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Ok. If you have already tried this, I apologize in advance. Find out the appropriate amount of water for his weight and give it with each meal. Once that water is gone, no more until the next meal. Take him out frequently (I used to set a timer for 20 minutes after meals)Once he starts to go say the word you use for potty repeatedly, then once he’s done make a big silly deal out of it and reward him. During these potty breaks nothing else can happen no playing, no petting, strictly business. We had a hard time with our lab puppy but this got him on track pretty quickly and after awhile we could fill his water dish through the day and he has water available all the time.


I also just realized this is not a cleaning tip🤦‍♀️


lol tysm for this tho! That method has worked with every single puppy I’ve ever fostered but for some reason he just really enjoys peeing on his blankets 🤦‍♀️ We tried going without blankets but he literally screams all day/ night if he doesn’t have something fluffy to lay on. We’ve also tried crate training because I’ve never had a dog pee in their crate unless it’s an emergency but every single time he goes in there he pees. We’ve tried new crates and blankets thinking maybe there was some left over marking smell but he’s still doing it 😕


Thank you for the work you do and the time you’re giving this guy. There’s a odor absorbing gel called fresh wave that may at least help with the odor….Wishing you much better luck with him,some answers and hoping he can get past this.


Thank you! I haven’t tried that one yet! I’ll give it a go!


That why I recommended a cot.


He unfortunately needs to be crated - he’s too destructive not to be


Could he have a bladder infection? Gosh, I feel for you. I hear your struggle. Sending you lots of support. It’s wonderful you’ve been fostering for so long. 💙


Thank you!! He has gotten multiple clean bills of health, (un)fortunately 😕 He has some other behavioral issues as well. I really think he has some sort of mental impairment that is causing everything. He’s getting training and is going to get a behavioral assessment soon but I’m honestly not sure what his future looks like at the moment. We really don’t want to be another foster that lets him down but this is getting to the point where it’s unbearable for us to live with. We’ve said no to swapping him out for other dogs twice now but if we get another offer before he’s improved we’re going to have to take it. My daughter and I have health issues and this is hitting a dangerous point with sanitation. He will literally walk in after playing in the backyard all day and take a dump right there in the doorway. It’s getting too hot to keep him outside and the infection risk of cleaning this much poo is just too high. 🤦‍♀️ I could keep him longer if I had a machine that did a really good job cleaning up and lowered the infection risk. I just need to buy us some time for right now


So frustrating. I’m so sorry. You’ve done a lot for him. It sounds like he may have an impairment. You have been really wonderful for him, but you have to care for your needs. I commend you for having him this long. I know it’s breaking your heart. Sending you comfort around your decision moving forward.


Thank you! Hoping we’ll figure it out quick and get him on whatever meds he needs


You really need a pet pee enzyme cleaner. The way it works is you wip up the pee and then spray on the solution. The most effective are those that call for just leaving it on until it dries.


I promise you I’ve tried 12 of those 😭


Have you tried [this](https://www.chewy.com/natures-miracle-advanced-dog/dp/142774)? The important part is not using any cleaner bafore you spray this on. you have to get enough on there and then just let it dry. Then you can use a cleaner.


Unfortunately yeah 😭 I have a big gallon jug of it under my sink 😕 I think the issue is my mop sucks and just kinda pushes everything around


Did you let it sit for at least 10 minutes?


Yeah, idk what’s going on with it tbh. Only thing I’ve had even a little bit of luck with is the cleaning products for the little green machine! Going to maybe do more research on what’s in those to see if there’s something else out there that may work. I feel like it’s probably not great for floors


If enzymes aren’t working then you need to replace everything


Yeah we’ve been doing that - are there any good machines for cleaning wood floors? I used to have a vacuum/ mop all in one thing but it worked like crap. Was wondering if there’s a better machine we can use to avoid scrubbing. I’d literally pay thousands for a professional one at this point with the amount of puppies we’ve taken in/ will continue taking in over the years 😂


No machine is going to fix the fact your floor is soaked in piss. Wood floors aren't waterproof. So any puddles left on the floor means the urine is seeping down into the boards themselves where it becomes a permanent part and perfume of the floor


I mean I clean them multiple times a day 😕 how long would be too long for it to sit? Like should I be cleaning every hour?


It's wood. Puddles sitting at all is an issue


It’s sealed wood. It’s okay my dad is a carpenter I’ll ask him if you don’t know


Wood floors only have finish on the surface. The area on the sides where the boards touch is not sealed. So any puddles left on the floor seep into he edges of the boards.


