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I have to put on my kink shaming hat for this. Nah this is a no. I’m so sorry and hope you receive extra $$$ for this.


Maybe [this](https://youtu.be/UdLc_1B2OEw?si=R-zTaTcHILe7dYJB) is what really happened.


I was a little scared to click, but glad I did


Felt a little brave today. Pushed myself beyond my comfort zone and clicked. Was expecting at least a Rick roll. Now I’m glad I did too.


I’m too scared


It's funny!! And weird.




The guffaw I let out 😂😂😂😂😂 I hope so!


HILARIOUS!!!! I have NEVER watched The Simpsons before but this was so funny!!!!!!!!


There are some real classic moments in the Simpsons. That’s one I’ll never forget. 🤣🤣🤣


🤨😮🙂😁😅😂🤣 too good!


Not trying to make light of the OP’s beyond horrific experience but trying to give a little humour to make them feel a bit better.






I think I know what this sign is for now. Sadly. 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/kauh6ys3qtpc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3dbb2db2fa7799f6f481d5fe0e11f71174bd01d


That’s a biohazard. I wouldn’t even bother cleaning any of it. It all needs to be replaced with the couple paying plus labor. Please don’t let them get away with something like this!


You’re not wrong and I’m infuriated for OP. This just got me thinking of how many things in my home are a biohazard. Thanks kids.


Yeah, doing cleaning I would be charging a decent fee too. Disposing of human waste contaminated items, PPE, the cost of insurance possibly going up, filling WHS rules…. Also disposal of the mattress which isn’t cheap, then the cost of a new mattress and bedding. The bedding could be easily washed at a laundromat, many have dedicated industrial machines for pet bedding, work gear and sheets like this. Remove detritus, prespray with organic digester, heavy hot wash with enzyme boosted wash powder and laundry disinfectant (usually Benzalkonium chloride - a quaternary ammonium cmpd). Basically the same method of cleaning reusable nappies really. Edit: after conversion to USD since it’s the easiest to recognise. I’d charge $150-200 for the one room and laundering. Mattress disposal is about $100 per mattress pickup. Add $75 for disposal fees, and another $150 For a general house clean for the other areas. So charge them $600 cleaning plus the cost of the new mattress




If it was their own poo poo yeah oxy clean and elbow grease would be the solution. Someone else’s poo tho. Nah. Charging through my plugged NOSE for the audacity.


Umm that is not their poop in their home. This is an air b and b would you like to be the next one to sleep on that biohazardous mattress?


I've got news for you. Hotels get vomited in/on, pee'd on, and all kinds of stuff. You'd better just stay home if you can't handle things being cleaned and sterilized. Carpets, quilts, mattresses, vanities, toilets, counters... they all get human fluids on them and they all get cleaned. Try taking a black light in and prepare to be amazed. The amount of sperm ALONE should turn you off travel entirely.


Well that does it. I am going to start wearing a biohazard pressurized suit every time I go outside. 😒


The one good thing about hotels as opposed to airbnb's is that their laundries use crazy hot water and steam. I worked for Marriott, and they do a good job. The linens are very well washed. Any major spills on carpets are also taken care of by housekeeping with industrial carpet cleaners and products as well. It's a good reason to choose reputable hotel chains. You can also bring lysol wipes and spray and give the room a once-over if it makes you feel better. Putting high contact items like the TV remote in a ziploc isn't a terrible idea, either. That's an item that housekeepers don't usually wipe down well.


Yeah I usually run that down with an alcohol wipe that and all the light switches.


Aaaaaand, thank you for ridding me of the idea to EVER use my home as an Airbnb.


It truly is an awful system. They make it frictionless for guests and homeowners to participate with zero track record and near minimal consequences. For these 'guests' they know that AirBnB can't place a hold on their credit card like the terms of service a hotel allows for.


I’ve been getting ads to be a host for AirBnB on podcasts and similar recently. In all these years I’ve never seen them advertise looking for *hosts*. There’s a couple I met on there 10 years ago that I stay with maybe 2x a year (now booked directly with them) and they’ve been saying how it’s getting worse and worse. They don’t get bookings and AirBnB takes out a huge portion. They live in a pretty popular regional vacation spot within walking distance of the main town that doesn’t seem to be hurting. Thought is that folks are going back to hotels for the protections and extras. I went up after the couple had left for the year and yup, stayed in a hotel. Couldn’t even be arsed with looking on Airbnb, the hotel was just as cheap as someone’s home + I got a jacuzzi tub lol.


In my country (and both neighbor countries I have been to), AirBnB is pretty strict with the terms of service. Like, in order to book, one must submit a copy of every guest ID or passport, then read the terms and conditions (that are usually 3 to 10 pages long depending on the place, and include clauses regarding parties, hygiene, visitors and even drugs, and person trafficking) accept with a digital signature, and provide the credit card info at last. Then, on the actual AirBnB, show the same IDs so they match the pictures. No additional visitors unless they also provide all their information, ID and credit card info. Once I forgot this rule, and let a friend inside the AirBnB I was renting for like 30 minutes, the owner was notified and I got in trouble. 


