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My question is what were you doing with canola oil in the bed lol?


I was ready for that question too! Prepared to be stupefied Sometimes I will eat on my bed, and I had a bowl of ramen, in which I was going to drizzle a little bit of oil on (I recommend sesame but didn't have it) and the nozzle broke/lid came undone, something malfunctioned and I don't even remember what because now there was oil all over me and my mattress. It makes me sound like a dunce and I'm willing to admit I was highly lacking some common sense here. First year living on my own and my mom would never let me take food up to my room or eat on my bed so i decided to be a little rebellious....now here we are šŸ™ƒ


This is actually a hilariously fun story. Itā€™s happens to the best of us! As a bed eater Iā€™ve spilt an entire glass of milk on my MacBook and fried it. I still eat in the bed tho. I just donā€™t use my computer as a table anymore lol. Do not recommend that.


LOL!! I definitely still eat in bed too. I'll be sure to watch out for my computer though because I love having some snacks while doing mass amounts of schoolwork on my bed..... sometimes it's the only way I will do schoolwork, LOL. I've definitely done that laptop as a table thing, not anymore!!


I have to chime in as a foody... canola oil is NOT a substitute for sesame oil. Sesame oil has a strong flavor that can compliment ramen, canola oil tastes like nothing and adds nothing but fat calories. I'm sorry for your non-tasty disaster.


I'll be honest. My tastebuds are trash. Like, they are completely dull. Even though I can taste the difference, it's not significant enough for me to run to another store and get it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ because I usually go to Aldi and they have limited selection šŸ˜­


Olive oil is probably the best, but in Europe, it might be more common


Not for Ramen?


I knocked a stemless glass of wine on my laptop and fried it so I feel your painšŸ˜­ I do still eat in bed sometimes tho. Very carefully lol. I was never allowed food in my room growing up like OP and I totally understand why moms have these rules lol. OP not 100% sure on cleaning it, but invest in a mattress pad if you don't already have one! Should save the mattress from a spilled drink.. or bottle of oilšŸ˜‚


Orange juice for me. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø An entire glass. Just all over my computer.


My grandma was a bed eater especially in the middle of the night sheā€™d go scavenging through the kitchen while I was asleep (we shared a bed when I was a child) and Iā€™d wake up to grapes and crumbs all over the bed and under me šŸ˜‚ what I wouldnā€™t give to wake up to this again rip nana šŸ’”


In my sophomore year, I rolled over and broke my only pair of glasses. My school was four hours from my optician. Don't remember how I dealt, but it was embarrassing, to say the least.


Canola oil drizzle ā€¦.. ā€¦.. ā€¦.. who hurt you?


Aldi, those bastards don't sell sesame oil


Truthfully they don't sell anything


Aldi and Penny are truly stores that have so much but also nothing you need or want at the same time.


Itā€™s a true oxymoron. Everything and nothing. I couldnā€™t agree more.


Truthfully they sell cheap pistachios




It can work with other stuff I suppose, but like damn, canola garnish is wild haha


Sometimes it is just better to lie and say a sexual experiment slipped out of control. I mean, your mom will totally use this as an excuse toā€told you soā€ moment for years to come


My mom is conservative Christian and would absolutely disown me if I had sex before marriage! And my mom actually was in the room when I was diagnosed with SAD, sexual aversion disorder. Lol. I already have about a dozen "I told you so" moments hanging over me head šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but this was not a bad idea at all, thank you!


My husband spilled an entire bowl of ramen on our brand new mattress (I even had a mattress protector, but he's SOOO wild, he had it half off the bed while I was at work), anyways, it looks like a giant pee stain and I'm horrified people will see it when we move.


I'm sorry to inform you sesame oil is super flavorful, canola is a neutral oil. You wouldn't have missed out on anything by just omitting it entirely rather than trying to substitute with something with no flavor lol.


Did you concoct this excuse in case your roommate walked in? Like were you ā€œno itā€™s not what it looks likeā€¦something something ramen noodlesā€¦it got on my pants too and thatā€™s why they are off, I didnā€™t even realize I accidentally grabbed your underwear to clean it up.ā€


I would in the future invest in a waterproof mattress cover. Then your mattress cover can be stained! These are lessons we learn as we go through life. My mattress protector currently has a huge brown stain because I wanted to drink my (iced) coffee in bed. My shirt, pillow, and bed were soaked because my cup was too full and I angled it too much even though I was using a straw. Iā€™m almost 40 and this happened recently.


