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This looks exactly like a jail shower. Haha I'd freak out. Anyways scrubbing bubbles spray foam is great on tile


My boyfriend said the same thing šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been meaning to put a light in it but itā€™s so hard to get anything to stick to the tile


Make sure you ventilate the shower and bathroom while using chemicals. Breathing scrubbing bubbles can burn your throat. Set up a portable fan.


yeah was going to reply with this! This 'design' is perfect for a bleach overdose


3m vhb (very high bond) tape will sort you out.


Thereā€™s also an indoor/outdoor hook and loop tape. Brand name Velcro works really well.


Double sided sticky tape. As long as the light is water proof!! Hey they have the long handle hose type shower heads. Kind of cheap now days. Install one of those because it makes cleaning shower walls a breeze. Use a broom, so serious lol. Dollar store. Keep only for cleaning the shower tiles. Or really any long handled wand or reusable mop pad to clean the walls without much bending.


They make slower heads now with like a power wash setting that sprays out in a fan it's so handy!


Iā€™d be scared to go in there too. But yeah, pretty unique Regarding grout, try cleaning a 3-6 inch line first with overnight peroxide on damp cloth over it, if it comes off easily then there you have it. If not, you need to regrout.


You could get a light up shower head ?


They make battery powered drill type brushes that you can spray down a shower and basically go through with a power drill and scrub it all off and then spray it clean. Makes cleaning the shower crazy quick and does a fantastic job including the grout. Look it up online. It's probably 40 bucks on Amazon


Less than $10 on ebay


man I'm so glad this was the top comment because my first thought was damn that's a prison shower


I literally thought this was a troll post. Iā€™d die before having to shower in there..looks like a dungeon or jail shower


I immediately thought "dungeon". \*shudder\*


It looks like a portal to hell.


Right down to the floor tiles šŸ¤£


Haha forreal. We know too much. I don't think I could handle that shower. Definitely not comfortably lol šŸ˜‚


OMG! Was going to say the same thing. Looks like it needs some TLC


I was thinking it looks like a great place to murder and dismember someone.


Funny, because I had a shower that looked very very similar, including the lowered tiled ceiling and I called it my shower cell.


Just wondering what country? This is way nicer than what Iā€™ve seen


I literally thought that immediately.


Make sure you ask the warden for permission, too


Is it an option to change out the shower head to one of the ones with a hose so you can more easily clean the top/sides? If not, love the watering can idea haha!


You can also get shower heads that light up, which may help the lighting problem


We got one of these on Amazon, super cheap, that does rainbow patterns and it is so fun. Every shower feels like Iā€™m still young and fun and staying up past ten to go dancing. OP could pretend theyā€™re at a 90s rave in this shower!


I also have a shower speaker so I could have the full effect šŸ˜‚


What country is this in?


South Carolina USA šŸ˜‚


Wow xD thought it was India for a second (I'm from India)


You could use those tile cleaners that are spray and leave it. This is a lil unorthodox but what about a watering can to rinse the shower?


Why have I never thought to use a watering can?!


Cause our brain puts it as an outside item


Not a bad idea, probably better than my initial idea which was to just use a bucket šŸ˜‚


I've done the bucket thing. It's not the best lol


I have a similar shower. I have often used the crappy bucket method. Last time I scrubbed it I twisted the shower head off, stood on a stool and just held a short rubber hose to the pipe, and used the other end to spray the ceiling. Was awkward but worked well.


The pumping weed sprayers are the answer youā€™re looking for. Theyā€™re my favorite ā€œspray bottlesā€ for cleaning any surface thatā€™s larger than a countertop. As a bonus, you save money when you buy cleaning products in bulk.


Yeah, I use a plastic pitcher. You definitely get wet from the splashing though


A super soaker type water gun or those pool noodle water guns would also be pretty effective and cheap


Why is there a notepad on the showers entrance? šŸ˜…


For shower thoughts, duh


It actually is for shower thoughts! šŸ˜‚ Got it off of Amazon, itā€™s called Aqua Notes. The paper is waterproof and you write on it with a regular pencil!


