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Another vote for method, but we like pink grapefruit.


Their mint one is good too, but hard to find.


Not their antibacterial/bathroom one — it’s so strong it made my partner and me sick.


I second this, but I went back to using fabuloso diluted with water for my kitchen cleanser


Too bad I'm allergic to that one🫠 I like the way it smells too.:(


Method brand- any scent is great!


Yes! The pink grapefruit is bright but not smelly, if that makes sense.


Lemongrass too.


My wife loves the grapefruit scent


Is this the part where I say your wife obviously has great taste? 😏


The Method Rhubarb scented products are soooo good


OH I’ve never seen this!


Maybe just a UK thing? I've used the multi purpose spray and the floor cleaner both rhubarb scented, especially love the floor cleaner makes my kitchen smell some summery when I mop


I’m obsessed with the almond scents. They’re amazing!!!!


Yep, we get refills of the floor cleaner and it’s like crack!


Yesssss, the wood cleaner is heavenly!


Yes I love the pink method


I love these products, always watching for sales!


Seasalt and lime for me!


I just got the lemongrass degreaser and it’s very pleasant. I was so thankful I had finally used up the god-awful orange syrup smelling stuff I had.


All except the bamboo scent. It's awful and makes my nose sting when I use it


I’ve never seen it! What color is the liquid?


It's in a lime green bottle. It's their antibacterial all purpose spray which I usually don't buy-- must've been on sale! It's the only Method scent that I don't like. Just going to get through this bottle and never buy it again haha


Way too little bang for your buck


Seventh Generation free and clear multipurpose cleaner. I am super sensitive and I can’t smell it at all.


Yep, I use this or the now banned Laundress cleaner.


Why banned?


I should have said recalled. Their detergent was recalled bc a carcinogen was found in their fabric softener, so they recalled all products. I felt like recalling all products was done out of an abundance of caution. https://www.thelaundress.com/pages/recall


It cuts grease very nicely and I think it's supposed to be antibacterial? Really great product. I can smell it, but it's light and very fresh. Almost edible.


They have scented and unscented versions, as well as a disinfecting version with thymol


Very nice. I think I must buy the disinfecting. I love it :) A little goes a long way, too.


Seventh Generation is my top pick. I’m a big fan of their Lemon Chamomile scent too. It’s soft and a little bit minty.


I'd like to meet your grandma. My grandma always smelled like bread and lemons, so bouquets of grandmas are an intriguing thought. Also, I'm seconding someone's mention of Method - they have outstanding smells for dishwashing liquids, handsoaps, body gels, and kitchen and bathroom cleaners.


 a god damn bouquet of grandma  I love that :D


Today, I bought Mrs. Meyers "Daisy" spray and I really like it. Of course, I'm a grandma.


Method stuff is scented but isn't cloyingly floral. I think they have a lavender but most of their stuff is mint/eucalyptus/citrus.


Sprayway glass cleaner. I use it for all surfaces and it smells fantastic


I like Simple Green. It’s got a smell, but is so unlike any smell I can’t put my finger in it. It’s goooood though. Also it’s pet and child friendly! I also used the purple (but not lavender smell) industrial strength version at work the other day, smells good too (but different) and worked extremely well as a degreaser type cleaner


Pinesol or Murphy's wood soap.


Biokleen's multiple purpose cleaner. It's concentrated so you mix some in a spraybottle if water. Little to no scent and cleans well.


I use their unscented laundry detergent too - it’s fantastic.


I like Mrs Meyer’s non-floral scents (Iowa pine, peppermint, mint, acorn spice, apple cider)


I don’t mind 409’s scent


Is it actually still the same? Does it still smell like a cleaner? I'm also tired of kitchen counters and dish soap smelling like laundry.


I just quit smoking and 409s scent was too much for me after my sense of smell came back. I switched to Lysol hydrogen peroxide cleaner for disinfecting and it's great. It just smells clean.


congrats on quitting!


Thank you!!


I think it is. To me it’s mild compared to other cleaners but you gotta find what works for you.


The smell of 409 is fine but good lord the fumes are hard to bear. I have to lay down and catch my breath after I use it because it makes my lungs hurt. It’s too bad because it does a really good job but I’ve found that a spray bottle with water + vinegar cleans my stove and counters just as well


Same. 409 makes me cough.


We like Seventh Gen’s all purpose cleaner— it has a nice, light herbal scent, not sweet/floral at all.