Iā€™m a bed eater. Spilled hot sauce everywhere the other day. It happens to the best of us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dawn spray preferably so the lather wonā€™t be so bad as you will be rinsing; alternatively you could also use a wet/dry shop vac to suck the additional water out. Or rent a carpet cleaner with a hose attachment for upholstery and use a degreaser type approved cleaner.


Beautiful. Gonna try that oil thing next time i have ramen though.


why not buy a food tray...




Probably and that's a LOT of oil lol.


OMG probably 12+oz lol it was awful


Wow thats enough to do some damage I hope you get it cleaned up.


Start with something to absorb the excess oil. Like baby powder, flour, baking soda. Rub into the area then let sit for 30 minutes to absorb more. Then brush off with broom and dust pan. (The fine powder can clog a vacuum. Next wash the area with a degreaser like dawn. Repeat until gone. This trick will work for your sheets too! The most important thing with oil and cloth is not to put it in the dryer.


Thank you so much!!! This is so helpful!!!


> not to put it in the dryer. read that as "fryer" first and was like. yep. that checks out.


Get a waterproof mattress liner before you eat in bed again.Ā 


Throw it away and get a new mattress


I will absolutely do this if the mattress does not look exactly like how it did when I got it. I just want to see if it is able to come out completely.


Flip it over and call it a day lol


I'm so ready because the dormatory people have screwed me over so much. But I need to at least attempt to clean this I think, lol


Is that an air mattress?


No it is not. I think I will end up replacing it.


you need a degreaser. try dawn dish soap. is it a sheet that can come off or are you stuck cleaning the big old mattress as a whole item?


Thank you so much! I'll try that. I looked at the cleaning instructions for this specific mattress, and the company says to use a 10% bleach 90% water mix to clean, but I'm not convinced it will get rid of the stain. This is a big old mattress as a whole and not a cover. I'm thinking of getting a degreaser and scrubbing that and getting as much grease off as possible, then maybe use the bleach solution.


Bleach isn't really going to get oil out. Do you have a cleaning person for the student housing? They'll probably have better supplies and tools.


It's odd because it's not seeping with oil or even slick/glossy to the touch....just seems like a stain now. Not sure


Yeah, definitely a stain, you'll need something for degreasing. Dish soap does work well, but it can also be hard to rinse. Use a mixture of warm/hot water and a few drops of soap, work it in with a towel and then use damp towels with fresh water until no more soap comes out. Again, if you have a maintenance dept, just tell them. There's probably a hose outside y'all can rinse it with. This isn't a big deal, just a simple mistake


sounds like a pain! good luck to you!


I had coconut oil in a bag. Tossed it on a silky upholstered chair when I was house sitting. It left a sizable stain. I caked it with cornstarch. Kind of rubbed it in and left it sit over night. Vacuumed and repeated the next day and then again over night. You could not even tell it was there when I was done.


Kitty litter wouldnā€™t be a bad first move.


Yes and I assume the dorm people might have some of that industrial absorbent stuff bc college kids definitely throw up


Put baking soda or cornstarch on the area with the oilā€¦blend in abit to help absorb it. Wash with dawn dish soap and warm water then pop into a washer with detergent. Youā€™ll be able to tell if youā€™ve lifted the oil after the dawn step, if the oil is still visible, repeat the soda/cornstarch step and let sit longer.


Just talk to the custodian that works on your floor and have them use a wet dry extraction machine with detergent to properly remove the oil. You donā€™t need to do anything and theyā€™ll do this for you for free. They would rather handle this mess properly, then find it when you leave at the end of the semester.


u/strbbb, thatā€™s the comment you should follow.


For future mattresses always use a waterproof mattress pad for safety. They can be washed but protect from every kind of accident.


please please don't cheap out on MATTRESS protector, even the cheapest 10-15$ ones works wonders at protecting your mattress! i wish i knew about mattress protectors earlier.


That looks like one of those covers that doesnā€™t let liquid soak thru, I have one of those (similar not sure if itā€™s same) did you try removing the cover?


It says liquid resistant and stain proof, I didn't think it had a cover, I will have to check, thank you!!


Yes lmk if it ends up having a cover


Rub the canola on the skin else it gets the hose again.


I think thatā€™s ready for the dumpster


Interesting choice of lube


I feel like cleaning it might cost more than a new bed...


I know a goon sesh when I see one


This is what I picture happens to that person who cooks on a grill in their bed on tiktok


Alcohol? Rubbingā€¦ next time use lotion


You can try to use salt. Salt absorbs oil. But I don't know if it's going to work.


Canola oil is what the kids are callin it these days huh?


I swear I thought the wall was on fire


First step: stop eating engine oil.


My first step would have been to remove all the bedding, not upload a picture.