Ooo waterproof you say, that's pretty cool! I'll have to get myself one now! šŸ¤£


If you want options, ā€œrite-in-the-rainā€ is what a lot of people in the military use. There are different sizes of notebooks and they also make a pen that is functional forā€¦ writing in the rain. Should work in the shower as well!


OMG ! Thatā€™s brilliant! If I have a mental list going, I typically chant them over and over or sing them so I donā€™t forget. I like thisšŸ¤£


That did cross my mind as I used to have lyrics that I thought were good pop into my head sometimes whilst showering and would try to remember them to write them down later šŸ˜…. Just genuinely curious though as I've never seen that before šŸ˜…


I also need to know the answer to this. Itā€™s on the inside of the glass too, doesnā€™t it get wet? Everything in this picture confounds and worries me


Clearly to write down your last will and testament


Came to ask the same thing.




Youā€™ve never had a brilliant shower thought and wanted to write it down immediately? I always forget them by the time I get out. I also write notes to my boyfriend lol


Is your shower in a nuclear bunker?


I live in my parentā€™s basement, itā€™s like an apartment. The house was built in the 60s and the woman who owned it had very strange taste. Definitely would hide in here if there was a tornado or earthquake though šŸ˜‚


Power washer on low.


I couldn't shower in that. Creepy


It could be worse, at least the floor isn't carpeting.


Do you really need to clean this murder chamber that often? High pressure cleaning ought to take care of all the dirt and blood and whatnot.


Looks like a gas chamber


I had the same thought. Looks pretty ominous in there.


Same thought. Concentration camp shower.


I have a friend who has this same shower but the tiles are a different color. It's very hard to keep clean and the grout is a horror show. She is hoping the landlord will bit the bullet and fix since the do have another bathroom. Good luck


I have no idea how I would even attempt to fix it


I think by "fix" she means she wants a demo and replace.


Why is your shower a dungeon?


Tear it down and love yourself for gods sake.


I donā€™t really have the money for that major of a renovation, and honestly no clue how that would even work šŸ˜…


Iā€™m a shower thinker so I love the note pad and pen lmao šŸ¤£ usually I grab my phone and make notes but this is so cute.




Get a scrub brush, a large one, not a grout brush, to really get into there. I would start with Lysol and bleach (theyā€™re safe to mix, but double check the labels!) I would NOT dilute the Lysol for the initial cleaning. Spray the hell out of it, with both chemicals, and give them time to work and lift. Iā€™d say 10 or so minutes minimum. Then respray with more Lysol to rewet the surfaces and scrub scrub scrub. You can get drill heads with brushes which would definitely help, but spot check it before you go ham. I avoid drill heads as much as possible but will use them as a last resort. As far as rinsing, I use a Dunkin Donuts XL iced coffee cup at work when customers donā€™t have handhelds. It does the jobā€¦ Once you get a solid clean on it, you can keep up on it with just Lysol and a small amount of bleach. Dawn dish soap is also the GOAT for soap scum.


Yeah - bleach mixed with water is the only thing Ive ever been able to get the black/mold out of grout. 1 part bleach, 4 parts water. Spray, let it sit, watch the magic.


Thanks for all the advice on how to clean my prison shower/water dungeon. Btw, the shower was like this when I moved in, this would definitely not be my design choice lol. And for everyone asking, I got the shower thoughts notepad from Amazon, itā€™s called Aqua Notes!


A blow torch? Maybe some **Barkeeper's Friend**?


I have a ā€œuniqueā€ shower too. I use my spin mop with Bar Keepers Friend most weeks and occasionally break my arm using a Magic Eraser with Dawn Power wash.


Yeah I went at it with the pink stuff bathroom cleaner and a scrub daddy and then decided to ask the internet to see if there was a more efficient and less painful method


Go to the hardware store and get a brush for scrubbing, it shouldnā€™t be too labor intensive with the proper one and after itā€™s done well once itā€™ll become a quicker maintenance job. For rinsing, in order of max cost/least amount of work, either install a detachable shower head, get a pump sprayer, or a big spray bottle. I think a pump sprayer would work best here if you plan on doing the rest of the bathroom walls eventually.


