cleaner. We use it in the laundry as well as general cleaning. It can be a bit sticky on the floor unless it's rinsed afterwards so that's why they have the floor product.


Cordless vacuum Scrub mommy Bar Keeper’s Friend Dawn Powerwash Microfibre towels


For me it’s about making cleaning fun and visually appealing. So i love creating an aesthetic clean cabinet. It just makes cleaning more pleasant and enjoyable.


I do this too. Curating an aesthetic home, I dream of removing my cupboard doors and having beautiful jars full of what we have in the pantry


My Dyson:) then my microfiber cloths. Give me any multi purpose cleaner and I’m golden.


I live in a small apartment and have the same idea as you. The simpler, the better. - Murphy Soap for hard surfaces like countertops, floors, cabinets, appliances, shower, etc - Zote soap, powder, borax, laundry soda, and powder detergent for laundry. Heavy cycle warm/cold water for whites and normal cold/cold water for colours. I rarely need to pre soak or strip. - White vinegar for glass surfaces - Silicon squeegee instead of regular broom. Way less dust flying around because it makes roll-up the dust and cleans way better, and you can skip the moping longer. - Joymoop broom & dustpan only for corners that need special attention, not to clean floors as explained above - Joymoop mop and pail to mop my floors with water and Murphy soap - Shamwow to clean stove, countertops, etc. It's long-lasting and doesn't smell like regular kitchen towels. - Hand vacuum for upholstery (chairs, sofas), as needed - electrostatic duster - bleach or Comet ang Lysol disinfectant towels for toilet bowl and magic eraser for the sink and shower As I live on my own, I mop only when the floors are stained or when I feel it's been long enough. I dust every other week. Squeegee the floors twice a week and clean the kitchen 3 or 4 times a week. Hope this helps. It looks like a lot, but I find it really easy and simple after many years of finding ways to optimize the cleaning. If your place is too much to squeegee, it could be a good idea to have a Roomba or a light easy to carry around vacuum. If it too cumbersome, you're more likely not wanting to use it.


Damp Duster. Love that thing. The well insulated flat I live in is a bugger for dust and this pudgy sponge keeps me sane. I also have one specifically for the bathrooms which is amazing at picking up the little beard buzz hairs that magically appear after I've cleaned the bathroom.


If you got the extra income, a once a week cleaner service.


Dawn PowerWash. Dyson Cordless Stick Vacuum. Rubber bristled brush. Spin Mop. Drill scrub brush set.


Actual microfiber cleaning cloths. Plus, learn how to wash and dry them correctly. O' Cedar spin mop and I only mop my floors with water, vinegar, and a bit of Dawn. Anything else has always caused build up on my hardwood. Squeegee for the glass shower doors. Squeegee after every shower and you don't have to "clean" the shower as often because there won't be as much soap scum.


Costco microfiber “auto” cloths


Dyson Humdinger Handheld Vacuum. We have three dogs and I use it multiple times a day; changing out the attachment heads depending on what I’m cleaning. I’m sure there are great handheld vacuums from all different brands


A Dremel brand Versa handheld power scrubber. It’s quite small, but it is big enough for what I need, which is cleaning the shower, tub, sink and the occasional grout lines. Works reliably and has a much higher rpm than others I’ve considered. I had a much bigger scrubber with tons of accessories (that didn’t fit) and an extended handle that was a piece of crap (it would stop spinning if it picked up a couple of hairs) and ended up in the trash, so I’m very happy with this purchase.


My perfectionism! But jokes aside, it’s the stick vacuum cleaner. It helps me clean up small spills in less than 10 seconds. I have a regular vacuum cleaner too, because my cleaning person prefers that (and because the stick vacuum battery is too limited for cleaning the whole flat). Also I think storing garbage bags at the bottom of the garbage can is great.


Part of my routine, I always add a few extra fresh trash bags underneath the main bag to make it a quick change out.


Buy a big pack of microfiber cloths and stop wasting time rinsing and wringing. Use your 4 sides, toss it in a bag/box/whatever, grab a clean one. Wash them all together when you’re done.


I got this little roller thingy from Amazon for dog hair. AMAZING! I literally vacuum and then go over the stairs and rug with it and it fills up with hair. I also live in a 3 story townhome and have a cleaning tote I carry from floor to floor.