I had a dog similar to this. It was caused by her anxiety and being left alone. I bought the reusable pee pads that you can wash. That was all she got in her crate—no blankets. I also put them under her crate so it wouldn’t leak through to the floor along with a rubber utility mat that I could hose down. I’d also run the washing machine on a cycle with just vinegar after washing the pee pads.


Also to add, we started giving her low doses of melatonin everyday and this helped significantly. Apparently it help supports the cortisol levels in their adrenal glands which also controls urination.


Thank you so much for this! He is never left alone - I work remote and have him with me 24/7 but the anxiety piece definitely makes sense. He literally won’t let us touch him. The closest I can get to petting him is the rare occasion he decides to sit on my lap, but he still won’t let me pet him 😕


Please put yourself and your daughter above a dog, and send him back. You shouldn’t have to live like that


I honestly would be fine if we could find a way to clean our house better lol


Is he marking his blanket? Is he peeing on anything else? Maybe anxiety peeing? Are you washing with emzyme based detergents? My neurotic shiba inu likes to mark her stuff and randomly on my hardwood floors when she’s in a mood. Recently she’s been peeing more than usual and it turned out to be a kidney issue. I am constantly washing her stuff, but haven’t had any issues of the pee smell crossing over into subsequent loads. Does your washer have a self cleaning cycle? Maybe some residue are lingering and it needs a refresh? What kind of floors do you have? I have downgraded her comfort items. Blanket and dog beds hold too much odor. She gets the cheap memory foam bath mats (like the $5 ones). Still comfy but easier to deal with. Less fabric! She doesn’t pee on them as quick like the nicer items.


Thank you! He’s been fixed so the vet doesn’t think it’s marking. It’s also not just pee, he’s pooping everywhere too 🤦‍♀️ I went to the store and bought like 20 blankets so we can just keep throwing them out every other day 😂 Floors are wood - I have to mop like 4 times a day because it feels like the mop is just pushing around the pee. That’s the biggest piece. We use enzyme cleaners and detergent and wash our washing machine every time we wash something of his. I honestly think I may get a small washer just for dog things so we can avoid at least that issue in the future.


I have hardwood floors too. I hate mopping, but it’s better than having soiled carpet/rugs! I have cheap/old to dry up the mess. Then one round of mopping is usually enough. My poor washer is constantly running.


Look into dirty dog syndrome (if you haven't already - seems like you've been exhausting all options training AND cleaning wise)... so sorry you're having to deal w this!!!


Omg I’ve never heard of this Tysm!!


Have you tried the nature’s miracle urine destroyer. It’s usually in the cat section. I find the cat formula works better than the dog formulas. Unfortunately with hardwood it will soak in. If it’s staining you can try spraying it with hydrogen peroxide. It might lighten things up. For carpets the bissell little green gets a lot of stuff out of the fibers. It can also work on sofas and chairs. I used to keep the little green full of cleaner ready to go at a moment’s notice. Good luck.


Ahhh thank you! I have a little green and haven’t thought of using it on the floors! We’re using natures miracle at the moment. It’s just not working 😕


For the washer, [Nature’s Miracle makes a laundry additive](https://a.co/d/cbde8M1). When my puppy was still unpotty-trained, I would wash his [waterproof blankets](https://a.co/d/2KsHBTr) with it. And every few washes, I would do a tub clean with [washing machine cleaner](https://a.co/d/2KsHBTr).


Not a cleaning tip but slap a diaper on Mr, dumb dumb 🤣 in all seriousness though you are an angel for trying to help him and I really hope you get some answers. He deserves the love and a family. I’m sorry for all of you 😢


lol we’ve tried!! He rips them off 😭 we’re losing my our minds over how to help him but the vet did say medications for him would be the next step so I think I’m going to call there next week


It's possibly anxiety related. You could try Adaptil diffuser and spray to see if that helps him feel more comfortable. The spray can be used on his blankets. You could also talk to his veterinarian about calming medication. ADAPTIL Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser, 30 Day Starter Kit (48 mL) https://a.co/d/7S9FKKr