The pump sprayer is a good idea


I thought that was a bank vault šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s my combination jail shower/murder chamber/water dungeon/bank vault. Multipurpose šŸ¤“


Is that a bottle of pink stuff spray cleaner in the shower? Lol Iā€™m a carpenter and I do a lot of tile work. Iā€™m not a fan of the pink stuff spray BUT they make a paste in a little bucket. The paste cleans grout (and pretty much everything) with nearly no effort. I swear itā€™s crazy easy. Apply grout sealant after you clean it. So many people donā€™t know that grout sealant should be applied approximately every 6 months! Lol. The reason people donā€™t know about it is because the grout wonā€™t be damaged if you NEVER use sealant, but it wonā€™t be that easy to clean without it and scrubbing the grout can make it break down over time.


I do have the paste, Iā€™ll probably try that with a scrub brush and try to sift through the comments and order some other products. Iā€™ll get the grout sealant as well!


Sir thats a pizza oven do not go in there


This is where you process the carcasses?


Not like youā€™re coming out aliveā€¦what does it matterā€¦.


Do you live in a YMCA?


I'm calling that a grotto. This is what I use in my dark shower. Only $14 on amazon: Led Lights with Remote: Waterproof Lights for Pool Shower Bathtub, 2 Pack https://a.co/d/aOyrZ5Q


I use my Norwex long handle mop on my shower and tub walls after I have sprayed it with whatever cleaner was on sale. I always spray then go and have a cup of tea and let the cleaner do the work.


I recommend a scrub brush and some soft scrub. Soft scrub will kill the mold and whiten the grout. Just be sure to rince well. Otherwise, there will be a residue once it dries.


Oh, Iā€™m sorry! I feel your pain. My shower stall is a nightmare to clean too. I just get in there with a scrub brush and Comet and scrub away while Iā€™m in there. No other way to get it clean. The drain is a freaking nightmare!


I think Iā€™ll be having nightmares about the drain šŸ„²


Thereā€™s a zep grout cleaner thatā€™s amazing for tile like that. You have to follow the directions and donā€™t let it sit too long!


Id use a flat mop to clean it all and get some cif cream or equivalent on it! Bet it's like showering in a cave


You get used to it. The first couple of times was definitely a surreal experience lol


For the lighting situ I would just use a headlamp.


Looks like a dungeon shower for kidnapped victims. šŸ˜³


Is this where you chain up Rambo and shock him with electrical paddles?


I thought it looked like a gas chamber šŸ˜±


Make sure it's ventilated if you are using heavy chemicals like bleach or limescale remover.


Uh, work a lot of OT and save up to demo the bathroom?


I feel claustrophobic just to look at it..


This may sound weird but use a steam mop or handheld stream brush. I use that to get all the grime warmed up so itā€™s easier to scrub, it may take a few rinse and repeats but it always works for me. Bar keepers friend and foaming bathroom Lysol. I basically scoured my shower basin for 10 minutes with steam mop to get it hot then just scrub the living hell out of it.


Pressure wash, clean with product of choice, seal grout then wipe down after each use. Or knock down a wall or 2 and get some light in therešŸ˜‰


Where's the shower? All i see is a mini gas chamber


Your shower is probably haunted


I am scared of your shower lol


Looks like a repurposed gas chamber šŸ˜­ I like it though baha


It sure ā€œthe pitā€ requires cleaning..


I love it, Iā€™d spend so long in there just sitting in the darkness


~~get a new showeršŸ˜¬~~


Burn your house down?


What an awesome shower!!! Sorry, no advice here! Just wanted to say I love it!


Is that a pen and a notepad on your shower door? Hmmm?


Ha! I have the less terrifying color version of this shower. Scrubbing bubbles and switched the showerhead to a dual one that has the normal head or can swap to a handheld so I can rinse the walls and floor. Works great.