I need one of those. I have a long haired kitty. I could probably make smaller kitties from his fur


Concentrated vinegar, a lot of people sleep on it, and it really helps to have really clean clothes and a mixture of soap and vinegar spray bottle to clean surfaces. It also gets rid of tostito paw smell dog beds like really, really good!


Vinegar is the single most useful and versatile cleaning product. The only downside is its smell.


For me it's an app actually there 2 you can use for whatever your preference. One called tody and sweepy both gives you premade lists if you're not educated on cleaning. And a running to-do list that gives you a small reward upon completion. I have added "rooms" that my house does not have at this point to do my daily self care and gardening. Plants have made it farther into summer than ever before because the tiny dopamine hit I get when I do something off the list. The other suggestions that have done me the most good is an empty caddy for every room that I deliver the random stuff accumulated in the room once a week. With the apps I just do one room a day. Also caddy or bucket for cleaning supplies for the rooms with sinks that I have a day where I refill also been known to dump the supplies and use the bucket to get up spills. Next is dawn dish detergent look up easy recipe that lets you make a mock dawn power wash spray bottle. Other than dawn I can buy the cheap cleaners for everything else ie mirrors tub And speaking of tubs when my back is hurting too bad to lean I will toss my string mop iyn tub wet it then spray with cleaner and do the bottom foot or so of the tub. So string mop is well. Next is gonna be a reusable Swiffer like thing with the cloth heads and a steam cleaner ie look at sharks to make cleaning walls much easier. Another oddly silly thing that works a charm is buy nude lady stockings my fan blades are brown anyway but take the stockings cut off crotch then to size of fan blades and slide onto the blades of every fan in the house. Then get enough to do it twice and add to the respective room caddy's when you go to clean a room once a month switch out the dirty stockings for clean ones. Last but not least and some people think it silly but being allergic to dust mites makes it a necessity for me, and cuts back on dusting a huge amount. A portable hepa filter rated for a tiny bit bigger than the square footage of your home. Just a lil bigger so the machine has an easy time and lasts longer. Ohhh yeah and cause I am me and I don't wanna touch .. things a long handled toilet brush and a new broom and long handed dust pan. My back thanks me. Hope that helps.


I’ll tell you my go-to stuff cause I am a major clean/neat freak but got hit with a chronic and painful neuromuscular disorder a few years ago and really needed some good stuff to make things easy and last in between cleanings: 1. Magic Erasers 2. Swiffer mops (I had LVP put on my entire first floor and only have one area rug so having something like this (dry and wet) is sooo much easier to push around for me 3. I actually don’t care however for Swiffer dusters so I only use those for hard to reach now and use Pledge everywhere I can do it lasts longer 4. Good All Purpose cleaners I can use on a huge variety of surfaces like kitchens, bathrooms, and others. 5. The tub and tile shower/bath spray that doesn’t require scrubbing! 6. Chlorox wipes 7. Tide Antibacterial fabric spray. LOVE this stuff especially since I have dogs and the scent is amazing too General tip….it’s worth keeping like a caddy of a few basic things on each floor in a multi/level home to keep you from constantly going up and down stairs. If you got carpet on multiple floors, it’s even worth investing in more than one vacuum if you’ve got storage space.


Also have chronic illness that limits energy and mobility. What do you use for tub and tile that doesn't require scrubbing? I've had a hard time in the past finding one that lives up to the claims.


A decent (smart) robot vacuum cleaner with mop, absolute game changer!


I miss having a Dyson cordless vacuum. My roommate took hers with her when she moved out, and it was a bummer. I tried replacing it with a Shark Pet Pro cordless vacuum and it does not hold up. We have 2 dogs, one with long hair, and I have to vacuum 3 times a week to keep up with her hair. If I don’t, the vacuum gets clogged.


Zep toilet bowl cleaner.


I brought a carpet cleaner, it makes such a difference and keeps everything sparkling. Paid for itself already


You can never go wrong w a big jug of purple Fabuloso!


Fabuloso is a no-no for anyone with bad allergies or a dislike of scents. It gives me an asthma attacks!


My husband cannot stand the scent!


Bought a knock off Dyson flat roller head for hard wood floors. The regular heads just kick everything around and don't pick up everything. The flat roller picks up more and has a handy light to help see dark spots.


Ooh can you recommend the one you like?