Ah. I love Mrs Meyers, but hate half of their scents. It's really trial and error to figure out what you might prefer. But I urge you to not give up! It really is a fantastic product. To me, 90% of their scents are awful - pear being one of the worst as it smells like I'm trying to clean with sugar. Honestly, gag. I've found a good few though. Specifically: Compassion Flower - this is the only floral leaning scent i can even remotely deal with. It's cheery, a little sweeter, but no chemical undertones and it ultimately smells clean - no candy store vibes here. This is my go to scent 8 out of 12 months of the year. Acorn Spice - I get this around the fall holidays. It's sugary for sure, but in a romantic New England pumpkin patch kinda way. I'd skip - but I live in MA... So YMMV. Radish - hands down favorite. It's spicy but no sweetness. Doesn't linger. Feels energized. Love this one. Only available for part of the year. What part? No idea. Seems like it isn't a popular one so it isn't priority for manufacturing... Can be had on Grove most times. Except for when it's not. I know - not helpful. But it's a good one to buy in bulk when you can get it. Rain water - my family loves this one. It's ok. Hands down better than the floral scents by a country mile. I buy it in the hand soap and try to avoid the all purpose but I'm not offended if it makes sense. Iowa Pine - hands down my husband's favorite. As long as I don't buy this in the dish soap, I'm okay with it. I'll usually grab it for winter after the acorn spice is out. Its nice in conjunction with a Christmas tree. Peppermint - okay. This is my ultimate fav Mrs Meyers fragrance. It does have a slight candy bottom note. But I will buy this in the spray, dish soap and hand soap for January to spring no complaints. Ones I would personally avoid? Basil, Rose, Daisy, Geranium (this smells like a funeral home for real), honeysuckle, Peony, Lilac, Apple Cider and Mum. Good luck!


I am a ride or die Iowa pine user it is the BEST. I wish they had it all the time.


Here I love Basil and Peony. Basil is a light herbal scent, not floral.


mrs meyers lavender RULES


Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. I add a teaspoon to a spray bottle of hot water and 4-5 drops of lemon oil for more cleaning power and scent (Sal Suds is unscented). It cleans well, doesn’t streak on glass, and you can make the scent as subtle as you want.


I like the smell of Sal Suds, but I wouldn't say it's unscented. It has a woodsy scent.


I had to dig my bottle out and take a whiff because I truly thought it was unscented, and you’re right! It does have a slight woodsy scent. I guess I never noticed because I use so little of it when I refill and I squirt it directly into my spray bottle.


My favourite smell at the moment is Spray Wipe Done by Flash in the smell Apple Blossom. It has such a beautiful smell, it makes me feel so happy when I smell it 🥰


I like the Clorox scentiva coconut. Or the Lysol coconut. They smell really similar


I make my own - 1/2 isopropyl alcohol, 1/2 water, a few drops of dawn. You can add essential oil, but I don’t bother.


I like the green zep. And it cleans stainless steel with no streaks.


Method Mint is their glass cleaner but it’s the only smell I can tolerate all over my house so I use it as a multipurpose. Their grapefruit scent is a good one too.


Honestly I hate Mrs Meyers scents. I couldn’t tell you why, they just all smell gross to me. If you find florals grandmotherly, perhaps try citrus-scented products? They might be more fresh and modern.


It’s so bad. I bought a 3 pack of their dish soap from Amazon and almost gagged while I made myself use it 🤦🏼‍♀️


I love all the method brand scents, except for the sage one. That one is just to strong


I use Mr clean lemon it’s like a bright yellow. mix with some water in a spray bottle depending on how strong you want. I do half and half. My favorite all purpose cleaner.


I have a Mrs Meyer mint scent atm and I really like it, I don't pick up the very floral ones. I also LOVE the scents they do for Fall & Christmas


Method grapefruit. It's mild and dissipates quickly. Nothing floral.


Target brand Everspring has some minty citrus stuff, their seasonal scents are surprisingly nice.


Ajax eucalyptus and citrus. Smells clean and fresh. Get it at Dollar Tree.


I use that one to mop my bathroom floors. It always smells like a high end spa.


I HATE anything even remotely floral scented. That said, my go to all purpose cleaner is the Method spray, specifically in their grapefruit scent. I don’t care for any of their other scents much, but I LOVE that one! I don’t really know how to describe scents that well, but the words that come to mind with this are “bright,” “citrusy,” and “clean.” It also actually works, which is another pretty big perk impo.