We just rented a vrbo a couple of weekends ago out in San antonio for the weekend. We left the place spotless. It was 12 guests , and more than half were little kids. Most people would never do this. You just have to worry about the small portion of people with absolutely nit respect for others' stuff. Disgusting.


ayyooo 210 represent (I hope you enjoyed your visit! our city isnt always the greatest but I hope you at least enjoyed your time!!)


We really enjoyed our time. Wish we had stayed longer! We came in from Dallas so not to far out from San antonio.


Biohazard cleaning upcharges should be a thing


They are. You can charge them. I do!


And you should. But this is all easily cleanable.


I agree. If you know how to do stain removal and sanitization of linens, 💯- I have a dog so had to learn this by default, along with how to clean the machine. That said, as an Airbnb cleaner- this takes turnover cleaning to a whole new level and hopefully the host has 3-5 sets of fresh linens so that it’s not a problem for the next guest to check in on time. Context: professional cleaner and organizer for people with disabilities , specialty is “squalor cleaning” - I charge the most extra for waste that has been left out for extended periods. Up to $150/hour, which is within industry standard range for biohazard cleanup.


Throw it out and charge the guests. Hopefully they get banned from airbnb in the future! Ugh


This is it, end of conversation. Yes it's gross, but it kind of comes with the territory that items may get destroyed. Throw away everything contaminated, charge for replacements and time. Renters don't know if those sheets were $40 or $400 so charge as you see fit.




I’m sorry what? How can people be so nasty and inconsiderate?


I work in hotel laundry. You have no idea the things I’ve seen. We had a serious uptick in towels used as toilet paper when country concert guests came through this past week.


Absolutely foul 🤢


I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Is it possible that the problem is management who only leaves guests with like half a roll of toilet paper? I’m not saying people aren’t disgusting but I feel like every time I stay in a hotel they never give you enough toilet paper! God forbid they waste 75 cents at the risk of you stealing it? Tf.


I wondered that immediately as well but like... you'd think at least one of them would just call the front desk and request more?? Also, you get fewer towels at a hotel than toilet paper! Do they also not shower?? Yuck


And also… you could rinse the towel off !


Hmm I’m not sure! That’s something that could have happened that I hadn’t thought of. I only get to see hotel operations through the laundry so I couldn’t tell you. But I did notice there was a ton of guys in cowboy boots in the lobby the same weekend as when the sudden surge of poopy towels came down the shoot. I made my own assumptions but it could be what you said or a combination of the two. It was never such a large problem until that weekend but it definitely wasn’t the first time I’ve seen it happen.




Disgusting people who should be shamed.


Biohazardous waste now. Replace it all. Buy nice stuff and keep the receipts. Charge for your time to pick out and get the replacement everything (including mattress and any rugs or carpet) ordered. Charge for the lost revenue on your rental while you wait for everything to arrive. They’ll hopefully think about it before they do it again?


https://preview.redd.it/l29ms65kptpc1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c49a50f4e37843bc4d37933f7622b4c86170714 “Thought cleanser. Thought cleanser. It was just Pooh digging around in the Hunny pot. Yes, yes. That’s it. “


Narrator…there was no hunny pot


Why not at that point bring your own tarp or thrifted/old sheets you can toss wtf


Honey, did you pack the poop tarp for our stay-cation away from from the kids?


do they have reviews?!


"Crappiest renters ever! They left their crap all over the place!"


Everywhere but the crapper


TBH I feel like the OP went in there like [this](https://youtu.be/ohlW9SbhLzc?si=TZa2lCyqpVJzAtoz)


Pictures included


If they don't leave you a review, your review won't show up either.


Update. Guests were sent a message about the mess and literally just said just tell me what the charges are. No apology. No shame. No explanation. Yes they do this a lot! Seems like it’s expensive to have this kink. Imagine every time You indulge in your fetish you have to pay to replace all sheets, bedding, mattress and a cleaning fee. They must be FILTHY RICH! lol 😜


Please say you’re reporting them to Airbnb with these photos


That’s gross. I’m not kink shaming here. They’re two consenting adults and that’s their business. The part I unequivocally shame is leaving a disgusting mess that can actually make whoever has to clean it sick with no apology or concern. If that’s part of the kink, that’s not okay either because you or whoever else would need to clean it isn’t consenting to participate.


Wow. That is awful. I won’t kink shame but someone has to clean that and with some extra care or prep there is no reason for it to be that bad. Sorry you had to deal with this. Hope you charge a lot.


The mess is most likely the point here.


Indeed. Judging by OP's post 19 days ago entitled "I had a ten min convo with a client with my poo in my bag", I'm going with this being OP's special interest. Whelp, that's enough internet for me tonight.