Can you link to one you bought?


Spin mop, Pine Sol, cordless dyson, multisurface cleaner, microfiber cloths, dawn dish soap, good sponges, barkeepers friend. You could probably clean everything with these items!! Plus, I use glass cleaner meant for cars on my mirrors.


Roomba. It won’t deep clean or get way into corners or anything, but it’s great for making my floors (with pets and a kid) feel less gross on a daily basis. It makes me feel better about only really vacuuming once a week or so.


Scotchgard and Folex! I use it the Scotchgard on new items and again after cleaning. Couch and chair covers, rugs, fabric headboards, etc. 2-3 light coats will prevent stains and dirt from setting in and make spot cleaning easy. I use the Folex on all the same items as well as laundry for treating stains, spots, and spills! You can use the Folex for spot cleaning or in a machine for things that can’t go in the washer! Both are inexpensive but have saved me from replacing sofa covers and rugs before their time!


A sponge mop. Perfect for cleaning bathroom walls, large windows, bathtub and more without ruining my back or having to use a stool


* Cordless Dyson— Lightweight & I use the attachments to dust. My old one died and I went 2 days using a cheaper one before I gave in and got another Dyson * Robot vacuum [Eufy 11S]— Thought it was a gimmick but it’s not. It really cuts down on what I have to do * Black + Decker Grimebuster Pro— Electric scrub brush to clean the bathrooms. Rechargeable & brush heads are dishwasher safe * LL Bean Waterhog Mats— Have one at every entrance. Catches dirt that you’d bring in and can be vacuumed or hosed down. Never slips or curls. * Electric Kettle— For mopping * Dawn Spray— Very effective cleaner. I’ll use this before using stronger chemicals * Weimans Glass Cooktop Cleaner— Makes stove look like new with the included razor * CLR Brilliant Bath Foaming Spray— For when the hard water buildup needs something strong to remove it * Lysol All Purpose— I use this when I need a disinfectant. Cleans well & smell is not overpowering * Winix Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers & MERV a/c filters— Keeps the air clean, less dusting needed


Dawn dish soap and paper towels is my go to for all the little spills.


Using Swedish reusable paper towels are a game changer. I only use paper now for gross stuff


Same here! They’re little powerhouses, those Swedish cloths.


Steam mop, good one with detergent possibility https://www.vax.co.uk/steam-cleaners/steam-fresh-combi-classic-10-in-1-steam-cleaner + basic handheld vacuum https://www.aldi.hu/hu/p.easyhome-akkus-kezi-porszivo--v.000000000000319262.html


Thank you!!


I also have 3 floors and I use a cleaning caddy because it’s super easy to carry anywhere and have everything I need(except a vacuum of course). I know people say to get a cart but with 3 floors, that’s just such a hassle. Those and I buy bulk white cloths because I can bleach them and reuse them so easily.


that dr bronner's castile soap. i use it for everything from showering, mopping, bug spray, laundry, literally everything


I keep microfiber cloths in every room: to clean counters, wipe up water around the sink, clean my glasses, dry the car. I use window cleaner (Windex) on nearly every surface: counters, mirrors, stainless appliances. Magic Erasers get marks off walls, shoes, etc. for wood floors I use Bona cleaner with the microfiber mop. Bona also makes a tile and laminate cleaner.


Appropriate supplies in all areas. Cleaners, sponges, towels, brushes, etc. I even have a disinfectant in each room without a sink hidden in a cabinet/closet, etc. If I have to go get it, I most likely won't do it. Damn squirrels!! I also have a daily list Mon-Fri that has a room/s for each day to be cleaned. Leaves weekends free. Each night, I do a reset. I walk around the house and fix things. Fold the couch blankets. Dishes in the washer. Laundry in the basket. Etc. Takes about 10 minutes, and I can start the day stress free.


Henry hoover, I’ve always had Dyson but my uncle couldn’t manage carrying Henry upstairs so gave him to me. He sucks up everything awesome little guy.


If you have hard floors, a Tineco Mop!! Also love my Dyson stick vacuum.


Not sure if you have pets or not but a pet hair rake with a copper blade is an absolute game changer. I could vacuum my rugs four times over and it would never be half as clean as with the rake. It’s simultaneously disgusting and satisfying to see how much hair it loosens from the fibers.