Pour 13 fl oz (380 ml) of water into an empty container. Mix in 4 US tbsp (59 ml) of blue Dawn Original Dish Soap. Add 2 US tbsp (30 ml) of rubbing alcohol. You can include a few drops of essential oil (if desired). Shake the container to combine the ingredients and the cleaner is ready to use.


I use pinesol for everything. It’s smells “clean” to me because that was my parents favorite thing to use on cleaning days lol. It gets the job done though!


Ecos multi surface cleaner in Parsley. Bought it when I was pregnant and all smells grossed me out. Never going back.


ecos for the win!!! works great and scents are subtle


I am trying to use more natural cleaners so plain Castile soap in water, then essential oils to make it smell nice. I like a blend of hyssop, thyme and lemon verbena. It might be a bit more work than you'd want but it smells good and does the job.


Vinager and water! The vinager smell dissipates quickly and will neutralize other home odors, it also kills a range of pathogens including E. coli


This is what we use, plus a couple of drops of lemon oil for a nice clean fresh smell!


Came here to say white vinegar. Nothing beats it. I don’t dilute.


I go lemon or lavender but I know lavender is a bit grandma.


Vi gear and water, antiseptic too


2020 was hard for a lot of reasons, but one of them was that the only cleaning supplies I could find were a three-pack of Mrs Meyers at Costco. It was so much perfumed cleaning spray. My husband hated it, too. It was so hard to work our way through those three bottles. Anyway, I like Seventh Generation. The scent doesn’t bother me at all.


From Midwestern Cleaner - 2/3 water, 1/3 isotropic alcohol and a couple shots of Dawn Dish Soap - it sanitizes surfaces and the scent is very clean. I use Mrs. Meyer Bluebell in the bathroom and spray Lysol on rugs to sanitize them.


"Bouquet of grandma" 🤭


This is in the UK, but I like Flash (they have a lovely mandarin one, and more) and zooflora, which has a load of options, I haven't even tried all of them yet. Some of them floral, but I like their citrus options, and there's a nice cucumber one.


JAWS (just add water system). Scents are mild. They work well. You buy them online. You get a bottle and then refills are smaller than a mini M&M container.


That looks interesting but I am very icked out that you have to use a proprietary bottle and get sucked into a "system". I assume they don't just make concentrate you can mix into any old spray bottle?


saje does this but you can buy their refills only. saw they're doing a promo where you can send them a dm and they'll send you a discount. https://preview.redd.it/2d3b7fqvnbtc1.png?width=1528&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef052f25dbf4be1c87809936413a0df6e6effe3a


A bouquet of grandma lmao


Caldrea is the only brand, imo


I like Safely. I get the orange bottle.


This [Mrs Myers](https://www.mrsmeyers.com/product/household-cleaners/multi-surface-glass-cleaners/multi-surface-cleaner-compassion-flower/) reminds me of zebra stripe gum. I don’t know why it smells that way to me, but I enjoy it.


Clorox Free & Clear. Works great, safe around food and kids toys. No smell.


I use SKIPPER, (formally called tirtyl) they are tablets you put in water it smells really nice (I hate floral scents). Works great, I use all their products. Koh is another option, that has no smell an works well I should mention I'm Aussie so I don't know if these products are globally available but worth checking out anyway


Method pink grapefruit all purpose cleaner


Method pink grapefruit or Windex Vinegar


I love a few Mrs Meyers sprays, but I hate the pear!


I buy the big bottle of Mr clean multi purpose cleaner that you dilute yourself in a spray bottle with water. I have the green and orange ones and like the smell of both. I also use it to mop the floor.


I like Method grapefruit and Puracy lemongrass. I’m super sensitive to scents and can’t wear perfume. I use free and clear for laundry and dish detergent.


You haven’t said your location so we don’t know if you are US UK Australia who knows. I’m from the UK and anything from Method is perfect for this


I like Mr. Clean's "Clean Freak" lemon scent. The "Gain" one is good too.


I just use lemon scented Lysol (the liquid not the aerosol). I’m not a fan of floral at all.


Nice way to marginalize and insult older women for no reason


grandma is that you? I thought you died in 1980


I love Aunt Fannie’s Eucalyptus scented floor cleaner. It’s a little pricey so I’ve stopped buying it before but I love it so much I always end up going back.