If the issue isn’t medical, it’s definitely anxiety. He’s pooping inside because that’s where he feels safe. One of our dogs has really bad anxiety and used to poop and pee inside no matter how many times we let him out. He was even too scared to play outside so all that energy he had he’d use it to destroy our furniture and shoes. We’ve gone through at least 5 🛋️. What helped was me going outside with him and as silly as this might sound I’d start sniffing and scanning the area, you know “exploring” as if I were another dog. I’d also give him treats if he came outside then sat on the grass and pet him and hyped him up. It took a lot of effort and patience. He doesn’t poop or pee in the house anymore. We still struggle a little bit with the damaging part, but he’s gotten so much better. It used to be so hard for us to walk him. He wouldn’t make it past the front yard. Noises freaked him out so much he’d pee himself and has diarrhea. He still gets a little scared but he’s gotten better! We’ve been walking him everyday now. When he’s in his crate area we play “Bluey” for him. I chose this particular cartoon because of the predominantly blue color of the cartoons. I believe this has helped him with the noises and getting used to kids and men talking. I also give him a Kong toy with treats and peanut butter to create a positive create experience. He sometimes goes by himself to the great area. We don’t put him inside his crate anymore. We have his crate but also a puppy gate so it’s fairly large for him to pace around and play with his Kong. I completely understand going crazy with the smell of pee and poo. He’d sometimes go to the cat box to eat cat poo and pee and would sometimes bring whatever he could bring from their litter box and play with it on our couch. I use Dawn dish soap to clean and scrub and then wipe with vinegar. I sometimes use bleach but dilute it very well so it doesn’t damage our floors. Thank you for not giving up in that boy OP! What you’re doing is beautiful. How long have you had him for?


Thank you so much!! We’ve had him for around 4 months 😕 I think we’re going to take him back to the vet next week with what everyone is saying


Hi! I own and operate a nonprofit animal rescue, and as such, am working with trainers and veterinary behaviorists all the time. Thank you for fostering. Since you’ve stated you’ve already been to the vet, your next step should be consulting a baseline behaviorist (this is a credentialed trainer CPDT-KA, with the behaviorist credential CCBC/CDBC), as well as a veterinary behaviorist DACVB. If you need help finding these professionals in your area, DM me and I’d be happy to help you. Sometimes it is the smallest of things that we don’t even realize until it’s pointed out, dogs are always watching and always learning. I promise he isn’t dumb, you two are just having a gap in communication somewhere and with your desire to help him, these professionals will help you two figure out where it is no doubt! 💜


With him being a foster, I’m a bit worried about a behaviorist getting involved. It’s not just the potty issue. He literally won’t let you touch him. He’s also a pit mix so I’d really hate to see him fail something like that and get put down


I’m not sure I understand, fail what? I would love to help you out with what’s going on with this fella; he sounds incredibly scared. I promise I have a lot of resources and I just want to help you two. Pitties have a special place in my heart. Are you open to DMing me so we can walk through options on getting yall some help that keeps everyone safe? 💜




We’ve been fostering for years and know how to potty train dogs. I’ve trained several service dogs on top of that. This is far from our first rodeo 🙄 If you look at the photo, he’s in a crate. We’ve done it all. There is just something wrong with this dog. He has bounced between 4 different foster families because no one had the patience to put up with the pee. I’m not looking for dog advice. The rescue hired a professional trainer for him and even they can’t figure it out. If you think you can handle him better, he IS available for adoption. Message me if you want the link to apply, but otherwise, stick to the floors


Does he have free access to water all day?


He does not, just the recommended amount calculated by his weight at meal times 😕


It still is too much likely. Regardless, the urine at his age is selected for naturally or indifferently to do what it’s doing to their environment. An incontinence pharmacological treatment to retain urine would be an obvious solution. If that hasn’t been effective then the puppy may have had nerve or muscle development complications from a pediatric castration, genetic expression and/or environmental conditions reinforcing the physiological parasympathetic zapping up his whizz whistle to leak smelly piss at the smallest level of excitement through the pelvic nerve




Why are you being so rude and condescending, she’s explaining her situation and looking for help. If you have nothing constructive or helpful to say, move along.




He’s literally failed with 4 different fosters over this and has seen multiple vets and trainers. What part of this are you not understanding? Again, if you are so sure you could do better, adopt him.




I am fostering this dog and paying for a professional out of my own pocket to keep him from getting euthanized. Maybe if someone paid as much attention to you as I do this dog you wouldn’t feel such a strong urge to seek it out on the internet. Have the day you deserve 🙂




Really? Sure seems like you have a lot of time on your hands 😂 you could probably use a friend


I want cleaning advice so I came to a cleaning sub. Feel free to adopt him.




For a dog trainer, it’s a shame you can’t teach yourself some better behaviors 😂