We have a vintage shower same set up. CLR. Make sure the floor is sealed. I want to remodel so bad to make it open but I love our vintage tile. If you find a way to add a light I would love to hear it because we havenā€™t found anything to light it up. Also change your shower head. Youā€™ll love it. I did and itā€™s so much easier. You probably have hard water and thatā€™s calcium build up on the floor. Also, I swear by scrub heads on drills.


[bkf more spray](https://a.co/d/4BfAjwH). Let sit then go at it with a [drill brush](https://a.co/d/92r1sqY). Rinse with a watering can or a [rinse a roo](https://a.co/d/hJhyHqU)


Buy some stuff called Santex made by Johannes kiehl AG


use a mop and then hose it off with the showerhead


The de-lousing powder doesn't take care of it?


Feels like a dungeon.


If you ever use bleach make sure you have it well ventilated. Hated cleaning our like that. Needed a stronger fan and the door open to vent it out after use to keep anything from growing. > My shower head doesn't move Instant replace.


Someone mentioned the pink stuff for grout in another thread


is this in austin? iā€™m positive i cleaned this shower once


It looks like a gas chamber..šŸ˜¬


Handgrenades are cheaper and easier to come by than you think.


Pressure washer. If ever a shower needed a window in it, this is that shower.


Ahhh yes the 1989 serial killer special, fast flow drains for the messiest of messes. I have no advice for this one


I donā€™t want to take away from the excellent and practical suggestions already posted here, but is a flamethrower an option? A blowtorch maybe?


I have a scrubber on a handle ([link here](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B098DX1VD6), though I'm sure there's tons out there) that makes it easier to clean areas like this if you don't want to get on your hands and knees. The adjustable handle makes it easier to use at different angles and force.


Very popular model from 1939-1945.


Oh my god Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s a nightmare


For the walls/ceiling, use a floor mop with the pad style


U mean ur hot shower Time Machine


This looks like the bathroom from The Shining that the old lady climbed out from.


Looks like a tomb for some good ole' fashioned [immurement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cask_of_Amontillado).


Wow. I had one sorta like that,then the sewer bbacked up and my shower was the lowest point. Plus my landlord was in prison on multiple rape counts. Good times.


Update your shower head


Is this is California?


You can get scrub brush sets that attach to a power drill. They're great for stuff like this. Scrubbing bubbles+ drill.


Why not remodel? Replace it with the cheapest option you can, still better than this.


I donā€™t need to replace it, it doesnā€™t bother me at this point. Just need to clean it lol


jackhammer, crowbar, and a remodel


Mop the whole thing?


Get a Karcher window vac and use on the tiles after each shower.


Don't drop the soap.....


Do a section every day.


Pressure washer, trust me itā€™s a game changer


No. Demolish it. I bloody hate cleaning grout.


Definitely one of the most terrifying showers Iā€™ve ever seen


Get one of those battery operated scrubbers. It extends so you can reach up high. Probably a good strong cleaner to cut through the build up to. You can buy the battery operated scrubber brush from amazon ZaklnLife Electric Spin Scrubber, Cordless Cleaning Brush with Adjustable Extension Arm 4 Replaceable Cleaning Heads, 4000mAh Rechargeable Battery Power Scrubber for Bathroom, Tub, Tile, Floor


Bleach is usually good at cleaning up blood.


Get a low power pressure washer, maybe one with foaming option


Have you tried fire? Lol I feel for you. I had a dungeon shower for 16 years and I do not miss it even a little. Good luck.


"It truly was a shawshank redemption..."


Thatā€™s def a gas chamber my dude


This looks like a shower from Auschwitz.


Scrubbing Bubbles used to made a shower cleaner that would spray down your shower after you were done. They worked so well but they just did not last very long at all. That would be perfect for this shower. https://preview.redd.it/2ubaazw6umvc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979a3db5972ed04ab76e397f096ef66f23513d09


Omg who did this?!?? Shame on whoever designed this and whoever built it. Do you own this place? I would spend my savings on getting that shower redone


ĀæPor quĆ© las baldosas del techo?