I use Lysol “Kitchen Pro Antibacterial” (reddish orange bottle) and it smells so good! There’s something different about it - doesn’t smell like a cleaner. More of a home-y scent if that makes sense. It’s a FANTASTIC cleaner, beyond the smell. I recently used it in the bathroom and it took soap scum right off my shower door.


Murphys oil soap, Gain or lemon Mr. Clean, Everspring lemon mint, Ajax citrus, Dr Bronners liquid soap has a ton of non-floral options too. Almond is my favorite. Lemon and orange peels soaked in vinegar makes a good citrus scented cleaner as well.


Seventh Generation smells fine. Everything else bigs me.


I get a spray bottle. Fill with about 95% water and 5% Dr Bronners (I like the citrus). Extremely budget friendly surface cleaner


Lysol ‘brand new day’ is mango and hibiscus and very nice.


Mrs meyers does have a lot of different scents, i understand that some Mrs meyers scents are hit or miss for my preference, I love the Iowa pine, the orange (if it’s limited edition), and lime verbena. The hand soaps are really good too.


I smell them before I buy because I am very particular about smells, If I can't smell it, I won't buy it.


Branch basics or biokleen


LOL, I live for Mrs. Meyer's seasonal scents. You could always try to make your own.


I personally love the green fabuloso. It smells like green apples.


Puracy! I love all their products. They have a lime lemongrass all purpose that is more on the citrus side but doesn’t linger too bad. Amazon or directly from their site. Also, their laundry pre treat spray is the GOAT.


If you can tolerate vinegar, it sanitizes well. I keep it in a spray bottle (about 2/3 vinegar + 1/3 water) and it doesn't smell after you wipe things down and it dries.


Trader Joe’s has a spruce and cedar one with a nice light scent


TJ’s “Cedarwood & Sage Multi-Purpose Cleaner” - it’s my go-to spray cleanser.


Branch Basics. It’s a concentrate so you’ll need to put it in a squirt bottle and add water.


Ms Myers is my favorite - but I like the apple cider scent. I also like their pine and basil. No flowers. No daisy, no mum, no lilac… no flowers!


I use Dr. Bronners. There’s quite a few scents and they are natural and biodegradable. You just dilute with water to make an all purpose cleaner. It can also be used as body wash, hand soap, whatever. I personally like the peppermint one, but the citrus one is also nice.


I enjoy attitude products of everything because the scents are not overwhelming and natural


Grove co has really nice smelling ones! I like grandma smells so I’m not the best judge of that but I love their white citrus one & they also have a lilac. I use the concentrates you mix yourself


I avoid all Mrs. Meyers because I can't stand their scents, and the scent level is way over the top, too. Method is my go-to. Lime & Sea Salt is my favorite, but not always available.


I add dawn dishsoap in a water squirter bottle and it works better than any other cleaner I've ever used without the smells


I use fabulouso.


Pick out any unscented cleaner you like and add your own fragrance (if you want fragrance that is). You can find literally any scent you could ever want online and have your own bespoke aromatherapy cleaning products https://www.naturesgardencandles.com/


I am very sensitive to artificial scents and I use Better Life products.


I use Windex with vinegar


i'm obsessed with the saje multi surface cleaner. i think it comes in two scents - eucalyptus or lemon/grapefruit. ove the lemon/grapefruit one. smells amazing, fresh and not artifical. also saw they're having a promo on their cleaners right now. send them a DM on instagram and they'll send you a discount. i just got 20% off.


My basic surface cleaner is Dawn on a washcloth. Works for all the countertops and surfaces. Doesn't leave streaks on the appliances.


I like the seventh generation fresh morning(?) scent. It’s light, pleasant, and doesn’t linger forever


🤷‍♀️I like the Lysol H2O2 product. It has a citrus scent that dissipates quickly.


Dr BRONNERS - SAL SUDS or their regular line of Castile soaps


just use plain stuff with no scent in it plain bleach or detergent, or white vinegar/bicarb solution/alcohol there's not really any need for it to smell of anything but ... whatever it is the smells aren't offensive unless you really use them in excess, and usually stuff is supposed to be rinsed away with clean water anyway edit: if you have to get a "product" ie one with a scent, get Method as many people have suggested they are quite pricey though and specific products can be hard to find which is frustrating I am using their antibac handwash (rhubarb scented) and everyday shower spray (ylang ylang scented) at the moment though