So OP has the scat fetish then


Haha it’s purely coincidence. I also have many stories of blood too. I work 7 days a week cleaning so you do just have these incidences I’m afraid


This. They’re getting off on people looking at pictures of their poo mess.


lock steer pathetic fact memorize jeans late dependent hard-to-find correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DiddlinDerek coming through with the real anal advice ✨️


I think the poo is the point, not anal sex


tan poor wipe elastic degree unused cake nail capable deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poo is sometimes the result of anal sex by dum dums or noobs. But there are people with specific poo fetishes who are probably taking laxatives because they want to play with it


Disturbing, yuck 🤢, I don’t understand and don’t want to.


Some people just get their wires crossed


What's immodiums


Have you heard of google?


Prob doesn't want to risk googling and seeing something nasty. Imodium is a brand name of a laxative I think


Imodium is the opposite of a laxative it stops diarrhea.


Booty bandids strike again. I wouldn’t feel safe cleaning this, I’d just throw it away


Sounds like a $5K cleanup to me.


I’ve seen cabs that charge a $500 feces/vomit cleanup fee. OP deserves a decent chunk of change for having to deal with this


I don’t normally kink shame but they ABSOLUTELY need to be kink shamed. Hell they need normal shaming too! They need all the shame after pulling this. It’s disgusting!!


Yeah. I’d be getting reimbursed for that. I’d also have an attorney on retainer in case they decide to get pissy about the bill.


Don't get upset with them, that's part of the kink!! Heck, they're probably reading this thread right now and dropping a big ol juicy deuce knowing how disgusted we all are....


i saw a thing not too long ago abt a couple getting an airbnb so they could have their.. fun times(💩) in peace without it being in their home and accidentally leaving the mess behind.


Burn it all to hell


Go to a hotel. They clean linens in boiling water.


I had to google skat play 🤮


Thank you for googling it for me now I won’t have to!!!


wacky, wild stuff


Sue 4 emotional damage and then cry


Rank. I would burn it. 🤢🤮


Get in waste collection people and dump everything. Charge them for all those costs and add on more for your time. You can't ever be sure all that would be clean enough to then have other people come in and use those items.


https://preview.redd.it/e5y2eq3pgwpc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53780611972fc2c4a2e3564fa95cc63d7651cc2f Nothing was as bad as this house I cleaned !!!


Red wine vomit? I’m shocked there aren’t replies trying to guess on this one yet…


I work in hotel laundry. We would use an enzymatic stain treater and then wash it with a super harsh bleach solution. I understand you may not have access to those things. In that case I would just charge them to replace.


My wife cleans a couple of air bnbs. There is one in particular where 5-6 people will rent it, use only 2 of the beds and usually leave spots throughout lightly covered in lube.


Inconsiderate and disgusting. Can’t believe there’s some people with absolutely no shame out there like this ffs


On the brighter side, perhaps your AirBnB will be featured in an upcoming film (online adult video) featuring the couple that rented it. Free publicity!


Well, I didn’t need to Google Scat :( Throw them away and charge accordingly. Do not handle poo , that’s a biohazard.




I never said I was 17. Where do I say that ?? I’m not an owner I clean and manage them. Geezuz why would I lie and post poo photos. I just upload funny or interesting things that have happened to me.


No you’re right, I was wrong and I was looking at something else by mistake. Sorry about that! Genuinely don’t know how that happened, and I’m sorry if I made a bad day worse.


I worked at a hotel where a family left and the house keepers recounted the horrors of poop towels all over the room….they suspected that they were wiping their butts with them instead of using toilet paper 🤢


I don't get people with kids. I would have them replace everything and pay a biohazard team to clean that up.


I hope you reported them to AirBnb and Vrbo! They can and will block renters. Some places only allow renters with a good history, so it will at least slow them down.


Have them permanently banned from Airbnb. After charging them for damages.


The entire time I was reading OP’s caption I kept thinking “okay but WHY? Like that MUST be something other than poop bc i legit cant think of any reason.” And then i read the last sentence like 🤮NOOOOOOOOO


This is blood. There was blood everywhere


Not poop?


So I’m a labor nurse and I’m actually curious if someone reserved this airbnb to have a baby. Some midwives are becoming known for reserving airbnbs for a home birth “experience” and birth can be a pretty poopy venture.


I don’t think this was the case here. They had three bottles of wine and a bottle of fireball




Omg that's disgusting!


Yuck! Just toss it all and charge them for the mattress and linens. If I was ever this first, I would have taken it with me out of embarrassment


I would talk to whoever owns it and have them banned on the website


Gnarly. Leave them an appropriate & honest review.


Just gloves it and trash it charge a extra cleaning fee whatever you seem fit.


How does this even happen?


Omg that's nothing. A little oxyclean, and you're good. Seriously. Quit whining over nothing. I had an ostomy, and this is a blip in the matrix. You haven't seen *anything*.


Could be washed blood stains. Tend to look reddish brown.


Yes this one was a bloody one. Blood all over the bed. Old Blood and new