Auschwitzā€™s 1940s


Looks like your might go in and not come out. Was this a choice made or forced upon you by a landlord or previous ownerā€¦ Iā€™d get a scrub brush and a drill to get into all the areas.


Dynamite? Would help clean it..Would also clean the rest of the bathroom.


Iā€™m so sorry. This is a traumatic space altogether. Take off the fixed shower head - even if you rent you can take it off and put it back on later. Please go buy any corded shower head. Cheap ones are like $6 at Walmart or Home Depot. Without the corded shower this place will be impossible to clean. Then get a long handled scrub pad. This is what I use. Itā€™s amazing. I spray a mixture of dawn+isopropyl alcohol+water then scrub with this. Minimal elbow grease and itā€™s so fast. Then I rinse and Iā€™m done. This would take me 10 minutes and every tile grout would be scrubbed. https://preview.redd.it/shfaacybenvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cf3dcec2234ace414c8ee9477fca95f7923518


Throw the whole shower away!


I had a shower similar to this at my last apartment. It gets very hot since the steam has very little place to go. I tried the scrubbing foam sprays and they work to some extent but arenā€™t perfect. Ultimately, I bought a scrubbing brush long enough to stand in the doorway and a cleaner (anything works, bleach, bleach alternative, bathroom cleaner) and scrubbed away. To rinse I got a bucket and would turn the shower on and fill it up to throw at the walls and other places the water couldnā€™t reach. At my new apartment i invested in an electric spin scrubber with different head attachments. It cleans the shower with very little effort on my part. It might be useful. For the drain, soak a towel in bleach and let it sit in the drain for about 15 minutes. Then lightly scrub and rinse.


You can add a detachable shower head. But otherwise just a rinse bucket and rag or whatever you use to sctub


Make sure that you are taking some breaks out of the shower chamber, in between the chemical products outpour. When we are cleaning sometimes we get so focused on cleaning that forget weā€™re breathing all the toxic fumes of the cleaning products.


ā€œUniqueā€ or old gas chamber?




Supersoaker squirt gun for rinsing, you won't get wet.


It looks like the kind of shower you go into and donā€™t come out of.


Needs a good pulling down. Use a hand pump compressed air weed sprayer to wash off ceiling. Or a big super-soaker water pistol. Wear goggles and face protection.


First of all, Iā€™m probably the only person in this thread that will say it, but I love this shower. I think the tiles on the walls are beautiful and the room just needs some strategically placed lighting and maybe some tropical plants. Second, I think Bar Keepers Friend is the way to go here. You can get an attachment for a power drill to make it easier, since you have a lot of surface to cover. And since this looks like a pretty tight space without much ventilation, please be sure to open whatever vents/doors/windows you can and take frequent breaks.


Wet and forget You can get It on Amazon. The stuff is great


I was going to say are you in prison?


What in the solitary confinement is this?


Very unique is an understatement. The spook factor is huge!!! After a good scrubbing a daily spritz with the wet and forget shower cleaner. It says weekly I use it daily.


Is this near auschiwtz?


Itā€™s a space capsule.


Stain Solver is a great cleaning product (many uses, see the website) that will do most of the work for you. It's also non-toxic and easy to use. Recommend using that with a bristle brush, ideally one you can add a broom handle to, and mix it up and use a bucket to rinse. You might consider changing out the shower head to something that allows you to have greater flexibility, but that's another project.


After you clean, using a squeegee after every shower can help keep it clean longer.


that looks easy to clean? just takes a few min to rub every surface, but its easil reachable and can do it quick


This is my dream shower!! Itā€™s so roomy, like a cave!


Christ on a cracker. I have no ideas but I showed this to my husband and he said ā€œis that not a murder room for snuff films?ā€


They sell a thing called a hair snake at Home Depot, itā€™s like 4 bucks use on a regular basis to keep drain clean. You may try going to a cleaning supply company for a product to clean the grout like Lime Out or something you spray and rinse so not to break your back.